Star Army

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Do Yamataians fly? How fast?


Inactive Member
I have already asked Fred a few things about the Yamataian body, and this is what I got so far.

Yamataians can function in 0-2G, and can use antigravity to go 70 MPH in 0G. They can't fly, at least normally.

I was wondering if a Yamataian could train in gradually increased gravity, and maybe hone their antigravity abilities in said increeased gravity to eventually fly. After all, 0 to 70 MPH means a fair amount of thrust, even if it isn't hovering equivalent in 1G.
To answer the question of Neko/Yamataian flight, my intent was for Nekovalkryrja to fly around at car-like speeds, and for Yamataians to slowly hover around over obastacles.
Star Army systems such as the CFS, engine and fold systems work indefenitely at peak performance because the nodal system prevents wear and tear. I believe the femtomachines inside a body can achieve about the same thing, allowing all yamataians and neko to maintain peak performance, which would be 70 mph.
Lemme see if I get you right here, MM -- what you're asking or hoping for here is that Yamataians can train their bodies to be better using weights, gravity, all the mess ala DBZ or something. Not an unscientific thought, as humans do it all the time.

That's the crux of what this whole thread was about, right? Can the Yamataian body improve upon itself?

From what's been said so far, it doesn't really seem like it can. The whole femtomachine body seems to prevent that. But Wes' initial calculations on what Yamataians can do in various forms of gravity suggests that a Yamataian can become more adept at using their power, thereby making them possibly able to swing more weight or something. But generally, I think you're SOL there.
70 MPH in 1G? That's a little bit too much, don't you think?

From what Wes told me a long time ago, even Nekos can only "air dance". They can change their velocity and acceleration in mid-air, fall slowly off a tall ledge, or hover above the ground to do a cool kung fu pose, and such. He never mentioned them going ZOOM under normal atmospheric conditions.

This isn't a superhero RP.
What? But I was sure it was!

Rufus: *turned Yamataian and got a superman outfit except with a red R on the chest* "I'm da man~!"

If it's any consolation, I think Superman flies a lot faster.
To answer the question of Neko/Yamataian flight, my intent was for Nekovalkryrja to fly around at car-like speeds, and for Yamataians to slowly hover around over obastacles.
Nah, don't worry about it.

Side note: I added a loophole to the species restriction orders that will let PCs stay with if they ask for permission from SA command.
Well, the NH-17s are definately supposed to upgrade, but yeah, I suppose she could try for permission. What about SPINE and stuff?
I left them before because I didn't have the impression the Sakura's MEGAMI could make NH-29 nekos yet.

Wes, maybe you could update the Megami html information page and state that the M-IES can make NH-12B and NH-29A type nekovalkyrja?