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Which is actually kinda funny considering the fact that Ghira's familiar is a snake.
The faster you guys get to the hall (I have surprises for you) the faster you can leave. Or you can choose to leave now and not get my special surprises,
Moogle: We all posted a bit more detailed character descriptions on pages eight and nine on this OOC thread. Could you post your character's appearance too? Please?
Alrighty then.

Ghira has all the usual traits of an Imaskari. Ebony hair, Marblelike skin, etc. His hair is long and straight, and generally kept in a ponytail in order to keep it out of his eyes. He always seems to have a scholarly and learned look about him, most likely given his upbringing and what he did in his spare time. Has a fairly elegant face with pronounced cheekbones. Grey eyes. His outfit in this case consists of a traveler's garb, complete with an all-weather leather coat and leggings and a backpack.

Is this sufficient?

Also, wouldn't it make more sense to compile all these characters' looks in the Behind the Scenes thread?
Thanks ^_^

Yeah, it probably would...the subject came up when there was a misunderstanding and assumptions made about a character, so we ended up posting them here.
Just hurry up, cut the conversations, get to the village, so I can give you Sorri and some presents and you guys can leave.
"And what might your name be?"
"I'm Sorri..."
"I asked what is your name."
"No, not 'Wutt'. I'm Sorri."
"Sorry for what? You cannot tell us your name?"
"I don't know who Wutt is, and I am telling you my name. It is sorry-- wait, now you have started me doing that. My name is 'Sorri'." *spells it out*
"...Ah. My apologies." *looks about as if for a distraction* "Where are those other four? We must hurry."

-- Possibly the conversation between the Town Elder and Sorri was before the others showed up, and how he knew her name.
Guys, I hate to say it, but some of those posts need to be moved, and in some cases split. They take part before the arrival in the hall, so they should be before that.
Like what parts? I've been looking through the posts and I'm not quite sure what you mean.
Like how my post starts off in the hall then jumps to us traveling. By the way. I looked up my charisma bonus in the hand book. Apparently I'm as charming as either an angel or a kraken. How about that?
"That doesn't seem right...." *Looks it up in the book* "What the..."

So technically your charming enough that the sorceress wants to lunge herself at you right now
Nevaraon said:
Apparently I'm as charming as either an angel or a kraken. How about that?
How is a kracken anywhere near as charming as an angel? Are they not monsters in this setting?
He's a very charming fellow, the kraken! You'd have to interact with him to see what I mean. He's very dashing with a bit of mysterious. It's the way he carries himself that really does it for him.

Just, believe me, he's just as charming as an angel.
He's charming because he's got the ability to drown you by sinking your ship. I mean wouldn't you pay more attention to someone who could do that?
It's like Jedi and lightsaber diplomacy, for those of you who read Darths And Droids.

EDIT: Just how far IS the mansion?
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