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Daisy Armament: Versatile Assault Weapon


Inactive Member
Daisy M6 Infantry Power Armor Weapon


PURPOSE: To provide the Daisy with a melee weapon while not limiting it's ability and performance.

APPEARANCE: A slightly bigger version of a regular Daisy arm, instead of a hand the VAW has a four hole barrel set in a diamond shaped block. The pilot snugly wraps his fingers into the grip which still takes advantage of the suit's normal strength enhancement. This weapon can replace either arm on the Daisy dependant on user preference.

FUNCTION: The Versatile Assault Weapon can create weapons as needed by the user. In a weapon slot on the back is the storage unit that holds hemosynthetic fluid laced with liquid Yamataium. The hemosynth is nourished and controlled via the suit's own hemosynthetic internal shell. The Daisy’s interface allows the pilot to control the shape and direction of the material stream. It solidifies for the duration needed then retracts and morphs back to a more liquid form. The VAW can fire up to four streams simultaneously from the quad-barrel tip. Within the arm is the control and hydraulic system used to pump the fluid outward. The mechanism uses hydraulic pressure to propel the fluid to give it more force. The femtomachines can store the kinetic energy from the original propulsion and use it to curve and move around obstacles as the user directs. This same energy is also used for retraction. If necessary the femtomachines can transfer more energy from the source outward to continue functioning as directed. The amount of pressure used can be varied to the user’s preference. Shape and use is limited only by the user’s imagination and the weapon's range. While primarily a melee weapon the user can also fire solid needle like projectiles. The amount of hemosynth stored limits the range of the weapon. Lost or spent hemosynth will be regenerated by the internal hemo, and metal can be 'consumed' from surrounding environment or reloaded with extra packs.


The stream has an effective range of 4 meters. This limitation is due both to quantity of hemosynth stored and the power transferal distance. If it goes too far the stream would lose touch with the base and be released like a projectile.

Stream Mode: Solid Stream
Effective Range: 4 meters
Ammunition: Unlimited so long as hemosynth store is not used up
Damage Rating: 5

Projectiles: Solid needle shaped
Effective Range: 1000 meters
Maximum Range: 2500 meters
Firing Rate: Semi-Automatic/Auto
Configuration: Can fire simultaneous bursts of 1-4 using each barrel
Ammunition: 800 rounds
Damage Rating: 4


I admit the inspiration to this came to me from those Guymelefs of the Zaibach empire from Vision of Escaflowne. After that I did a little research on the wiki and came up with this.
Well, he wants it to have tool-like qualities as well, so a 'Gravity Spanner,' then ^_^;...

Since it would be something not integral to the daisy, and of very limited range, perhaps the cheapness of telekinetic weapons could be ignored for a bit.

You'd need to figure out its range, maximum crushing force, shearing force, torque, etc. It would also probably have to be a 'surface effect' device; i.e. it can't exert force through dense matter, or else you have a weapon that can scramble the guts of an armor pilot right through their armor.

Keeping with simple tool motions, such a device could have the functions of a hammer (one-directional crushing force), a pry bar (force operating in two opposing directions to pull apart or 'tear' a target, which could replace the 'cutting' function in a crude way) and a torque wrench/screwdriver (rotational force).
Well, there we go. That makes a sturdy, variable profile weapon/tool very hard or impossible to make. Hmm... Daisy-sized swiss army knife? I think Nyton is going to have to give up in the original idea and settle for a daisy-sized utility axe with a vibro-blade, or something...
Ah, what part of 'Versatile' did we forget here? Morphic properties?

Yeah. May as well just make something else then. This project is losing direction. I know we are exploring options and brainstorming but I feel like we went from building a jet to designing a boat. Part of it is my fault since I'm not around to chime in more but the baby is sick and I don't exactly have a lot of time to ponder, read, and post right now.

Okay look here's the situation as I read it. This kind of weapon that I envisioned at the onset is possible. There is in-game technology that exists which can perform near to or at the original design. The only thing preventing that is personal opinions and things that just don't jive with some folks.

Here's that list of tech again but let's go a little into the why they stand where they are.

ESP = failed due to being unfair and also somewhat unfeasible outside being a means for control

Plasma = failed in previous thread due to tech issues and people not liking it

Blunt Tools = being pursued to fulfill people's own interests and should have its own development thread

Gravitic Attack = not fully explored yet but not producing anything feasible either

Hemosynth/liquid metal = people don't like it

Oh and let me add a couple more.

Nanotechnology = may as well fall under liquid metal and hasn't really been explored fully

Yarvex = also not fully explored

All right, as the author of this idea I'm gonna have to reign things in order to return to the original concept: an emitter that launches non-substantial matter which can be shaped and made solid for use in short to medium range melee combat.

The only thing that in my eyes is keeping this concept from taking off are people's personal preferences to certain concepts. Okay I understand you hate Pico Jelly. I can dance with that especially since there are feasible IC reasons that it would not be available to my character. Hemosynth and liquid metal again is not being accepted due to personal preferences. Nevermind we got a long history of things that can use hemosynth to morph themselves like say almost the entire damn nekovalkyrja race?

Okay, just chatted on IRC. You know what, I'm gonna ponder on the simpler ideas using chains, cables, and hydraulic or gas powered projection. Oh and sorry for the snippy attitude earlier. Slightly ranty I know. Is okay now.

Oh yeah I now remember why I threw out the use of chains and cables originally. Because there's no room for the several meters of chain that would be necessary to pull this concept off.
Sorry Blas. We got off track. That's my fault more as anyone's.

Wes was the one that put the hammer down on liquid metal. But that is technically possible, as is the pennyeating-type attack of the NH-27. Pico Jelly is also feasible.

Take one of those three and go with it, I would wager. I'll support any of them.
You know, because Zesuaium is so strong, you could use a really thin chain (small links) and safely attach a large spike-ball to the end of it if you wanted, or even use it as a garrote wire.
We can't produce Zesuaium on the Miharu. It'd have to be Yamataium, if that idea were to work at all.
The problem is that you were basically trying to build a Green Lantern ring, and any of the technologies that could enable that also tend to be pretty open for abuse. Hmm...

With regard to your problem with chains, you could use Yarvex as i suggested earlier; it's virtually indestructable, probably very light, and can be submolecular in strand width. The problems with that might be that it's really not very well specified how it interacts with matter and energy. Does it stretch and deform when subjected to force? That was my impression.

It's used as sort of like the silk layers under laminate samurai armor; arrows would pierce the armor, but not the silk, but the silk wouldn't stop them, just make them easier to remove from the body. Yarvex does the same thing for starships; it preserves the atmosphere of internal corridors by deforming around attacks, but not losing structural integrity... or at least, that's how i'm given to understand it.
Sorry but as interesting as the woven Yarvex idea sounds, I do not believe it is the answer to this dilemma since I'm not going with the chains issue. Now, someday, I would like to address a chains based weapon but that is for another day.

Alright after much thinking I believe of the hemosynth/pennyeater method mentioned back on page 2 would be the most feasible on board the Miharu. It would also require the least amount of alteration to the basic suit design. I still like my 'big forearm' design idea though and would like to hold onto it for use in the future. Say, IF (big if so don't go worrying) they do encounter Pico Jelly, that way the design is already there.

Why go building the system for use with Pico Jelly when it already works with hemosynth? Possible future writing scenarios. Much as technology may seem to be cut and dry away from writing, I would hate to close the door to something that might be fun. Besides, how many times have 'failed' or 'inefficient' designs made for great conversation pieces?

Okay so the hemosynth layout of the suit would absorb the metal and morph it along with itself. It would be launched out of an altered Daisy forearm gun to perform the same functions as those mentioned from the get go. If it runs low on ammo just 'feed' a source of metal to a hemosynth slot on the suit. I'd say we got this down. Any more issues before I adjust the initial design post?
I would love to actually. I think it adds flair and style. I was just looking at streamlining and efficiency.
It's an Arm Cannon! XD

After fighting particular enemies, you can then start mimicking their special attacks. ^_^;
I say keep the forearm. Too bad it won't let you mimic your opponents attacks after you beat them tho. Alright, lets see how the new edits on the idea run through.
*finally looks at it* Few things.

1. Instead of "laced with metal," say "laced with liquid Yamataium." That can 1) justify your DR (which I'll get to), and 2) inhibit how much you can really carry of the stuff. Hell, you could just say "liquid Yamataium" instead of the hemosynth stuff!

2. Knock the DRs down to 5 and 4, respectively. You're too powerful right now, considering this more or less replaces the LASR.

3. Replace a weapon slot on the back with a canister. That'll justify the bit about 500 rounds, but instead bump it up to 800. That will balance out the loss of the LASR (which is normally used with two hands).
Reviewer Doshii Jun recommends this submission be approved for IC usage. The submission his ideals for RP power and balance.
I can't approve things here, but Wes told me I can approve this ... er, can someone approve/move this for me? Thank you!
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