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Daisy Armament: Versatile Assault Weapon


Inactive Member
Daisy M6 Infantry Power Armor Weapon


PURPOSE: To provide the Daisy with a melee weapon while not limiting it's ability and performance.

APPEARANCE: A slightly bigger version of a regular Daisy arm, instead of a hand the VAW has a four hole barrel set in a diamond shaped block. The pilot snugly wraps his fingers into the grip which still takes advantage of the suit's normal strength enhancement. This weapon can replace either arm on the Daisy dependant on user preference.

FUNCTION: The Versatile Assault Weapon can create weapons as needed by the user. In a weapon slot on the back is the storage unit that holds hemosynthetic fluid laced with liquid Yamataium. The hemosynth is nourished and controlled via the suit's own hemosynthetic internal shell. The Daisy’s interface allows the pilot to control the shape and direction of the material stream. It solidifies for the duration needed then retracts and morphs back to a more liquid form. The VAW can fire up to four streams simultaneously from the quad-barrel tip. Within the arm is the control and hydraulic system used to pump the fluid outward. The mechanism uses hydraulic pressure to propel the fluid to give it more force. The femtomachines can store the kinetic energy from the original propulsion and use it to curve and move around obstacles as the user directs. This same energy is also used for retraction. If necessary the femtomachines can transfer more energy from the source outward to continue functioning as directed. The amount of pressure used can be varied to the user’s preference. Shape and use is limited only by the user’s imagination and the weapon's range. While primarily a melee weapon the user can also fire solid needle like projectiles. The amount of hemosynth stored limits the range of the weapon. Lost or spent hemosynth will be regenerated by the internal hemo, and metal can be 'consumed' from surrounding environment or reloaded with extra packs.


The stream has an effective range of 4 meters. This limitation is due both to quantity of hemosynth stored and the power transferal distance. If it goes too far the stream would lose touch with the base and be released like a projectile.

Stream Mode: Solid Stream
Effective Range: 4 meters
Ammunition: Unlimited so long as hemosynth store is not used up
Damage Rating: 5

Projectiles: Solid needle shaped
Effective Range: 1000 meters
Maximum Range: 2500 meters
Firing Rate: Semi-Automatic/Auto
Configuration: Can fire simultaneous bursts of 1-4 using each barrel
Ammunition: 800 rounds
Damage Rating: 4


I admit the inspiration to this came to me from those Guymelefs of the Zaibach empire from Vision of Escaflowne. After that I did a little research on the wiki and came up with this.
Fair points, Al, Doc.

We're trying to avoid aether, Zesuaium and Yamataium if we can, I think. We've got a short-range pistol, and the mid- to long-range rifle. I think Nyton was trying to do this because the Daisy has no melee weapon of any type, and he misses the PHALANX a lot.

A "plasma bayonet" maybe? That's the problem with a metallic weapon; the Daisy's made of a Yamataium/Durandium alloy, so it's fuckin' tough. If that's the target of the weapon, we really have to go hardcore to get a weapon to damage it. That's why I suggested using plasma.

And yeah, Al's right — we're going back to fixed, metal-based weapons. We should pick a target that's ideally what the weapon would be used against.
We're branching off from the VAW discussion.

The Daisy is strong, but even then, physical blades - monomolecular, zesuaium or not - might just not cut it against a power armor's protective cover. That sort of gave me an idea, though. One thing that power armor tend to have no excessive defense against, even when zesuaium plated, is kinetic impact.

Why not just have a big, nasty mace? All you really need is swinging room and momentum to cause havoc on about... anything?
I don't think that would have enough mass behind it to prove truly damaging. A jackhammer depends only on its own mass to crack pavement and stuff. Power armor components are likely less brittle than that.
Again, that would really depend on target. Anything with inertia manipulation would be able to absorb that kind of hit, if they saw it coming... which they would, with a big, heavy mace.
An LASR manages to deliver kinetic-based damage which can knock armor plates off even a zesuaium-armored Mindy.

The Daisy is as physically powerful as the Mindy, somewhat larger, has the capacity to use gravity manipulation to change the force of inertia around it and can easily reach 100 kph.

Using a 90 lbs mace and closing in at 100 kph with an inertia behind it of 10 Gs ought to be able to tear down pretty much anything that's not a NH-18 or a NIWS and humanoid mecha-sized.
Hmm... with advanced materials and inertia/gravity manipulation, you could always just play with ultra-dense weapons; blunt, impossibly dense and ultra heavy neutronium swords or even more exotic things.
After looking at the melee weapons list again, I am not sure why we can't just use standard melee weapons. Most can be made of durandium, which gives the weapon equal durability to that of most armors(barring zesium armors). Additionally, current melee weapons can be equiped with additions that would make them even more deadly to a power armor such as: Heat Blade, Power Blade, Vibro blade etc.

I guess I should say I am not against some kind of new weapon, just that the standard melee weapons seem to me like they should be able to do something as well. Especially when you factor in the increased strength of the wielder due to being a power armor.

edit: Nyton, I read your submission again. I actually kinda like the idea a lot. But if we are getting away from the liquid blood/metal manipulation stuff that makes it more difficult...*Yoroko walks around a circular room looking for the corner*
*transforms into KOS-MOS* "R HAMMER!" *bash bash, bash, bash, BASH!*

*reverts* Bashing is definitely one option — there's no doubt about that. However, we should consider what we want out of this weapon.

Nyton, do you want to lay down some ground rules for yourself, then resubmit something here? Target, type of material to be beaten, type of damage you want to do, so on? We're kind of following Yoroko around at this point.
A short range energy blade, like a plasma cutter, installed in the hip joint. Similar to a light saber or brilliant energy weapon in D&D. Ignores the hardness of the armor, and just attacks it hit points. This would make getting up close and personal more dangerous. Especially when both sides know about it.
Thank you. I also appreciate the amount of support this idea is getting from everyone in it's development.

I had not factored in the gravity manipulation abilities of the Daisy as a means of propulsion. That right there would eliminate the need for a mechanism or system and leave more room for.... well something else.

Nanotech seemed the way to go. Its in use now by Nepleslia and the Abwehrans. Just doesn't seem like too far a stretch.

If there is no hemosynth or liquid metal being allowed then what about a stable fluid? It would be durable at extremely high temperatures and have an incredibly low freezing temperature. Using gravity and hydraulics the kinetic force behind the blunt impact would be tremendous. Then add to that by manipulating the streams to spiral together into a drill. That should give it piercing along with blunt damage. Perhaps it would be possible to saturate it with metallic deposits and use magnetism to guide the stream's direction. The only problem is how would it become a solid tool or weapon?

That was just another idea I thought I could toss in, maybe someone could run and refine it.

Basically the guidance I am looking to maintain is that this weapon be a morphing melee weapon. What it is made of is not so important. It needs to keep the ability to reach out and move in an unpredictable manner. It has to be able to change into what the user imagines. Heck, if the user just needs a crowbar it can create that.
You may have trouble doing that with an unmodified Daisy, unless there's precedent for gravity-based manipulative telekinesis. Telekinesis type weapons might be considered a bit cheap, too ^_^;, and don't think the issue here is what the weapon is made of so much as the entire idea of freely polymorphic weapons/tools. If you do work out an acceptable method of manipulating it, though, you might make it out of long, sub-molecular strands of Yarvex. That way, it wouldn't quite be a liquid, but considering the strand width of Yarvex, even woven in mesh, is on the sub-molecular scale, you could probably make it behave sort of like one... though really, the way an exotic matter type like this would interact with matter is a bit nebulous...
*bricks Fred*

Yoroko and I were trying to come up with something last night, but the parameters are different than what you want, Blas. We're looking for a very compact, last-ditch type melee weapon, like a extending baton that's packed with repulsors or something. *shrugs*
The 'Honor Harrington' series had a short range gravitic beam, called a gravity lance. Very powerful, but nearly useless at anythinng other than close range. It was mounted on a starship. I think the basic principle would work here. A focused lance of energy with the emitter built into the gauntlet. Not good for anything longer that about arms length, but would work well against armors and ships hulls.
That would eliminate creating a wholly new weapon, or finding a slot for something. Could even be a cartridge + filter scenario, where soldiers can just switch something in and then out. Just projects a gravitic bar of sorts that you can whack people with, or a "lance" you can stab with.

How does that sound?
Gravitic Nightstick?
Well, it can be something that pierces and/or cuts ...

We're trying to get something going here. Help is always appreciated!