Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

Crystal Clear Ice

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Shit. Umm, crap. Err..Damn. Egwene was not that kind of doctor, and when Fusako melted into a companion-dependant mess, Egwene was totally unsure what to do. Was sex appropriate in this situation? She could tease a cute doll into squirming and begging for it, but to actually support and comfort a person like this, at this point in time?

Egwene just found herself obeying the instruction, though not out of any desire but rather a frozen paralysis of confusion. Loading some subroutines from the internal database, she let the executable run it's course to a better action.
"It's ok, don't worry, Kitten. I am here now" she whispered, stroking the woman's head gently.
Fusako wrapped her arms around Egwene and closed her eyes. When she opened them, she pushed herself away without breaking their embrace, just far enough to look up into the face of the one she loved. Her heart sank when she could see his displeasure.

"Ryuki, don't be mad. I know you disapprove of soul transfers, but I thought you could be happy for me at least."

"Fusako, there was nothing wrong with your old body. You always want to change things just for the sake of change."

"It's not like that! This body is better. We've been apprenticing together for almost two years now. I could feel my old body already starting to give out under the daily stress. But overnight that's all gone away. I went for a run this morning before anyone got up and I felt so good when I got back I got an early start on the day's work. I'm already done half of what I did yesterday and the rest of you are just waking up."

"But there was nothing wrong with your old body, you just convinced yourself it was breaking when you saw everyone else getting shiny new ones. Just like when you tried to convince master that we should switch to a modern all-in-one stainless steel brewing system like they use to make beer."

"Well, why not? These old ways are so much work and there's nothing different about the end product."

"That's where you're wrong, Fusako. There's something special about sake that's made by hand in the old ways. Just like there's something special about the body you were born with."

Fusako rolled her eyes. Then a tense moment passed before she stuck out her tongue at him. He sighed, then laughed.

"You know I can't stay mad at you."

"I do. And I know that you'll come around eventually. I hear there's a traditional sake brewery out in the mountains that is about to go under. We have enough saved up that we could buy the old place and modernize it. We could automate everything and wouldn't need a steady stream of apprentices to provide cheap labour just to keep the place afloat."


"Fine, maybe we don't have to automate everything. But I'm telling you, YE 08 is going to be the year where everything turns around for us."

Fusako leaned forward and closed her eyes again. She knew it was just a memory, but it was one she couldn't bear to think about for the last 35 years. When she found herself in Egwene's arms, it came back to her all at once. With her eyes still closed, she knew that she was back to the present when she could smell Egwene's metallic scent. She breathed it deeply as the cybernetic woman stroked her head.

When the older woman opened her eyes again, she looked up at Egwene and her expression clearly showed her child-like wonder at the cyborg. She was no longer restrained by her desire to be in absolute control of herself and the social situation. Instead, she allowed herself to show how she actually felt. She turned to the hand that was stroking her, grasped it gently as she had done upon greeting Egwene, and gave it a soft kiss.
Princess was one thing - how often did you get the chance to nail royalty? - but honestly, she wasn't sure what to do with Fusako. A bit of teasing at the start to break the ice was one thing, but this seemed getting a bit much. A reputation for promiscuity was not something she was after.

"It seems you need to ease the desire to be everywhere at once, and focus a bit more on yourself. Give yourself some time to breathe, get some friends to destress with and have some time with. Nobody can be tied so tightly for so long and not snap"
Fusako stepped back, turned away, and wiped her eyes. She took a deep breath, then turned back to face Egwene again. Gone was the wide-eyed wonder, and in its place, there was a carefully constructed expression of calm only slightly undermined by the redness and residual tears in her eyes. She brought her hands together in front of herself, tucking each away in the other's sleeve as she slowed her breathing.

"Of course, you're right. Please forgive me. I will take your advice into consideration. I have always meant to visit my brother on Jiyuu, perhaps it is a good time to do so."

Her eyes glanced down to the assembled materials then back up to Egwene.

"Please, continue."
"Visit family, make new friends. Hell, get a Mistress that'll tie you up and spank your ass red raw, then torment you till you cum for her. Whatever it is, make sure you take a break from the front page, or you'll break yourself" Egwene told her, before getting to work with the matierals.

"Ohh, also" She'd give a sultry tease and then the Power Armour would project the high definition art display on the nearby walls. In it, Fusako stood in a beautiful, tight latex kimono. Every girl was accentuated by the cladding, though her knees were touching each other, her eyes half lidded and her body slightly arched forward. Her arms, too, were suspiciously behind her back. Nothing was outwardly stated, it was erotic without being explicit, though one could infer, if they so wished.
Fusako felt her heart rate spike as Egwene explained what Fusako should do. A series of emotions and responses crossed her mind, but she said nothing and instead focused on keeping her breathing steady.

When the power armour started projecting an image of her in a tight kimono made of some shiny substance, she walked over to get a closer look. She felt her excitement rise again, and while she continued to focus on her breathing, she did not remain silent.

"This is lovely. Very tame compared to what I was expecting." She spent a quiet moment trying to collect her thoughts. "What kind of process did you use to create it? Did you create some sort of physical model and simulate the light bouncing off it? Or did you simulate the process of strokes of paint on paper? Or something else entirely?"
"I told you I was going to start tame and move onto harder stuff. Though from your heart rate, it seems maybe I should use a 3d model to see how it really pans out" Egwene teased, at work on her machinery. She was neither truly a slut nor dominatrix, but if Fusako needed it, she'd could be a helping hand for the woman to find someone who would have their heel in her back.

"And nothing so spectacular. It's just a painting program I have. I experimented with coding applicable subroutines in my early, and made one that can draw people in certain apparel. I feed it pictures downloaded from the web, along with an ultraviolet scan of the person, and it gets to work. Simple, really"
Fusako wanted to simultaneously furrow her brow in confusion and smile in amusement at how hard it was to understand exactly what Egwene was saying. But she maintained the mask of slightly happy neutrality that she had honed over decades.

"I confess that I don't fully understand. By a 3D model, do you mean a live model?" She had been excited at the prospect earlier, but now felt far too guarded. "I also don't really understand how you can create something so beautiful without simulating a physical process. It's hard for me to imagine a systematic approach to taking an ultraviolet scan and photos from the web and combining them into art."

"From what little I know, software is a lot like instructions given to an intern on their first day. They know nothing, so everything must be specified down to the smallest detail."
Fusako thought for a moment. "But perhaps working with an MI is more like giving instructions to an apprentice who is ready to branch off on their own. You can simply tell them how much to polish the rice, and they will fill in the rest perfectly."
Egwene would laugh softly as her flirt totally failed.

"Yes, by 3d model, I mean I should tie you up and then draw that. Though, I can understand the difficulty in grasping the concept. People who don't really branch into computer sciences don't really know just how powerful they can be. For myself, the computer system is very well built and very powerful. It's a Quantum Computer System that holds bits in Superposition until observed. Software is something designed to do A, B, or C. You build a big enough computer and you've got the whole alphabet, but you are limited in the ultimate amount of combinations you can store on that computer. To add more, you need to make them bigger, like any storage facility.

Quantum Computering is different. With bits held in superposition until observed, you have every combination you could ever possibly think of and quite a few you can't. It's only when the computer is put to work that the superposition collapses into position and becomes a thing. Superposition is basically the theory of two or more things sharing the exact same position. If you can imagine a cup stored inside another cup stored inside another cup, that is basically what superposition is.

Of course, they aren't perfect. If you had a storage facility that held everything you ever needed in superposition, it'd still explode if once you collapsed it into position if you only made it two foot tall. So a Quantum Computer still needs processing power and storage capacity to get to work once it has started getting to work. The benefit it has is that it possesses all the software you need in one place.

In your terms, it's like having an infinite number of apprentices, each with their own talent. Whenever you need a specific thing, you call for a specific apprentice"
Fusako felt deeply confused when Egwene confirmed what Fusako had suspected. A minute ago, Fusako would have done anything she'd asked but then Egwene had rejected her. Now she was flirting with her again? It thrilled her to think of Egwene tying her up even if just to draw her, and she couldn't stop her mind from running wild with the possibilities. But she simply didn't understand where she stood with the other woman.

Regardless, she found herself enjoying the explanation Egwene offered. She still didn't understand it fully, but she felt her mask break and her lips part in an amused smile at the thought of an infinite number of apprentices.

"I don't know how I would provide for so many," she noted with concern, clearly feeling a sense of responsibility for all those who worked for her. "But I admit, I like the thought of having an apprentice for every situation."

Fusako turned back to the image projected on the wall, paying particularly close attention to the expression painted on her face.

"I also like the thought of being tied up. It never occurred to me as a possibility until you presented it to me in vivid colour." She paused, feeling another wave of excitement pass over her. "I still don't understand, but that doesn't prevent me from enjoying it."
The woman was getting excited again, it seemed. Egwene gave a gentle smile at that and bookmarked a few meet-up sites to browse later if this turned out to be more than a passing fancy. For now, answer question A before looking at question B.

"Well, if you want to like more than the thought, I am always around to help you with that. We can set up a proper session, with a safeword and everything. Go through some ties, play with you a bit so you can revel in your helplessness. Don't even need to get you out of that lovely Kimono~"
Fusako felt butterflies flutter in her stomach at Egwene's offer. She imagined herself as she was in the artwork that Egwene's power armour was still projecting on the wall. At first, she thought about handcuffs around her wrists holding her arms behind her back, but then she amended her imagination such that they were ropes that bound her.

For a long time, she revelled in the thought, but she knew it wouldn't last. Inevitably, her mind turned back to how she had felt moments ago when she had opened up her vulnerability and had been given advice instead of comfort. One by one, she felt her butterflies flutter away until she just felt empty.

"You are too generous, but I may yet take you up on that offer. In the meantime, would you be so kind as to send me this art? Feel free to go further, as you wish. I would enjoy seeing whatever you would like to create." Her face was a mask of content tranquillity. "Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help you with your hydroponic tinkering. For now, I have more questions."

Fusako knelt forward onto the tatami mats next to Fusako. As always, her tightly wrapped kimono kept her knees bound together, but she had enough experience to make the motion with grace and precision. She laid her hands in her lap, one on top of the other, with her palms facing upwards.

"How are these drones fabricated? It simply would not do if the process of creating these drones was itself harmful to the environment when my primary concern is in its protection."
Designation confirmed - bookmarks relegated to long term storage, personality file updated; flirtation.protocol.Fusako=false.

With that coding plugged in, the power armour stopped projecting the picture and Egwene got to work on the hydroponic system while talking to Fusako. The tone before had a subsonic frequency that inspired subtle arousal in the person who heard it, but that was now gone from her voice.

"I'll make them by hand. Unless you've a hundred friends who all want a hundred drones then the demand isn't so bad I can't personally see to it"
Fusako spent a moment wondering if she had any friends. Did her sister count? Probably not, since she never saw her any more. What had happened between them? The most depressing thing she could think of was the possibility that nothing had happened between them, they had simply grown apart over time.

Aside from her sister, all she had were apprentices. There had been a strapping young Nepleslian man who had volunteered to help make sake after she gave all her apprentices the day off on Victory Day. He certainly talked as if they were friends. In fact, Fusako thought that she'd never met anyone who had talked as much as that young man, but she couldn't remember him saying anything of any importance. No, she thought to herself, he hadn't been a friend any more than Egwene was.

"I don't have a hundred friends, but you could ask my sister in Kyoto. Her husband runs some kind of investment company. I understand he made a lot of money in the market rally when the Kuvexian war ended. They might want to give something back to Yamatai after such a fortuitous turn of events." Or they might not, she thought.

"Is it harmful to the environment when you fabricate these drones? Is there much waste byproduct? How are you powered?" Fusako felt a little uneasy asking these possibly personal questions of someone she had only just met today. But she didn't think the questions were inherently rude, just that they were quite direct and might come across as prying if she were to ask them of someone with more delicate social sensibilities. Fusako was curious to see if Egwene felt they were too personal.
Egwene kept the snarky reply to Fusako's lack of friends to herself. It was pretty obvious that she was the kind of person that wasn't the most social of people. Still, then she went on and asked questions already answered by Egwene. Which, was a little worrying, so she stopped work to stand up and stare into Fusako's eyes. There was a strange glimmer to Egwene's cybernetic eyes, but not something that a person could pick up.

"Hmm. No mental degradation or retardation. No atrophy implying dementia. I guess you are just repeating the same questions because you forgot you asked them. So, to repeat.

No more harmful than fabricating anything. If you want to leave the environment exactly how it is, live naked in a cave. Otherwise, you need to balance harm and help. There is waste product in the pollution it extracts from the river. And it has a Hydro....wait did you say how am I powered?" she'd ask, cocking an eyebrow at the last question. It was a little out there but she didn't need to have it said again. Short term archives had it right there to read as much as she wants.

"It's a Muon-Catalysed Fusion Reactor. I'm still studying the science behind it so currently I use a Palladium core to draw the Muons in to begin fusion. I prefer it because the loose ions can be used to produce flight capabilities or condensed into a beam and punch people with science"
Fusako covered her mouth with one of her oversized kimono sleeves and giggled when Egwene mentioned mental degradation, then outright laughed when she said "punch people with science."

"Well yes," she felt silly explaining her reasoning to Egwene, it made her second-guess her logic. "You said you made them by hand. Thus, whatever impact you have on the environment must be factored into the impact of fabricating the devices. When it comes to how a Geshrin body is powered and what kind of impact it has on the environment, I have an intimate understanding. But not so much with your body."

Fusako wanted to say more about her curiosity about Egwene's body, but she knew better than to do so.

"Like many things you've said, I don't really understand what it means to be powered by a fusion reactor. I know that fusion is a kind of nuclear power, and I vaguely understand that it's more efficient than fission." Fusako spent a moment in thought before continuing. "If you use palladium to get muons and muons are a catalyst, that means the actual fusion reaction uses something else as fuel. Is that right? If so, what is the fuel and what does it fuse into?"
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