Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Approved Character Druidess Dream Zero Zero 00-0018-2475


Inactive Member
Name: Druidess Dream Zero Zero 00-0018-2475
General Information
Species: Freespacer (Type Three)
Gender: Female
Age: Chronological 6, Physical 15

Family (or Creators): Mothership Brilliant Unwritten Future Admist The Neverending Heavens of the Free State

Employer: The Free State

Occupation: Mecha-Druidess. In charge of the physical and spiritual well-being of everyone and everything in the universe. (But, due to the massive size of the universe itself, she usually focuses her efforts to whatever is into her field of view, be it lifeform, automata, starship, or... anything, really. Even rocks, probably.)

Rank: What's a "rank"? :D

Current Assignment: None, for now. She's to join the Cirrus research station ASAP. For now, she kinda loiters around trying to find something to do to keep her busy.

Physical Characteristics
Height: 160 cm (5'3")
Weight: 48 kg (106 lbs)
Measurements: 75-55-70
Bra Size: C

Build and Skin Color: Thin, slender build. Her skin color is a very pale color that usually is either greenish, yellowish, pink-whitish, or a combination of those. This actually depends on the condition of the different types of very thin lichens growing on her skin, but the actual growth could probably be noticed only upon microscopic analysis. Most of her skin is tattooed in abstract, tribal patterns, with jagged, swirly, pointy and spirally lines crossing all over her body (actually, those are not really tattoos, but another skin symbiont.).

Facial Features and Eye Color: Her tattoos swirl on part of her face and draw the "gearwheel, sun and moon" Free State Emblem around her large left eye, which is a rich green in color. Her right eye is cybernetic, consisting of a red lens and a bit of hardware around it. It is unclear whether she still has the eye under that, or it is missing.

Hair color and Style: Her hair is long and straight, light blue, and she changes its style about once a day. If she's bored, far more often than that.

Distinguishing Features:
Apart from her swirly tattoos and her cybernetic left eye, this little girl usually wears a... well, something that's a bit like a crossover between an oddly multicolored Shinto priestess' outfit, an even more gaudily colored lab-coat-like wear, and an even, even weirder... well, you know what? It's probably better just to describe it.

First of all, yes, it has a lot of colors. Maybe more than you even thought existed. It looks like someone took the outline of a lot of things, mostly alien-looking symbols, plants, machines, spacecrafts, various tools and humanoid figures, then overlapped all of them in the most chaotic way possible, and then colored each region a different color with spray paint... and used THAT as a texture.

It has long, large kimono-like sleeves, detached from the rest of the dress, which looks otherwise like a large, long overcoat with many pockets. Under that, she wears something not entirely unlike a Chinese dress, a pleated miniskirt, and a pair of high boots.
And everything looks like it barely survived the orbital bombardment of a paint factory.

Oh, yeah, and a cumbersome-looking utility belt from which hangs a large amount of high-tech-looking items and instruments.

The girl is also packed with accessories: necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings, trinkets hanging from her hair or her clothes, from strips of paper with something written on them to screws, bolts or pieces of integrated circuits, or other small scraps of assorted machinery.
Her appearance is certainly unique.

Psychological Characteristics
Personality:The first word that comes to mind would be "hyper". Dream never stands still. Never. Ever.

She grows bored with incredible speed, sometimes after mere seconds, and, despite that has a frightening capacity of focusing her mind to one single task in an almost maniacal way.

So, she mostly jumps around from here to there, doing stuff that needs to be done (and sometimes even stuff that doesn't). No one ever caught her standing still, and she appears to sleep only a few hours a week, and sometimes not even that.

Sure, Freespacers are usually hyperactive, but Dream can seem the poster child for A.D.H.D. from time to time, even among them.

She often becomes incredibly clingy towards people or items she like and forges "eternal friendships" in the blink of an eye. She doesn't care if her oppressive feelings of friendship/love (no real difference between the two, for her) are one-sided. She probably doesn't know, doesn't realize, and doesn't care: once she decides she likes someone, she will cling on to him or her forever. And the scary part is that SHE LIKES EVERYONE.

She can come off as extremely annoying, with all her boundless curiosity, hyperactivity and clingy attitude. In many ways, she seems a lot more immature and childlike than her physical 15 years. Having the odd habit of giving nicknames to everyone and talking to nonsentient objects and treating them as people doesn't help either.
However, she has a redeeming characteristic: a heart big enough to hold the universe and then some.

Dream loves everyone and everything, unconditionally. She is totally alien to cruelty, corruption, manipulation, and the harsh truths of the world. Being a Freespacer and knowing the Art of Never Again by heart, she understands the need for revolution, rebellion, war and self-defense, but she believes that, someday, those things will become nothing but old memories of a less enlightened age, and that, eventually, everything will change for the better.

She thinks that the universe can become a paradise. That everyone can be freed and saved, and that everyone can reach pure, perfect happiness, if only enough people would care about it.
And she cares. She cares totally and without expecting anything in exchange. She cares with every ounce of her body, heart and soul. She cares with a faith that could move mountains, planets, entire galaxies, make and unmake universes.

She is completely and utterly dedicated, with a simple-minded but titanium-plated conviction that would make all of the universe's zealots, dictators and absolutists shrink and pale in comparison. And no amount of exposure to the brutal, gritty truth could make her waver or flinch not even one bit. On the contrary: it would all just fuel her conviction, much like throwing hydrogen in a star.

In conclusion, she is idealistic, compassionate, and mind-shatteringly selfless, to the point that she would gladly throw away her life just for the sake of bringing another spark of good and happiness, no matter how minute, into being in the universe.

And there is her greatest pitfall: she cares for everyone and loves everyone, except for herself. She doesn't HATE herself, nor does she think of herself as a martyr or something along those lines. Simply, she never thinks about herself.

That she's a person too. That she's precious too. That, if she throws away her life in some stupid way, all the good she could have done during the rest of her existence would never come into being.

Likes: Trying new foods, trying new hobbies, knowing people and making friends, tourism, memories and mementos, working.
Dislikes: Waiting, standing still with nothing to do or not being able to help.
Goals: Save the universe.

Dream Zero-Zero is the last in a long string of Type Three reincarnations (as her low serial number would suggest). Most of them were Freethinkers, Nursemaids, Gearheads or Mindtwisters, and her perceptions and experiences have colored Dream's personality, probably contributing to her radical, utterly dedicated personality. Oddly enough, her past incarnations left to her not only their digital memories, but also a number of physical mementos, trinkets and small items. And so, Dream started collecting mementos as well, out of habit, as something to pass on to her next reincarnation.

Once out of the cloning vat and the communal nursery, she immediately expressed her desire to become a druidess, and began her apprenticeship at her mothership's shrine.

The mothership in question, the Brilliant Unwritten Future Admist The Neverending Heavens (long, flowery names are somewhat of a tradition among that fleet), had, in fact, a number of "shrines", something like a mix of a church, a starship's engineering section, and a sickbay. A place where to take care of the body, the mind, and the soul.

The standing priestess of this particular shrine (the Industrious Temple of Starlight Shining Bright Between Deck 167 And The Archives Of Tomorrow), Druidess Spirit Two Two 22-9128-2999, took Dream as her apprentice, together with Druidess Vision Zero Nine 09-9200-6756. Vision and Dream had grown together at the communal nursery, and shared a deep bond of friendship, considering themselves sisters.

(Vision is not the only one whom Dream calls "sister", however. She has kept in touch with most of her other "brothers and sisters" from the nursery.)

After some months of apprenticeship, however, a failure in the Mothership's hull depressurized the whole block. Dream was lucky enough to survive unscathed, but both Vision and Spirit were gravely wounded and would have died quickly without medical assistance. In the haste of the moment, Dream, the only one with medical training nearby, had to make a choice, and saved Vision first, When she turned to Spirit, it was already too late for her.

There weren't other druidesses that could take her place (most were already busy with other shrines on the Mothership or around the fleet), so Vision chose to step in, while Dream took care of her mentor's reincarnation process.

While reviewing Spirit's memories prior to feeding them to the new clone, however, Dream found out that she had been a Foretalker (something like an ambassador or an explorer) of the Free State to the Nepleslian Star Empire. On a whim, she decided that she would learn more about those other races outside the Free State and, in turn, teach them about the Freespacer way: the fivefold path of Pacifism, Balance, Endurance, Anarcho-Communism and Mecha-Druidism. But, mostly, she just wanted to try new stuff, know people, fool around a bit, and be of help.
Enthusiatically, she signed up to join the crew of the Cirrus station.

Dream's mission and main purpose in life is to take care of everyone and everything. She is a mecha-druidess and a healer. A healer of bodies, minds and souls, of people and machines alike.

Engineering (Dream is an proficient starship engineer, but her only experience and training is with the ad-hoc structure and systems of freespacer starships, and so, if let by her own, any project she lays her hands on will become utterly useless to anyone who is not a freespacer. She is nonetheless capable of designing freespace-styled crafts, starships, vehicles and structures, despite it not being her main area of expertise, because the act of planning, designing and building, that is, creation, means to follow the footsteps of the Great Maker, which is one of her religious duties.)

Humanities (Dream knows that the mind and the soul have their wounds and illnesses, just like the body does. She is not what other races would call a "psychologist", however: she does not help people in a conventional way, but rather, through inspirational speeches, sheer kindness and sweetness, and her own infectious optimism. She is good at talking with people, but not because she's a subtle, smart, slick diplomat: just because of her intense drive, overwhelming cheerfulness and charisma, and her ability to empathize with anyone's suffering. She's also well-learned in the classics (which means The Art of Never Again, basically: it's all in there, after all) and what she lacks in culture, she makes up for in naive wisdom.)

Maintenance and Repair (Dream is to a starship what a medic is to a patient: she takes care of it in a compassionate, caring, almost loving manner. To her, the starship is alive: the engines are its legs; the command bridge its brain; the hull its skin; the sensor its eyes; the crew its symbionts; the reactor its heart; the machine spirit its soul. It's not a metaphor: it is REALLY alive. You can't just "fix" it: you must "heal" him (or her, depending on whether she perceives the starship in question as male or female), in both body and spirit. Her concept of "healing a ship's spirit" lies in both modifying its layout, appearance and furnishings and interior decorations, and in rallying and cheering up the whole crew.)

Medical and Science (Not only Dream has undergone digital training on medicine in all of its forms and specializations, accumulating in her brain the whole knowledge her race could spare on its countless topics, but she's had numerous experiences and has done her best to assimilate other races' medical knowledge, too. If there's one field in which Dream is better than everything else, it would be medical science.)

Starship Operations (Dream has spent her whole life on starships and space stations. It's not been a long time, that's for sure, but she underwent basic digital training in Starship Operations, like everyone else. She'd make a pretty good pilot, navigator and overall bridge officer, although she never tried her hand at anything else than Freespacer vessels.)

Mindware (Dream uses her cybernetic brain implant for the usual things: to participate in the Free State's digital democracy, exchanging, uploading and downloading information, and recording her memories for her future reincarnation. She also has the equivalent of a huge medical encyclopedia stored in her memory.)

Biology (Being an expert medic, Dream knows a good deal about xenobiology and genetic engineering. Just like in regular engineering, Dream sees the act of creating and modifying life as inherently divine, and a way of approaching the Great Maker.)
Wow.... One question: Did you even read the CCG? I hope you did, but you apparently did not use its template... or at least not very well. This is a very detailed character. That is a good point... however, I'm not sure if their is such a thing as 'Mecha-Druidess'. I wouldn't know for sure, so I'll leave that up to Jess. >_> Anywho, rank is your position in the hierarchy of the military. Again, I am not sure what ranks the 'Spacers use. You'll probably want to use the lowest rank, since you are new here. Oh, and, please, keep your OOC notes toward the very end. It helps to not distract us readers. Distinguishing features is for abnormal markings that stand out in the crowd... not for what she looks like in general. Her personality is sort of complex, but still interesting... if I understand it correctly. I'll leave that and her history to Doshii and Jess for analysis. One last thing, you are required to have 7 skills. No more, no less. You can obtain more skills as your character progresses, but you still need that minimum 7 skills. Good luck on your character, and I hope we rp sometime! ^_^
Oh wow, one of my first Cirrus Station joinees! I suppose I should look this over as well once I find the time, seeing as she is supposedly going to join my upcoming plot. I'll get to it right away once I can. :mrgreen:

Fay said:
One last thing, you are required to have 7 skills. No more, no less. You can obtain more skills as your character progresses, but you still need that minimum 7 skills. Good luck on your character, and I hope we rp sometime! ^_^

Uh, Fay...this character DOES have 7 skills. And I think the creator *did* use the template, but just didn't add as many breaks as some of us would like. A simple fix, Della.
Fay said:
Wow.... One question: Did you even read the CCG? I hope you did, but you apparently did not use its template... or at least not very well.

Well, I used this template. Found it on the character creation guide.
But from your reaction I can guess that there are other, better-formatted templates around that I didn't find. Then I have to ask: why is this template still there, then?

Fay said:
This is a very detailed character. That is a good point... however, I'm not sure if their is such a thing as 'Mecha-Druidess'.

There is.

Fay said:
Anywho, rank is your position in the hierarchy of the military. Again, I am not sure what ranks the 'Spacers use.

None, since they are die-hard anarchists. Hence the smiley face.

Fay said:
One last thing, you are required to have 7 skills. No more, no less.

...but I do.
1) Engineering
2) Humanities
3) Maintenance and Repair
4) Medical and Science
5) Starship Operations
6) Mindware
7) Biology

I don't understand what's the problem.
Well, I couldn't contain my want to read it right away. Who needs breakfast nowadays, huh?

I must say, I am very happy, practically giddy, to see that you've done your research before submitting this really, really shows through the detailed history and personality, and your knowledge of the Freespacer society. The character herself, in my opinion, is exceptional and astounding, and her personality has my interest piqued already. Her quirky personality is a perfect mix to the few rough-and-tough characters I have strung along for the Cirrus Station.

I honestly wouldn't have you change a thing, and give my approval (for what it matters) for Dream's acceptance into the Cirrus Research Station roster. I hope the other, real character approval members feel the same.

Once you get a YIM account, I would like to talk to you a bit though...I want to make it a point to know my players a little, and give them a little more insight about what a mess they are getting themselves into when joining The Cirrus Station. :mrgreen:
That level of detail and writing ... do you know Jessica? How did you find out about Star Army at all? Even the best Neko bios I've seen don't capture the essence of the race (or what I perceive it to be, at least) as well as this captures Freespacers.

I need Jessica to come in and give some feedback on this.

This character is pending.
How could I have NOT made research? Being a sucker for transhumanist utopias, I totally fell in love with the Freespacers head over heels and now I can't wait to play a Freespacer character. I'm already drawing character art for her.

As for Jessica, I've met her on the IRC channel, but I didn't know that she was the genius behing this beautiful race (probably one of the best SF concepts I've seen in ages).
My hat is off to her. It's been a long time since I've been THIS MUCH in love with a character concept.

As for Star Army, I've known about its existence for a very, very long time (years), I just never bothered to check until very recently.
You like transhumanist utopias ... you're an artist ... met Jessica on the IRC, but didn't know she was the Freespacer creator .. you love the whole Freespacer experience, but even though you've known about Star Army for years, you only now looked into it.

I'm curious as to why that is. Forgive me if I sound like the Inquisition, but I'm skeptical. You're certainly in a different time zone than most of us. Italy, right?
Fay, what's your problem? This is an awesome biography.

Honestly, it seems like a perfect Freespacer bio to me. I would like to see what Jessica says but I'm sure she'll love it and love having a new Freespacer around.
Doshii Jun said:
You like transhumanist utopias ... you're an artist ... met Jessica on the IRC, but didn't know she was the Freespacer creator .. you love the whole Freespacer experience, but even though you've known about Star Army for years, you only now looked into it.

I'm curious as to why that is. Forgive me if I sound like the Inquisition, but I'm skeptical. You're certainly in a different time zone than most of us. Italy, right?

There's no big mystery or anything :D

Yes, I'm from Italy. (Cesenatico, if it matters)

I'm a science fiction and fantasy fan, and I prefer transhumanist utopias a la Culture (Iain Banks' books), Star Trek's Federation, or the most benign endings of Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri (just to name a few) over cyberpunk dystopias. That's why I loved the Freespacers so much.

I've been seeing Star Army advertisement banners around the web for ages, but never bothered to check in-depth the site, mostly because I'm terribly lazy at times and couldn't get myself to start reading all that stuff. Until, three days ago, I figured out I'd give it a try. I went through the race database, and immediately checked the Freespacers because I liked the name, and, well, I thought they were something like anarchist revolutionary space nomads or something and they seemed the most interesting race concept.

Turns out I had underestimated them :D

As for being an artist, I'm not all that good, really. Sometimes I scribble stuff in something that looks like manga-style, but i don't have a tablet, so it's all pencil and scanner. And I never color anything because I suck at it.
Moved for approval. =) Please add this character's biography to the Wiki if you have not done so already. Welcome to the SARPG.
Yes, I'm from Italy. (Cesenatico, if it matters)
You are excellent with English writing--better than many Americans.

I lived in Napoli for two years, as a teenager.

Italian food is the best in the world!
And neapolitan food is especially good even among italian food :D hope you enjoyed your stay there.

Oh, by the way, i created the wiki page, but i wanted to define better my character's equipment and cyber implants.

Plus, when and were can i start playing :D
How did you guys guess Della was from Italy? *blinks*

Congrats on a one-shot-kill bio, Della! Very, very rarely does a new player achieve that (that I've seen, anyway). I look forward to reading what happens : )
For the record, I only saw 5 skills in this character's skill slots this morning. I might not have seen the other 2... they skills section was kind of a blob of messiness. >.>;; Congrats, as well, Della.
MissingNo said:
How did you guys guess Della was from Italy? *blinks*

Her name, her occasionally strange turns of phrase, her timezone and most importantly her e-mail, which is