Star Army

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OOC Dark matters arc


Inactive Member
I'd like to begin with this is a large plot that has a lot of story built into it following the history between two of my Characters and those involved with them.

So please unless you're comments aren't to request to join or relevant to the arc then those comments don't belong here

other than that I'll be updating this as plots get finished or when they were in complete due to users involved no longer on the site.

=====[Plot 1 hades rescue mission]====
Frank with the help of Nora and s6 staged a attempted rescue mission on a darelect corperation branch of a Corp known as global robotics.

It was here that they met the horrors of what the Corp had done along with the true intentions of a mechanical soldier known as Thomas
Status- complete due to retcon of players
S6-madi, jack

=========Operation orical plot2======

The newly developed defensive contractors know as the scarecrows asked for help with a situation

After playing a sos distress video it was clear something was up upon arrival it seems things were much worse then they appeared with hundreds dead or infected by a weaponinized virus as s6 MOD, uso and scarecrows would attempt to quell the situation

Status- complete due to retcon of players

S6-madi jack

======Hades raid====
In planning
Players s6 players-
Scarecrows players-esscast, kitty
Are you trying to invite other players to your upcoming role-playing threads, Esscast?

If you just want to document events that happened in the RP, a good way to do it is to update the appropriate wiki articles (such as your plot article) with the events that occurred (and links to the matching RP threads, if possible). Also keep in mind that using stuff that's not canon yet (like unapproved wiki articles) could cause RP to be marked as non-canon if the wiki articles aren't approved; therefore, my advice is to make sure you run your most important stuff through the setting submissions as soon as you can. For example, the Doll Soldiers are pretty important to the Scarecrows but they're not approved yet.
I don't think there are any plot articles for this stuff. Additionally, Global robotics doesn't exist, there is no RP thread for this operation orical, or RP for this rescue mission that I can find.
There are plot articles for both I'm at work right now so I'll post them and yes I'm actually looking for people to join in on this after the hades raid and the second half of this arc starts.
I don't see any RP for the rescue mission, or for this "operation Orical". Additionally, the doll soldiers and Global robotics appear to be WIP, so they can't/shouldn't be used in that RP until they're approved.

If you can provide links to actual RP threads done of the rescue mission, or RP threads done of this operation Orical it'd be very helpful, since I searched the site and was unable to find RP, plot pages or anything else.
Mmmmmmm no how bout you look first I'm not going to hold your hand when it is here since I just found them quickly so I don't think you looked at all

Secondly I'm discussing the doll soldiers bit with Wes so I don't require to discuss anything further with you so if you could be so kind as to not bother me like I know you keep trying to do that would be great since I know everyone so far has asked you to not be a Inquisition but you can't even seem to do that right.
Linking to your IC threads from the OOC thread is pretty standard. Usually you want to include links to the IC threads and relevant plot wiki pages in the first post, actually.
I've searched for both operation Orical and Hades Rescue in thread titles with no results aside from your OOC plans, so I don't know why you're bent out of shape. Additonally, I don't appreciate being insulted, even when the insults are incredibly hard to understand.
Like I said the first two plots I'm having to retcon a lot of it and rework the ending since both have people in them that didn't exist at the time and stuffs
I can't find any RP being done, which is why I was asking if you could provide links to prove that there has actually been any done. Otherwise, from my perspective, it just looks like a lot of OOC plans and no RP actually being done to back it up. Plus the fact that all of the things you're trying to base this RP on are unapproved, and it doesn't come out looking good.

These aren't unreasonable questions, and I'm not "Being an inquisition" Whatever that means. I'm just telling you that from what I can tell, there's no RP being done to base this Dark Matters plot on and that a lot of the wiki content is unapproved which could lead to stuff being marked Non-Canon.

Also, do you know how to edit your posts so that you don't double post?
Alex, if he's asking to be left alone please respect his wishes.