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Domino Effect

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For a while there's been this increasing uproar against one of our members, Raz, who has kind of turned increasingly bitter and combative over the years, causing fights with multiple GMs and being involved with a lot of the background drama of the site. To be fair, notably much of this has been provoked by other people antagonizing him. Anyway, because of rude behavior I had to make the tough call to remove him from being manager of SAINT a few months ago and gave him a stern warning. This didn't really seem to work and today I got confronted by a large group of players who were talking about leaving because they felt their concerns were being ignored.

I've been avoiding banning Raz for a long time because he's attached to another prominent member of the site, Ame, who is awesome and has done so much for the community. But it came to a head tonight and Raz finally got banned and it's created a domino effect that is going to cause major issues for the community that we're going to work through.

First, after Raz was banned, Ametheliana said she'd be leaving too, which leaves us without a GM for the biggest Star Army of Yamatai plot. She's asked me not to continue the Kaiyo, which I will respect, so the characters on it will have to join new plots or gets transfers to active plots. Also some of the factions have lost a Co-FM because of this, including Nepleslia.

Second, Gunhand has also resigned over Ametheliana leaving, which leave Nepleslia without an FM. Until I pick a new one, I will temporarily be serving as Nepleslia's FM.

Lastly, there will probably be Kaiyo players who will be upset that Ame's heading out.

So there's going to be a rough patch ahead that we're going to have to navigate as the fallout happens. I really only wanted to stop Raz but this has super snowballed. Stay tuned for updates.

There was a lot of drama being caused by uncertainty over Raz's ban in terms of how long it would last and if it would be reversed. I'm posting this to be transparent and to eliminate this uncertainty:

Raz will stay banned for 1 full year from the date of the ban. Plan accordingly. There will be no further appeals on his ban. This was my decision alone and was not voted on by other staffers, and I take full responsibility for it. It was a compromise between those who called for the ban to last forever and those who feel it was mistake.

Further drama related to this ban will result in warnings, which can add up to a ban on the site. Drama is unwelcome.
The site was hugely hurt by Raz and Ametheliana being away (particularly the Kaiyo players), and now almost everyone who had beef with Raz has left the site in spite of Raz being banned. In view of this, Raz's good behavior, and at the recommendation of my staff, I've reduced Raz's ban time to 3 months, to expire on April 13, 2018. It is my hope that he and Ame will choose to return to SARP at that time.
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