Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

SACN Direct From the Empress


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🌸 FM of Yamatai
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Together, Taisho Yui and Empress Himiko have issued the following decrees and orders for the Star Army of Yamatai:

1. All ships in active duty in Expeditionary Fleets and task groups must have a name and IRN by YE 31. Fleets that fail to assign names to their ships will have the unnamed ships removed and sent to the depot.

2. All fleets should have named flagships.

3. A loyalty bonus of 1,000 KS and a free Type 29 Nekovalkyrja Service Pistol are hereby granted to all members of the Star Army who reply to this message. This is to reward for your loyalty to the Star Army. We are aware of the UOC's generous benefit package and are working on ways to improve the Star Army's counterpart.

4. Any member of the Star Army who convinces a UOC soldier to return to the Star Army of Yamatai will receive a personal shuttle or small starship, depending on the rank of the returning soldier, plus a cash bonus of 1,000 KS and a possible promotion.

5. Due to the oncoming abolishment of the Living Property System, new enlistment contracts and such are being developed. Please send any suggestions for these or benefit plans to Taisho Yui. Useful suggestions will be rewarded.

6. All soldiers under the rank of Shosa are hereby promoted by one rank upon a response to this post, unless their captain or unit commander has reasonable objections.

7. Captains are encouraged to create rules for their ships based on common sense, experience, safety concerns, and mission effectiveness. Such rules should then be sent to Taisho Yui for review, so that they can be incorporated in a book of standard procedures to help guide new captains. Please send any suggestions to Yui for standard procedures. Again, useful suggestions will be rewarded.

8. The Star Army is currently seeking ship captains and officers. Please contact Yui if interested.

9. The Starship Improvement Program is looking for ways to improve current ships and to build newer ships better. Post your suggestions.

So far, some good suggestions we've got include:

- Moving control conters (the bridge) and engineering to more protected parts of ships.
- Development of automated medical centers

10. Any soldier who writes a useful guide to their occupation will be rewarded with a ceremony of recognition for him/her and his/her ship and 25,000 KS. OOC: Also, possibly new character art if I can afford it.

OOC: Interact outside of your plots and help improve the Star Army as a whole.
FROM: Taisa Hanako, YSS Eucharis
TO: Taisho Yui

R3. Thank you for the 1000 KS and the Type 29 Nekovalkyrja Service Pistol.

R5. I suggest that benefit plans provide for the families of service members and help them build their futures and personal assets (house, personal starship, etc).

R6. Promotions will be awarded to my crew tonight.

R7. I have created rules for my ship. Other captains are welcome to use them and/or modify them for their own ships.

R9. I will be sending in various reports on modifications tested on the Eucharis.

R10. I might give the captain's manual a shot.
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1. The extra weapon is appreciated.

2. Perhaps patrol vessels could be fitted with rapid deploy armor chutes connected to crew quarters and other areas, so even off duty it would be simple to deploy? Something to that effect.

3. I would like to write something about being an XO.


Kurusu Misaki Shosa,
YSS Eucharis


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TO: Mistress Taisho

2. Until my new project is finished, the 4th's flagship is the Nadare.

3. It is appreciated.

4. I may have a few coming into the fold here and there, I'll keep you updated on any prominent ones.

7. I'll see to it.

9. I could compile a packet of suggestions if you're interested.

10. I will write something about being a tactician, maybe more if my first one is well received.

Thank you again for the leave, I'll send pictures of my girls if I have time.


Shimizu Akina Taisho,
Fourth Standard Fleet

I do appreciate the opportunity to write this, though I am somewhat surprised at the invitation being extended to everyone in the Army.

Regarding point three, while it is appreciated, I have no need for rewards. I had a brief stint as a Taisa of the Akuro II, and the prestige system has, quite frankly, left me set for life.

Regarding point five, this abolition is in itself _very_ appreciated. I am no expert on the subject, but I might recommend extending housing and opportunities for education and training for those leaving the Army. In addition - though I know this will likely not be met with much approval - there are many soldiers who view the physically less capable bodies as a sharp step down. This would leave us feeling very vulnerable, and the idea is rather intimidating. Provisions to allow retiring soldiers to keep their superior bodies would set many hearts at ease.

Regarding point nine, a system of counter-boarding defenses would, again, significantly offset any sense of vulnerability. And in regards to different locations for bridges or command centres - with smaller ships and the internal networks, is a bridge necessary at all? The command centre could happily move with command.

And regarding point ten, I have already begun to collaborate with colleagues regarding an excellent manual of tradecraft.

I thank you, again, for this opportunity.

Chui Murasaki Aoiko
FROM: Chui Saiga Masatane
TO: The Office of Taisho Yui

R3. Although my loyalty needs no reward other than the ability to continue to serve Yamatai, I humbly accept these gifts.

R5. There are no problems with the current enlistment system. Those created to serve should still be enlisted for minimum mandatory terms and given proper pay or rewards. Those volunteering should have to serve their commitments fully.

Yamatai is currently most generous with regards to rewards given to former members of the Star Army. Any improvements to the system would be welcome, but unnecessary additions.

R6. I thank you for this honor.

R9. While I am not aware of current trends in starship design, I believe that the next generation of military craft should be smaller and more specialized. The need for increased diversity as to the purpose of individual ship classes within the Star Army is apparent. Fleets, while a powerful instrument of destruction and conquest, are very unwieldy to command and control. Smaller battlegroups and specialized formations are ideal for both offensive actions and the new defensive purpose of the Star Army as stated by the Empress.

Ideally, capital-class ships should rely on wings of their power armor and fightercraft as their main offensive capabilities. Smaller vessels should, individually, provide anti-craft, anti-starship, non-weapons support, picket, and other resources to their group’s flag, as well as be able to act independently or in small, mission-specific flotillas.

R10. I will continue to commit my thoughts on military tactics to record and submit any full treatises that I consider complete to command.

All Glory to the Empire,
Saiga Masatane, Chui
FROM: [email protected], Shoi Kohosei Ketsurui Sora
TO: Taisho Ketsurui Yui


3. My loyalty is with my family, regardless of how I might disagree with some things. I don't feel that buying loyalty endeavors one for keeping it, with bribes come more bribes and corruption within the system. I must decline any pay or gifts for these reasons.

5. As always, Grandma, a chance to educate oneself or a chance to actually spend more time at home with family would be nice. Not just for me, but everyone in our service that has or wants a family of their own. I also feel that massive decommissioning of ships leaves many living beings without work, perhaps creating jobs to fill these massive gaps to help improve our civilian sector would be a good idea?

6. While this seems very generous, I disagree with promotions based on things other than merit. I respectfully decline a promotion until I have earned the right for advancement through my hard work in the Star Army as seen by my commanding officer. I feel it cheapens all that we have strived for in quality to simply give away rank for something so simple.


Regarding items 3 and 6, I will gratefully accept any rewards the army believes that I deserve.

For number 5, I'd like to see more widespread access to trained psychologists for enlisted soldiers. With few ships having one on staff, soldiers can go months in the field without any sort of mental evaluation. Having a dedicated psychologist on board would allow for more thorough periodic evaluations of soldiers' mental well-being, cutting down on defections, suicides, and dereliction of duty.


Jôtô Hei Saito Miyoko
Sensor Specialist, YSS Miharu (NJ-X1-00)
FROM: Kurohoshi Masako - Ittô Juni
TO: The Office of Ketsurui Yui - Taisho

In response to both points 3 and 6, I have deeply grateful to be one of the many honored by such gifts. Thank you.

I am unfortunate to not know anyone joining the UOC, so I will be unable to even attempt what is written in point 4. But for point 5, I believe a recruitment contract for the same amount of time Nekovalkyrja serve for would be fair.

I am also sorry to say that I myself am still learning the ways of an Armor Wing Leader and am therefore not experienced enough to develop such an article/manual as asked for in point 10.


Kurohoshi Masako - Ittô Juni
Armor Wing Leader, YSS Miharu (NJ-X1-00)

3 & 6 - I humbly submit my appreciations for the gifts.

5 - I am glad to see this act coming into force. I have one or two suggestions but would like to run them through them a couple more times before submitting.

8 - Once my training is completed, I would be honoured to be accepted for a starship crew.

Long live the Empire!

Yamamoto Hotaru
FROM: Yoshihara Maya - Santô Hei
TO: The Office of Ketsurui Yui - Taisho


As a servant of our glorious empire I would be honored to accept your gifts and do so humbly. Also you would do me a great honor if you feel I am a capable of being officer material and will gladly accept such an assignment. Know that despite these uncertain times of adversity, I will always stand by the empress and the empire and will personally see to it that no harm comes to both.

Your humble servant,

Yoshihara Maya
First Expeditionary Fleet
Personal Communication Protocol v2.Yu

To: Taisho Ketsurui Yui-sama
From: Shosa Suzuka Yukari, YSS Miharu


I am honored to have the chance to serve your office. One of your subordinates delivered a message to my datapad about developing a guide on weapon selection, based on mission profile. This challenge is a great personal honor for me, but more importantly will serve to improve the survival odds of future Star Army troops. With this goal in mind, I will not fail you, Taisho-sama.

I thank you for the generous gifts, and will put them to good use.

Your servant,
Suzuka Yukari
Executive officer, YSS Miharu
4. Any member of the Star Army who convinces a UOC soldier to return to the Star Army of Yamatai will receive a personal shuttle or small starship, depending on the rank of the returning soldier, plus a cash bonus of 1,000 KS and a possible promotion.
Item four, noted above is now canceled.

I'm looking for suggestions for the Star Army uniforms in YE 31. If you have ideas for new uniform styles, please post them!

-Taisho Yui
Proposed Star Army Medical emblem:


  • star_army_medical.png
    37 KB · Views: 319
I like it a lot, other than the caduceus symbol in the middle. If we were to tweak it a little, it could look pretty awesome. :)
OOC: I know that the caduceus is traditionally a symbol for commerce, but in the last 100 years it has also become recognized as a medical symbol and is the symbol of the US Army Medical Corps (and Starfleet Medical from Star Trek, even)...and you know I'm an Army dude.