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Concordia Scout Ship


Inactive Member
Elysia Shipyards
El-S1-01a Concordia

1. About the Concordia

The Concordia is designed to be a cheap, mass produced ship, and it is just that. It cuts down on most luxuries with only a few exceptions (for example the generous number of sensors) in favour of having a drain on resources far smaller than any other ship of the Elysian Celestial Navy. That is not to say it is ineffective – it is good at scouting, and can be an effective offence ship when utilised in great numbers. The ship itself is sleekly angular, however it lacks some of the grace which is found in the more expensive ships. It should also be noted that the Concordia is made so that later models can be based on the same structure – considerable modifications can be made to the design without having to modify the actual structure of the vessel. In that sense it is modular.

2. History and Background

Upon achieving its independence Elysia found itself with limited resources, in fact very limited resources. While the Craetais represented the forefront of Elysian technology, and was the most advanced craft the Elysian Empire had ever created it was very expensive to create in terms of both time and resources. It was not feasible to produce more than a handful of these vessels and what Elysia really needed was a cheap and yet effective vessel which it could produce in fairly large numbers. As such this ship was built.

3. Dimensions and Crew Complement

Organizations Using This Vessel:
Elysian Celestial Navy.
Type: Scout.
Class: El-S1-1a
Elysian Celestial Navy.
Manufacturer: Elysian Shipyards

Crew: 7 to run the ship. Very unusually the captain of the Concordia is not always a Patrician, due to the lowly status of the ship.
Maximum Capacity: Commonly attached is a team for investigation, and in a last resort, raiding. This usually consists of four Seraph S11 or S14 and two Plebeians. This brings the Maximum capacity up to 13.

Length: 70 meters.
Width: 25 metres.
Height: 9 metres.
Decks: Two.

4. Performance Statistics

Speed (STL): 0.5c
Speed (FTL):
Spatial Distortion: 0.5 to 110,000c
Hyperspace: 1 LY/Minute. (Optional, not in standard model.)
Speed (Aerial): Mach 5 (with shields). Has full VTOL capacity.
Speed (Water): Not designed to enter water.

Range (Distance): Its distance is only practically limited by its lifetime and for how long it can support a crew.
Range (Support): 7 months.
Lifespan: 15 years.
Refit Cycle: Irregular.

5. Inside the Concordia

Bridge: The bridge of the Concordia is on the top deck and at the front of the ship and is a simple affair consisting of a round room with a captains chair in the centre, a tactical console on its left and a sensor console on its right. At the front is the pilot's chair. In front of this there is a large screen. The consoles are physical and are composed simply of touchpad's. Their seats are effectively swivel-chairs bolted into the floor. The captain's chair is a slightly more sophisticated deal, a utilitarian looking armchair with display panels coming out of it. The pilot's seat is a reclining one and includes an advanced bio-neural interface (the only one on the ship), as well as a joystick in case of emergency.

Captains Quarters: The Captains quarters are not particularly luxurious, but they are larger than those of the rest of the crew. It consists of a four meter wide by six metre long room dominate by a large bed (with foam mattress), with other furniture including a cupboard, writing desk, chest of drawers and wall mirror. The room comes with sparse decoration – it up to the captain if he wishes to make his room more homey. The Captains quarters are right next to, and to the right of, the bridge.

Crew Quarters: This is for the crew who man the stations of the bridge and consists of room as large as the captains but opposite his. It contains two bunk beds to be shared between the six occupants – only possible due to their taking of shifts. Other than the two bunk beds there are also two wardrobes and two chest of drawers. It should be noted that the beds are particularly comfortable, and are self-cleaning.

Pilot Quarters: This is the room belonging to the two Elysians who are sent on investigations or raids with the Seraph. It is three metres wide by four long and contains a bunk bed, a chest of drawers and a wardrobe. This is the next one down from the Captains quarters.

Armoury: The armoury of the ship is to be used in the unfortunate circumstance in which the away team needs to get into a fight. It contains several rifles and pistols of various makes but its main strength lies in the four containers that lie at the back – each keeping an S11 or S14 Seraph in stasis. They can only be released by an order by the Captain, or if he is killed, the next highest ranking officer. This lies next to the ‘other quarters'.

Wardroom: All of the crew (other than those who are currently on duty) eat in the wardroom, which lies opposite the ‘Other quarters' and armoury. It is five metres wide and six long and consists of a table surrounded by six chairs. In the corner of the room there is a very small kitchen which carries just enough to cook the packaged food the ship provides.

Medical: The next room on from the Armour is the Medbay which is relatively well stocked, but lacks advanced (and thus expensive) technology. If someone is very badly hurt then the general procedure is to save their souls (that technology is at least incorporated) and then put them into stasis in the four containers at the back of the room. The ST device is incorporated into the medbed.

Engine Room: At the end of the passage way, and over the Shuttle Bay, lies the engine room. This room is filled with consoles and has a small door (sealed with a key that changes daily) next to the floor which (if crawled down) grants access to the SDG and other vital components of the ship. Power regulation can be effectively dealt with from this room.

Passage way: There is one central passageway on the Concordia – that which runs through the centre of the ship. It is well lit, with a thin carpet on the floor to grant traction and with the general colour theme of grey. These two things run throughout the ship except in the medbay where the walls are white and the floor tiled.

Shuttle Bay: The shuttle bay is the only room that actually lies on the second deck. To access it you have to climb down a shaft opposite the medbay, which brings you to the top left hand quarter of it. There is room in the ship to fit a single Jilanth sized shuttle. It is also through the Shuttle bay that the crew embark and disembark onto ground.

Toilet facility: There is only set of toilets on the Concordia and they make no distinction between sex. It consists simply of two cubicles. In the same room there are two showers, and two hand basins.

6. Ship Systems

Hull: This ships hull is composed of the super-durable material that makes up ‘plates' on some of its armour, but to reduce cost it is simply turned into a plain hull. It is strong and resilient, but not as much as other comparable ships. (Wes, I could really do with a name for this material - it first appeared in the Elysian Assault Battlecruiser).

Airlock System: The ship connects with others by way of chute with airtight suction pads on the end latching onto another ship and then exciting the ship through a airlock at the end of a corridor on the first deck.

Environmental Systems: The environmental systems on the Concordia keep the temperature always comfortable, and the humidity always pleasant, but that's pretty much it.

Air Recycling System: The Concordia makes use of an artificial organism located at different parts of the ship which breaks carbon dioxide into carbon and oxygen and devouring the carbon. This results in a highly efficient air recycling system.

Cloaking device: The Concordia has a relatively efficient Cloaking device which functions through wrapping the ship within what is in effect a ‘pocket universe' created through its Combined distortion system. This is of considerable enough strength to make it at least difficult to detect without actively looking for it.

Conformal PSC: The PSC (Psionic Signal Controller) is a form of psionic and telepathic protection, capable of nullifying all such activity. The device can selectively allow channels to permit secure telepathic operation and to maintain communication even under psionic attack.

Spatial Distortion Generator: This device is in almost all respects a CCD like device, however the Elysians did not feel comfortable using a Yamataian name and so developed their own. They also redesigned it – the end process is almost identical (it's not as effective and not as power hungry) but it made the Elysians feel happier.

Shields: The shields of the Concordia are formed through the distortion of space using the SDG. Through distorting space-time beams and projectiles pass through and around it as if it is not there. It has a rating of 4.

Propulsion: The Concordia moves its at high superluminal speeds through the generation of distortions in space-time using spatial distortion technology, and wrapping them in order to create asymmetric peristaltic fields which drives the ship through space in a similar fashion to that of a Alcubierre Drive. The complexity of the system allows for vast superluminal speeds equivalent to many thousands of times the speed of light. The ship can stop completely or increase to full speed almost instantly due to the lack of kinetic energy in the ship – it simply required deactivating the special peristaltic effect.

Some Concordia vessels are fitted with a Hyperspace drive when they are required to possess additional speed. These drives function through projecting the ship into another dimension – Hyperspace. The exact physics of hyperspace aren't understood perfectly, but it is capable of achieving enormous speeds – relative to the normal universe.

For subluminal propulsion, and when the Spatial Distortion Generator needs to be diverted towards shields, the Concordia uses a Gravitic Drive. This functions by causing the ship to ‘fall' through space at high speeds, and is a reliable and relatively manoeuvrable drive. Using it for STL combat means that the Concordia can often exceed its expected shield capacity.

Generator: The Concordia's generator functions on a nigh on identical basis to the Aetheric generators of Yamataian ships, although the Elysians would not like to admit it. They have yet to come up with a name for what they call ‘aether' that can be agreed upon – and so for the moment it is simple called ‘The Generator'. It produces energy by stimulating a greater amount of Zero Point Energy to leak into the universe and feeing of this.

Sensor and Computer Systems: As a scout the Concordia is required to have at least a competent set of sensors, and this is what it has. It has a large number of sensors, and while quite powerful they have rather limited range in comparison with other ships.

Computer System: The Concordia makes use of a organic, DNA based, sub-sentient computer which is competent but hardly brilliant. It obeys commands, and obeys them well, but doesn't have any initiative and can't perform nigh on miraculous tasks like more advanced computers can do. If it does specialise it is in the analysing of gathering of data.

Unidirectional sensors the Concordia uses variable wide-band imaging clusters,

Long-range gravimetric sensors: These powerful sensors sense the presence of ships and other objects through the warping effect their mass has on space-time. While this sensor is not particularly good at getting exact information about the ship, it is extremely good at working out where something is, and the speed it's moving at. It also beyond many types of cloaking device to foil this indirect form of scanning.

Magnetic Resonance Scanners: This sensor is used to identify what the targets hull is composed of, and also the other elements that compose the ship.

Long-Range Infrared Spectrometer: This sensor basically detects the radiation given off by hot bodies. In space almost everything is cold, space itself is only around 3 Kelvin, and the only things which are significantly above this are stars, planets and other celestial bodies. As such, if something is giving of Infrared radiation and it's not a celestial body then it must be something artificial. This sensor won't work on the more advanced ships out there, but can be surprisingly useful at detecting less advanced, or damaged, ships.

Distortion sensors: This highly sensitive sensor is capable of sensing the distortions of space which are created through CDD and CFS', as well as other technology that utilises upon similar technology. In order to combat the danger that vessels cloaked using the CFS system could present, and so ships using a CDD could be tracked this device was developed.

Interferometer: This device combines the information from many different bands to create a far more accurate depiction.

Spectrometers: The Spectrometres measure the properties of light in particular sections of the electro-magnetic band.

Electromagnetic trans-space flux sensors: These advanced sensors detect tiny variances in the Electro-magnetic bands across all of the spatial planes. It functions as an incredibly advanced visual sensor, but only more so.

Spin Palarometres:

These sensors face the front of the ship and have a range up to 5 light-years.

Omnidirectional sensors of the Concordia include

Aetheric/quintessential/field/differential/particle/waves sensors:

Scalar field sensors:

Subspace mass sensors: This sensor simply detects mass in subspace, and its passage through this domain. This sensor also functions on the related hyper-space. It is vital for detecting vessels which are travelling through these domains. It is notably hard to hide your mass from these variety of sensors when traveling through Hyperspace or Subspace.

Soliton sensors:

Unified field mass/energy sensors

Neutrino/tachyon sensors:

These sensors have a range of 2 light-years.


Nose Beam: This relatively powerful weapon fires a pulse of plasma, phasing out of the universe for a time so that it easily penetrates shields and armour before returning to our universe. At this point a considerable amount of super-heated plasma appears within the enemy ship dealing considerable damage.
Location: Within the nose.
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship.
Secondary Purpose: Assault.
Damage: 5-6.
Range: 400,000 miles.
Rate of Fire: 1 pulse per ten seconds.
Payload: Enough for 100 shots. More plasma can be produced with access to more matter.

Beam "Eyes" (7): These ‘bumps' on the hull of the ship contain the equivalent of turrets which fire a a transphased high energy electro-magnetic beam of significant power.
Location: One dorsal, one ventral, two on each side and one rear.
Primary Purpose: Anti-starship
Secondary Purpose: Anti-mecha/Anti-fighter
Damage: 5.
Range: 2,000,000 miles
Rate of Fire: 3 times a second
Payload: Effectively unlimited, so long as the ship provides power.

7. Vehicle Complement

Varies. A shuttle of various makes.
I smell a war brewing...a war...of REVENGE! Take back Geshrintall!

Maybe get the Lorath to go along with you guys for kicks. Play Rob Dougan's 'Furious Angels' while your battleships heroically go against the most powerful tech Yamatai has to offer.
Zakalwe said:
... The Elysians aren't suicidal.

They're not taking on Yamatai.

Not yet. Perhaps after the Misshu war. But it is concieveable that when they have a powerful enough force and Yamatai is weakened, that the Elysians would attack.

Jack Greyfox said:
Who WOULD take on the Yamatai?

Just about everyone would. They aren't really very popular. However, they have the best technology and largest military, so everyone just lets them do what they want, while secretly plotting to somehow destroy them.