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Commissions Projects

So, what's your goal? To do commissions in any kind of style, or to do something that has a certain level of consistency?
It just has to look great.
So instead of consistency in artistic style, we're more of a showcase for the commissioned artists? I like that idea.
As a side note, I do try to get the same artist, when possible (or artists with similar styles) to draw members of the same crew - this make it easier to make a "group photo" once they're completed.

My main problem with consistency is that artists tend to draw a pic or two, then get distracted by personal issues and disappear.
Which would explain your requests to Zairyo, all being from the Sakura.

Although I couldn't imagine Hanako in that style. How would that even work?
Ahh, the infamous 'Goddess Yui' picture. It'd make a good propaganda poster, wouldn't it?
Yeah those shots are pretty good. Is that one Eve or Naraku? I thought Naraku was the one with the horn in her head? Or did Eve originally have that and she just reattached it when she became Naraku?
I know someone who is a pretty good artist, but she is shy and probably would be considered an... amateur compared to some of the other artists on here, but could I still ask her if she would like to at least try getting a commission here? ^_^
Fay said:
I know someone who is a pretty good artist, but she is shy and probably would be considered an... amateur compared to some of the other artists on here, but could I still ask her if she would like to at least try getting a commission here? ^_^

Depends on their work quality, really. We'll have to see samples of it.

For the most part, artists who aren't professional quality can't charge enough money on commissions to make it worth their time. That's why you virtually never really see amateur artists offering to do $2 or $5 commissions; It's just too much time for too little gain to make it worthwhile. But if she's willing, she can go for it.
Thanks, I'll ask her sometime soon. She does more comic drawings than actual portraits, but I'm not quite sure.
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