Charmaylarg Dufrain
🎖️ Game Master
Mustering yard - Everyone.
The chaos of simply getting dressed did not last long as those that rushed in first met with slower but more assuredly powerful forces. The large Rhino mutant simply sauntered into the crowd like it was the shallow section of a pool and while digging around for the imposibility of his size casually threw handfulls of clothing in all directions, inadvertantly spreading out the scavenger hunt into more spread out pockets.
For their part, the team managed to keep their own little corner to get dressed in while others seemed to form their own cliques. The more reptilian mutant, unseen despite his exotic appearance, was right in the middle of them handing off seemingly perfectly sized garments to Locust who had still been sitting idly and expectantly; Naked.
The operator accepted the garments with a nod, and the Mutant was off to offer the same to Molotra who for her part still stared off aimlessly. The encounter with her was still fresh in the spacers mind but no matter, if she wanted to or not, was slowly fading to fragments of memory, almost like the afterthoughts of a distant dream.
But even if she was forgetting just what she had seen, the tremors in her psyche and sensations just beyond her grasp still flashed in ways she could neither ignore or seize even if she wanted to. Worst of all were the human sensations that still plagued her despite her desperation to just withdrawal. The sound of thousands of people close and far chattering, the smells of testosterone and adrenaline as a naked pile of fleshlings wrestled over redundant fabrics, the soreness of new bruises, and the copper-taste of blood from biting her cheek.
It was getting easier as her encounter faded and reality pressed on her if she wanted it or not. But she was changed somehow in a way impossible for her to understand and she knew that would never change. Because even if she had left the star god, she could still, in the moments she was able to embrace the absolute feeling of nothingness for even a millisecond, that the barest of logic threads still tethered them together even now.
She could not access it now, but perhaps in time, the connection between them could be established again? Or perhaps severed permanently?...
Still staring at the spacer as she simply idled, the reptilian mutant carefully placed a pair of undergarments and a just-right T-shirt at Molotra's treads before scurrying off back towards the group.
The Rhino-man soon appeared near the team as he sauntered over, A SOL sized T-shirt looking more several-sizes too small for his massive gut that hung out under it, and the same-sized trousered tearing at the calf into a pair of makeshift-shorts. If the chaos was still not keeping most people on edge they might make a comparison that he looked like a fatter, rhino-themed version of Easy with his shirt covering none of the midriff and his shorts looking about as tight on him as the strange Non-coms did on her.
He pulled off the look surprisingly well.
With a grunt he threw himself down alongside the reptilian mutant and, of all the things that could have happened next, started tearing off strips of a field cap and chewing on it.
Mustering Yard - William
Having more room to change William and the Lianjian man had a better go at it than the rabble. Eventually, as the majority had a semblance of at least some clothing the two of them Were guided by Easy with a large escort of Golem armored guards around to slowly start herding the masses into two seperate groups as she picked out faces and pointed a guard or two at them.
The first group were comprised of mostly NSN personnel and a few of the same but in NSMC uniforms. They were sequestered off to one half of the yard where previously unseen Senior crewmen and some other NSN personnel but in full uniform and also escorted by guards ushered them through a fenced-off gate and away.
The second group was made up of entire marines and two freespacers and were once again forced into a formation.
Walking down the line, Easy stopped at each man or woman and gave William an account of his men.
Their occupations, experience, any relevant information.
And most importantly; Their crimes.
It wasn't a silent affair, either. Each man's or woman's crimes were read off loud enough that it had to be intentional and so the entire group (and even some of the more keen outside listeners) could hear.
A few things became quickly aparent. First that was those who had been a part of the crew and operation on the Small Death had been misnamed or completely misidentified at all. Their crimes similar in some cases but wholely unfounded or all together false!
The second was their two new mutant comrades now had names; One of them famous! Rhindol Cruz was the name of the Rhino-man who gave a toothy smile when his meaguer charges were named off. The other was Rungo Bungo; A well known and semi-famous prankster who many Nepleslian men and women present in the courtyard would be able to recall his media-show based around usually harmless pranks on the general public.
Also his extreme anti-government antics often targetting policemen, political figures, and notable persons in the government. The clip of him attempting to assassinate a member of the senate with an antique crossbow still being shared all across the InterNep even to this day.
The final surprise was Locust. Easy had first looked down on the prone operator down her lose until her finger simply kept scrolling on the dataslate and her grin quickly turned into a frown.
By the end she simply stared at Locust uncertain while the entire yard had silenced to gawk at her and her list of charges until the operator made a very uncharacteristic comment at the senior NCO.
"Is that all?" She stated as a clear question, clearly expecting the list to be longer or knowing it should be.
Easy turned from apprehensive to downright hostile in a moment and launched out a kick towards the operator's face. Locust, even without being able to use her legs caught the seinor NCO by the ankle and pulled her leg past her head and continued to pull the woman off her balance before a nearby guard reacted in time.
With a Stun-Stick to the back of the operator's head. The hollow thump loud enough that everyone in the yard could hear it.
Like a hornets nest that had been kicked, a half douzen guards in heavy Golem armor swarmed the operator and obscured her form. The amount of downwards chops with stunsticks, kicks from boots, punches, and movement before Easy was able to right herself and call them off went on for several seconds. When they cleared out the grey-skinned woman uncurled herself from a fetal position and while heaving for air simply stared up at the seinor NCO with a deadpan expression.
That was until Easy took a Stun stick from one of the guards and jabbed Locust in the eye with it. For the first time and of the crew of the Small Death could recall, even Carina having downright tortured the woman...
For the first time, Locust screamed. The sound of crackling electricity was audible as the operator thrashed and the NonCom leaned in. Stunned by the cruelty of the act nobody had time to act. Not at least until Rhindol Cruz the rhino-mutant got to his feet and growled a warning to Easy.
"'S had e'nuff! Leave 'ff'n me fellow mutie or we see-" He was cut off when sonic rifles were leveled at his challenge and Easy relented. With a final and unnecessary kick to the side of the head with her booted foot, Easy spit on the unmoving form of Locust and stalked off back next to William. A guard carefully slipped a pair of red, glowing bracelets onto Locust's wrists that magnetically locked together, and placed a leather gag over the womans mouth.
What was left of her left eye, through the turned remains of the eyelid was just a black and smoldering eyesocket with the boiled remains of her eye...
"How the hell did we end up with one of the freaks from the pit?" Easy questioned out loud before taking a professional posture once more as if the whole affair had never happened. Silently, and daring any of the guards to make another move towards her, Rhindol carefully scooted Locusts' immobile form behind him.
"Ok! Anything else anyone wants to share before we get you naughty boys and girls loaded up?"
The chaos of simply getting dressed did not last long as those that rushed in first met with slower but more assuredly powerful forces. The large Rhino mutant simply sauntered into the crowd like it was the shallow section of a pool and while digging around for the imposibility of his size casually threw handfulls of clothing in all directions, inadvertantly spreading out the scavenger hunt into more spread out pockets.
For their part, the team managed to keep their own little corner to get dressed in while others seemed to form their own cliques. The more reptilian mutant, unseen despite his exotic appearance, was right in the middle of them handing off seemingly perfectly sized garments to Locust who had still been sitting idly and expectantly; Naked.
The operator accepted the garments with a nod, and the Mutant was off to offer the same to Molotra who for her part still stared off aimlessly. The encounter with her was still fresh in the spacers mind but no matter, if she wanted to or not, was slowly fading to fragments of memory, almost like the afterthoughts of a distant dream.
But even if she was forgetting just what she had seen, the tremors in her psyche and sensations just beyond her grasp still flashed in ways she could neither ignore or seize even if she wanted to. Worst of all were the human sensations that still plagued her despite her desperation to just withdrawal. The sound of thousands of people close and far chattering, the smells of testosterone and adrenaline as a naked pile of fleshlings wrestled over redundant fabrics, the soreness of new bruises, and the copper-taste of blood from biting her cheek.
It was getting easier as her encounter faded and reality pressed on her if she wanted it or not. But she was changed somehow in a way impossible for her to understand and she knew that would never change. Because even if she had left the star god, she could still, in the moments she was able to embrace the absolute feeling of nothingness for even a millisecond, that the barest of logic threads still tethered them together even now.
She could not access it now, but perhaps in time, the connection between them could be established again? Or perhaps severed permanently?...
Still staring at the spacer as she simply idled, the reptilian mutant carefully placed a pair of undergarments and a just-right T-shirt at Molotra's treads before scurrying off back towards the group.
The Rhino-man soon appeared near the team as he sauntered over, A SOL sized T-shirt looking more several-sizes too small for his massive gut that hung out under it, and the same-sized trousered tearing at the calf into a pair of makeshift-shorts. If the chaos was still not keeping most people on edge they might make a comparison that he looked like a fatter, rhino-themed version of Easy with his shirt covering none of the midriff and his shorts looking about as tight on him as the strange Non-coms did on her.
He pulled off the look surprisingly well.
With a grunt he threw himself down alongside the reptilian mutant and, of all the things that could have happened next, started tearing off strips of a field cap and chewing on it.
Mustering Yard - William
Having more room to change William and the Lianjian man had a better go at it than the rabble. Eventually, as the majority had a semblance of at least some clothing the two of them Were guided by Easy with a large escort of Golem armored guards around to slowly start herding the masses into two seperate groups as she picked out faces and pointed a guard or two at them.
The first group were comprised of mostly NSN personnel and a few of the same but in NSMC uniforms. They were sequestered off to one half of the yard where previously unseen Senior crewmen and some other NSN personnel but in full uniform and also escorted by guards ushered them through a fenced-off gate and away.
The second group was made up of entire marines and two freespacers and were once again forced into a formation.
Walking down the line, Easy stopped at each man or woman and gave William an account of his men.
Their occupations, experience, any relevant information.
And most importantly; Their crimes.
It wasn't a silent affair, either. Each man's or woman's crimes were read off loud enough that it had to be intentional and so the entire group (and even some of the more keen outside listeners) could hear.
Lupin Herstal:
Quilly Bird:
Sebastian Strongarm:
Dyna Mostrokov :
Tobias Killgee:
Otto Leopard:
Rhindol Cruz:
Rungo Bungo:
Lima Killgee:
- Desertion
- Dereliction of duty
- Public Indecency
- Impersonation of Important Persons.
Quilly Bird:
- Desertion
- Dereliction of duty
- Descrimination/ Anti-Nepleslian racism and acts
- Assault on a Neppies employee*(Citation, Assaulted an employee over lack of Wing-sauce.)
- Cannibalism
Sebastian Strongarm:
- Desertion
- Dereliction of duty
- Indecency* (Citation, Continually made indecent and offensive gestures involving his middle fingers towards both fellow marines and superior officers, 44 counts)
Carina Sayonara: - Desertion
- Dereliction of duty
- Assault
- Battery
- Assault and battery
Theft - Larceny
- Murder
- Attempted murder
Dyna Mostrokov :
- Assault
- Battery
- Assault against a superior officer
- Sexual assault against a superior officer
- The accusation of rape by a superior officer* (Citation, Charges waved due to lack of evidence. Additional Sexual assault charge pressed.)
- Perjury
Tobias Killgee:
- Desertion
- Dereliction of duty
- Impersonation of Intelligence personell
- Theft and use of IPG property
- Illegal activities including use of sensitive materials
- Espionage
Relations with superior officers while in dereliction of duty - Murder (Citation, Assasination)
Otto Leopard:
- Desertion
- Dereliction of duty
- Suspected espionage
- Illegal information exchange with foriegn-nationals (Citation, suspected of trading secrets with foreign-nationals)
- Assault
- Battery
- Murder (Citation, Killed a fellow marine, destroying brain-spider in the process.
Rhindol Cruz:
- Assault
- Battery
- Theft
- Soliciting
- Jaywalking
- Theft of x1 Maximus RUSE (Citation, sold to Black-syndicate operatives, asset unrecovered)
- Damage of NSMC property
- Indecency
Rungo Bungo:
- Assault
- Murder
- Attempted murder (Citation, Attempted murder of a Senate-seat with antique crossbow)
- Public mayhem
- Espionage
- Impersonation
Lima Killgee:
- First-degree Murder
- Attempted Murder
- Breaking and Entering
- Trespassing
- Assault And Battery
- Rape
- Attempted rape
- Assault on a minor
- Kidnapping
- Sexual assault
- Chaos
- Mayhem
- Assassination
- Manslaughter
- Theft And Burglary
- Threatening Behavior
- Hostage Taking
- Misuse of Private Assets
- Forcible Restraint
- Grand Theft Auto
- Armed Robbery
- Destruction of Private Property
- Jaywalking
- Drug Trafficking
- Manufacture of Illegal Drugs
- Possession of Illegal Drugs with Intent to Distribute
- Illegal Modification military cybernetics
- Arson
- Resisting Arrest
- Destruction of NPF Assets
- Hacking Into Private Network
- Interfering with NPF Radio Frequencies
- Stopping Vehicle Traffic
- Manufacture and Use of Illegal Explosives
- Aiding and Abetting Wanted Fugitive
- Littering
- Interference of Postal Services
- Illegally Entering Prohibited Airspace
- Use of Illegal Ammunition
- Wilful Endangerment of Innocents
- Theft of an SMDIoN starship
- Abduction and murder of a minor
- Damage to Public Property
- Smuggling of Illegally Obtained Property
- Appropriation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
- Interference With Railroad property
- Disturbing the Peace
- Use of WMD in civilized space
- Illegal modification of starship with military-grade weaponry
- Anti-Nepleslian behaviors
- Maritime Irregularity
- Espionage
- Impersonation
- Wholesale slaughter
- Attempted rape
- Cannibalism
- Necrophilia
- Blackmail
- Terrorism
- Domestic Terrorism
- Affiliation with anti-Nepleslian groups
- Smoking while in YSE space (Extradition denied)
- Sale of pornography; Uncensored, in YSE space (Extradition denied)
- Sale of illegal chewing candies in YSE space (Extradition denied)
- Murder of foreign nationals (Extradition denied)
- Murder of SAINT personnel (Extradition denied bodies unrecognizable as YSE intelligence operatives, Added 7 counts of Murder of foreign nationals)
- Espionage (Extradition denied)
- Sexual assault against foreign nationals (Extradition denied)
- Torture of foreign nationals (Extradition denied)
- Attempted assassination of high-ranking foreign nationals (Extradition denied, evidence withheld)
- Damaging of neutral foreign military vessels (Extradition denied)
- Piracy
- Tax evasion
A few things became quickly aparent. First that was those who had been a part of the crew and operation on the Small Death had been misnamed or completely misidentified at all. Their crimes similar in some cases but wholely unfounded or all together false!
The second was their two new mutant comrades now had names; One of them famous! Rhindol Cruz was the name of the Rhino-man who gave a toothy smile when his meaguer charges were named off. The other was Rungo Bungo; A well known and semi-famous prankster who many Nepleslian men and women present in the courtyard would be able to recall his media-show based around usually harmless pranks on the general public.
Also his extreme anti-government antics often targetting policemen, political figures, and notable persons in the government. The clip of him attempting to assassinate a member of the senate with an antique crossbow still being shared all across the InterNep even to this day.
The final surprise was Locust. Easy had first looked down on the prone operator down her lose until her finger simply kept scrolling on the dataslate and her grin quickly turned into a frown.
By the end she simply stared at Locust uncertain while the entire yard had silenced to gawk at her and her list of charges until the operator made a very uncharacteristic comment at the senior NCO.
"Is that all?" She stated as a clear question, clearly expecting the list to be longer or knowing it should be.
Easy turned from apprehensive to downright hostile in a moment and launched out a kick towards the operator's face. Locust, even without being able to use her legs caught the seinor NCO by the ankle and pulled her leg past her head and continued to pull the woman off her balance before a nearby guard reacted in time.
With a Stun-Stick to the back of the operator's head. The hollow thump loud enough that everyone in the yard could hear it.
Like a hornets nest that had been kicked, a half douzen guards in heavy Golem armor swarmed the operator and obscured her form. The amount of downwards chops with stunsticks, kicks from boots, punches, and movement before Easy was able to right herself and call them off went on for several seconds. When they cleared out the grey-skinned woman uncurled herself from a fetal position and while heaving for air simply stared up at the seinor NCO with a deadpan expression.
That was until Easy took a Stun stick from one of the guards and jabbed Locust in the eye with it. For the first time and of the crew of the Small Death could recall, even Carina having downright tortured the woman...
For the first time, Locust screamed. The sound of crackling electricity was audible as the operator thrashed and the NonCom leaned in. Stunned by the cruelty of the act nobody had time to act. Not at least until Rhindol Cruz the rhino-mutant got to his feet and growled a warning to Easy.
"'S had e'nuff! Leave 'ff'n me fellow mutie or we see-" He was cut off when sonic rifles were leveled at his challenge and Easy relented. With a final and unnecessary kick to the side of the head with her booted foot, Easy spit on the unmoving form of Locust and stalked off back next to William. A guard carefully slipped a pair of red, glowing bracelets onto Locust's wrists that magnetically locked together, and placed a leather gag over the womans mouth.
What was left of her left eye, through the turned remains of the eyelid was just a black and smoldering eyesocket with the boiled remains of her eye...
"How the hell did we end up with one of the freaks from the pit?" Easy questioned out loud before taking a professional posture once more as if the whole affair had never happened. Silently, and daring any of the guards to make another move towards her, Rhindol carefully scooted Locusts' immobile form behind him.
"Ok! Anything else anyone wants to share before we get you naughty boys and girls loaded up?"
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