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Dog Tags


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Do Nepleslian military personnel use dog tags? I was thinking they did, but it's hard to find evidence of it. If they do, what are they like and what's on them? Tagging FM @Luca for response. They they exist I'd like to make (or to get someone to make) an article for them and add them to standard issue.

Other faction managers are also welcome to answer for their factions.

As for my faction, Yamatai, the military may have historically used dog tags before the Star Army of Yamatai was formed, but currently dog tags aren't used since everything is tracked electronically. If necessarily, I suppose our medics would have to do a quick DNA scan.
Pretty sure anything of this sort would be just about worthless when it comes to power armored combat or even infantry combat. Most of the weapons used in this setting would obliterate something like a dog tag and likely leave just bare DNA traces behind for identification.
Centurion is right, but, I can't help but feel there's some tradition to having these. Maybe wrapped around the ankle instead of the neck so when a Nepleslian's still standing power armor boots are found, they don't have to run a DNA test.

My own opinion is that it's safe to assume that dog tags are in use by Nepleslia, and most likely the type with stamped metal plate with rubberized edges to prevent clinking. I don't think it needs an article to define the info that's stamped on them be honest. That stuff will be brought up at the speed of plot. The exception would be if it's some sort of high-tech dog-tag with a data-chip in it or something. Even then, I think this is pretty low priority, so assuming Luca gives the green light for the simple ones, simply adding it into the standard issue would do just fine.

I can picture it now - a Nepleslian's remains being nothing but his power armor boots and the contents within, with the upper edges of the shin guards being nothing but molten metal and black carbon.

And, maybe the dog tags.
I do believe they're listed in our starting gear but I'm not 100% sure.

Dog Tags most certainly WOULD be used, but would be likely carved from the most survivable material they could get their hands on.

You use dog tags because with the level of energy being tossed around, you want them to identify the corpses. That's why they were introduced around WWI and WWII (or a little earlier), where artillery had gotten so damn strong it rarely left an otherwise identifiable corpse. You only had the dog tags to go on.
I think the 'dog tag' would be digital. With NSMC Marines having access to the ever useful Brain Spider, there wouldn't be any need to get a jangly thing. Physical dog tags would be purely ornamental. The Brain Spider has all the soldier's relevant data (Name, DOB, Hometown, Blood Type, and much more) accessible wirelessly over any NAM network.
well why not, as part of whatever retroviral regime they have to undergo during training and preping, they actually have a molecular code stamped into their DNA/cellular structure/what have you. That way no matter how little of the body is left you got a good chance of knowing who the poor bugger was?
I do believe they're listed in our starting gear but I'm not 100% sure.
Aha! You're right! On the Standard Issue Equipment for DION forces page, it has:

  • 1 pair identification tags, metal, with name and hometown
I'm thinking the reason they're used is mainly so that when people get converted into carbon, the tags will survive even if the body is burned to ashes and has no recoverable DNA or brain spider.

Now I'm wondering if I should start issuing them in Yamatai, too...
Cat Tags for Yamatai Wes? They'd better look good, or the Neko will turn their noses up at them.
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