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Community Spot Light Yuuki !

Hello my fellow Sarpers and welcome to this months community Spotlight The idea of community spotlight is to commemorate and give thanks to a person in our community that has done a amazing job and one that helps grow our community in a few ways. This is individual may of also contributed to expanded the lore, artwork, or even helping clean up wiki articles for the betterment of Sarp.

It is my honor and privilege to put the Spotlight on one such individual this month and that of course is our own @Yuuki.

Now with that in mind I do want to talk about some of the great things that Yuuki has done for our community. Since coming back into Sarp she has expanded on quite a few subjects and added quite abit to our wiki. This includes creating Aeriel Football , the article for the feather duster, updating and expanding on SAMA and a host of further updates.

Another amazing thing about Yuuki is here assistance not only with GM duties of there own plot but assisting others in there plots. This includes Resolutions of the Ghosts and the 17th Bomber group as well as the ISS Shiori. They have constantly helped not only with proof reading but updating articles to DVR3 and other articles that needed some love. Also they have created some amazing Art workhttps://stararmy.com/roleplay-forum/threads/more-art-to-release-rights-to-sarp.65420/ that has been used for plots, bases, and even new logos we have needed.

Lastly I wanted to talk about a personal joy that they have been in the discord and the forum. Always helpful with new members, always cheering on others in there creations. They give feedback and honest constructive criticism that it allows people to fully develop there own projects. Lastly they are just a honest delight to chat with and there infectious love of the community has been a joy to see.

Now Yuuki I know many others may step and tell you more about the amazing stuff you have done and I encourage them to do so. I also hope if you read this you get some joy and knowing that our community loves everything that you do and wish you to keep rocking it. Lastly and this might be cheesy but in a old rp tradition i'd like to give you a starbust as a reward ( still trying to figure out how to use Sarp tech to transport one to you, so might be some delay)

Hope you enjoyed this article and look forward to more in the coming months. Remember SARP we love what you create and we couldn't do it with out you. So I hope to see more of you on here and maybe i'll send some candy and cheer your way!

Scherer Soban
Office of Community Cheer.

Thank you for everything you do. You are part of what has made SARP amazing! You should be proud.

I enjoy working with you and your devotion to the projects we have going (1XF, Yugumo Corporation, etc) and our shared GM role in Resolutions of the Ghost. You help every day, and you help keep me going and are there on the days the skies are cloudy.

Again, Thank you for all you do!
I've had the pleasure of working with Yuuki a lot lately as well as seeing how Andrew and Yuuki have been become a creative powerhouse as a team and it's been a real pleasure and hugely motivating for me. This recognition is well deserved. Congratulations Yuuki!
SARP was very special to me at a very difficult time in my life. I would never have left willingly, and I'm sorry it took me so long to get back to you all. Even though my first time here was brief, it left a lasting impact on me and my creative development since then. And, most of all, every single one of you just welcomed me back here as if I had never left for even a day. Thank you all so very much!
Definitely very deserving of the spotlight. I've seen your hands in so much lately with the Wiki, stories, and just being around on the site and encouraging others and helping them, it's absolutely amazing! Very glad to have you back Yuuki and it's been a blast so far to write with you and plan things for the future plots coming up. I can't wait to see what happens as time goes on, and I really gotta say I'm very appreciative and glad for everything you do and help with on the board!
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