Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

OOC Division 5


Everything Is Magical
Welcome to the official OOC thread for the upcoming Division 5 plot which has not actually started as of the time I write this but I'm the GM FM whatsaperson so I can do what I like XD

But to get serious this is where I'll be posting all the updates about the plot and the organisation in general as I have some interesting plan and thoughts about what to do with it and want to both share them with players potential and current as well as get feedback to help make it the most fun it can be.

To start with I'll tag all the people who I remember were interested;

Apologies if I missed anyone I haven't had a chance to do a proper headcount and I'm frazzled from exams, for anyone else who is interested feel free to contact me through this thread or via a PM of some sort here or discord. With that being said can I get a show of hands from those tagged if you're still keen on joining and what stage your characters are at as I've got several plans ready to go when you guys are.
If you are able to that would be awesome arbs ^^ but not worries if you can't, I haven't made a deadline yet for the commencement of a plot but I'd highly advise people start putting together characters so I can look over them and help if needed.

Now for a quick question regarding the first thread, my initial plan was to do something local to start off the team which would help lead into a more long term story near the end, but i've been talking with @Jack Pine and had another idea.

Since S6 recently showed up quite close to Neshie territory we discussed the possibility of having Division 5 go on a sort of scouting/intel gathering mission to investigate S6 and make sure they're not building a forward base to attack the kingdom.

Now I'm fine with either idea and we'll do both in time its just a case of deciding the order of them so I'm putting it to the players, what would you guys like to do first?

EDIT: Gonna bring it up again here but the year of birth for foxies can be a little tricky so I tracked down the calendar system Kyle made up and linked it for all you guys ^^
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I'm still interested myself! I haven't started on my character yet so I'll work on that this week.
For anyone who needs help when getting to this stage, I am working on putting together a list of equipment for Div5 characters as default kit but for now just list the needler pistol and the needle SMG in terms of weapons.

I'm a little snowed in trying to get wiki stuff done so some of the gear i wanted to have done for them isn't quite finished yet but essentially each operator will have those two weapons plus a tactical kit (pack, chest rig, holsters ect) and some tac gear like NVG and binoculars as well as some other goodies, stay tuned for a full list which you can put down and dont worry about linking them till later
Next update for Division 5 players of any state (interested, in progress of making one ect) I have added a standard equipment list to this page
its near the bottom under the equipment header, with wiki code included, please note this is likely to get updated however when that happens i'll personally take care to update character sheets accordingly.

Also as i linked in an earlier post the age guide, i have just overhauled it and it should now be a lot easier to use when finding a characters birth year.
well its taken a while and i should really keep this more updated but the first portion of the mission has been completed, one smol fox has been stolen and one prisoner has been taken. The next thread will revolve around the rescue operation as i've told me players a couple times, and should be up later today if im lucky otherwise within another day or so.
alright everyone, I'll be posting for this thread hopefully today or at least by tomorrow

@IQ @SirSkully if you guys could get posts done in that time it would be great but I will be posting regardless as its been a while and I also have to deal with the wonderful rp reviews

This little adventure is almost over then the plot will have a short break more than likely while i plan an actual mission or run a small side plot of putting leads together and figuring out where to go next
alright thats gm posto donzo

once I've wrapped this up as said before i'll be planning the next one for a little bit, in the meantime if anyone has a "brand" of mission they really wanna do for the next one feel free to dump suggestions, any kind of situation you think a bunch of CT ops could be in just toss em in the basket and we can see if anyone has similar ideas to one another

also as i had mentioned im thinking of having a side thread or jp based around the team putting clues and leads together, a lot shorter than a usual thread so if anyone is interested in doing that let me know here as well, if i get a couple of people then i'll set that up too to lead into the next full mission