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Corax class light escort ship (Oncari Industries)


Inactive Member
1. about the Last Star

The "Last Star" is a modified civilian escort ship. Far from stock it originally was a type-S destroyer under the care of a civilian mining corporation. Long since sold to private owners the ship has changed hands and names (and even transponder codes) over the years. It's most current owners are a group of outlaws who acquired the ship while it was planeside for refitting.

2. History and Background

The Corax class destroyer is a privately manufactured vessel designed for long range escort and support. Built by Oncari Industries the Corax series has become popular with small corporations in need of security in the outlying rejoins. Due to its modular design Corax's can be customized from the shipyards or with "after market" parts. Some crews even have adapted their ships to accept technologies foreign to the manufacturer. The ship's heavy power plant produces a very large thrust to mass ratio givies Crews the ability to upgrade their propulsion system to fit their needs. As well the extra power output provides the Corax class with exceptional shielding for its class. The capeability of operating inside a planet's atmosphere has become another selling point of the ship. With Extended cargo modifications it is not uncommon to see a Corax being used as a light freighter. Two large hangers (4 on a type C) provide ample room for housing small fighters, powered armor, and even an interplanetary shuttle.

3. Dimensions and Crew Complement

Organizations Using This Vessel:
Civilian Manufacture
Type: Long range Escort / Destroyer
Class: The "Last Star" is a type-S
other models
Oc-D1-X [Prototype] First basic test models
Oc-D1-A [Assault] Redundant Shield emitters & heavier hard points
Oc-D1-C [Cargo] Enlarged hull 2 additional cargo bays
Oc-D1-E [Escort] Production Standard
Oc-D1-F [Fleet support] Ungraded sensors and tracking for small targets
Oc-D1-S [Spartan] Specialized for fighters & powered armor.

Designer: Andre Whitehall
Manufacturer: Oncari Industries
Production: Several thousand of these ships have been produced and sold in the galaxy. Type-C and E are the most common.

Crew: Min 7 crewmembers under heavy automation. Recommended 12
Maximum Capacity: 25
Appearance: https://stararmy.com/starchan/starships/src/1166985624190.jpg

Length: 194m, type-C 220m
Width: 148m
height: 47m
Decks: 12
Mass: 1,900,000 Kg
Volume: 54000

4. Performance Statistics

All Corax class vessels Have modular engines the engineering section is designed with heavy mountings to facilitate the customer's needs. The Stock engines are shown below.
0.78c Sub-Light [type C] 0.6c
5 LY/min Warp Fold
Range: indefinite (limited by crew needs)
Lifespan: 60yrs
Refit Cycle: 5 yrs (recommended)
Atmospheric: Mach 2.8
Corax class ships are capable of sustained atmospheric flight. Most ships carry more specialized shuttles for this purpose due to the lack of maneuverability.

5. Inside the Last Star

:General Interior

Oncari industries does little to decorate the inside of a ship. though paint and trim can be furnished at an extra cost it is up to the customer to decide to spend the money on this aesthetic. Generally Corax ships have bare bulkheads and simple textured metal floors In areas small conduits are near the internal hull for easy access and maintenance. This gives the ship a very industrial feel. The longest single view in the ship is the main crew quarters walkways. Small porthole windows and varied hues in the metal provide some relief from eye strain on the crew.


The main command and control area of the Corax series varies little between base model's The Capitan and first officer's chairs positioned in the center rear of the bridge. There are four additional stations positioned foreword of the main console with greater range of controls. In a departure from conventional stations each console is equipped with a display that allows the user to switch and determine the function of the station. In a dedicated mode the ships computer accepts commands from each the appropriate station with priority. This prevents two units from giving conflicting orders. Secondary command consoles are also located in engineering though these have a more traditional feel.

:Crew Quarters:

there are twelve rooms along the central corridor of the ship each with two births. The living area is designed to maximize the use of space without feeling too cramped. Located centrally is the ship's head one side being bathing facilities the other the ships lavatory. The Capitan's quarters is a slightly larger single occupancy room. Foreword of the living areas is a lounge that doubles as a mess for the crew with the ships galley and stores connected. The lounge area is furnished with a few couches, low tables and comfort furnishings that match the industrial look of the ship's interior. These pieces are like simple household furniture and can be replaced to suit the needs of the crew.

6. Ship Systems

Computer Systems

Oncari industries provides a standard electronics suite with their ships. A Central logic processor is located in a small safe room aft of the bridge section. There are two interface consoles located in the room for operators similar to the ones on the bridge. The basic automation systems and processing is handled by the adaptive logic circuit. This computer system adapts over time in use some begin to develop their own personality from various stimuli subjected to the ship. Because of the multi region nature of the company several racks are available to upgrade and interface with specialized systems, allowing for additional and redundant systems to be added to an existing design.

Hull and Armor

The Andrium alloy armor is standard aboard all production Corax. At 45cm it provides adequate protection for ships in its class. In some cases customers have applied additional plating or reactive treatments to the hull or even energized plating to further resist hostile fire. The most popular of these being energy resistant plating that helps hold the molecular bond of the hull armor. The main structure of the ship is composed of Zesuaium. (Hull rating 5)


One of the areas the Corax class shines is in the shielding department. The large "wing" panels on the ship provide the main deflector area for the vessel. While each array is capable of maintaining full coverage of the ship they are designed to work in conjunction with each other. The overlapping coverage area leaves the Corax class well protected. The combined area shielding system is made to turn aside attacks rather than absorbing the force directly. The technology behind this shielding remains cheaper than those found on larger vessels but unfortunately is not scleable to cover them. (Shield rating 6)


Two large multi stage airlocks are located on either side of the ship. just forward of the engineering bay. The first of these stages is a holding area for pressure suits, power armor and small EVA units. A second stage is the venting chamber that depressurizes the airlock and opens to the outside.

Escape Pods: Each Corax class ship is fitted with one small lifeboat (10 person) and 4 escape pods (4 person) along its ventral axis.

:Life support & Environmental:

The Corax class destroyer has a variable environmental system, semi automated to control the pressurized areas of the craft. Two main control consoles, one on the bridge the other in engine room, are capable of regulating life support and gravity controls across the ship. An auto mated system to put out fires will seal off and vent the atmosphere of compromised areas of the ship.

:Sensor systems:

Oncari High Res Magnometric scanning array
Targeting range: 500,000 km

Passive Magnometric field scanners
scanning range 2.7 LY

Magnometric scanning measures minute magnetic fields produced by any object in space. Natural fields are simple to lock onto and can be used to identify large objects like moons stations and asteroids. Starships with artificial gravity show up like beacons to the scanning system, as well as anything with a large shielding array. High resolution systems are used for identifying near objects often measuring relative density that can locate voids inside a ship. Passive scanners can identify signatures at much greater distances. It can serve as an early warning system to detect incoming vessels before they emerge into real space.

Internal bio sensor system
Detects life signs within the ship.

Acoustic sensors located inside the ship are used to detect simple life signs. Heartbeat, pulse, breathing. The system can be programmed and tuned to listen for movement within a ship.

:Cargo/Launch Bay:

Depending on the variant the standard fitting on each cargo deck is Fundamentally the same. The floor of each bay is equipped with a series of magnetic catapults for launching Small fighters or shuttles. These can be linked together and adjusted in velocity to launch heavier craft or even move bulky cargo containers off the ship. This area of the ship has its own controls for artificial gravity and decompression. Near the main bulkhead of the ship the system begins to reactivate drawing unsecured items to drift toward the main axis of the ship. Specialized fittings near the ceiling of the bay suspend fighters out of the way for landing and recovery operations.

Some customers have used these bays for completely alternative purposes. Turning them into massive electronics suites or a common practice of security vessels is to mount heavy weapons in a kind of broadside pattern. Turning seemingly unarmed type-C light freighters into a threat to ships many times their size.


[Weapons aboard the Last Star]

175mm Rail gun (8): Eight high speed electromagnetic rail guns are installed in the ship's hard points. Rail guns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. These smaller weapons are adapt at tracking and hitting light craft while still retaining the ability to damage larger vessels with the sheer energy of impact. A verity of ammunition exists for these weapons but each consist of a Titanium casing with the payload material (in plasma state) inside.

Location: Four rail guns cover the forward firing arc while four more located in pairs along the dorsal and ventral axis cover the lateral and polar firing arcs.
Primary Purpose: Anti ship
Secondary Purpose: Anti Fighter
Damage: Kinetic energy deals most of the damage to the target along with the payload's thermal properties once the casing collapses
Area of Effect: Rail gun payloads are a point of impact weapon.
Range: 321,000km
Rate of Fire: 15sec
Payload: Each rail gun is fitted with 45 rounds at a time. The ship's magazine can hold 1200 rounds of mixed types Common loads are Tungsten, Antimatter, Iridium, or simple Lead.

Wicked Arms Corporation WA-06 Missile Launchers (2)

Located Fore and Aft

Warhead: Subspace Detonator Missiles (SDM)
Purpose: Creates holes in shield systems, disables FTL flight, and collapses wormholes.
Damage: No direct damage.
Range: 500,000 miles
Rate of Fire: Individually
Payload: 100

Warhead: "Widow maker" HESH
Purpose: High explosive squash head HESH is a type of explosive ammunition designed to defeat armor. HESH rounds contain a warhead filled with plastic explosive and a delayed fuse. On impact the plastic explosive in the shell spreads out to form a disk on the surface of the armor. The fuse then detonates the explosive, creating a shock wave which travels through the armor, causing flakes of metal to spall off the amours inside surface. The resulting fragments injure or kill the crew, damage equipment, and/or ignite ammunition and fuel.
Damage: Heavy (Internal fragmenting)
Range: 500,000 miles
Rate of Fire: Individually
Payload: 100

7. Vehicle Complement

5 Ronin-Class Star fighters
1 No-T1 ‘Mucoyi' Personal Shuttle
1 Ze-M1 Series "Demon" Power armor. (Purchased rebuilt off black market)
1 Ke-M4-2A "Sylph" Power Armor (Purchased rebuilt off black market)[/url]
The stats are looking a lot better since you started.

One thing I was wondering though was: does it have sensors?
:Sensor systems:
Oncari High Res Magnometric scanning array
Targeting range: 500,000 km
Passive Magnometric field scanners
scanning range 2.7 LY
Internal bio sensor system
detects life signs within the ship.

Yes.. it does. should i expound?
No it would not be better, I am fairly certin of it.

Unless this is absoloutely Required i dont want to spend another hour reformating the text. I have character drawings to finish and i am already getting behind.
Well, if you don't, then somebody has to. I can take care of it I suppose.
Wes, you don't have to slave for the submission of someone else. If someone wants something approved, the least they can do is submit it in the format you have presented in the starship and mecha section.

Anyone whom cannot do the barest things to try to match our presentation and thus leave the admin to do more work seems, under my opinion, like someone whom doesn't deserve to have his or her submission approved in the first place.

Just like how a job resume works. If you want to have a chance to be hired for a job, you have to make a good impression with it. If the person submitting the resume does a sloppy half-done job of it, the reader in the big company will do a sloppy job of reading it and will dump it in the trashbin, even if it comes with a nice enough portfolio.

This is about the same thing.
I don't recommend it at all.

For that matter, we have no idea of just who or what this 'Oncari Industries' represents. They just popped out of nowhere for the benefit of this submission. This needs to be addressed, possibly in another thread which would be to present Oncari industries and get it approved.

Alternately, Millia could just choose a different existing manufacturer.

Design nomenclature doesn't quite follow Wes' established model.

There is a mention of hybrid weapons. What is that supposed to be?

Finally, there are a whole lot of spelling mistakes.

As I stated before i am in the process of polishing it. constant nit picking is not helping. I am not tring to create drama on the boards but this is getting way outa hand.

Firstly i invented a different company to build the ships because it in no way astheticaly simaler to any in the archive. That being said I also dont know those companies their prefered technology, homeworlds backgrounds ect. For the sake of creating a larger world i invented a company name and sparked the idea of what they were to post later. but for now i want to get this ship done. Constantly having to take a side track to flesh out menial items of a project is just making it take longer and opens more critics along the way.
Look, I just thought it was too early for approval since there were some elements missing. I'm sure you want to make a pretty, well rounded up submission after working thus far like you have on the art of the ship. I did something similar too.

If you don't appreciate my help, I can just as well not post criticism at all. It poses no problem for me. I might as well focus on doing work for my own plotship.

Well, sorry if I made you feel bad or anything. I won't bother you anymore.
Re: A new ship (pirate) to interact with.


Oncari industries will have to be approved before they can start building it, though.
Can I just comment that the ship has a very limited interior.

Are we saying that the only two things on the ship are the Bridge and the Crews quarters?

While you mention many other things, they really should be put into their own paragraphs and have more details added to them.

Hull: How thick is it?

Computer: What variety of computer is it? Is it AI?

I would suggest having Radar. It's simple but effective.

You have no shields. They're somewhat important.
Not to offend here but you cant read can you?

theres a bridge, crew quarters, gally, head, engineering section, cargobay/hanger, lounge, airlock/armor storage area, weapons magazine, no radar but a magnometric scaning system, and it is mentioned the ship has shielding right in the first paragraph.
I can - but look at other ships.

They each are put in their own paragraph. And are given far more detail than you have put in yours.

Offence taken.
Those are ships are established already. They provide nothing new to explore and no new challanges. I really dont want to set the story in "another Yggdrasill" just saing "but this one is a pirate ship!" isnt all that appealing.

but as requested a little Eratta is in order I suppose.

Computer Systems

Oncari industries provides a standard electronics suite with their ships. A Central logic processor is located in a small safe room aft of the bridge section. There are two interface consoles located in the room for operators similar to the ones on the bridge. The basic automation systems and processing is handled by the adaptive logic circuit. This computer system adapts over time in use some begin to develop their own personality from various stimuli subjected to the ship. Because of the multi region nature of the company several racks are available to upgrade and interface with specialized systems, allowing for additional and redundant systems to be added to an existing design.

Hull and Armor
The Andrium alloy armor is standard aboard all production Corax. At 45cm it provides adequate protection for ships in its class. In some cases customers have applied additional plating or reactive treatments to the hull or even energized plating to further resist hostile fire. The most popular of these being energy resistant plating that helps hold the molecular bond of the hull armor. The main structure of the ship is composed of Zesuaium. (Hull rating 5)


One of the areas the Corax class shines is in the shielding department. The large "wing" panels on the ship provide the main deflector area for the vessel. While each array is capable of maintaining full coverage of the ship they are designed to work in conjunction with each other. The overlapping coverage area leaves the Corax class well protected. The combined area shielding system is made to turn aside attacks rather than absorbing the force directly. The technology behind this shielding remains cheaper than those found on larger vessels but unfortunately is not scleable to cover them. (Shield rating 6)
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