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OOC Conference Discussion

Yui was once Empress of Yamatai. If she wasn't a Taisho, maybe people would still call her Empress the way former U.S. Presidents are still called presidents. But she's not a queen and definitely not a princess. Furthermore, I don't really consider the "princess" title to really exist under (constitutional) Yamatai and these days it makes me (and Hanako) cringe a little every time someone calls Hanako a princess. After all, she's been a servant to the clan as much as she's been "royalty." Remember that Hanako never chose the name Ketsurui, Yui did, and if you listen her her talk about herself, she never calls herself a Ketsurui. She only refers to herself as "Shosho Hanako." But yeah, Yui is not a princess, at least not since the mid YE 20s.
Oh, she was a princess in the mid twenties? When my character in this whole thing actually served the empire? Perfect! That's my hand wave.
Reactions: Wes
Man, my phone really turned this post into garbage.
Well, it could be worse. I recently found the browser on my Samsung Galaxy S (original one I haven't used since 2013) couldn't even visit SARP anymore because its poor support for TLS encryption.

You have no idea how much this pleases me to no end, considering that whenever Matriarchy personnel have spoken of Hanako, they refered to her as 'Princess Hanako'.

Anyway, about the treaty situation. There is still opportunity for the senate to salvage its good name, we can back DATASS up with some RP, RP aimed at highlighting the very real struggle in Yamatai between balancing the political branch with the military branch of the government.

Saving the treaty as is may be the best idea as well, considering that if Yamatai does back out of the existing treaty in full, it would be indicative that the Empire is unable to be trusted to act in good faith, a cornerstone of any diplomatic process. Such a blow to the Empire's image would only make future treaty negotiation difficult, and perhaps even seen as a farce, due to the lack of trust which would exist from that point onward. Undoubtedly, the result would be less opportunity for good roleplaying, due to the tension that would exist IC between factions and their citizens, which would create limitations and boundaries that would be difficult to find a viable reason to be crossed.
+Embolden enemies of Yamatai to come out of the woodwork in different capacities

[cough cough]GAO[coughcough]
What I love is Yamatai backing out of an agreement over Nepleslia's citizens supposedly being unable to consent to it when Yamataian citizens aren't allowed to elect the people who run the military and choose who to go to war with. The military is a government of its own separate from the civilian government. If Nepleslian citizens can't consent to a military alliance and that is a problem why is it not a problem that Yamataian citizens can't consent/elect who makes them? I guess it's fine to RP a hypocrite but it sounds pretty weird given people already did things implying the treaty was finalized earlier.
Besides who doesn't want to be a princess
I wanna be a princess.
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Reactions: Wes
Its clear that Yamatai wants to make themselves a cornerstone of the interstellar community by hosting the IRC and dictating the order of the day/what needs to be covered. I wouldn't normally suggest it - I do because Wes is earning this kind of distrust for his faction - but if Yamatai has reached a point where dealings with them are untrustworthy/unsavory, what is in power of the other nations is to not let Yamatai dictate terms for such an assembly.

Basically, make your own equivalent to the IRC - say a Lorath-centric one - where you invite other nations and make your dealings then. If Yamatai wants to act like an outsider, you can treat it as an outsider.

There was a time when Yamatai cared to try to prop up its flagging reputation. Perhaps that effort - and the commitment required for it - has gone complacent. If so, then counter-action is really the only way to get this resolved. If something amenable cannot be acheived for equivalent of the DATASS treaty, I figure Yamatai could end up being by it's lonesome, with the Lorath and Nepleslian forming their own factional power block... and I wouldn't be surprised for them to rally more support than Yamatai would, considering how much better they are at being diplomatic and holding agreements.
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We've done that once before, and a Yamatai loyal faction went and cried to mama about the conference and what was discussed. That aside though, certainly you're speaking some very legit points. I can dig it. Likely though, Nepleslia would be more probable to be the host for such an alternative conference.

You are a princess to me, little lady.

Except the last time this happened was in the last IRC when it looked as if the Lorath and Imperium were forming an alliance that excluded Yamatai. This was the result. Even if it was our intent to only forge a Lorath - Imperium alliance (which it was not - Doshii and I were in discussion on the down low to preserve this move as an unexpected development), the sudden reaction OOCly from Yamatai indicated that if there were to be treaties between nations that excluded Yamatai, we would be subject to its reactionary military contingencies.

So can we expect another contingency plan developed against a possible Nepleslian-Lorath power block, should it develop to exclude Yamatai?

If so, can we create our own against Yamatai without fear that another UNION MAZE will be thrown up onto the Wiki?

We offered peace and cooperation, Yamatai decided it wasn't for them. That's fine and dandy, but they will not throw the treaty away while in the same breath speak about maintaining positive relationships with other factions.

In short Yamatai has shown it cannot be trusted to maintain peace, yet stands in the position of the site's flagship faction where it cannot really be subject to the same repercussions other factions have to deal with.
Technically it is up to each individual nation to decide who it wants to deal with and what terms are acceptable between them.

If a faction chooses to not trust Yamatai, that is just fine. It doesn't mean that Yamatai should treat them as belligerents. It should take other action for that to happen.
Reactions: Wes

Hah, if only it worked that way. "No thank you" translates to "We're evil people, kill us" in Yamataian.
"No thank you" translates to "We're evil people, kill us" in Yamataian.
The accent that you just put on "いいえ、でもはとにかくありがとうございました." is atrocious. Where did you learn Yamataian
Next time you say "私は悪です. あなたは私を殺す必要があります!", try pronouncing the 'R's more like 'D's.
Don't think that is the case, it is a holiday weekend for some folks. I just don't have anything to post at the moment.
I think everyone is just waiting to see how the senate side threads will play out?
I wasn't, just need some other folks to post something other than having folks not in the conference running around.
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