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Tasks: Help Request Create an Event Page for Something That Happened In YE 46


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So far, there's only one event page on the wiki for an event that happened in the current RP year, but we've definitely had some things happen. This is a request for help with adding events from YE 46 to the list of events by making wiki pages for them. For example, the Star Army's Invasion of Acuna in the Concordia Sector or the capture of the Grakkaflarl Kla Venushhurl wormhole.
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The wormhole battle is on the Kaiyo GM to-do list, so one of us will handle that.
The coalition on Osman action in on the to-do list as well. I just need to talk to Char about a few things first.
Reactions: Wes
Battle of Becurn. An Izanagi going down is pretty significant.
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Reactions: Wes
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