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CY 755 Tâjya'pa


SARPaholic & Admin
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The WAP Yome Ismâopate had returned from its first journey into the void in time to allow the crew to participate in the Tâjya'pa. The ship docked at the Sotâka Ruomâqi two days before the start of Tâjya'pa. Once the ship was secured Qaedal opened a shipwide communications.

"Attention all hands.

The Yome Ismâopate is going into the hands of the technicians and engineers once we leave. Make sure you take anything you think you will need as you will be unable to get onboard. A crew members are free from duty until the 2nd day of the new year. Take advantage of being with those who matter to you.

Also I am extending an invitation for all of the crew to come to my ruoka, and celebrate on the 40th.

Job well done. Dismissed." he said and cut off the channel.

He turned to Potos who said, "All ship systems ready to go to standby, external power available and connection is stable. Tasi will oversee and have access to station channels. Sar." she said with a bow.

"No sneaking back Potos, the station personnel do not need you getting in their way." Qaedal said with a chuckle.

"Well, at least there are no scheduled upgrades so they should not mess too much stuff up." the grey furred Qaktoro replied.

"True but you will finally get to see your young ones, at least while they are home for the festive days. I will see about coming over on the 39th." Qaedal said with a grin.
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Residence of Qaedal Aaeas, Vithui-Over citystate.

Tâjya'pa 40th of 11th month. Mid afternoon

Keyul stood at the edge of the property belonging to his Punla. He had spent the morning at the allowing some of the others to spend the morning with their Punlai. The home where his parents had raised him and Qaedal was the largest, with three generations living under the roof. He looked at the house that his brother lived in. It was large enough for a family, but thus far to his knowledge his brother had not shown any sign of beginning one. The walkways to the houses were trimmed with flowering garlands. He saw one of the few retainers of the family tending to the plants. He walked down the path towards the front door of his brothers house.

"Apote saenor ibâka Tebul. You are looking well. " He said as he approached the one tending to those he was walking along. "You are looking well Sar Keyul." the black furred Tula replied.

"No need for formality Tebul. I am still the same person who you grew up with." Keyul said holding his right hand out with the palm facing Tebul.

The Tula returned the gesture placing his hand against Keyul's . "It is good to see you. We have heard good things about you on your first time out."

"It was not what I expected, but I had a great group with me. So how is Tapaw? Are you two going to make your relationship formal?"

Tebul smiled, "Actually yes we are planning our Sumanâpa Punla for Meyâ Mâi. We would be honored if you would officiate my friend. "

"You honor me Tebul. The starting of a new life on the start of the new year. A very auspicious date to say the least." Keyul said.

"Well, I have better news. Tapaw is pregnant with twins."

"Then that is extra cause for celebration. I will come by later and pass on my congratulations to Tapaw and you properly. For now I need to join my brother."

Keyul gave Tebul another touch of foreheads and walked towards his brothers doorway. Before he could open the door, it opened on its own. Festive music could be heard coming from the main room. Keyul stepped in and saw his brother talking with some of the senior crew members. Although their demeanor made it clear that this was a social event and not work.

There was a group of life musicians playing behind the tables of refreshments. That surprised Keyul, obviously his brother was wanting to make a good impression on someone. Above the center of the room a chandelier was hung with an assortment of aromatic fronds, the traditional symbol of hospitality.

Qaedal came over and gave him a hug. "Keyul, I was concerned that you would be kept busy at the temple and not show up."

Keyul chuckled, "It was busier than I expected, but as I was only doing a couple of favors. I was not under obligation to stay longer. The place looks good. Too good, I suspect that you asked our Pialoika to help with the decorations."

"You know me too well. Besides I paid my tithe for it. She kept asking me about when would I start a punla of my own. I even had to agree to meet some eligible candidates later this evening." Qaedal resplied.

"Well, I am sure that the crew will appreciate it. I will let you get back to the others while I freshen up." he gave his brother a brief nod of the head and walked to the corridor that lead to a bathroom.
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WAP Yome Ismoaopate :: Tâjya'pa 34th of 11th month.

Rawl'lowa stood at parade ground rest. Legs shoulder width apart, hand resting at the back thumbs hooked on the base of histail, standing spendidly in his Home Defence uniform of Ruoka of Paqya'jo as he awaited his youngest sister to depart the vast ship of Yome Ismaoapate. He watched the crew depart and rendered respects to the Senior Officers as they passed by his position wher ehe waited his sibling.

It was easily shown he was from the same family of Murr by his fur markings and patterns and Ruoka Affiliation by the color scheme and uniform he wore along with his WAP Ribbons and awards of his faithful honorable service.
A smile broke upon his stioc expression at seeing Murr depart the ship, waving to some of her fellow shipmates. To see her give hugs and being hugged in return warmed his heart that she definitely made a honorable impression on the crew she served with. Some of the Senior crew that worked longside Murr or had seen her in action, acknowledged her with a wave or a guesture of comradery as they departed to meet with family and friends.

Murr finished with the last of farewells and seasonal salutation to her crewmates in her silent language of the body. With a few last minutes hugs, she was left alone to look about the area. Seeing her brother Rawl in his Dress Uniform, Murr's face lit up with a very warm smile and purr erupted from her.

She scampered on over to him, pulling her luggage behind her to look him over and then they shared a tight familial hug of being united once more. Albeit for her Furlough at least. She had so much to tell and it nearly brought tears to her eyes not being able to speak of them as the others could.

Ikatue :: The Pens :: Tâjya'pa 35-38th of 11th month.

Her family admired the way their silent daughter had blossomed and the confidence she displayed as she moved about the family estates and throughout the comminuty, renewing ties with friends and rivals alike. She had a small following of kittens when she was out and about visiting and attending parties along with Family and Siblings.

Murr enjoyed the time of just relaxing and doing mundane stuff with her older siblings and parents. Visiting and receiving guest that came by the house as Another returned home for the holidays from running around in the Void. She spent time with some of her favored Teachers and Instructors, communicating with ease through the Silent Language of the Body. They stared at her with interest as she told them of things that were new and interesting. Stuff she had learned while having to deal with them.

And plants on planets, that grew wild and unchecked were very undisciplined when communing with them. Where Plants that grew in a controlled enviroment were more disciplined and didn't try to communicate over their fellow plants.

This caused a chuckle and great interest on how it felt and how she had survived the encounter. They listened and watched as Murr wrote and signed to them her encounter and how she had help in breaking the overwhelming contact once it was made. It felt like her essence was being taken from her and scattered to the winds.

One old Tula who had been watching the exchange, stepped forward after she had finished and others paused to gather their thoughts. He leaned on his cane as his sharp intelligent eyes bore into her's. Once he had her undivided attention, he spoke, "My Daughter Murr. You've a gift that we Tula's enjoy. Even as you've learned. It is us that must assert our control over our environment. Whether Tamed or Wild. You must assert Dominance at once contact is made during Vit'taka. We, Tula, have been gifted and to help the survivabilty of our people. I am pleased that you used The Gift of Vit'taka for others than yourself." He paused to take a few breaths, then spoke, "And you have been able to come up with a new way to use Vit'taka that helped your team mates in time of need."

Murr watched him for a few long seconds as he moved back to his seat to watch and learn from Murr, The Silent One. She gave him a gentle curtsy of respect and thanks for his wise words as she placed both of her paw/hands over her heart to show she has taken his words to heart and will treasure them always. She smiled when she saw the twinkle in his eyes.

Tâjya'pa 40th of 11th month. :: Vithui-Over citystate

Murr was looking over her gifts in her hotel room, hoping that Host would appreciate the jams and jellies from her Mother's kitchens. This was her first major Gathering on her own. Even though it would be with her shipmates at the residence of a Senior Officer. She went over each of her steps of formal greetings and the proper rituals to each of the Ruoka's Elders and Senior Officers in a Social Gathering.

She was nervious and paced a lot about the room like a caged animal that was used to the freedom of the vast open lands unfettered by bars. She mentaly berated herself for not paying closer attention when she had the chance. But then those occasions were few and far apart.

She looked at the gifts she had gotten for those that she served and fought with as part of a team:

Memi, a set of artist pens and colored inks in a small writing case also that contained a packet of the finest linen paper when he decided to add his memiors to the vast repository of archived knowledge of previous Master Lore Keepers.

La'ta, scince she gravitated toward the field of medicine, a book on herbal medicine and what each plants medicinal value was. Whether it was good or bad, it was listed and shown how it was administered.

Keyul, who was the Hunt Leader on the christening into battle, showed strong leadership and guidence, a case that could be used for anything he desired. When opened it showed a set of drawers. Small and thin on the top to bigger ones on bottom. It was the size of small suitcase and could easily sit on a shelf for easy usage.

Syaboa, A pair of fighting claws that could be worn like gloves with or without power armor and kit to keep them sharp. Along with a case to keep the equipment all together neatly.

Miali, the pilot, the newest to the team. Murr didn't know much about and rarely seen her about the ship, much less communicate with each other. But she was part of the team efforts in recovering the Amuso Ibaka. Murr had found in one of the old curio shops that spring up in any society, a collection of pilot's wings that shown the evolution on the design from the past to the present. There was some missing, but it would give Miali a sence of history of her professional tradecraft and something to work on in her spare time when ship was in port.

Residence of Qaedal Aaeas, Vithui-Over citystate.

When the time came for Murr to arrive, she had on her best house formal outfit and made sure she was looking her best. She looked over the estate as she departed the commercial vehicle she hired to transport herself and gifts. She moved with an easy graceful flowing movement. If you didn't know her, you would think she wasn't in the military, but some debutante arriving for a social gathering. She could feel the eyes of those that were busy taking care of the grounds of the estate. She even had a wheeled case to carry her stuff that she towed behind herself.

She approached the main entrance and rang the chimes to announce herself to her Host that she had arrived. As she waited, she got ready the Host's gift of jellies and jams to be presented and a card of introduction of herself also to present:

Murr Whisk of Paqya'jo; Veltin Usapo Jael
Savyjo'sa of Poku Degonjo Saeruo Wotanu Abokatinka Poku.
WAP Yome Ismaopate
Security: Demolition Specialist

She felt the itch to fidget like a kitten and fought it as she stood proud and tall. She would make her mother proud if she could see her daughter now on her first official sorray. She had been on bunch with other troops in social functions, but this was at the personal family residence where a whole different set of manners came into play and protocal.
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La'tâ had spent the days before the festival purchasing and preparing the gifts that she was going to hand out during Tâjya'pa, it had taken some time to make sure she was getting the proper things, of course though she didn't want to ask them if it was what they wanted so there were some possible gifts that they might already have or they might not like, but she tried not to think of that possibility.

The festival itself was of course a fine occasion, though the first day dedicated to the Ruoka was defiantly a highlight for her. The day of her departure Panlu Muiqor, one of the younger daugthers of the Muiqor house, went into labor. As La'tâ was one of the few around with training at the time she had the pleasure of assisting int eh birth of the child. She had no chance to see the child in person afterwards, but Panlu had been sending messages to La'tâ to get advice whenever there seemed to be a problem with the child. The two women had seemed to form a friendship with the child, a female Qaktoro named Luba.

Though she spent most of La'tâ's visit asleep, Luba was healthy and there didn't seem to be any problems, if anything she had a larger than average appetite and Panlu was worried about her milk production since this was her first child, but the young Tula wapoin'a assured her everything would be fine.

The second and third days were a bit less eventful but they were still relaxing and made her feel pride as a member of the clan. There was much to remember and much to be thankful for over the past year.

On the 39th, the fourth day of the festival she was spending the time with her family. Everyone who could had come home to spend some time together. The majority of the family were retainers for those in the Muiqor house, but as it was a festival they were given time off except during the Ruoka celebration, where a large party was needed.

La'tâ was the fifth child in her family, the second child oh her biological parents. This gave her a good number of siblings younger and older than her, so family gatherings were always interesting, but she was not expecting what soon came. She was the first member in the family to be crew on a Wotanu Abokatinka Poku ship, so many of the family were interested particularly Jofa, the Baqlipia. He had stopped being a retainer a few years ago as he would be 27 this year it was best for him to work towards making a name for himself for marriage.

Most of the day was spent with the older siblings and her telling stories about what they had been doing the last year. Some tales exaggerated to great lengths, and others where the truth just was too amazing to believe.

Tâjya'pa 40th of 11th month.
Residence of Qaedal Aaeas, Vithui-Over citystate

La'tâ arrived on the property with personal transport she borrowed from her parents, nothing special but it got here there, and would take her back home even if things ran into the night. The main reason though was she needed to carry some things that would exhaust her if she had not driven. In the back was a small tote bag with presents she bought for some members of the crew, a dish of cookies for the party, and a container of damui seeds specially grown and seasoned by La'mu, La'tâ's mother, for making Kadamui. The damui seeds were for Aaeas family, a gift for inviting La'tâ over. Her main concern was the cookies though, she wanted to bring them so it did not seem like she was just there without contributing, but she didn't want to bring any major courses cause it might've seemed like she didn't trust the families cooking, so cookies were what she decided on, but she was still a bit worried.

Either way she got out of the transport, tote bag over her shoulder, with the Damui seeds placed in it, and the plate of cookies in her had. She made her way to the door, seeing Murr there and waving lightly. "Hello Murr."
Entrance to Qaedal Aaeas home.

The door opened as Murr and La'tâ. A white furred Qakla stood in the door way wearing a Umatsa. The Umatsa was a brightly colored patchwork. A charcoal gray lapur was tied around her midsection. She had a very elaborate woven Jodauvit on her left arm.

She had snow white fur with a few small gray patches.

"Apote ruoka Qaedal Aaeas of Ruoka Sinloa. Otunay noribâ." Miabahy said bowing briefly, and then gestured for them to enter.

"Sar Qaedal will be pleased to see you. There are refreshments available, for our guests." she said with a smile. "You must be Sar Murr and La'tâ from Qaedal's crew." Seeing what appeared to be possible gifts for the house she added. "If you have gifts that you wish to add to our refreshments. Kindly place them on this table and a retainer will find a spot for them." she said motioning to a table near her.

She pointed to a group of tables near the front of the room. At one end of the tables a stack of packages could be seen. "You may place any gifts you have for your shipmates on the tables in the front. That way they will be convenient when you wish to give them out. If there is anything you need please do not hesitate to ask me or one of the other retainers."
Entrance to Qaedal Aaeas home

La'ta gave a polite bow to the Qakla woman and then stepped inside when motioned to, placing the cookies down on the table for refreshments. She then turned her attention to Miabahy and pulled out the canister with damui seeds. "This is a gift for the house, damui seeds for making Kadamui." She politely handed the canister to her and gave another bow before heading further int to move to the table with present.

She pulled out out five small packages of varying shapes and placed them on the table, folding the tote bag and laying it beside them. All the packages were simply yet meticulously wrapped to make sure they were presentable and neat. The Tula smiled softly once everything was in order. She did not know if it was an appropriate time right now however to hand out gifts of not.
Entrance to Qaedal Aeas Home:

Murr had returned the wave back to La'ta. Seeing L'a'ta bolstered her confidence, just as the door opened by Qakla Hostess. Murr presented her card as she returned the bow with a proper curtsy of greeting. Then she placed both paw/hands over her heart to show she was touched by the acceptance of her Hostess and thanks for the welcome. When directed to place gifts for the Host/Hostess home, Murr smiled, showing teeth, but not the tips, to show her pleasure. Ears fully perked and extended to show peaceful intent. Tail curled and relaxed, now that she was calmed down.

Following after La'ta, Murr placed the assorted Jellies and Jams on the table indicated for the Host. She opened the box they was in to show the variety of jellies and jams.

Moving over to the table that held the gifts for the crew of the ship she served with. Murr placed her set of gifts, with tags on them to show who they belonged to and who they was from. There was a neatly written card in front of her stack of gifts;

:: May the Deities bless you and your families for these wonderful holidays of sharing the bounty of our labors and companionship that may endure far into the future. Please help yourself to your gift. Respectfully, Murr Whisk ::

With La'ta still nearby (hopefully) Murr got her attention and showed the Book of Herbs to her with a smile. Then moved to join up with the others. Paying Respects to the Host and Captain of the Yome Isaopate first as a proper guest.
Qaedal noticed that some of the junior members had arrived. 'Good the junior members are coming. I had feared that they might not feel comfortable enough to join us.' he thought.

He excused himself from those he was talking to. He approached the two females with a smile and a hand on his chest., "Sari Murr and La'ta thank you for coming and honoring my family. Please be welcome in my home. " he said.

He lowered his hand and pointed to the tables. "As you can see there are plenty of refreshments and beverages. If you do not find something satisfying; please speak to one of the retainers.

The exchanging of gifts will take place in a little while. I wish to give others a chance to arrive. Keyul arrived a few moments ago and will rejoin us shortly."

He looked over and saw his apaloa enter the room from the corner of his eye.

"Have you been enjoying this years Tâjya'pa? How are your Punlai"
Murr stood with good posture as Qaedel approached and listened to him speak. Murr nodded with enthusiasm as she placed her hands over her heart. She gave the basic of her brief stay with family before coming here for his gathering with concise sign language she had been teaching the crew and peers for rapid communication. Ending with 'couldn't leave our Hunt Leader Keyul stranded alone'.
La'tâ accepted the gift from Murr smiling and bowing lightly. "Thank you Murr." She was about to present her with the gift that she brought for her but Qaedal made his presence known, and it would be rude to not greet him immediately.

The lynx like Tula turned to face her Tin-Ta'a and gave a light bow. "Thank you for the invitation Tin-Ta'a it is an honor to be guest at your home." She gave a proper formal greeting between superior and subordinate, holding her hand flat with her palm up for her Tin-Ta'a to place his hand on her's. "The Baqlipia is still unmarried but he is doing well and enjoys his work. The punla is doing fine as well, the young ones are very energetic." She had a noticeable smile on her face as she spoke about her family, she was very proud of them after all.
Keyul entered the reception room; he paused and took a quick visual scan of the area. Seeing some of the others from the ship he made his way over.

Qaedal returned La'tâ formal greeting. He smiled, "No need to be so formal today La'tâ. You are here as my guest.

I am glad that we were able to give you time with your family. What we are doing is important; but we need to remember why we are out here. As for your Baqlipia being unbound, best to wait until the time is right and you find the right person. That is my philosophy. Despite what my pialoika thinks."

Keyul decided to speak up at this time. "Welcome to my brother's home. Perhaps someday I will have something this nice, but as he is firstborn. He gets the perks.

Glad to hear that you have been enjoying the Festive Days. I have presents for both of you." he said, while using Murr's sign language as well.
The days away from the ship hadn't been spent with friends nor family, but spent among the long shelves and silence of the different archives. Memi would have stayed there the whole time if it wasn't for the invitation he had received.

he knew he was running behind, the showering of the dust and sweat, then the hunt for a clean uniform took a bit longer then he first expected. But once that was all taken care of he found himself in front of the doors to his Tin-Ta'a's estate. Reluctantly he reached out and knocked on the door, hoping he wasn't missing some other form of address.

The door swung open quietly a white furred Qakla stood in the door way wearing a brightly colored Umatsa.

"Apote ruoka Qaedal Aaeas of Ruoka Sinloa. Otunay noribâ." Miabahy said bowing briefly, and then gestured for him to enter. "You must be Sar Memi Sotar from Qaedal's crew. Several of your crew mates are already here. Please make yourself at home. If there is anything you need please do not hesitate to ask me or one of the other retainers." she said with a bow.
Tâjya'pa - The Pens

It seemed as if in a blink of an eye, another Mai had come to a close and it was time for Tâjya'pa once more. Miali was slightly worried that there would not be a special leave for the events for the crew of the Yome Ismâopate, as she could not imagine missing her favorite time of year. In her punlai it was the most extraordinary event -- a time to memorialize the best and worst of the year through songs and dances measured not in hours but days, with both one's own loved ones and new friends made over the sometimes raucous drinking and merriment. Her visit home to the Pens was all this and more, as her new appointment to the Yome's crew made her the toast of every event. No other in their midst had chosen this difficult path, but the Touro's body language on the dance floor assured them she was still a Syavis to the core. Her mother Su'bek was especially pleased to see that her child had grown so much in such a short time, and the two had many deep conversations between them conducted through their Jodauvit as the festivities raged around and with them.

Residence of Qaedal Aaeas, Vithui-Over citystate

Although she had a very good record on duty up until this point, it was a well known fact that Miali often was a bit late when she was off the clock. She had spent so many days dancing the night away and imbibing much sweet drinks that it was beginning to weigh a bit heavily on the young soldier. Although as she arrived on the steps to Qaedal's home a bit out of breath, the grey furred Tuoro was still looking as ready as ever for one... more... big... party. One thing instantly noticed was that her silvery-colored umatsa was not one knit in the traditional conservative style -- the robe had been significantly altered on the left side to be more akin to a wrap instead of a drape revealing more of her shoulder and chest. The bottom sides also featured cutouts up to the thigh that allowed for free flowing movements and dances, along with the alluring glances at her grey striped legs it afforded. Her bapaumati sandals complemented the outfit nicely as well with a touch of green that showed her connection to the earth that all must honor, along with a Jodauvit wrapped around the left arm that signified Miali's heritage as a Poku Vit. It seemed it was just about to flower, as one delicate pink bloom was emerging. There was also a gift bag slung over her shoulder that looked very out of place with her outfit, obviously hastily put together in her mad but ultimately doomed dash to make the announced party time.

(more coming)
Qaedal Aaeas home

Keyul decided to speak up at this time. "Welcome to my brother's home. Perhaps someday I will have something this nice, but as he is firstborn. He gets the perks."

"Glad to hear that you have been enjoying the Festive Days. I have presents for both of you." he said, while using Murr's sign language as well.

Murr nodded, eyes sparkling with warmth as she signed back to him ["No matter how fresh of a start. Home should grow and seep with the history of its occupants and sharing of warmth of guests. It is a pleasure to share company with those that mean a lot to one's self!"] Murr gave Keyul a hug of comradery and friendship. Stepping back from him, she signed more, ["My gift to you is on the table to be picked up at your liesure."] Using her free paw/hand, pointed out her clump of gifts to the others.
Reception room.

Keyul looked at Murr and La'tâ. "Well since I am not the host of the party I am free to move about. I have gifts for the two of you, so why don't we go over and exchange them so that my apaloa can continue in his duties as and the good host. I hope that you will like them." he turned to Qaedal. "Seems you have more arrivals, so I will help maintain the familial honor and take care of these two while you greet the next batch."

Qaedal looked at Keyul, "Thank you for your kindness." he replied.

Keyul then walked over to the table and waited for the others.

Not knowing really what to do, Memi bowed to the major domo, and smiled. "I... I.." He frowned thinking for a moment, " I have gifts for people..." He gestured to his satchel bag and frowned again. "If you give me a few minutes I can do up a sketch up for you too." he flustered, his family didn't have such people meeting you at the main door. It was all too much different for him.
Reception Room

La'tâ had given Keyul a polite bow as he approached. "It is good to see you Keyul." She did give a smile at what Murr said about how a home should be, she agreed with the sentiment, history was important to a home no matter how big.

When they arrived at the table La'tâ smiled and moved over to the packages she brought with her, handing one to Keyul first. "I hope you like them. " When he would open it he would indeed find a hand woven bracelet made from fine fabric in his punla's colors. Along with it would be the first two in a series of famous mystery novels, they're from a recent reprint since original prints were very hard to find.

She turned her attention to Murr and handed her a wrapped package. "This is for you Murr." Inside was a book on various interesting equipment from other know factions, mostly military, and there was even a guide on how to operate different explosives from those factions.

Miabahy looked truly concerned at Memi's behavior. "I thank you Sar, but it is not necessary for you to give a gift to me. You are here as a guest of Sar Qaedal. It would seem that some of your crew mates are exchanging gifts. Why don't you join them.?" She suggested.

Keyul accepted La'tâ's gift with a smile. He opened it up and looked at the contents. "Very nice. The bracelet is a nice personal gift. The books will come in handy when we are away. Thank you very much." He reached over and picked up two gifts. "This one is from Qaedal." he said offering the first. In it La'tâ would find, a fine leather bound journal with a gold pen attached. A silver charm bracelet with the
Wapointe symbol on it. Lastly in the box was white silk sash."

Keyul handed the second package, "This one is mine." In the box was a Tasba Sae. It was made using the Âmuarpoku star. Second was a teaching scroll of herbal medicines.
WAP Yome Ismoaopate :: Tâjya'pa 34th of 11th month.

After the Parade Syaboa was tackled by herself well it was her twin but the only thing that set them apart was the scar on Syaboa's face, they had left together.

For the time before the party all Syaboa did was hang around with her sister shopping and talking, walking around, catching up and everything sisters do, they had a lot of fun and Syaboa wondered if her sister could come to the party but thought it was best not to tempt fate and told her sister tht they would have their own party at some time.

As the time for the party came, Syaboa had three presents, one for Murr, one for Memi and one for the Commander, Syaboa could tell she was late by hat time it was but as she went to the door she knocked and gulped.
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