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Interest Check Crimson Corsairs

I won't be home for another three hours after that. Go ahead with it if works for everyone else, though.
I might not have a weekend since there has been major plan changes, BUT only this weekend is affected.
works for me. either way, we should try to get a time that works for soresu and legion puppy, since they haven't been on the jp yet
I'll be absent as well, I start work at 1700 EST and have to leave home at about 1530ish to be sure to get there in time.
I agree. Since we'll only be one person down Saturday, I suggest we push our Joint Post to tomorrow. If Soresu and Legion Pup are good with it, that is.
Well there is also always the option of skipping a week. If there will be a time we can get everyone in next week it might be worth it to skip just one week
Having everyone on board would be ideal, but postponing until tomorrow is the best we can manage I think. Best to just miss one person than have everyone hold back the story. Plus, as we've mentioned, Soresu and Legion Puppy especially have been missing out. I'd rather keep things moving. We're not even to the good parts yet. XD
Well, since they rained out and cancelled the event I was going to, I got a refund on my reservation and am open all weekend.
Not going to make it, I work all weekend at 1800 EST in DC but have to be there by 1730 in gear so I have to leave my house around 1500 to get there in time.
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