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Condition of FM guardianship over the planet Osman and Cavalon system(Originally 188604 and the B7R star system)

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
So I had a question, one Wes suggested to make a thread on as he didn't know the answer, and was rather busy at the time to boot(thank you for all your hard work bossman). As the person who was the last FM of the USO, now OSO, do I have FM control of the planet Osman and Cavalon star system? I do have some plot plans for Osman currently, as NPS has taken the abandoned S6 HQ there from before their departure as a major base for Nexus Private Security. As I've discussed with Alex, as of roughly planned, they're working with the corrupt remnants of the Skyguard to control the planet with an iron fist, as a totalitarian state style regime.
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I plan for a thread pretty soon where NDC sends a retrieval team to swing by and pick up a few drives that had been left behind, not realizing due to the sandstorm still in effect in the area, that NPS is at the old base. It's not going to be anything huge, but kinda reveal of the fact they're there. Down the road, I have a few ideas, but nothing concrete. One thing is I've been wondering if they've spilled over to Cavalon since the occupation, and what kind of conditions that would produce for the colony. It was the home for a more recent character of mine, so a bit of an emotional aspect to play with there.
He is not, as Osman has nothing to do with Monarchy of Dovania other then MoD was a subfaction of the USO before the who change over.
Since it's being talked about officially, I imagine Akemi and some of the additions I made to the planet moved on. I edited the article to reflect that. Also, I was told Nath tower, which my character built and is named after, was destroyed, so I added that it got razed to the ground. I think it had a wiki at one point but it's gone, so no worries there.

As far as ownership, take care of it if you are nabbing it. Currently the Planet Osman article doesn't mention what system it's in. Can that be rectified before you take it over officially?
Should be in the same grid as before, might need to see if I can dig up a old version of the starmap or just slap them both somewhere in the middle of the West. I'll drop the map edit request later today, though if no one has any objections, I would indeed like to become caretaker of them.
It wasn't in a grid on the main map, it had its own Westerly map. Maybe you can re-place it in the main map since so much has already been changed?
It was 200 light years from yamatai, so it was about 10 grid squares off of the left of the main map and 10 grid squares onto the west map.
We don't have a west map, now, which is why it'd be nice if it could just be on the main map.
Alright, I recommend making a system article for it, too, so it can get added to the map in an official capacity.

As far as you having "FM control" or being the officiated caretaker over either, it's less about that and more about you having done what you've already done to keep history and the IC ownership updated on the wiki.

As far as Osman, having it on the NPS wiki, as you have done here, is the second best thing to have done. The next best thing is to put that info about NPS on the Osman page.

Cavalon has its own set of problems as far as its own sparse planet page and the system page containing most of the info you'd want to see on the planet page, but that's not really an issue for the present. Basically, its system article has enough history about what's going on at Cavalon that it works to establish what Alex and others have done that nobody's going to think that's their faction's next destination for establishing themselves on or some other issue that could crop up.

Hope that makes sense.
NPS is seeking assets, and having a system so close to one they've occupied by force, makes Cavalon a very important target for them. Which NPS isn't a faction, but a PMC with shady backing behind the scenes. It's more a case of logical progression in decisions and responses to ensure they have a secure area from the IC perspective of things. Since they're assisting the Skyguard remnants, retaking Cavalon which was a OSO territory makes sense, even though the previous regime was far kinder.

As far as the OOC aspect of things, I understand what you mean. I
I’ve already explained in DMs @Alex Hart, I’m not putting Osman in the Kraljevski Sector/Western Sector. It’s article clearly defines it being in the Kykio Sector. Wherever it was before doesn’t matter. It’s been retconned. As of Jack ruling Osman, he’s been there the longest and has future plans for role play there, me personally as someone who was s part of USO at one point, I think @Jack Pine is the best and most capable of Faction Managing it.
There already is a star system article, @Ametheliana, though it's pretty obscure so I'm not surprised it's hard to find. As far as who has been there the longest, technically it's me or some other older players, but that's kind of a moot point since we're handling running events there cooperatively.
Ah, backlink that system article on the planet page, then, Jack. Thanks for the find, Alex.