Star Army

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RP: Setareh Wing [Debriefing] Metal on Metal


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
VSV Arha

"Setareh Wing," came an announcement aboard the VSV Arha by the young FIOMNI of the wing, Padme. "Please report for debriefing in the wardroom immediately. That is all, thank you!"

She unplugged her entry ports and joined Nanise Elisara and Naak Behea at the low, ornate beige table they sat at and looked around at the glowing blue symbols of the patron saints on the walls. She wondered how much of a role religion played in the life of someone like herself that hadn't enough life experience to, perhaps, even need it.

"Are you very religious, Nanise?" Padme asked the reporter, who was sitting in to ask questions for AND.

Lacking tact, Padme made up for it in innocence and good intentions, hoping only to learn more about the olive-skinned Hlaraian.

Naak, meanwhile, was ready and waiting for her wing to arrive and kept herself out of the conversation to be able to greet those that entered.
VSV Arha

Dr. Zoren walked through the doors of the wardroom, looking quite exhausted. His normal attire was traded for a set of surgeons scrubs, and was wearing a surgeons cap over his snow white hair. He had been called by the ship's Cheif doctor, asking if he would scrub in and preform surgery on the overflow of patients from the attack.

"Hell, it's a good thing we finished up that bilateral fibula fracture early. Otherwise I'd be pretty late." He said to Naak as he walked in. "You won't believe how much these babies whine. 'Ow I broke my arm, ow I got shot...'". Zoren scoffed.

"Anyway what's up boss? Time for the debrief?" He asked as he found himself a seat and unceremoniously flopped down on it.

"Jarin's fortune, Tarkus," Naak said, smiling at her comrade. "If only surgery could have been as much fun as our last mission. I'd love to know how you felt the mission went and what we can do differently in the future. Please, even though the rest of the wing is not here yet, let me know your thoughts on the matter."

The NCO smiled from his spot. "There are a few behavioral issues, but nothing some PT on the quarterdeck can't set straight. You just need a good NonCom to run it." He answered with a mischievous grin, as he plucked the surgical cap from his head and tossed into the garbage a few feet away from the two.

"Who would you recommend for the simulation bay, Tarkus?" Naak asked after lighting charcoal and setting them on the tray of the hookah. She put the lhaurza-flavored barra leaf in the bowl and puffed on it a bit without inhaling to stoke the heat.
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"My recommendations would be Altair, Padme, and Irfan could do for a good day of sim training." He said grabbing a Rysari flavored tobacco, inhaling deeply, then softly letting the smoke out. "Man, this reminds me of home..." He said taking another puff of the Ice-minty flavored tobacco.

"The Sand Dreamers had some good stuff to say," Nanise told Padme. "I don't like to think too much about the Vigil, though. Gotta focus on being the best 'Nani' I can be!"

"I like that," Padme said before Zoren spoke of her. "I like that a lot!" Then, when Zoren said her name, she turned to him and, jaw dropped, said, "What?! Why me?!"

Naak, meanwhile, took a long pull off of the hookah, smiling.

Zoren smiled taking another puff and looked over to her. "You just need some help with your squadron combat is all Padme, I thought while I was disciplining and drilling the others, I might as well run you through some team drills as well." He then smirked. "You want to be the best Padme you can be for your team right?" He asked taking another puff and releasing it with a chuckle.

Padme was taken aback, but was an NI with a programmed demeanor, after all, and that meant she took the criticism from Zoren.

She did report to her Officer Behea and the Sengraiv, though, and therefor, looked to Naak, asking, "What do you think?"

"The thing you told me with the New Veyrin General? That altercation lets me know you could pick up what Tarkus is putting down," Naak said with an air of ease and comfort, trying to assuage the possible post traumatic feelings Padme may have had about being pinned against the wall by an unknown adversary.

Zoren stood an walked over to Padme, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Padme, what happened to you is scary. I know it is. But, what if I can help you so that it doesn't happen again?" He said rasing an eyebrow. "Train with me. Let me help you. I will put you through the best training the Astral Vanguard can offer." He said with a determined look.

Naak told the FIOMI, "Padme, may you be aware of every evil that would rise against you."

With that, Padme nodded and said to Tarkus Zoren, "I'd love to train with the best to be the best. I don't want..." she trailed off, then regained her composure to speak again. "I don't want what happened to happen again. I also think you'll be able to make sure it doesn't. Thank you for the opportunity, Dr. Zoren. I won't fail to surprise you, though!"

Naak interjected, "Padme has extraordinary ability with her VANDR, Zoren. Were you able to note that during the battle?"

Zoren nodded. "Padme is an extraordinary pilot." He said looking to Naak, then back to Padme. "I am saying we help you with your cqc. To fight opponents outside of a VANDR. So you aren't caught off guard again." He said patting her shoulder. "I will turn you into the squads best CQC fighter." He said with a grin.
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"I think I could use that," Padme said. Then, to Naak, she said, "I'm sorry for letting the General get away."

Dismissively, Naak said, "The Sengraiv already talked to you about that with me, we don't need to go over it again."

Padme looked at her with her big blue eyes and replied, "No, but I'm really sorry. After this doctor appointment I'll be much more capable and won't let anyone get away!"

"I would hope," Naak replied. "Train with the doctor and we'll see about sending you out on missions, again. You're much too valuable to have anything adverse happen to you."

Zoren patted Padme on her shoulder. "We will have you kicking ass and taking names in no time." He said flipping back down on the chair. "Now have a seat and relax. We earned it after our fight today." He said taking another puff.

Of all the possible people to arrive after the posse already gathered, the posterior adoring Haidan pilot was the first into the wardroom. Her wound was nice and hidden away after some good ol' Prajna treatment, her hand still over it in a sort of testing manner. Irfan's hair was nice and lanky, the buzzed head and her brown horns betraying the sheer length following in wavy motions with her slightly swaying step.

"Pft... one of the lame bosses! You know, you guys could have at least been willing to share. I got shot, okay? I didn't even get to touch anyone's cute butt or talk about how me and the Lucidity smashed face!"

In her post-combat uniform, the Eyr Ranr gal's eyebrows seemed to stand-out even more menacingly and loomingly. She moved into the room with idle waggles of the face caterpillars at Padme, however, as she knew more than enough to tease the woman she had earned her wound helping to protect.

"I didn't miss that debriefing or whatever, did I? I mean, it looks like a ghost town in here. Minus the ghosts. And the town."

Karuah was a little later than she would've liked upon arriving, however there wasn't much that could be done about it. She had responsibilities as a mechanist as well as a frame runner and upon returning she had to do a quick inventory of the operation and make sure nothing went missing between operations end and returning to the ship, the last thing they needed was military tech literally floating around in space for anyone to grab.

As such she arrived in the wardroom in work clothes rather than being dressed down after leaving her frame. Irfan was just getting in when she reached the door, and at hearing her 'complaints' Karuah decided to give the Eyr Ranr a light smack on the backside. "Just imagine how bad it'd be if you got shot right here though?" She chuckled and gave the flesh a little pinch before walking in past her.

"Ooof~! Hey, no grabby my assy!"

Irfan was all for getting nice, bountiful handfuls of her fellow pilots, but her jump and slight step to her injured side had left her clearly not fond of getting smacked and pinched. However, she did commence retribution with a nice, palm-filling smack to Karuah's just before she slipped out of range.

"They don't call me the master shot for nothing! Me and Lucy tore it up out there! Even if we could have totally done way better if we weren't in the back. Pft. Making me support... I'm like... the best at flying a frame. As long as I don't have to dodge obstacles... or go slow. Or follow standard flight regulations."

Message delivered as she made her way over to one of the seats in the room, she quickly dropped down to perform the utmost perfect of rump-defense strategies possible. Her ponytail needed only a soft whip to bring it sailing outward to the Iroma gal's right-side. A strong grip caught it, a flick of the wrist bringing it to rest in-front of her within her shapely and no doubt amazing lap. With that much grace, of course, came the girl's massive eyebrows furrowing.

"Who was the guy who wanted Padme's booty, anyway? I shot him in the butt for daring to try and take her from me, but man... he seemed more like boytoy material than a seriously challenging opponent. Who the hell would hire a doofus like that, who had us outnumbered but flubbed it up from lusting after our dearest boss-lady?"
The Wardroom

Padme sat rigidly still next to Naak and Nanise and said nothing, trying to remain calm as Irfan brought up the encounter. When she was made, she had been asked to have Nohman escorts with her at all times and refused, but now that this had happened, she thought it best if perhaps she had taken the Vanguard up on the offer. She would have to see to it that the Nohman could accompany her on their next mission, if she was even allowed on it.

"That, Irfan," Naak replied. "Was a General of the New Veyrin Republic and a great enemy to the Commonwealth not to be confused with someone of little power or potency." She pushed datarods towards Irfan and Karuah that had his chilly picture as well as statistics on the number of New Veyrin settlements he had a hand in, which was in the dozens.

"Our intelligence picks up that this is the mastermind liaison between those that head the New Veyrin and those that carry out commands. Accosting Padme is just one of his many dirty deeds. He was able to escape during the attack and could be around the Caliban Depression, where we're picking up chatter. That is where we'll be heading next. He is to be stopped at all costs, along with those of the Republic!"
The Wardroom

Altair had been sleeping when he had been called to the debriefing. Quickly slipping into his uniform before sprinting to the wardroom, his thick, blonde hair was still messy. Walking in, he noticed someone who wasn't a part of the crew.

"Hey everyone, sorry I'm late. I was sleeping when the call went out. Is that the AND attache that was in the civilian VANDR?"
The Wardroom

"Yes, Altair, and she has some questions for you all, after we are done with the debriefing. Now, what made this a successful mission was our ability to work while outnumbered. We were up against equipment subjacent to ours, which made the fight easy for us. We devastated them!" She banged a fist on the ornate table as she said that with a broad smile.

"Irfan has already asked to not be made support! Irfan, I will take that into consideration. In the meantime, you are required to do five hours in the simulation bay with Altair! Doctor's orders, so take it up with him!" Naak looked to Altair and added, "You did great, though, and I admire you taking down at least five enemies Soono and tying up countless others on the bridge! Team tactics will get you and Irfan far, though, and that's what you'll learn soon enough!"

"But what did we do that could have been improved? I want to hear from you!" With this statement, Naak put a hand on her hip and the other pointed at no one in particular, addressing the group as a whole, instead. "Let us all know what you noticed or witnessed that could be bettered for next time!"