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Interest Check Crimson Corsairs

Alright. Though, if we do this Saturday, no. This is not a prank plot. Just no. This is for real. Just gotta put this out there.
Still trying to figure this out - when is everyone available? Let's list everyone's days first, and we can go figure from there.
Well, Saturdays work best, Fridays are doable, as is the rest of the week. Sunday evenings are okay as well.
Alright, I'm thinking April 8th for our first JP together, 12 PM PST. That's 9 AM EST right? How's that sound?
I will sadly be busy that Saturday evening, but as long as it isn't long it might be fine.
Alright, correction. 12 PM PST and 3 PM EST then, on April 8th. I hope you can make it Ham, though we could move the timing around if that helps.
Won't make it- see you guys in May. Turns out I'll be offline a lot more often this month than I thought at first.
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