Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

CY 755 Tâjya'pa


Memi saw how uncomfortable he was making Miabahy, with a bit on embarrassment he nodded and moved forward into the house. Mentally he was kicking himself. the thought crossed his mind again that he should have just sent the gifts and hidden in one of the larger Archive stacks for the day. But alas he was already here and there was no chance of retreat now.

Pushing forward he found the rest of the crew and tried to look relaxed when he came in."Greetings," he said as he moved closer to place the gifts on the table.

Qaedal Aaeas: A Scroll with a fully drawn and inked image of him on the bridge of the Yome Ismaopate. Memi had snuck onto the bridge and drew the chair and the area well, but left out any technical bits that would cause security issues. Above Qaedal's head was the ship herself, floating in space with a nebula water-brushed in the background.

Keyul Aaeas: A framed image of him next to his Matu'dahoka, it was very stylized and colored with inks Memi mixed up from the hydraulic fluids from Keyul's Matu'dahoka. At the bottom, it read in hand script :To the leader of my first hunt, thank you from bringing us back.

La'tâ Qoji: A framed set of quick sketches of her in different places aboard the ship, one that was inked was of her in the mess hall sipping on some tea and looking out through a window.

Murr Whisk: A long scroll with drawings of all the different plants they had seen on the first planet they were on. (all done from images from the combat recorders) The final image on the scroll was her with out her Stako talking to the plant that lead them to the NMX. It was stylized and painted in water color, to give it a warm memory look to it.

Miali Syavis: A framed set of quick sketches of her in different places aboard the ship, one that was inked was of her in a shuttle going over her preflight checks.

Syaboa Purpur: A cheap decorative blade that he had painstakingly hand etched, along the edges were scroll work and little flowers and leaves. Down the center of the blade was a meditative chant for keeping calm under the pressures of the hunt.

He was happy he knew so many to make the gifts for, but he wished he had something for the rest of the crew he didn't really know.
Qaedal Aaeas home

Murr moved with Keyul and La'ta, after a quick curtsy to Qeadel, over to the table of gifts. She could feel the rise of kitten-like delight and anticipation of receiving gifts. Also with trepidation that the others liked her gifts to them. Her tail wiggled and shook from restrained nervousness energy. She was happy, pleased, nervous, warmth of being part of something that she had earned through diligent work and putting forth great effort despite her fears and shortcomings.

Even if she received nothing from the others, Murr had received her gift already. Being accepted as part of the team despite her handicap and treated as any other fully functional crewmember with the respect for her knowledge and skills she had displayed.

She gave silent thanks to the deities for the chance to continue living and prove her worth. Knowing that these fine people that was around her and invited to the party, knew they could count on her to be in the thick of things and take care of her in times of need.

She was very happy and content as a soft warm purr erupted from within her, despite the nervousness that was there within her of her first major social function without her biological family there to lend a protective paw to give her the support. She looked over the smiling faces of the others as this was her family now through the past trails they faced together in the Depths of the Void and on foreign planets.
La'tâ smiled, receiving the two packages from Keyul she smiled at the contents of both looking rather pleased that she received such gifts. "Thank you Keyul, I've been wanting Tasba Sae recordings for a while. I hear they are very good for relaxation." It was a bit awkward to see the normally stoic Tula so animated. It was not that she was unaccustomed to receiving gifts, but this was her first gathering, well the first she had been to outside the Miuqor house and the mood was effecting her.

When Memi walked up up she grabbed a package and handed it to him. "I wish I had these for you on the ship when we talked, but they needed some perpetration." She let him open the package before she began to explain. Inside was a hempen necklace with with polished semi precious stones in it. There were also two oil candles filled with fragrance oil. "The candles are for when you want to relax, and the necklace it has the same fragrance, though faint. I hope you'll find them useful."
Keyul seeing other members started handing out other presents.

He handed some parcels to Memi, "I hope that you fill find these gifts useful. It has been an honor to serve with you."
Keyul custom engraved set of writing implements, and a scroll with the litany of focus.
Qaedal a hand written book from warrior poet, Jaqelea Saopori from Ruoka Sinloa. A silver amulet with the Kynlumu'a symbol in front of the Ruoka Sinlao crest.

He then picked up two parcels to give to Murr. "My gift came from my mother's collection. They are her own strain of rosestar.

Keyul, a box of rosestar seeds (orange blossoms with magenta centers )
Qaedal Tasbaniu (flute)

Keyul handed Miali her gifts, "I think you will find these to be useful offduty."

Qaedal a Safarisa with silks of maroon, and black, each trimmed with gold
Keyul A Makoa'sa Nuita

Keyul handed Syaboa her presents, "I hope that you will find these gifts useful for your crafting.
Keyul A set of craftsman tools for metal working
Qaedal A Makoa'sa Temaor'a
Murr smiled at seeing the Qaedel Tasbanin. She looked it over and raised it to lips. After giving a few test notes softly. She played a simple childhood holiday song, softly, so others nearby could listen and still carry on conversations with those round them. It was a bit crude, since she was out of practice yet it was still recognizable and from the heart to share even more with those she had come to cherish and respect.