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Approved Submission DERP

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If the weapon is meant to be a big show of force, impractical but daunting, I think it works well. There are far more efficient ways to achieve the kind of damage it seeks to inflict, but there's a fear-inducing aspect to having a gun this excessive.
It seems like the limiting factor of most of what you've suggested @Alex Hart is the range. "Antimatter shell from orbit" means it'd be within range of various defense systems. It also seems that the target would have ample warning of something like this happening, and so could have time to prepare and deploy countermeasures.

The D.E.R.P. could theoretically fire rounds at a great enough speed to limit the potential response time, if nothing else. A sudden big ass round coming from out of the black poses a bit more of a threat, because the round has already been fired. They have to find a way to stop the behemoth of a projectile or get hit directly in the face with it.

I'd say this gun should even get buffed, considering the sheer amount of money, research, and construction time this sort of thing would demand. This is definitely a super weapon, and so a round capable only of taking out a single building in the distance seems kinda "meh" in my opinion.
You wouldn't happen to have any preliminary sketches of it would you, because the description sounds like the massive rail gun from lost planet two?
I think you would want this weapon to be more like a deterrent so I would say make it capable of decimating an entire planet. That is IF it isn't intercepted, which is a big if. Kind of reminds me of the game Interplanetary where you try to blow up targets on other planets with massive cannons.
High Explosive: (Needs an article)
Armour Piercing: (Needs an article)
Interplanetary Slug: (Needs an article)

Roud Capacity: (Has no info)

Nomeclature info needs to be added.

Watch out for red links!!

Please link DR.

Please make sure to answer all of Doshii's questions.

On to if it should be buffed or nerfed:

I don't even know what exactly is fielding it. You say "... the DERP Heavy Weapons Platform..." but I have little clue as to what that is after reading the article. How big is it? What is it made out of? What is the dome mentioned all about? Answer these questions and I'll be able to better assess what tier it belongs in.
Actually I think I'll take out the dome for now (seems unnecessarily op). Also, which Imperial ton would I use? (Sorry, not terribly familiar with imperial)
I know, but I don't know weights of things that well. Look up something that is the size of T11 on google and see how many tons it weighs, perhaps?

If the size of what's fielding these big boys is T11, you should nerf it down to have the interplanetary slug to be T11.
Am I the only one who it's pretty crass to put something with the name DERP into the setting?

I would like Star Army universe to be taken (fairly) seriously, and this thing looks like a big joke.
Sorry if it comes across as a joke, the name was just supposed to be a bit of humour - since it's a derp cannon. I can change it if you want.
The thing is, this is something someone would be designing in character, and no one would want their project called DERP.