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RP: Neshaten [Division 5] - Case 01 - Nothing Lost is Nothing Gained

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Everything Is Magical
RP Date
Late YE40 (Dec)
RP Location
Nesha Prime - Neshaten
Division 5 Central HQ
“War Room”

Captain Leo Ci’Rado and Director Vaughn Li’Veero, both of Division 5 stood alone in the large briefing room, waiting for the operators to arrive who’d been ‘interviewed’ only the week before and told to get their things ready. Inside the room, located several levels underground, was a long oval table with 18 chairs stationed around it and a large holographic projector in the centre. The furnishings were all simple blacks and greys with the only exception being the two more brightly coloured Shukaren standing within the room.

“You’re sure it’s ok to use the War Room for something like this Director?” Leo asked casually, traditionally this particular briefing room was only used in times of national crisis for the formation and briefing of the Mi’Gli’Ore elite unit. The snow haired Daur didn’t have a problem what room they used, but he did think using such an important and borderline sacred room for such a simple affair might give the operators the wrong idea about the situation.

“As far as I’m concerned, this unit is a matter of national emergency. You do remember what I’ve tasked you and this team with correct?” The director answered back, using a question of his own with a sideways glance at the captain.
“Yes sir, I can understand you’re reasoning when you put it that way. I guess for us this is a pretty big deal isn’t it."
“Yes, it is. But you raise a good point, so now I’m going to test you to see how you handle the situation, should panic or doubt arise in your team it’s your job to quell it.”

A clock on the far wall silently changed to display the elected rendezvous time, at the same time two sets of eyes, one golden and one blue turned to face the door silently. Who would be the first brave soul to step where no operator would ever step under normal circumstances, it wasn’t really a test, but both the older operators were interested to see who it would be. “I know you’re thinking about it too Leo, and my bet is on that Sher’Meso girl. Her eyes spoke a lot more than she did.” The director said, his expression still emotionless as always however a tone of excitement had barely slipped into his voice.
Division 5 Headquarters
War Room

7:00 Anti-Meridian

The doorknob twisted politely, quietly, and cleanly, in the way only new doors would - no jiggling or rattling of worn components millimeters away from their original posts. The aperture opened smoothly to reveal the mentioned operative as if speaking her name had summoned her in her three-foot entirety. "Greetings, Captain Ci'Rado, and Director Li'Veero," Arynn Sher'Meso stated politely, her jade irises scanning the dozen and a half chairs quickly, noting that none of them were yet occupied. As she closed the entrance behind her, the tiny Daur blinked and resumed her speech with a question, "Would you prefer if we were to remain standing until everyone has arrived?" Arynn's snow-tipped tail swayed to her left flank, before ducking and hiding behind her petite body once more as she stepped to the side as to not obstruct the doorway from any future arrivals.

It's still a bit much getting around here, I barely made it on time... I'll need to take another look at the maps after this, she pondered internally.
Division 5 Headquarters
War Room


There was another figure who'd been waiting off to the side of the hallway out of site, waiting for somebody else to enter the room first and draw heat away from her own entry - Kyeterinyah DePolanskaya never had been one for loud or flashy entrances, let alone anything else above a whisper but not wanting to arrive late to such an important room she grasped the handle with one pale hand and quietly turned to enter.

A few light-footed strides were taken into the room as Kyet moved to carefully ease the door shut and get a better look at the room, artificial lighting catching the shades of green in her otherwise golden eyes as the noticeably chesty operator's large, snow-tipped tail hung low to the ground shyly floated just above the ground and her long ponytail of the same mocha hue seemed to stop where the tail started.

Despite a few hints of her quiet nature however Kyet stood with her back straight and shoulders back, taking a breath of determination as she raised one hand up to her forehead in a salute, "Captain, Director, Sirs~" Kyet's voice trailed off as the salute was lowered and her gaze drifted down to Arynn, who was child-like when compared to her own sporty figure of average height.

A small nod that bounced her large ears and a weak smile was given as a greeting to her fellow operative as Kyet moved to mosy up alongside the shorter girl, thankful beyond words she had chosen to enter just now but instead choosing to just say, "Operator Sher'Meso," in warm voice, if not a tad low for most conversations before Kyet's eyes darted back to their superiors.
Falling in right behind Kyeterinyah, Proykla'hana Karekhrabro moved up to hold the door. Catching it just before she eased it shut and pushing it open again. His gaze was vacant, almost unineterested as he walked in. A black tail swaying from left to right slowly as he slowly passed a hand across his chin. Gruff, unkemp and rather sleepy-looking, the Shukaren Daur made his way inside. Glancing about, he snorted. "Huh," he stated, more to himself than the others, before vivid green eyes threw a questing look at both the Captain and the Director. A quick salute and "Operator Karekhrabro," later, he once again looked around the room. "I'm sorry Captain, Director, why this room?" He questioned with an arched eyebrow. "I thought it was unused and-... An honor, but I'm missing the tinnitus," he remarked dryly. His gaze now fixating on the other recruits.

They seemed... Awe inspired, maybe? Fresh out of a batch? Quite. casting a particular gaze at the door, one hand moved to his chest pocket, before he halted and reminded himself in which company he was. Superiors didn't at all like when you drank during an official meeting. Something they tried punishing him for with endless push-ups. Which he did, all the while drinking from his flask. But still, it wasn't too comfortable either. Making an idle, pointing off somewhere-esque gesture to brush off the tic nerveux, Hana balled his fist, coughing into it.

Dropping the hand back in his pocket, his ears lowered, drooping down. Awaiting an answer.
Deniska Cirillo was the last to enter, opening the door one final time and stepping through. On one hand the prospects of entering this very special room interested him, but on the other hand it was a huge waste of space to leave this room unused most of the time. While waiting outside, he straighted his uniform and made sure his hazlenut-brown hair was tied neatly and his bangs even. Now that he entered, he had to trust he still looked sharp and avoid idle hand movements.

"Director, Captain," he stated loudly with a crisp salute. He didn't know much about the director yet, but he already had an extensive conversation with Leo. He would need to strive to live up to the snowy-haired captain's expectations.

"Operator Deniska Cirillo, reporting." He lower his salute and turned to who should be his new colleagues. He avoided making quick judgements, but the stubble on Hana made him a little paranoid he forgot to shave today. He gave them a salute as well but more slower and more relaxed.

"Looking forward to working with you guys soon." As he lowered his hand, he brushed his cheek with his hand and verified he did in fact shave.
War Room

Leo had been about to say, "No you may take a seat." In response to Arynn's question when the rest of the operators all flooded in right behind her, it seemed they wouldn't be disciplining anyone for tardiness today which was always a good start. Shaking his head he simply waited for the trickle of Daur to end before clearing his throat to address those present.

"Welcome all, thank you to everyone for being on time and presentable. " The snowy haired captain began, his eyes drifting across the four faces he'd been interviewing only a week ago, in their business knowledge was power and his interview scheme had proven worthwhile. "Now I'll skip pleasantries since I've already met all of you, and you all met our Director when you joined Division 5. As you'll no doubt recall I told each and every one of you that today would be the formal briefing, which also ties into why we're using the War Room." Leo looked over to Vaughn who simply gave a small, tight lipped nod.

"We have reason to believe a new terrorist faction has formed within any time from several months ago to nearly three years ago, and as of this instant we don't have any other information on them not even a name. The Director has decided that our task will be the gather as much information on this shadow group using whatever means necessary, for this reason he has given us explicit permission to utilize the war room and all its assets... This also includes the region Commanders and any available CTA." While Leo gave his introduction Director Vaughn had kept his piercing gaze on Hana, if anyone was going to be trouble it was him, his records claimed he was an accomplished soldier and law officer but his attitude did little to reinforce this.

"Watch your tongue operator Karekhrabro, there is a time and place for humor." Vaughn warned the rougher Daur, although he was letting Leo run the show it was no excuse to act unprofessional at such a time. "Everyone take a seat near the center of the table, the briefing is now underway." Vaughn continued, his steely gaze shifting from face to face before returning to Hana, "And I want a detailed report on why you have missed the last three psyche sessions you were scheduled for by this afternoon, you know we don't permit alcohol consumption on duty operator." He said quietly so as not to alert the others to their team mate's drinking problem just yet.

While Leo and Vaughn moved to take seats beside each other on one side of the table, the doors opened yet again as another Daur walked in, his white tipped, yellow tail following him through a moment later with his head covered by the helmet of the tactical dress set. Removing the helmet as he stepped across the threshold revealed his blue eyes and yellow blonde hair along with a grim expression, "It's already begun Director, and it's worse than we thought." Spoke Commander Adrea Mago'Sani as he moved quickly to take up a seat beside the Director as well, his eyes preoccupied with the holo-display device which still sat lifeless.
Cirillo had a bad feeling about the Director's words towards Hana. You wouldn't call someone out like that if it wasn't a serious issue, both drinking and skipping evals. He began to remember his father after his brother Elio's death, motionless on the couch with empty bottles all around. His mother yelling at him, but he refuse- Cirillo squeezed his nails into his wrist tight enough to make his hand shake. We don't need to remember that, not now.

He listened to Leo's debriefing, summarizing it in his head that a dangerous terrorist organization was discovered and that they're skilled enough to have hidden for potentially a long time. It was no wonder a special task force was created with the need to close this knowledge gap.

Just as he went for a seat, he heard the new Daur walk in. He must be important to walk into a meeting with the director like it was nothing. And "it's already begun" could either mean someone made a terrible clerical mistake or that the terrorists already took the first move.

He guessed the later.
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Kyet extended her warm smile to Cirillo and Hana as they entered, her dish-like ears pivoting to pick up what everyone was saying but the young Daur tried to not judge too harshly - everyone had their vices and issues no matter how hard they tried to hide them and she was not exempt from this, so she thought it best to not linger on such thoughts and instead moved to take a seat like they had been instructed.

Then yet another person entered, causing the quiet fox to turn her head a little too fast toward the sound of sturdy tactical boots, her pupils contracting to pin pricks for the briefest of moments as she took in the rank of Commander displayed over the hardier uniform - she snapped off a little salute as her pupils returned to their usual inky state, wondering why this commander decided to use pronouns unless maybe it was something they weren't supposed to know? though Kyet had a feeling it may have been about the guns the Captain had spoken to her and assumedly the other Operators about.

Though it wasn't directed at her and her asking may just delay the information further so Kyeterinyah broke off her salute and sat her athletic self down, draping the large and carefully groomed tail over her lap while the quiet girl waited for more to become apparent.
"Apologies, director. I was merely curious why we get pulled into the war room, while there's no war," Hana retorted. "Though, that question has been answered already." Adjusting his collar, the Daur made his way over to one of the appointed chairs, pulling it back and sitting down, glancing at the Director again. "It'll be on your office five minutes after this briefing, Director," he added with a nod, before silencing himself. Leaning back in his seat as he continued to listen in on the conversation. His ears twitching and flattening as the door suddenly opened and someone else strode in.

It has already begun. Such a dramatic entrance. Folding his arms, Hana's unimpressed gaze moved over to the Commander that had entered. His tail however, swished with annoyance.
Waagh Room

The extra-smol Daur lowered herself into the cushioned seat with the quietest of noises from the fabric stretching and rubbing against more fabric. She had a few thoughts regarding drinking. Eugh. It didn't help that she had the alcohol tolerance of tissue paper, but she still just, didn't like alcohol. What didn't burn her mouth and throat just tasted crappy and bad.

Arynn's jade-colored eyes zipped right towards the door as it was dramatically brought open. They blinked as a very, cinematically dramatic phrase was spoken. Great. And I haven't even had the time to start researching anything about our mission, o we'll be improvising... I guess we can work with that, hopefully.
War Room

The Director glared at commander Mago'Sani as his own ears were semi flattened, a very faint growl emanating from his throat as the golden Laibe became quite obviously annoyed. "Commander this is hardly the time for jokes, the briefing has already started." The director half growled at the new Daur who visibly shrunk in his chair away from Vaughn.

"Oh.... Oops." Came the somewhat sheepish reply with an equally matching expression as the blonde Daur rubbed his neck. "Apologies all, that was a bit unprofessional. Leo er, Captain Ci'Rado called me in to bring you up to speed on the situation. For those who don't know me I'm Commander Adrea Mago'Sani and I operate within the Netoshen HQ district and until now I've been in charge of the guns case." The Daur explained, bringing out a small pad and keying some sequence on it's surface. The holo-display in the center of the large terminal lit up as a large digital model of the city was shown in the air above it.

Several taps later and the model had five yellow lines running throughout the city, each seeming to flow from one of its points to the other to demonstrate a direction, accompanying these lines were three red markers around the city in somewhat remote locations. "These lines are the most popular routes we've noticed since tracking the tampered weapons, although there has been some lesser routes used infrequently the amount of guns in total we've monitored moving through the city is roughly half through these five and the other half through small, single or limited use routes." The commander continued, pointing out several blue lines to explain his point, unlike the yellows these ones had strange directions and didn't carry any pattern of resemblance to initial routes mapped.

Leo then nodded and cleared his throat, "So continuing from where commander Mago'Sani left off, this information is our initial lead. I'm sure you can all guess what the markers represent and why they'll be our first targets for information gathering. Our standing orders are to avoid engaging if we spot any suspicious individuals without dire circumstances." The snowy haired Daur looked to the director who simply nodded, turning back to address the operators once more. "We'll be splitting into two groups to begin with, my team will investigate this potential stockpile here, while the other group will be checking this route, here." The captain explained, pointing to the most remote of the three locations outside the city's walls and the closest route leading close by it. "Given their geographical placement we believe the route may be a direct supply road for the stockpile, assuming they aren't just proxies again." Leo said, the last comment carrying the biggest risk to their efforts so far after so many attempts to track the group had ended in failure.

"The commander will be joining us for this first phase as he has the most experience with the area and has been near these sites several times before, he'll be leading the route stakeout, as of right now our mission is active and we'll be heading out for preliminary recon once the briefing is over." Leo finally finished, he still had a little more to add but keeping the operator's minds engaged was important. "Before I move on to the plans, does anyone need anything to be clarified or explained about what I just told you?"
Kyet watched the briefing and subsequent map with an intense curiosity behind her quiet demeanour, those green-speckled gold eyes darting between each piece of information presented as her magnificently large and fluffy tail fell from her lap to gently sway from side to side just above the ground - none of the lines seemed to cross over each other so that idea was tossed out, it would have been something picked up before this information was presented to them anyway - assuming people did their job correctly.

That was... a tad harsh, causing Kyet to mentally apologise to people she didn't know and hadn't actually offended before she went back to looking at the map, committing it to memory with a nod followed by a content huff before the quiet Daur raised her hand to speak - after Leo gave the youngest operative a nod of confirmation she began asking that question.

"Who... will be in each team~ and where will they be starting the investigations, sir?" Kyeterinyah asked, her voice still noticeably a little quiet, as she had gained a little bit of a reputation for being such, but loud enough for the other operators and their superiors to hear the fox's question clearly.
War Room

leo nodded once again when she'd asked her question. "I thought that might come up, it's not finalized yet but I'm planning on having operator Karekhrabro and you, operator Depolanskaya with me and operators Cirillo and Sher'Meso will be going with Commander Mago'Sani. If any of you have an issue with the proposed groups make sure to speak up or else be sure to set doubts aside in the field and work to your best together. You've all been trained well enough that you can operate independently if you have to." The captain added, he doubted many of them knew each other well yet but they were part of Division 5 and were some of the best the nation had in its defense.

"To answer the second part, each team will be starting several blocks from the intended location and work their way there on foot to ensure if there is anything in the surrounding area we are aware of it, including ambushes."
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And it's nothing, Cirillo rolled his eyes a little bit after the Director called the newcomer out. I can appreciate a little humor to get people to relax when they're tense, but there's a time and a place.

Cirillo scanned over the map before raising his hand when questions were allowed.

"Do you have any timestamp information for these routes? I'm curious if the more roundabout blue routes were used later on when they discovered us or if they anticipated that from the start. That and if the yellow routes evolved over time instead of being randomly used, then that could imply a pattern of how much they use a route before abandoning it."

For partners, Cirillo had no qualms with his assignment since he didn't know Sher'Meso at all. He briefly glanced over at her, a little surprised at how young the red-haired fox looked. He knew better than to judge someone on appearance though, so he simply nodded at them before looking back.
War Room

Hana's eyebrow crept lower as the Captain called him out. Glancing once more at the Director, his gaze moved to Mago'sani. Unimpressed as ever. Glancing over to Kyet as she spoke, the raven-haired fox remained silent. Taking a deep breath, offering a silent nod to Depolanskaya when Leo stated they would be in the same team together. His tail flicked to the right once as he focused back at the holographic plan, silently listening in. Going through it on his own as he pondered any questions that would arise, that hadn't been asked yet.

The commander shook his head at the latest question. "Unfortunately no, since we began taking notes on the group all the routes have been in use, we suspect they may have planned for them to appear a specific way since whenever they began operating but we have no way to actually back check effectively.” He explained.
Kyet just offered the answers a few ear-bouncing nods to confirm she understood what was going on ~ it all made sense to her, splitting the two more tech-focused foxes up into different teams to vary each pincer's skill set a little more and hopefully cover any grounds that needed to be. The young Daur regarded her assigned partner with a soft smile as he gave her a nod, while maybe she did know a bit more about the man through a few hushed rumors people assumed others could not hear she'd just have to push that aside and see if there was anything more to him than tales of a drunkard.

Of course there would be, what even was that line of thought? There was no reason to doubt Hana had earned his way here just like the rest of them but god, why was she trying to figure everyone out after having barely had enough time to unpack their bags at their new job.

She dropped it... again, the large and majestically fluffy tail attached to the quiet Daur expressing a hint of the nerves she was experiencing in the small patterns it made an inch above the flooring before she'd manage to calm he limb down.

Kyet would just have to let the man speak for himself, as was fair - right? right.

The Daur did have one more question though, and raised her hand to ask it.

"Anything else we need to know~ before we go in? sir?"
War Room

Leo and Adrea looked at each other for a moment before shaking their heads. "We've covered the plan, the teams and the overview of our enemy with what little information we have, now all we can do is try to gather more information to form a proper counter attack strategy against them." Leo said seriously, while the commander nodded at his words. "Director do you have anything to add?"

Vaughn looked at the table thoughtfully before standing and addressing the assembled operators. "These terrorists threaten our society and peace, our very way of life in fact. They are not a threat to be taken lightly, drop your guard for a second or make the mistake of underestimating them, and you'll wind up dead or out of a job." The Laibe spoke with an almost threatening tone as he scanned the group of daur before him, while he wasn't as harsh towards their kind as many of his own were on occasion his words carried more weight than intended.

"They have been sneaking around in our city playing us for fools at every corner, while there has been no civilian deaths you can be sure it will not remain that way for long if they are allowed to continue unchecked. I expect nothing but the best from you, you're the force put together by Leo Ci'Rado who I have in the past, and would again, trust with my life. Ensure you don't let him down, and don't let your people down."

Commander Mago'Sani gulped slightly at the Directors address, looking around it was easy to see most of them were basically still kits, and the only other guy their age had been exposed as having some sort of drinking habit at the very least. It was a harsh speech although he supposed fear was the greatest motivator, hopefully it just pushed them to do better and not give up and run.

Leo nodded grimly after the speech was over. "Operators, you have 10 minutes to suit up, standard equipment. Meet on the ground floor afterwards."
Waagh Room

Arynn's lips tensed into a thin line in response to the not-quite-a-threat from the Director. No time to really meet anyone. Not properly, anyways... She nodded coolly, though. I can do ten minutes. Moving in taught me how to get out, at least. Standing up, the extra-smol Daur saluted her superiors before making for the room's exit, her legs carrying her swiftly to her dorm, moving with quite a purpose.

Barring any hazards to distract her she'd be upstairs by minute seven, looking a little bit nervous as her tail erratically frisked the air behind her.
It took Kyet roughly eight minutes to get herself ready, mostly because the Daur figured she might be able to pull her frame into the chestpiece without assistance for once but in the end she meekly asked one of the other operators to help secure what she had difficulty with - though luckily enough for the youngest operator she managed to get the rest on with little issues and was ready with a sword over one shoulder, knife on one thigh, pistol on the other, smg slung across her body and the rig's pouches filled accordingly to keep her lightweight and mobile if need be.

The helmet had been pulled over Kyet's head too, its dark colours blending in nicely with the light and dark greys the Operator had masterfully painted around her large golden-green eyes to reduce any glare she might encounter - though for the moment she just waited for the others, quietly sidling up alongside their shortest member with a warm look from behind the faceplate.
Hana didn't have any questions that he needed answered. Pushing himself up when told to gear up, he left the room without as much as a word. Ten minutes, no one would blame him if he paid a quick visit to the restrooms. Pushing the door open he glanced to see whether anyone was coming, before flicking the cap off of his flask that snugged closely against his chest due to his dress. Putting it between his teeth, he pushed open the bathroom and locked it. Whilst doing his number one, he threw his head back, the flask emptied in one go. By the time he had zipped up, the flask had already been back in one of the inner pockets and only a minute had passed.

Walking out again, the Daur popped a minty candy, swishing it around in his mouth as he moved to the armoury to gear up. Five minutes was all it took, before he glanced over to see Kyet struggling. Meekly asking him for help.

Hana let out a soft chuckle and moved over, sliding the faceplate up, before sauntering over and helping his partner with the suit, giving her a reassuring pad on the back, before glancing over at the rest.
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