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Daisy Armament: Versatile Assault Weapon


Inactive Member
Daisy M6 Infantry Power Armor Weapon


PURPOSE: To provide the Daisy with a melee weapon while not limiting it's ability and performance.

APPEARANCE: A slightly bigger version of a regular Daisy arm, instead of a hand the VAW has a four hole barrel set in a diamond shaped block. The pilot snugly wraps his fingers into the grip which still takes advantage of the suit's normal strength enhancement. This weapon can replace either arm on the Daisy dependant on user preference.

FUNCTION: The Versatile Assault Weapon can create weapons as needed by the user. In a weapon slot on the back is the storage unit that holds hemosynthetic fluid laced with liquid Yamataium. The hemosynth is nourished and controlled via the suit's own hemosynthetic internal shell. The Daisy’s interface allows the pilot to control the shape and direction of the material stream. It solidifies for the duration needed then retracts and morphs back to a more liquid form. The VAW can fire up to four streams simultaneously from the quad-barrel tip. Within the arm is the control and hydraulic system used to pump the fluid outward. The mechanism uses hydraulic pressure to propel the fluid to give it more force. The femtomachines can store the kinetic energy from the original propulsion and use it to curve and move around obstacles as the user directs. This same energy is also used for retraction. If necessary the femtomachines can transfer more energy from the source outward to continue functioning as directed. The amount of pressure used can be varied to the user’s preference. Shape and use is limited only by the user’s imagination and the weapon's range. While primarily a melee weapon the user can also fire solid needle like projectiles. The amount of hemosynth stored limits the range of the weapon. Lost or spent hemosynth will be regenerated by the internal hemo, and metal can be 'consumed' from surrounding environment or reloaded with extra packs.


The stream has an effective range of 4 meters. This limitation is due both to quantity of hemosynth stored and the power transferal distance. If it goes too far the stream would lose touch with the base and be released like a projectile.

Stream Mode: Solid Stream
Effective Range: 4 meters
Ammunition: Unlimited so long as hemosynth store is not used up
Damage Rating: 5

Projectiles: Solid needle shaped
Effective Range: 1000 meters
Maximum Range: 2500 meters
Firing Rate: Semi-Automatic/Auto
Configuration: Can fire simultaneous bursts of 1-4 using each barrel
Ammunition: 800 rounds
Damage Rating: 4


I admit the inspiration to this came to me from those Guymelefs of the Zaibach empire from Vision of Escaflowne. After that I did a little research on the wiki and came up with this.
I'm sorry, but the pico-jelly is only available to the Lorath Matriarchy for production, its a matter of them being the only ones who were told of the invention by Miles Gunn.

However, if the proper IC interactions are made, then maybe a production deal can be arranged for the material. Such as a licensing plan or an export plan... so... uh, who makes this weapon anyways?
Folks on the Miharu? *shrugs*

It could always be done with hemosynth material too. I mean, that's got femto-scale stuff in it anyhow... so, it could be workable.

Can I just design a knife/sword/thing for the Daisy? Maybe with Nyton's help, if he brought the question up ICly or something?

I hate Pico Jelly with a passion.
I love Vision of Escaflowne. Trust me, I know exactly what he's going for.

Which is why I'd rather design a big knife or something, so we can be like Van and his Guymelef and not Zaibach. *shakes fist at Zaibach*
Actually, I have to admit that - for a race that supposedly rely so much on hemosynth/HSCS/Yamataiaum technology that I'm surprised Yamatai doesn't go for more organic-looking stuff.
I can make a really organic-looking knife.

Pico Jelly just frustrates the crap out of me when used as a weapon. I can't think of anything that feels more cheap. Even aether is less cheap. Not to knock you, Nyton; like Doc, you're just going for possible uses.
Ha ha, that's too bad the Jelly is only available and known of to the Lorath. I was looking forward to writing Nyton making a snide remark upon reading who designed it.

Nyton: So Gunn, looks like you were as much a genius as a perv.

The finger cutters are exactly what I am aiming for. I even mentioned the reference in my original post. Morphic properties are much more lethal than any sword. I've been in love with the whole concept since first reading Battle Angel Alita as a teenager.

I was pondering the hemosynth idea but then I began to wonder how it would be powered. A NIWS takes it's energy from Aether to let it create and morph things so quickly. But I'm trying to steer away from Aether so that Nyton can feel that this weapon can be more his own independant design than one that borrows off of the Yamataian Aether monopoly. Plus how the hell would you cram the Aether generator into it? I'm still researching but I don't see how hemosynth would be able to move at the speeds Nyton is working towards.

Maybe it could just be some sort of nanomachinery with the ability to change, maintain, and disassemble itself rapidly? Isn't there nanotechnology being implemented for military use? Like the predescessor to the Pico Jelly or something? Hey maybe if we used that, Nyton could continue researching ways to improve it and then find out about the Pico Jelly in a later encounter.

(heh sorry Jake, I really am trying to avoid using the PJ)
Fred had a brilliant idea — do it like the NH-27 pennyeaters do. Just have a canister of liquid metal replace a weapon slot on the back of the Daisy, and then replace one of the Type 28 SMG weapon's guts with something that can project the liquid metal, just like the hip joint on an NH-27 or an NH-17, even!
Well all it takes is some simple hydraulic pressure and you can shoot a stream of liquid shaping metal easily. Although... now that you mention the hip joint it would be neat to add that too. (ha ha j/k)

What is the working principle behind that though? I mean, how is the metal going to be morphed? I haven't been able to find much info on the Pennyeaters beside a blurb on Naraku being one.... That was one of the first things I tried to look into before I found Pico Jelly.
The Daisy has an hemosynthetic insert. I think you should be able to store the metal simply by allowing it to be absorbed by that just like any nekovalkyrja would. The Daisy's VAW gauntlet could have any number of HS ports in it to pretty much be able to produce, amongst other things, something similar to a metal tipped tentacle weapon - you can just have the tentacle conform to a select shape.

The Sylph II actually probably uses a similar process to self-regenerate damaged components and armor.
I thought we were trying to move away from the cheesy blood-formed tentacles and metal manipulation (which doesn't make sense when you think about the temperatures needed).
Wes, we can do that if that's the way you want it. If that's the case though, we'll need to go back to finding a better melee weapon for the Daisy, as right now it has studded knuckles and nothing else.
I never liked the tentacles on the nekovalkyrjas myself, but then, I don't want to shoot down one of my player's try for initiative in trying to upgrade his hardware with a more versatile weapon. I figure that since the NH-29 was toned down because some of the neko abilities were compensated for by power armors that I might give this the benefit of the doubt.

Besides, I'm just using tentacle as one example of something which happened. I think Blas is aiming more for something that'll end up like a blade or a set of watery claw-like weapon (a la Githyanki silver sword).

The problem I was seeing with this is that I had no clue of how it'd be able to cause sizeable damage to a power armor. I remember playing a Mishhu against a power armor and the most I thought I could settle for was wrestling.
NAM's got your basic chainsaw swords and vibroblades ... those are an option.

Without the kind of aether weapons that were used in the past, perhaps the way to go would be a kind of focused plasma fusion cutter — it wouldn't have much finesse, but it'd certainly do the damn job. You could swing and slash and stab with it, at least. Maybe have a cable from the gauntlet extending to the unit, to power it with plasma material.
If a Daisy has sufficient strength to damage a Yamataium/Durandium/Whatever-armored target, then couldn't you just build a lockable fixed-length, monomolecular-cutting-edged Zesuaium or Yamataium bayonet into one side of the Daisy's gauntlet? If a Daisy doesn't have sufficient strength to do damage to such an armored target, then trying to make a simple melee weapon for it is kinda pointless. Anything effective would have to be some sort of energy weapon/projectile weapon hybrid, and at that point you're really better off just having a short-ranged energy projectile weapon; less training to give your soldiers.
Actually, we can refer to the NH-18 Vs. Mindy combat which took place during the YSS Sakura raid on PNUgen.

A NH-18 engaged a Mindy in melee combat, the NH-18 unit reshaped itself into a grinding blade like structure which began to rip and tear at the chain mesh which comprised the Mindy joints at the time.

Such an approach can be made with a newer weapon... maybe some sort of cudgel with a blender at the end, eh?
Still, you end up with a complex motorized weapon like a chainsaw or a vibroblade, and you have to aim for vital points or hold the weapon against the armor for a duration for armor ablation.