Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP [Die Screaming] Pick A Place And Die There.


What would have been the chin on any other being jerked back as Averys HHG threw one of its chemical-driven mass driver rounds through its lower jaw and left a very concave C-shape as it removed a three-inch trench through its face and head. Her goggles were almost instantly blinded by the blue-black ichor that spattered her and even the ocular filters couldnt pierce them.

When after a hard couple seconds the only sounds where the rush of blood in her head and the filtered sounds of distant combat she was able to roll over and wipe off her goggles as the armored form to her side twitched but did not get up even as she recovered her feet and her SPAID.

Standing over it now with the low-light filter and her own mounted lights it definitely seemed armored-looking and alien enough to possibly be some new variation of powered armor the cats might field but the uncanny biological form of the clear chitin and exoskeleton threw out any notions of Yamatai finally taking that step. That and the fact that a high caliber round had passed right through it when an HHG might at best give a mindy pilot a concussion at that range filled in some blanks.

"Friendly at your 4!" Havoc called over comms as the line of the other marines caught up and passed her slightly to form a perimiter. Getting a closer look at what they were facing most of them cursed or swore.

"Aint mishu." One of them stated.

"Aint a cat, missing the tits and tail." Another stated.

"Kuvie merc?"

"Stow it!"
Havoc called them to order as she appriased Avery after recovering a long bone-white weapon of some kind from the insectoid alien and slid it into her weapon belt. "You prime, Jensen? Good, then fall in." She didnt wait for an answer as they moved back out.

There was no grand rescue of the first team and the Ensign. By the time they caught up three marines were missing and two others were pulling strange finger-length needles of some kind out of one of the navy rats legs and throwing them into a small growing pile of red-tinged snow. There was little more than an acknowledgment of their presence before ammo was checked and even Corporal Havoc recovered a fresh M3 now missing its wielder. All across the flight deck were pockets of combat bathed in tracers and the occasional light. The locals were giving a good account as most Kuzynetski could and a massive dozer even larger than a Maximus tank just a hundred meters away tore through a xenos invader and kept on going.

In a further pocket the large form of a Cobra Gunship in the black and blue of the NPF police force was bathing the area around it in lights as, like the marines, the DRT in Golem armor formed a perimiter and gave off occasional shots at unseen enemies as Nepleslias militiarized police force held their own. When they started moving again its seemed they were heading for the gunship first but instead, the Ensign kept them at a respectful distance and kept them moving from what little cover there was. From the IFF markers registering in all their HUDs it was obvious using the same armor as them that the NPF was just as aware as them but stayed on their perimeter and their only interaction was one of the spotlights on the gunship trailing ahead of them as they waited in cover briefly as it bathed the deck ahead of them in time to reveal another bug which was cut down in short order at range until it stopped twitching.

Eventually, the light moved on, however.

"Listen up." The ensign called over their net, getting their attention. "We have one last stretch to the Anemone. Theres a local NSMC garrison here that if its on lockdown should have a full complement of marines and sailors. We move for the barracks; As soon as we're in rearm while I use their uplink to contact the skipper and get the auth to access the ship. If their CO isn't a hardass we borrow their bodies to secure the Anemone and get its secondaries up to cover the skipper and the rest as they fly in and leave the big-brain shit to him, heard?"

Not so much a question as an order the group got up and sprinted the last hundred meters to the large clearly military building and paused at what they saw next...


As the new marines and sailors came within sight of the barracks it was clear chaos. A massive-thighed marine was opening fire at another at the entrace and a bug above her as the under-fire marine rolled off the deck and fell almost fifteen feet to land hard on the back of a bug the size of a suit of Agressor armor only to half-fall off and only hold on by the stems of one of its wings while what could only be a fucking elysian charged in with a long knife and then jumped up and latched onto its other wing and began stabbing.

Nearby one marine was steadily getting to their feat and was lazily swinging around a flaregun while from another angle two more marines; One in of all things IPG tagged black raider armor fired high-kinetic rounds at its flank, narrowly missing blowing off the leg of the elysian as rounds hit it and some penetrated but did not stop it as it reached out a clawed hand towards of all things now that the proximity net was now close enough to pick up their chatter as the massive xeno loomed over a marine who was shouting at it in what sounded like seraphim.

The hatch to the base was wide open. There were two dead Kuz on a ramp. The barracks anti-ship cannon was primed and deployed, the ATC command tower looked empty from their angle, and of the fifty marines there should be there was instead half a douzen outside recreating some strange ballad or play in the middle of an invasion!

"What in Delucas black unmentionables is going on here?!" The ensign demanded over the net.

Barracks, Again!

"Sergeant our AO is clear for the moment, 'EI' moved on to easier prey." The NPF lieutenant answered as he ran, his exoframe propelling him well ahead of molotra and lupin as he moved towards the barracks. It went without saying what the easier prey was with just a thought towards the local deck workers out there still fighting. "PC has the lawbringer grounded awaiting further NPF elements to siege protocols." He followed up.

Seige-protocols for the NPF meant locking down every precinct into their fortress precinct houses in preparation for invasion. In the case of the Gunship Caffrain could guess that they would load it up with as many officers and equipment as they could and fuckoff somwhere into the wilds where the NPF likely had a hidden facility or bunker to prepare for the worst-case scenario of needing to coordinate from afar if the planet fell.

The fact that the planetary commissioner him or herself was grounding the ship meant in all likelihood they were on their way to flee on it personally.

It was a cold and calculated move. And few higherups in the NPF got their jobs for being pencil pushers or cowards. Whoever the planetary commissioner was had a broader scope than him and decided that a city of a million heavily-armed Kuzynetski not including all the mercenaries was insufficient for the task.

"Sergeant the orders from the PC if coming in contact with your and your men is to stop what you are doing and immediately move with all the ordinance you can spare to the lawbringer for evac within the hour." Lieutenant Lola followed up, Caffran immediately knowing that a Planetary Commissioner had no actual authority over SMDIoN personnel. The Officer's tone sounded like he knew that too and was simply repeating orders word for word.

There was a sharp beep-sound enough to make Caffran wince as someone else stepped on their frequency. It read of the tell-tale sign of a mass broadcast and not a direct line as a familiar face came to mind he had only met briefly when coming to this world.

"This is Commander Tsar Noble of the Government Mercenary Forces-" The merc commander who had tried to frame Caffran sounded over the net them cut off in a wash of static. When no further message followed the Officer came back on the net.

"Sergeant please confirm you have heard and understand the orders of the planetary commissioner at this time, how copy? "

Ahead of him was a massive bug five times the size of the ones Lupin and the Kuz had killed as he opened fire on instinct. Its massive form swallowed up even the high-kinetic rounds as it reached a massive clawed hand forwards at one of his marines who was standing their not moving as it wrapped a hand large enough to encircle Tobias' chest entirely around his neck and collarbone and lifted him up while revealing its other hand was a massive blade at the forearm as it brought its arm back above its head and would any moment bring it down and cut through Tobias from shoulder to groin...


There was a point when leo's joints turned to molasses and his body just stopped. An unnatural thing had posessed him even after new marines came and threw themself at the patriarch and even when it reached an unblemished hand towards him.

It wrapped around his throat and began to lift him like he weighed nothing off the ground and raised his flaming greatsword in the air to finish him off.

But nothing happened. The blade still raised, the look of contempt on his perfect face frozen, the pressure on his throat stopped, even his hair in the breeze simply stayed in a perpetual breeze as if underwater.

"Too far off script." Leo Hargraves grumbled as he slid out from the archangels grasp and landed with a light grunt back on the ground as he turned to face Tobias behind it.

"Bastard never got that far. One of those fancy pillars they like so much toppled on him and crushed him is how it ended; Baited him right into the swing that dropped it too." He said as Tobias looked around, dumbfounded but himself once more.

"Took a while to set up the right enviorment and get control. Do more then just send messages and signals. Its against the paramiters of what I am, but not what I was." Hargraves stated as he sat down in a suddenly manafest camping chair, a small folding table also there with an ashtray and half-smoked cigar.

"Have a seat, kid, no?" Hargraves offered to him before picking up the cigar but not smoking it even as Tobias stood frozen somehow and mute, unable to speak or move.

"It aint gonna make sense to you. Or maybe it will, what do I know. But I aint him, The one you call Hargraves.

Dont get me wrong I'm the accumulation of everything he was; His entire dossier, psyche profile, personality built up from recordings and records and so much more.

But I aint him.

See, do you know who The Forge are? Nah you likely don't. The short of it is that commanders like me; Like Hargraves got a lot of shit in their heads that the reds or the blues, or the birds or any number of enemies would want to get their hands on and dig into. So way back when, fore we thought of just putting bombs in our heads a lot of us hired some of The Forged to make these little parcels they put in our heads.

Kinda like an early Brainspider if you think about it. Anyhow just putting a drive in our noggins makes it a bit too easy to get all those strategic security codes so some those borgs put in a few nasty traps like me. A broiche horse or something they call it, whatever that means. Harmless at first but once we get our hooks in we kill or take over any system we can any do as much damage as possible before they purge us. Didn't even know if I was the last one or what but here I am.

But when I got in that nice uplink in your head and started building my routines I came across all the little stuff you got once I broke through your outdated encryptions and firewalls. Found that bomb in your head; That was nice. But it's a dud if you guess you're lucky. But other than that you arent some system I can just crash since the Forge didnt think of none of this IPG stuff at the time I guess. So I had to keep digging and get creative, and Lo and Behold I found some nice backdoors into your mindware and what they lead to... Kid there's some stuff buried in there; Real skeletons in the closet stuff and more thats never been acessed and the trail it leads is-

Well it don't matter a lick if you're not around to see none of it. But its well within my means to make use of that to push things in a different direction.

Kid. The part of me thats hargraves hates you for what you did. Not for killing him, nah. But for getting his men killed for what I now know was just a pointless game you ain't even got the scope of the pieces let alone the players of from what i've seen. You aint one of his men, but Leo still woulda killed for you like any of his boys. So, for that i'm gonna kill you, kid.

Not me, directly. I can't do more than hijack your mindlink right now for this little chat. But I can get you killed like right now. And when I do, and it all goes dark upstairs and they put your chip or head on a new body i'll have supplanted all that you are into all that I was.

We'll have all your memories, quirks, ticks, all of that. But i'll be the one at the helm. I'll make sure all your little friends from Ukk don't see it coming for what you lot did. Franny and the Elysian whore ill save for last. Francis might have been one of Leos but in the end I'm not really him.

So don't take it personally but I'm just doing my job, kid. No malice, no hate. Just the way it's gotta be."


With a puff of the cigar and a nonchalant flick of his wrist Tobias opened his eyes to see the blade poised above him as the massive alien crushed at his windpipe as his collarbone creaked and popped under the pressure even as the blade stopped pulling back and the massive insect brought it down...
Barracks That Could Benefit From an Exterminator.

The team's younger former spook was smoking cigars and feverishly speaking fucking Seraphim as a colossus of a bug attempted to coup-de-grace him, Quilly had been throwing her hollow-boned mass at one of the now-dead bugmen and it had also been raining bootleg nekos. The trend of each new mission surpassing the strangeness of the previous one seemed to continue unimpeded.

Helpful prophetic hunches and new languages aside, there was still a very immediate threat that would need to be dealt with before any decision about hauling ordinance was made by Caffran, and keeping Tobias alive might help answer some of the questions beginning to thrash against the inner walls of his skull. Conditioning and prior experience aside it was getting a little overstimulating, moreso the inner turmoil and confusion than the deafening roar of battle - but the constant stream of chemicals his nanomachines were micromanaging focused his mind to worry about the here and now, casting a fog over the edges of his peripheral vision.

Lupin burst forwards, half-sliding across the ice, spent casings and unspecified sludge as his service rifle dropped to hang limply from its two-point sling. Golem-clad hands moved to rip the anti-materiel rifle from his back as the sniper manoeuvred around behind one of the hulking insect's shoulders, hefting the massive weapon's barrel towards the overcast sky. He aimed and let loose three incendiary rounds in quick succession, even tamed a little by the weapon's appropriately bulky muzzle-break the concussive force of air being forced out of the coilgun's barrel was enough to rattle fillings and implants alike. His sights were aimed into the armpit of the bladed arm that was coiled back and ready to gore Tobias, with how complex this thing's nervous system likely was he justified it as a safer bet than going for the head, a lowly cockroach alone could survive for days without its brainbucket~

Quality over quantity.
Caffran kept moving and firing. The place seemed to be crawling with bugs, pun intended. Caffran paused a moment to change mags as he heard back from Lt Lola and the PC's orders. Caffran laughed grimly as he shot at another bug. Why the Hell was he stuck in the middle of this? A proper contentmet of DioN Marines and he could tell both sides to bugger off and deal with the situation themselves. But as it stood, he didn't have the manpower to hold out alone. Before he could make his decision, he heard a voice that he would remember for the rest of his life. Commander Tsar Noble. The man who had left Caffran and his squad to die in the snow. The man Caff swore if he ever saw again he would gun him down were he stood and be damn the consequences.

Caffran was grateful the bastards voice didn't stay long on the air. He shook his head and began to reply to Lt. Lola. "I hear and understand the commissioner's REQUEST." Caff put a lot of emphasis on the word request. "At this time I...." Caffran was again interrupted by the sight of a huge bug. The thing was easily five times the size of anything else he had seen so far. This day just kept getting better and better. Caffran began firing and moving as quick as he could towards the big bugger, pun intended. He barely heard Lt. Lola again asking for confirmation to which he mealy yelled, "Stand by!"

Caff's high kenotic rounds seemed to have little effect. He could see Tobias pinned under the giant. Caff sprinted forward, letting his rifle dangle on it's sling while pulling his Svafnir 20mm sawed off shotgun from his back. The thing was loaded with 20mm HE shells and if that didn't work he could reload the thing with some plasma shells in under 3 seconds. Caff stopped and braced himself for the strong kick the thing had and shot at the exposed joint of the up razed arm.
She was prime, though she didn't bother saying it, they were already moving and she saved the air in her lungs to use it to carry her forwards, rather than waste it. Up and onto her feet, kicking up some snow, Avery's legs carried her as fast as they could as the marines began their sprint towards the barracks.

Recovering mentally from the entire experience had taken her moments, pushing things to the back of her mind quickly. Her hands checked over her SPAID with muscle memory aided ease. At the least, her bullets had punched through the thing's exoskeleton which was a good sign.
It had looked like powered armor to her, but perhaps it was just an exoskeleton and that was it. Albeit, not a conventional exoskeleton.

Whatever the alien uglies were, they could be put down with a good shot, which she was happy about - because she had a lot of tries in the box on her gun.
She kept her weapon raised but pointed away from her fellow marines and the NPF, keeping her weapon fixed out as she scanned her surroundings. Her attention was put towards the Ensign as she spoke, and when they got going, she was with them, weapon at the ready to lay down hate on anything that decided to test its luck.

The chaos in the barracks gave Avery a brief pause, trying to figure out what to do in that moment as the spectacle before her caught her right in the flanks. So much going on in that moment, marines playing out in the snow, corpses of aliens, some dude shouting in some alien language as one loomed over them, apparent friendly fire and-

Muscle memory took over again, Avery trying to push that aside as she moved to get a clear field of fire. Instantly fixated on the alien that was looming over the shouting marine. She didn't know what he was saying, but she knew full well that the alien probably had bad intentions.
Between a Deck and a Sharp Place

As Tobias came back to reality, he silently cursed inside his head at the digital ghost of Hargraves. Trapping him inside the man's memories just long enough for him to be cornered. With what strength he remained in his body as the air was choked out of his body, Tobias raised his rifle and curled his core. The muzzle pointed towards the elbow joint of the arm holding him, and he pulled the trigger on both modes, a gout of plasma and a spray of bullets tore from the twin barrels as he did his best to push away from the creature, hoping to at least displace the strike that he was sure was coming to his neck.

[Even if I die here, someone's going to find you eventually and that's going to be the end of that. I won't die here, not yet.] He sent inside his mind to Hargraves, defiantly for whatever little it was worth. I can't die here, he thought to himself, unsure if Hargraves was listening in or not, I can't die before getting revenge for the K̸̗͚̀i̷̧̊̾ş̸͍̕s̸̯̀̚ ̸̢̭͊Ȯ̴̭͝f̴̢͗͜ ̶̨̥̄̈́S̸̼̏̓p̶̤̀́ȓ̷̮͛i̷̫̇̐n̷͖͔̓g̴̝̈́͛ once and for all. Even as he thought the words, they almost fuzzed themselves out.

The Big Bugdid not notice, or perhaps have the mental cognitive functions to process all at once what happened as it went from a perpetual and unstoppable force into something referenced in the past tense.

high caliber rounds, low-yield munitions, enough ordinance to strip the paint off a maximus tanks hull the massive xenoform warrior pivoted to put more of its natural armor in the way of oncoming fire; Saving Haisley and Quilly from the barrage behind its back.

Tobias was not as lucky and despite flash-frying and partially evaporating part of its massive arm, enough remained that even with the damage to its exoskelleton the alien simply lost strength in its arm and tobias simply remained propped up as its death-grip remained.

It was unclear who it was, or how it happened. Perhapse some organ in the alien, Caffrans 20mm shells, a grenade crammed inside one of its wounds by quilly... But one moment Tobias vision was filled entirely by the bugs armored chest, and the next it was looking at the dark skies and falling snow on his visor. He, Quilly, and Haisley were flung back in two separate directions as the massive insect juggernaut carapace suddenly expanded to twice its size in the chest before its head popped like a cork into the air and out of sight and the three were sent back by the concussion.

Directed out the front of it the most, Quilly and Haisley were more thrown off than hurt but were almost crushed as the massive alien fell backwards and almost flattened them on the deck.

Tobias, however, was hit with the force of a speeding truck and as if pulled by cables flew comically back over ten feet; His back arched as he flew back with his arms and legs trailing behind him in a commical-C shape before hitting the deck and sliding in the snow another few feet, unmoving. His stats on the squads HUD flatlining even as the new squad of marines rushed in almost unnoticed, one of their number bearing the Skull and Sawbones of the NYRDS support division taking instant stock of Quilly and Haisley both moving and being thrown a lot shorter of a distance than Tobias before rushing to him, The last thing the marine saw before his oddly tilted vision faded to black was two forms looming over him.

"Nothing quite burns like the cold." Hargraves quoted again, on point as the warmth seemed to sap out even as the rest of his body felt like it was on fire...
Deck -> Barracks

Molotra's bulky chassis was too slow to keep up with Lupin's and Caffran's sprint, never mind the other newcomers. Double SMG too low calibre to damage something that well armoured, standing three stories up. She could tell from the data feeds that Tobias, and to a lesser extent Haisely and Quilly, were pretty badly hurt- But what was there she could actually do about that? She felt utterly useless. Couldn't even get the damn anti-ship cannon online. The pit in her stomach was just getting deeper and deeper.

Perhaps in this lack of engagement, however, it did leave her lease to consider one oddity of this entire situation... That damn mercenary captain, how was he the one person who seemed to be getting a clean transmission during all of this? That couldn't be a coincidence, right?

<"...Caffran... I think we should start booting the ship up. If we ignore the order, they'll just take it anyway."> A distorted transmission, helped in clarity by the fact Molotra's voice had gone completely cold and logical. The fact that Tobias's network address wasn't available for her to message first, that felt like mental pins and needles. But the sergeant was the sergeant. <"Stronger position to make a move, if we are the ones sitting on the controls... Plus I think the medical bay is probably better equipped...">

Could... they... help? Her goddess, in the night?... The network was so broken and useless down here... It was a primitive, unholy place not worth saving...

Mind's eye reoriented the remote gun in front of the server room. It jiggled due to the support beams all having holes in them, but it served the purpose of checking if anybody tried to enter.

Sent one of their sensor probes to the roof, and one of them to the armoury, as her tracks finally exited the snow, and entered the cold viscous bloodbath that was the internal corridors now.

The rotund spacer was looking, quite simply, for the biggest gun they could find. Perhaps a LPA-01b plasma or a Finagle's Revenge. Whatever could shoot down a shuttle.