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DRv3 and Missiles


Banned Member
Going to keep this brief as well, since I have work in 15 minutes; anyways, based upon the posts in this thread, missiles are still a prickly subject when it comes to weapon limitations - thus I’m curious as to what everyone’s thoughts are regarding what an “ideal” (and simplistic) missile system would be for the aforementioned weapon limitations.

Here’s some earlier attempts at making a missile-inclusive system (warning: most of them contain extremely toxic posts, and I think I missed a few threads >.<):
Didn’t you say DRv3 wasn’t broken? That statement seems to be at odds with this post complaining about DRv3’s missiles.

Just wanted to try and understand where you are coming from there.
I think that possibly the simplest way I can think of doing this is giving missiles launching weapons limited ammunition and a reload speed if they have ammo reserves. This allows players to dictate how they want to handle fire rate.

They can choose a slower but steady stream of fire, a large salvo with a long reload period, or a fast stream of fire with a short reload period before the stream starts up again.

Obviously, things like wing mounted missile pods or racks wouldn't have ammo reserves because duh, but this gives players flexibility in how they want to describe their missile use, as well as a way to limit the power of missiles to make sure that we don't end up with just missile spam everywhere.
Alex, does this mean you also have a problem with DRv3? Just trying to understand why you think I’m the only one who has a problem with it if you think there is a problem with missiles?
Personally, missiles are just...such a pain to work around. They're one of those parts of any system where either they're brokenly good or brokenly bad. If they're too good, spamming missiles wins every time. If they're too bad, PD eliminates them from any conflict. We treat them as ships, like fighters and whatnot, but without shields their durability is...bad.

But super teched up missiles are also bad. You armor up fighters and such because they're expected to survive. You don't armor missiles with shields because you expect them to die. You could always launch swarms of missiles but that seems kinda ridiculous and point defense is either overwhelmed or has a breeze with it.
Saying that the way missiles are handled under the DRv3 weapon limitations needs to be improved - which have no bearing on the rest of DRv3 - is not the equivalent of saying that DRv3 is broken, @Zack.
Missiles must be used carefully and strategically. It is hard to say how they will perform in any given situation since there are so many situations that make them useless. DVr3 at least gives us a reliable damage profile. I personally like missiles intended for fighter combat to be faster than the fighters. I also like anti-ship missiles to be faster than the ships. I guess we could make a modifier to our current speed rules for missiles?
We do have rules on it. I think it's somewhere in the speed guidelines. I also agree; missiles are awesome on strike fighters and bombers, but ship-to-ship torpedoes are pretty garbage, really. Unless they're IGBMs (Inter Galactic Ballistic Missiles) they're kinda underwhelming.
I don't have a problem with DRv3, however if we're looking at addressing missiles it couldn't hurt to improve it. Just because I think DRv3 can be improved does not mean that I have a problem with it, nor does it mean that I think we need a new DR system @Zack.
I will ask that posters please do not put words in other people's posts. No where in the OP, nor in Alex's post, was it ever mentioned that they had problems with the DR system.
Part of the recent issue is an attempt to tie Tier to weapons armament, but it's not really all that practical when considering that anything from Starfighter on up can carry a Ke-Z1. There's also the fact that storing a large number of missiles on a starship isn't implausible given their size, and that sticking a second launcher onto a ship isn't that difficult or hard to justify space-wise. Missiles also seem to come in terms of under-wing "one-offs", multiple one-direction tubes which are simpler to implement than a rotating launcher (but seem likely to suffer greatly in proposed weapons limits compared to it), and rotating missile launchers that can fire every-which way. Each has its own pros and cons to consider.

It's something that seems limited mainly by OOC constraints rather than IC problems, and vague ones at that which don't necessarily consider these different applications.
I can recognize your point of view, but we aren't just looking at things from an IC perspective. IC, sure we could cover the entire surface of a ship in guns, or missiles.

But that's boring, everyone would do it, and that makes it kind of silly. I also mentioned this;

Also consider this @Toshiro, missile weapons don't have to be a single tube. A weapon could be a launch cell of say, 4-6 missile tubes, which solves your issue with them suffering under weapons limits.
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