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RP: UOC Government [Discussion] Future Relations with Yamatai


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Among the many items slated for discussion in the first session of government, was to address the issue of relations with Yamatai. The Prince himself found this to be his calling, to present the facts, or rather 'requests' of their former parent nation.

The message from Himiko was projected above the table:

"I believe many of these items are now obsolete, the vessels from the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet have been returned, save for the Akuro III and Leo Star Fortress which we were granted under the IAA." Tio had the projection check off the items completed. "As we speak our Peacekeepers are changing over to the civilian bodies." he paused, "We shall as planned, call ourselves Jiyuuian, as we always have?" he asked, a question not in much need of answering.

"So..." he paused briefly, looking to Ayana. "What say you Prime Minister and Members of the Assembly, should we try to extend a Jiyuuian hand back? Of course, I suggest we keep our neutrality, our role as Peacekeepers would be damaged otherwise."
Mamami read over the message in question. The hubris of the new empress, frankly, disgusted her.

"I fail to see why people willing to leave the Yamataian empire would be considered treasonous." She flatly muttered as she highlighted the first motion on her personal window, which also happened on the larger display, with her finger. "Why are the people told their right to choose where they live is in violation of the law?" She asked. "The logic behind this is quite dumbfounding."

She paused as she highlighted the last part of the first point. "And the revoking of their nationality is equally as troubling."

She took a moment to look over the other parts closely as she formulated further discourse.
Tio offered quietly, "Well, we know their idea of government and human rights is rather, different than our own. However, I would caution against closing the door too tightly...there are families split here, we have to keep them in mind, so that there can be visits, etc. We have to remember the rights granted to our own citizens first here..."
"I am not saying that a broken family is a good thing, Prince." Mamami said with a sharp frown. "I am merely pointing out the paradox of saying choice is against the law."

"I am also not advocating shutting Yamatai out. Doing that would be paramount to suicide since the Ketsurui would consider it an insult and would probably invade us without a second thought."
"Quite possibly that would be true." Alexander replied to Mamami's reference to the Ketsurui. He'd remained quiet while the two spoke, only choosing now to pipe up.

"They can be...prickly, and thusly must be handled with care. While we may not agree with how they handle somethings, we must remember we did come from them, and they set a fine example of do's and don't's."
The soft spoken Prince issued, "Perhaps a Pact of Non-Aggression, solidified with trade and tourism agreements." he added, after a short period of thought, "One thing remains, I do believe that it should be made clear that as a neutral peacekeeping nation, we will not fight in their wars. We would be happy to lend humanitarian assistance, but that is something I believe, if we go by the Charter, we should be offering to all nations."
Mr. Iga was next to address the group. He ignored the bile that was building up regarding the Ketsurui.

"I love trade, but I have some reservations.

The implementation of a trade line will require the joint efforts of both Yamatai and the UOC to maintain. Gates and routes must be protected, of course.

Are we to assume no tariffs on imports to our territory? We must be careful to not allow both Nepleslia and Yamatai free reign in our markets, until our civilian businesses have enough time to establish themselves as contenders against Yamatai's quality and Nepleslia's quantity.

This leads me to another small concern, as I look over some of the financial data before me: what exactly do we have to offer that the Yamataians cannot make for themselves? It is quite unfortunate to be cut from the same cloth in an economic sense..."

He trailed off while he flipped a page of his report.

"Yes, hm, outside our respectable self-defense company, which I do not think Yamatai needs anything from, it is my opinion that our civilian business sectors stand to lose much unless we level an appropriate tax on imports. I estimate 7.5 to 12% would suffice."
Tio patched in a communication sent to him from a member of the family who had decided to remain in the YSE. He also forwarded a copy to his sister and Saito.

"I believe our former parent nation failed to get the message of what exactly our independence means; they have forgotten it is the people of these colonies and its fleets that demanded this independence..." Tio was fuming angry, he got up from the table and muttered. "Ill give you a puppy to wipe the blood off your hands..."

He walked to the outer edge of the dome, and stood quietly in front of a window looking out at Motoyoshi-cho. The city center was bustling with activity.
Shinichi had listened as the senate spoke. Now it was h is turn to speak. "I am in agreement with the Crown Prince as well as Mr. Iga. We have nothing to offer Yamatai in terms of trade simply because they can easily produce anything they need. Furhtermore, they have everything to offer our citizens. Mr. Iga is right, we should tariff Yamataian goods so that our businesses will be able to grow." Shinichi paused and motioned towar the Imperial announcement from Yamatai.

"Given this, I am surprised. I expected Yamatai to be displeased when we left, but I didn't believe that we were that much of a threat to her. I think it would indeed be in our best interest to charter a non-aggression pact. If Yamatai is going to go this far to get us back right now, how much farther might they go in the future when we have fully established ourselves? I am not suggesting that we merely ignore this...article...but there is little we can do right now about it."
"I'd like to think that the Peacekeepers that chose to stay with us have been doing so because they feel that we are doing the right thing by splitting from Yamatai proper. But yes, I support the notion of tariffs in regards to Yamatai so that our native corporations can grow," Ayana commented thoughtfully, nodding her agreement with her assembly members.

"I find this new communication a little distasteful but anyone that feels the need to be swayed by it is free to go but we're not keeping anyone here by force... if they decide to go back to Yamatai, then I hope it's what is best for them and their families. But let's not let this discourage us from our growth as a nation. But I think that we should be aware that there might be an influx of unemployment in Yamatai itself that might spill over into the civilian market. We should be prepared for that."
"They're just trying to poach our talent, as any competitor would do," Mr. Iga said. "Our job is to ensure we have the best working conditions in the universe and to do what we can to keep our citizens efficient, motivated and happy."

He smirked at the others.

"Come now, there's really no reason to get angry. Is this distasteful? Absolutely. But we're in the catbird seat, so to speak, in this situation, so we need only keep an eye on this offer of the Yamataians until it posses a serious threat. As has been stated, the Yamataians have missed the point, and the longer they do that, the more time we have to lengthen our advantage."
An aide came inside, bowing deeply in apology for the interruption, and gave the assembly a message on datapad, directly from Shosa Kage Yaichiro...

Tio returned to the table, he thought he was going to be able to calm down but the message from Yaichiro just furthered his distaste. He said shaking his head. "Aside from the fact that there is none of our technology laying around, this just proves these so-called reforms are a sham..."

Tio reclined back in his chair, stating; "I concur...Yamataian goods coming into this nation need to be tariffed; not to mention I somehow doubt there will be much of a market for them, considering the response that several of our citizens and Peacekeepers have sent in regards to Yamatai's standing orders to try and bribe our Peacekeepers away." he took a sip of his tea, and said, "Mr. Iga, please feel free to draft a trade policy."

He then addressed Ayana, "Madam Prime Minister, it is my recommendation that we send an Ambassador to Yamatai and draft a pact of non-aggression to supplement the IAA. In terms of our relations with them, it is my suggestion that we maintain our neutrality but keep our borders closed to incoming traffic from Yamatai until our fleet is capable of providing us with an adequate defense. Our policy about those wishing to leave stands, and judging from the responses our people have already sent I do not believe that to be an issue."

Mr Fritz...ensure copies of these communications are forwarded to you and Mr. Romani's relations...
Fritz didn't even nod. Instead, he simply packed the communications file into an encrypted electronic message on his datapad, and sent it off to an aide, with instructions to ensure it arrived on Starbase Hayes through some means or another.

An hour later, the message reached Grand Admiral Vladmirus Corcyra and Nero Romani. Soon after that, the IPG networks hummed with the news, and a report had appeared on the Sky Marshall's desk.
"Agreed. It seems that they mean to make Mr. Kage their ambassador to us, and they are donating vehicles to us... which confuses me given the nature of our last actual communications with their leadership recently and with these last bits of information within their network," Ayana commented with an imploring gesture. "A non-aggression agreement similar to what was drafted with the IAA would do nicely, as would closing our borders to incoming vessels until we can get some chances to actually breathe."
"I can already tell our relationship with our larger sibling will be a bit on the rocks." Alexander said grimly, a faint look of disgust on his face as he read all that was laid before them.

"Quite frankly they're putting on the facade' of generosity and kindness to our faces, and are trying to swindle us from the shadows." He scoffed lightly, but kept his tone calm, with only the faintest traces of disdain. The man took a deep breath and exhaled.

"I only wish we could believe them, but now it would seem subtle caution is in order."
"On the rocks?" Mamami muttered in response to Alexander. "Mr. Romani, 'on the rocks' does not even reach." She said with a frown. "Remember this is an empire that, when they learned of the UOC's independence, fully mobilized their forces to take us back."

Nosaka Mamami sighed and shook her head. "I honestly think letting Yamatai have anything we make is an utter mistake." She said firmly with her arms crossed.

"Give them a minute with an item and they'll have dissembled it, reassembled it, learned it's properties, uses, advantages and disadvantages. And just as quick, they'll have a countermeasure made within the second to capitalize on said weakness."

She sighed once again, and flicked some hair away from her face. "This overture for peace seems more like a stall tactic for war."
"We need to establish something with them on paper, at least, temporarily. Does anyone have any other thoughts about how we should go about doing this? Any objections to the notion of a non-aggression armistice like the Crown Prince drafted at the Peace Conference a few months ago?" Ayana asked patiently as she looked at all of the members of the assembly.
"I could try my hand at such a document and bring it back here before you all so that any modifications and additions needing to be made can be done." Tio said, frustrated with the recent back and forth public relations discourse. "While I work on this, I encourage you all to please focus on the matters of internal importance. We mustn't get caught into the trap of our entire existence revolving on responding to the most recent literature put out by either side."
Tsk...Tsk...Tsk...In such a hurry aren't we. thoughts reached out from the dark fringes of the Assembly Dome. There veiled in black robes lingered a soul, one not so tuned to the harmonics of the rest, yet set the chorus for them to play.

We have traded shackles for freedom;
freedom enslaving us in compassion.
Pompous benefactors;
rule with the true weapon that breaks us.
Our weakness grows.

Like a cancer it spreads;
how will we cry with bloodied throat?
The galaxy ignores it;
the chortled cry of an infant murdered.
Life snuffed before it is lived.

Time will tell how hell will serve;
survival bent on a single brow.
Sweet Ayana be;
Tange claws sharpened and poised.
Eyes must open.

The seats of power bath in fyre;
acquittance to murderers.
Dear prince and princess as the polar stars.
Absolution come.

Death awaits thee Yamatai;
the hand which fed thee severed.
Time be given and weakness grow
Graves dug.

She stood vigil, day by day in the crowds which had come to sit in these open sessions, it her right, a citizen, a loyalist.
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