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Could the Nodal technology be used on buildings?


SARPaholic & Admin
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Could you use the Nodal technology to take an abandoned disused building, and reconstruct it into an "effectively" new building with a different floor plan, etc?

One postulates that some sort of an electric "fence" would have to be erected to keep the femtomachines from drifting off. But is the concept feasible?
The femtomachines don't really drift off, and rather assemble where commanded to do the work.

However, yes, femtomachines could realistically be used to repeair a building, or project volumetric projections around a building to conceal it or cloak it. You're probably looking at high-level or specialized PANTHEON access though.

You see, the nodal system can be used for terraforming, so, working on a building like you say is possible... probably as long as the proper programming behind the actions of the nodal system is done.

Of course, allowing that sort of cheals our laborers and construction workers... but SARP's a contradiction on that level anyways.
I understand about the workers and such. But was wondering about the feasibility if they wanted to have it be a big dramatic demonstration.
It doesn't make sense to use trillions of tiny machines to do what you could do with a couple guys and some heavy equipment. Using the nodal system is possible but impractical. I mean, if the wind gusts, your nanites will float off!
Oh, so containment would be necessary, then. My bad.

Well, Nashoba, if you really needed the nodal system to do it, I suppose preliminary work could include a construction framework that you'd cover with canvas or the like to block wind and ensure the nodal nanomachines would stay concentrated where you'd want.