Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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SYNC Communication to Kage Yaichiro.


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Inactive Member
To: Kage Yaichiro.
From: Grapefruit.

Sir! At your earliest convience, I must speak with you about the charge you left here with us. Recently Lady Midori has been active, and it has been scaring a few of the others here in the house.

She has been practicing with swords, forcing herself to watch videos of things that are making her shake, and frankly, it is making the others worry for her!

Please sir, I need to speak with you immediatly!

To: Grapefruit
From: Yaichiro

It sounds as though she is forcing herself to train rather than being idle. I am concerned about what she is watching that is making her shake. If at all possible, can you give me more details? If it's material of a mature nature, it means she's making herself face her fears.

She could be attempting to drag herself out of the rut she's been in for the past five years. This might just be a good thing, provided she paces herself...

To: Yaichiro
From Grapefruit

But sir, she isn't pacing herself. It was about half a month ago she was in one of the rooms, all the furniture pushed aside and she was swinging her sword. After that she was watching videos on the... The Mishhu, and she just kept staring at the screen shaking and grabbing her knees. The first few days she would scream and almost start crying, but now she just gets angry and goes back to practicing until she passes out!

She is really worrying the others, just the other day one of the other maids walked in and was almost cut as Midori was practicing. If you can't come back, can you at least talk to her please?

To: Grapefruit
From: Yaichiro

Understood, I'll send her a message. We can't have you ladies getting hurt, or her hurting herself.


To: Midori
From: Yaichiro

Midori-san, I was wondering how you were doing. I hear that you're practicing the blade and trying to force yourself to watch films which disturb you. It seems as though you are trying to force yourself to recover. While I am glad for this, I wish you would pace yourself a bit. The staff are worried for you, and I understand one was almost cut by you by accident. I know your pride is great, but there's no shame in reaching out for help through this time.

I can't return to Yamatai that readily, but I can project my presence with volumetrics to talk in a semblance of face-to-face if desired.

On: Yaichiro's House, Midori's room.

Midori's room was, well, rather well maintained. A few small swords hung on a nearby wall rack, though none had the look of Ketsurui make, and one spot was empty. Next to the rack were pictures from her memories aboard the Sakura, with the various members like Hanako, Kotori, Yaichiro and oddly enough Miles and Rufus among others. On the floor of the room, about half of the room at least, was a blue training mat that was already showing obvious signs of use, the grip of the mats worn down in certain places, and obvious trails of feet here and there. Off to the side of the mats was a simple double sized bed, the bed spread the traditional look of the Stararmy with even a few hinamori pillows tossed on the made up bed. A short night stand stood to the left of the bed, and a bit to the right of a simple six drawer dresser. The room was sparse to say the least, though its resident was just making her way back into the room, dressed in a pair of black workout panties and a bandage wrapped around her chest. She had a towel in her hands that she was using to dry out her hair.

The room also had volumetrics installed recently, much like the systems on Yaichiro's ship. The purpose would soon be evident as a light chime sounded, indicating a volumetric video call. A window appeared on a blank spot on the wall, identifying the caller as Yaichiro.

Midori made her way over to the wall, taking the call as she idly scratched at her tattoo on her chest. As the call opened up, Midori's face would be neutral.

"Greetings Yaichiro, how are you?" Her voice wasn't as cold as it had used to be when she first had came back, but it wasn't alive and colorful either.

Yaichiro's image appeared seated in a chair, as he looked to the Samurai, but he didn't appear within the window. Rather, he appeared in three full dimensions within the room itself as if physically present. It looked rather realistic, though there was a distortion when he spoke due to the lag of audio projection technology behind optics. He'd have to work on that. "I'm doing well. How about you? Did at a bad time?" He asked, noting her appearance.

"No it is fine. I just got out of the shower." Midori's voice remained neutral as she looked to the projection of Yaichiro, her face eerily similar from before. Her free hand, her left, flexed a little before she shook it out. Looking down to the limb she frowned before she looked back to Yaichiro.

"I am doing fine, enjoying becoming active again. How may I help you?"
"Well, I'm wondering if you're really doing okay. You seem to be forcing yourself to an unhealthy degree, scaring the maids for your well-being. I suspect you're trying to battle and heal your wounds, but might be pushing yourself a bit too hard...I was wondering if you needed to talk about anything."

Yaichiro noted the neutral expression to be not unlike a mask, familiar with having used such himself when he was younger...he didn't like seeing such a proud woman and his former superior in such a state.
On: Midori's Room.
Midori shook her head lightly, her hair swinging with the motion as she eyed the communication screen.

"I am fine, I am just training and getting myself ready. It feels good to push myself again, and get my body used to strenuous activity."

"I'm not talking about your body, you know. I'm talking about the deeper scars you seem to be fighting against. I support your efforts to restore yourself, to heal yourself...but I don't want you to reach the breaking point. Everyone is concerned." Yaichiro said, with a sigh...he dank from a cup of juice, not liking sake or even as much tea.

"I know of no better way. If I am to return to duty, I need to know I am not going to scream and cry when I see them...I am tired of crying." Midori's jaw clenched a little as she oddly avoided the name of those that had held her. A pain shot up her left arm, causing the muscles to spasm a little.

"...Midori-san, there is no shame or dishonor in what I am about to recommend. In creating Tsubomi city, I made sure to locate a wide array of doctors and staff for the children, including psychologists well-versed in trauma. If none of them are suitable, which is unlikely, I'm sure we could use those connections to find someone who could help you with your efforts that has a professional...knowledge for such things." He was careful not to imply that he thought her to be weak or crazy, he felt nothing of the sort.

"If I feel the need to seek them out, I will make sure to. This is not something I feel that I can talk my way through... It is a fight I must win myself. If I do not, I will not be able to face them when I need to." Midori shook her head a little and looked down. In the background there sounded to be muffled protests and a conversation somewhere nearby, though not in Midori's room.

Yaichiro heard, this, but was confused by it. He looked to the door, and back to Midori. "While true, there's no problem in getting help where it's nedded. Whoever said you had to fight this one alone?" Yaichiro said. He had a feeling they were going in circles.

"No one I suppose..." Midori shrugged before turning to the doorway, wondering what was going on. It would be rude to leave Yaichiro. "I just feel odd talking to doctors about something like this. One tried to come by before and I just could not speak to him." Midori shrugged a little, remembering the kind man that Grapefruit had asked to come see her.

"Well, I suspect trust needs to be built. It can't just be anyone...and given how I recall you being around men, perhaps a female psychologist would be more appropriate." Yaichiro said, continuing the conversation, at least for a moment. "If you want to check on whatever is happening down there, feel free. I've a little time at least."

"I just may, it seems as if it is co-..." Midori would be cut off by a knock at her door. Blinking a little, the white haired Neko made her way to the door, and after a moment opened it wide. Standing face to face with her was well...Her. The second Midori, born after the raid on Splorfin that had led the first Midori to her capture was there in the doorway.

Yaichiro's eyes visibly blinked, as he viewed their meeting with more than a little surprise. To his credit, however, he did not drop his glass. "...Please verify that the second Midori is standing there, and that the system isn't having an error."

"It is no mistake Taisa Yaichiro." The second Midori spoke aloud as she stepped into the room, eyes baring down on the now retreating first Midori. Yaichiro, if he cared to do a scan, would see that the second Midori now wore the skin of a NH-33 model. Eyeing the woman in front of her, the second Midori gave a small bow of the head before she looked to Yaichiro. "Greetings, it is good to see you Taisa Yaichiro."

"It's good to see you too. I am a bit surprised, but you're certainly welcome in my house as well. It used to belong to Yuriko-san, and I'm sure she would say the same." He said, smiling at the woman.

The second Midori's jaw clenched a little at the mention of Midori, before she nodded. "I will not be here long. Just enough time to take care of something..." With that, she looked back to the first Midori whom had by this time grabbed her sword and drawn it, staring coldly at the second. "And just what may that be?" The first questioned, eying her dangerously.

"...There'll be no bloodshed in this house." Yaichiro said, not angrily, but simply as if it were a statement of fact.

"That being covered, what is the purpose of your visit then?"

"I have no intention of harming anyone that does not deserve it. That being said," The second Midori looked back to the first, a smile on her face as she spoke. It was a sad smile..."I am leaving, I have demons to hunt for the both of us, but I know of your need. I feel it the same as you...But you have the better chance." The second Midori looked to Yaichiro before she spoke again.

"I intend to give the second Midori my memories, so she may know of everything that happened since I have been alive, just as I intend to take her memories, so I may know those I must hunt... I do not want her making my mistakes." Midori looked back to the first her, giving the woman another sad smile as she saw the first lowering her sword.

Yaichiro knew roughly what this meant, pondering. "...In doing so...can you mend the scars she bears in her mind? Also, if you're planning what I suspect...what sort of support do you feel you'll need?"

"I hope so. I have lived with the knowledge of what happened, but not knowing exactly what. I hope my life will give her strength." The second Midori shook her head as she heard Yaichiro. "I have purchased and taken care of all my own arrangements. I appreciate the sentiment, but I do not want them to hunt anyone else..."

Yaichiro pondered if this was truly the way to go... "...Can you please elaborate on your plans, though? Perhaps there is a less overt way I can lend support. It needn't be in official capacity, or even in KS..."

"I can even provide a LAMIA Kai, some captured older Mindies, or even gems and precious metals..."

"I would need a sword, and some way to create enough Aether to destroy a NH-18 or NH-27. Otherwise..." The second Midori shrugged as she thought over exactly what it was she planned to do. "I have a lead on one at the moment, but otherwise, I know where none of the others are."

"I possess two blades which were not gifts, a matching pair of which each of you can have one. They're rather generic, however. If you wish, I can place a purchase from Tamahagane Company or give you a Yui Scout Ceremonial Sword which has a Zesuaium edge, though that last option has individually numbered blades. As for Aether, do you plan to simply cause an explosion, or do you need a...specific type of weapon?" Yaichiro asked.

"I need enough of a reaction to dispose of a body. The Yui Scout Ceremonial sword, if you feel you can part with it?" The second Midori replied as she looked back to the first Midori. She had by now returned the sword in her hand to its sheath, the cut on her forearm healed over as the last bit of blood was absorbed back into her body. "Do we have a ST machine in the house Taisa Yaichiro? Or some other way to share memories?"

"Hmm...In that case, I can give you several Aether Generators from Power Armor. They are not in and of themselves illegal so you can transport them, but you can easily modify them to detonate as high-yield Aether bombs. "The Yui Scout Ceremonial Sword...hmm...I believe I actually have one crafted from the broken fragments of a Bellystabber II which we defeated in combat. It will have edge instead of a blue one, but will not be as tracable. Is that preferable? As for the ST memory sharing, not in this house, but there are some favors I can call in...and you two do legally have the right to determine what to do with each your own memories." Yaichiro said, smiling.

"If you would prefer a shuttle or even a ship-sized Aether Generator, I could obtain such a thing readily."

"I need something I can carry that is small. Grenades even would work." The second Midori replied before adding. "If you could arrange for the transfer, I would appreciate it."

"I will arrange the transfer, Tsubomi or Nishitama personnel could do it readily if I ask. I don't have any Aether grenades which are off the record, and the smallest Aether Generator is the size of a briefcase, but I believe that remodeled Aether Capacitors would work nicely for what you describe. If you like, I can also give you an NMX Type 31 Sidearm. It has the benefit of recharging itself over time, something an NSP can't do."

After thinking it over, the second Midori simply nodded to Yaichiro. "If you could arrange that, I would be most appreciative."

"Alright, that's not an problem. I've also an array of handguns and even a Nepleslian energy sniper rifle...have you arranged for a ship as well?"

"I have, at least to my next location." Midori nodded a little, thinking over the idea of more weapons. "I appreciate the offer, but I need to work and remain light."

Yaichiro got out a communicator, and started to send a message to Grapefruit. "I understand...I truly hope this war ends for you soon. It seems you're still trapped in it."

The second Midori looked to Yaichiro yet again with a sad, tired smile. "There is no end to war Taisa Yaichiro, only breaks."

"Sadly, it seems that is true..." Grapefruit entered, carrying a tray. She set it down, and the items on the tray were revealed as an NMX Type 31 Sidearm, a Zen Arms 10mm pistol with a silencer, some 10mm ammunition, and a small jewelery box full of expensive jewelry.

The second Midori bowed to Grapefruit, grateful to the woman before she went about picking up the different weaponry and adding it to her hips. Seemed she had planned on buying some things herself, but if she were given them, all the better. "I appreciate everything you have done for me Taisa. I truely do." Midori gave Yaichiro a smile, something of a relic from times past. It was a small tight lipped smile, something he may have seen from his time on the Sakura whenever the Samurai had looked to her ward, Hanako.

He gave a smile back...though they were different Midori now, both had the common link of being the woman he'd served with. "You're very welcome. I can trust you to use whatever resources I give you well. The rest of the items will take some time to get here to you, and I'll need to schedule your ST procedure should your sister agree, so you are more than welcome to stay here until then."

The first Midori simply nodded to Yaichiro in the background before speaking up. "I am willing Yaichiro." She looked to the second her with a mixed look of appreciation and fear, knowing just what the woman was condemning herself too.
"Alright...the jewelry is meant to give you something for money or barter that you can carry with you off the record, regardless of port. If you need something within Yamatai, look for the On'nin Ikemen." Yaichiro mentioned to the second Midori.

"Don't mention the UOC thing, though...illegal aswe believe some of their operations are, they're strong loyalists."

"On'nin Ikemen...I will remember the name." Midori nodded to Yaichiro as she caught the second part of his warning. "Thank you again Taisa Yaichiro. I have a few affairs to put in order, but I will return for the transfer, please just forward the information to me when we have a idea."

"Alright. Good luck, and it was nice to see you." Yaichiro said, knowing she was planning on leaving.

"It was nice to see you too. If you ever find yourself on a familiar ship full of...Joy and Celebration, please look me up." With how the woman stressed the word Celebration, it seemed she knew something. With little else, Midori turned and made her way out of the door and house, back to her own place.

Yaichiro smiled, well aware of what she meant. He planned to visit the Fruna Ruica again at some point, but this gave him all the more reason to in the future. He then looked to the first Midori. "...Help for you and a chance to fight back for her. It's...certainly been an interesting day. If it's Midori though, she'll probably do fine."

The first Midori simply watched the old her leave, shaking her head. "I worry for her. She is walking to her death..." And with little else other then a formal bow to Yaichiro, Midori cut the feed to go allow herself to flop down face first in to the bed.

~A few weeks after the two Midori spoke with Yaichiro.~

To: Kage Yaichiro
From: Grapefruit.


Usually I would not contact you, but I received something odd in the mail today. A small collection of guns, along with a box of jewelry has just arrived, and I did not know if this was a order you placed or not. I am forwarding you the full contents of the package.

-1 Yui Scout Ceremonial Sword
-1 NMX Type 31 Sidearm
-1 Zen Arms 10mm Pistol
-3 Boxes of 10mm Ammunition
-1 Small Box of Jewelry

It had your name on it sir, and no return sender address. The mail simply said nothing, but the box was there on the steps this morning. I figured you would want to know, thank you sir.

To: Grapefruit
From: Kage Yaichiro

Heavily Encrypted

I recognize the stated items, they belong to our unexpected guest from a few weeks ago. I've checked some records and found that she was recently murdered. Decapitated, in fact. Please check the parcel for any fingerprints, and check any blood on the sword not only for DNA, but also for any specific NH-series body type. Perhaps she was able to defend herself against her attacker for a time.

Please encrypt the results at the highest level, as well. This isn't the sort of thing I want hackers getting a hold of, lest there be premature retribution. If it is who I suspect it to be, there are certainly extenuating circumstances. Only one person knows where those particular items came from, after all. A proper investigation is needed.
It would be a few hours after the message before Yaichiro would receive a new message.

Heavily Encrypted

To: Kage Yaichiro
From: Grapefruit

Sir, I've gotten the result...Forwarding now.

Blood tests: Blood belonging to A NH-27 nekovalkyrja, blood matches DNA records of Jo Midori.
Fingerprints: Belong to a one Jo Midori, currently in A NH-33 body.
Skin samples found on blade belong to A Nekovalkyrja model 27.
I-...I'm sorry

To: Grapefruit
From: Kage Yaichiro

Heavily Encrypted

I have things I must do. Things aren't adding up here. In the footage of the start of the fight, the senior Midori stated she 'couldn't return home' because of the junior's actions. Something must have happened when the senior went to see the Samurai...

What is Midori's current status? Has she moved out somewhere, or is she still living in the house? If the former, has she relayed where she's gone?
To: Kage Yaichiro
From: Grapefruit.

Heavily Encrypted.

Ah, no sir we have not seen Miss Midori for a short while now. She left one night. and did not return. The night of the murder in fact.
To: Grapefruit
From: Kage Yaichiro

Heavily Encrypted

Then I'll have to find her...I want to know why. I'll send a communication her way and see if she responds.

To: Jo Midori
From: Kage Yaichiro

Heavily Encrypted

You've probably been expecting this communication since you left her items behind. I'm at a loss for where to start, so I'll just ask.

Why did you do it?
To: Jo Midori
From: Kage Yaichiro

Heavily Encrypted

You never said as much when she first visited, and the only crime I am aware of was the defection. This crime was explicitly pardoned by the then Empress. Just what did she do?
To: Kage
From: Jo Midori

Heavily Encrypted.

She was a threat to the Ketsurui for her betrayal and lack of Loyalty, she was a Betrayal to the empire for the same reason. The Ketsurui can not afford To have those who will not remain loyal to move where they can strike. Such things have already come to haunt them.
To: Jo Midori
From: Kage Yaichiro

Heavily Encrypted

Midori-san...I can honestly tell you that at the time, those who left did not have the benefit of hindsight that we have today. I was there to see what happened, and that's why I bear them no ill will so long as that is the extent of their crime. Mellison and the Jiyuu branch of the Motoyoshi actively guided the people to secede, and revealed events regarding the Elysian plague specifically timed to make us question our faith. I stayed. A great many others couldn't stomach the allegations of xenocide, regardless of legitimacy or lack thereof. Others had different reasons still, such as having children and family who did not know the touch of the Empire and didn't wish to leave the land of their birth.

We both know that this Midori was to leave and seek out old enemies, rather than be a threat to Yamatai anyway. What prompted this drastic change in behavior? What could be so major as to explicitly disobey the decree of our betters? Perhaps you're feeling something for memories that are not your own? I'm worried for you.
Heavy Encryption

To:Kage Yaichiro
From: Jo Midori

I have told you before Yaichiro, you do not need to worry for me, I am fine. It needed to be done. Better at my hand then captured and held against her will... Or giving her the chance to betray again.