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OOC Conference Discussion

@Fred I think the reason the small print is desired is because people are legitimately afraid of getting stabbed in the back because of a technicality or loophole. For all of the good things that SARP has and the good times that have been, it is not a place where many people feel secure. To this end people are very high strung about the idea that someone (usually Yamatai) will come in and kick over their sandcastle without any possible means of stopping it thus destroying possibly years of hard work and causing a cascading series of consequences that will affect multiple parties in the setting.

If SARP didn't have the history that it has, perhaps a loosely worded treaty would work. But as things are right now, no one feels safe enough to leave that sort of thing to good faith.

It isn't a positive thing to say, but it is a reality we face as a player base.
@Fred I brought up point 41 specifically to show how crazy detailed this treaty is, too. And that negotiations about this are going to be very tedious as a result if Nep and Lor want to play hardball about it to once again shackle the catgirls (and I reckon they will).
@Wes @DocTomoe

Discuss: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:treaty

(I admittedly stole quite a bit of the language from the DATASS write up, so credit given where credit is due. I did try to address the desires of both parties and tried to leave the language less ambiguous while also maintaining points that are attractive to both parties. Feel free to give critique/suggest changes etc.)

I'm so tired.

Edit: Since it has come to my attention, I would like to ask why we're pushing for a situation IC that is analogous to the circumstances in Europe Pre-WWI with a spider web of independent treaties? It seems like a political and military nightmare to be honest...
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Why is there no requirement for Yamatai to have a reciprocal Embassy on Lor?
I didn't include one because so far the status quo is that Yamatai and Lor have been fine with the present arrangements to my knowledge.

I also put it up here OOC so that the relevant leadership parties could add, change, or remove things as desired. It wasn't intended to be an immutable final document but rather attempting to expand upon Wes' work toward something that both addressed Doc's concerns of vague language, and added some of the things that were useful to both parties from the now sort-of defunct DATASS treaty such as mutual aid and cooperation when it comes to criminals among other points.

I don't really want to be a diplomat drawing up treaties between nations, but the alternative seems worse.

Edit: After thinking on the stance of Nepleslia in the IRC, this treaty might be better written as a YSE-DATASS treaty bridging between Nepleslia+Lor and Yamatai.
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For the same reason have do that in RL. Having a diplomat and embassy on the other world is logical. For example, if you have a citizen who is over there an loses their identificiation. An Embassy can help them. Also an embassy servers as a place for folks who want visa's etc.
I don't see why we shouldn't just take a nod from Raiken Park and designate an embassy quarter in each major empire where all of that can be done. Simple and easy. Could even be a good RP spurring location too, for those looking to act out such things as heartfelt meetings of distant friends, traveling, political tension, etc.
The HSC has a section in their World Station set aside for Embassies. It also gives the owning nation a place that is effectively their territory.
Oh yeah, a belated note for any who are somehow not yet aware. I've stepped down from gartagean management, so I won't be posting for their delegation unless by special request. The new FM is currently Wes and will likely soon be Ira, so please refer all needful correspondence to them. Thank you all.
...I'm just about to pronounce the IRC dead at this point. >_>

So, basically, what was accomplished was that Yamatai broke off from the DATASS treaty and then all the other assembled nations failed to reach concensus to update/make new treaties, some announcing expansion plans, and the Lorath/Nepleslians being sensibilized as to the HSC plight. Supposedly the HSC wanted to do a reception on thier own ambassadorial vessel as well.

Is that what we leave this at?
Yamatai and the HSC will be meeting to become closer allies. Also @Edto Xar'Sivaree is going to have his Vekimen character negotiate an arrangement for their species with Yamatai, that will give them someplace safe to live and develop.
Correct Fred, the reception was to be just a social event. When the IRC pretty much stalled I just didn't see the need to create a thread. I think everyone is pretty much done with the IRC.
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