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RP: YSS Kaiyō During Mission Ten: Prompt Like Always


Inactive Member
Uesureyan Fields
Outside the YSS Kaiyo II

The starport was bustling with a variety of vehicle, foot, and ship traffic. If he were to describe what it was to anyone who's never been to a starport… it would be systematically chaotic. The loud noise was enough to deter any pesky animals that may wander near, though it was all drowned out to him, and he could hear his thoughts perfectly. It wasn’t his first time at a starport, and definitely not his first time to this particular one.

Teiji strolled at a casual pace, his black shoes shined well enough that they could be used as mirrors, cadet blue uniform trousers creased and pressed appropriately, he wore the standard issued Type 35 duty uniform, and he had a duffle bag draped over his left shoulder. He carefully weaved in and out of foot traffic looking down at his assignment orders. “Lot yadee yada.” He muttered, though it was drowned out by the roar of nearby engines. His first set of orders and duty assignment for his deployment, an opening on a Fuji-Class Expeditionary Gunship. Not what he wanted to be serving on, but it is what it is, at least that’s what he tells himself. He glanced at the time displayed above the assignment on his datapad, “Prompt and on time like always.” He groaned aloud, again lost to the background noise, at least this way he could carry on a conversation with himself without anyone giving him the odd glance.

He could have slept in today, but woke up early enough to get a headstart on reading up on whatever information he could find in regards to the Kaiyo, operating procedures, or any non-classified history that the ship may have. Of course in regards to operating procedures, it wasn’t any different from many of the other ships in the fleet, which wasn’t a surprise.

He glanced up briefly from the datapad as he began approaching the lot that the Kaiyo was stationed on. It… it was an eyesore, the ship. He knew what the Fuji’s looked like, had seen them plenty of times before, even passed weapon certifications during simulations at the academy. But it wasn’t the ship he dreamed of being stationed on, and that disgusted him. Sure, it will be a sight for sore eyes when he’s in dire need of assistance should he ever be away on a ground assignment, and his disgust for serving on the ship would definitely be the last thing on his mind in that particular situation.

She was also small… which meant close company with other personnel. It wasn't preferable, but it's not like he could go and demand a suite to himself.

As he approached, he could see a bustling amount of personnel outside, dock workers amongst what appeared to also be a skeleton of the ship’s own crew. He assumed a vast majority of them were on shore leave for a couple of days, which would give him plenty of time to learn the ship without huge social obligations.

He cleared his throat, and hoisted his duffle bag onto his shoulder. “Excuse me.” He said approaching one of the technicians. “I’m Santô Hei Sada. Recently been assigned to the Kaiyo. Could you point me to where my cabin is?” He waited for the technician's reply as he glanced around the dock. Thinking back on it... his orders never mentioned the crew being on shore leave.
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Outside of Kaiyō II

Sada could see a technician outside of Kaiyō II's power armor bay. Force fields were down on the exit and entrance to the ship as people went about their business. Takedo Junko held a datapad in one hand and had a FARS drone hovering over her shoulder with a little volumetric projection of some of the Fuji-class' engine components. Intermittently it had been swooping down for Junko to move it about with her fingers to look at different parts and would make notes on the data pad.

Just as Sada approached and Itto Heisho came up to Takedo Junko and she handed off the data pad with a crisp bow afterwards.

She looked demurely to the Santo Hei before her and said, "I can show you to your posting, Sada-hei. Your captain will have assigned you a cabin already or will in the future." She looked about one way and another, then walked over the ramp between her and the ship. She then beckoned him to follow her with a sweep of her hand towards herself, "I am not a Kaiyo II personnel but a technician working on repairs for the ship at this time. I can tell from PANTHEON, though, that you are a weapons operator. For now I can take you to the bridge. Anything else is something I don't think I can do for you. Maybe you want to explore the ship on your own and find an empty bunk?"
Outside of the YSS Kaiyo

He replied, loud enough for her to hear him over the commotion of their surroundings, though a quick glance over would suggest that she probably would've heard him if he muttered. As he typically assumed anyone he met or would meet in the military, would be artificially enhanced as it was pretty common. She motioned for him to follow her, and he did, keeping a casual pace up the ramp until he was next to her.

"Arigato, I'm familiar with the layout of the Fuji Class, I'm sure I can find my way to the bridge without assistance. Perhaps, you would know where the Captain is so I could introduce myself and get my cabin assignment? The last thing I want to do is step on anyones toes by claiming a bunk that may have been claimed by..." He paused and sighed softly, "By somebody else. Y'know how it is these days. New guy shows up on a ship. Get's merc'd by his bunk mates because he took the top bunk." He frowned at his own joke momentarily as he waited for her to proceed, following when she eventually does.

"You mentioned she was undergoing repairs? Regular maintenance or was she in an engagement recently? If the latter, how exstensive is the damage, and I could help provide some assistance while we're still ground-side." He asked after a short pause.

The hull didn't look that beat up when I approached. Maybe it's some internal systems? He thought to himself, allowing his eyes to wander around the dock from atop the ramp.
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Power Armor Bay

Takedo walked until she had seen an actual Kaiyō II personnel, Kiki, and introduced the two, saying, "Kikio Leka-hei, meet the weapons operator for the ship. This is Sada Teiji-hei. Please would you mind explaining the previous damage while helping the Santo Hei on his tour of the ship, Leka-hei?"
YSS Kaiyo II
Power Armor Bay

Kikios was inspecting an electrical panel when Takedo and Sada entered. The tall bird stood up and waved at them, saying "Oh hello!" The cockatoo pulled out a list of the damage and read it, explaining "Yes, ah let's see here... It appears there's nothing major, there's some hull damage, burns, and minor damage to the nacelles." She looked up from the list at the two and smiled.
YSS Kaiyo II
Power Armor Bay

An Elysian. The thought crossed his mind as she stood and faced them. He instictively fixed his own posture, despite already standing as straight as humanly possible with a duffle bag hoisted onto his shoulder. He had mixed feelings about this particular group of people, mainly stemmed from his parents burning hatred for them, as they still blame the Elysian's for the loss of their first born. While he has interacted with plenty of other Elysian's from his previous job, this would be the first he's actually actively lived and worked with. On a small ship. As she continued talking about the damage state, he began to look around the room, observing his surroundings, and half listening to the woman speaking. A couple of dock technicians wandered by, keying in information onto their datapads.

Eventually he looked at the Elysian once she finished talking and seemingly forced a small smile, "Not as bad as I thought it would be, we should definitely be flight ready once the last bit of patching is done. Thank you. I believe you're going to be my new tour guide as it seems Technician-sama," He said giving a single nod towards Takedo without actively looking at her, "has some more calibrations to do else-where."

It seemed, atleast to Teiji, that the Neko next to him didn't want to be here, and he didn't blame her. He didn't want to be here. Well... he wanted to be here, just not. Here socializing.

He made a slight gesture with his freehand towards the bulkhead leading further into the ship, and waited for the Elysian to continue the tour.
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Power Armor Bay

Takedo Junko gave a terse bow and left the two to go about their future plans. She was an inward thinker and inherently shy. Having an excuse given to her to take her leave made her nothing less than happy.

"Have a good day," she had said shortly before turning and going of the YSS Kaiyō II.
Power Armor Bay
"I am...?" the crested cockatoo asked, slightly confused. "Oh erm... yes of course!" she quickly responded. "Right this way," she said, beginning to walk into the bulkhead and waiting for Teiji to follow. "Truth be told I'm pretty new here myself," she commented.
Power Armor Bay --> ???

Teiji returned the bow with a nod towards the Neko as she turned and departed. He remained focus on her a couple more seconds before turning his attention back towards the Elysian, who began speaking and moving towards the corridor, only stopping to wait for him. He closed his eyes and drew in a deep, visible breath, once his eyes were open again he locked them on the Elysian as she waited.

"I don't actually need a tour guide. I'm familiar with the layout of the ship," He said, finally approaching her, and completely ignoring her comment about also being new. "If you have work that needs to be finished, it would probably be wise to do that instead of wandering around with the new guy. I didn't intend to drag anyone away from their duties, and as an engineer such as yourself, I'm sure there's plenty of duties that need your expert attention." He continued, while it sounded like a genuine compliment, it also seemed to be an insult. Whether he meant it or not was entirely a different story as he gave her a small smile. As soon as he was finished talking, however, he stepped past her and began making his way down the corridor. It seemed like he was intending on heading to the crew quarters, as he has been carrying and holding the rather heavy duffle bag for more way longer than he wanted to.

As he continued walking, passing the entrance to the wardroom, he called over his shoulder back towards the Elysian, "It's not you, by the way. I just want to set this bag down somewhere out of the way. You remember how it was, just arriving with all of your previous life packed away in a duffle."
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Power Armor Bay
Kiki was surprised to her this. "Oh... erm... You don't...?" she asked. She actually sounded somewhat relieved, as if she wasn't prepared to give someone a tour of the ship. "That was an odd way to word that sentence..." she thought, a bit suspicious. She scratched her crested head, unsure of what it meant... It seemed to her like he didn't want to be around her since he said she should go back to her duties.

"Heh heh, yeah..." she said, almost sighing when he finished speaking his last sentence. Truth be told she didn't have much of her previous life packed away in a duffle bag, she simply didn't have many things she could put in one. She supposed the size of her duffle bag paled in comparison to everyone else's, though, not that she'd seen them.
YSS Kaiyō II
Zero-G Passageway Deck Five --> Deck Four Cabin Area

Teiji approached the Zero-G passage lift at the end of the corridor, taking a moment to secure the datapad inside of the bag before he reached inside the passageway and grabbed one of the handholds that ran directly up, which allowed personnel to maneuver their ways to different decks - something to grab ahold of so you didn’t end up slamming into the floor… or the ceiling. Which, he has done quite a few times while participating in combat drills during his time at the academy. Thoughts that came back to haunt him as he stepped into the lift.

Instantly, he felt weightless and his body lifted from the ground. The bag he had slung over his shoulder also lifted, although he didn’t hesitate to snatch it with his free hand and secured it to his hip via a d-ring. Just in case someone was in a hurry. His next stop wasn’t too far above him as he set off, his hand running along the smooth railing as he reached the entrance of deck four.

Using the weightlessness of the passageway as an advantage, he sat the bag down and slid it away from the doorway, then immediately followed behind the bag, landing on his feet before the weight hit him mid-step. He stumbled slightly but recovered a bit gracefully. The transition got him every time. After he composed himself, he hoisted the bag onto his shoulder once more and made his way towards the crew cabins.

The Neko that he first spoke to mentioned something about finding an empty bunk, and since no one seemed to answer his question on where the Captain was, he decided that finding a bunk was exactly what he was going to do. So as he finally approached the cabins, he sat his bag down next to the wall - out of the way - and proceeded to wander down the hallways with the cabins attached.

He studied each name plate adorned outside of the cabins, eventually stopping at Cabin five, which only listed someone by the name of ‘Care’. Perfect, he thought. Hopefully whoever this is doesn’t mind me moving in, and I can definitely… get a top bunk before the room gets filled. His thought process finished as he opened the door, and observing the room from the doorway.

A smile appeared as it was practically empty. A short walk later, he returned with his duffle bag, stepped inside, and unpacked. He organized his items and stored them in the appropriate locations, making sure his area was spotless and secured after he was finished. After all, it took a little bit of time to complete.
Uesureyan Fields
Nearby YSS Kaiyo II

Aoki Kuji was hurrying through the starport, her long dark blue hair flowing behind her, and her eyes huge. She'd never seen such a chaotic scene, especially with so many people in the way, and how much noise was being produced from said people. She had felt incredibly bogged down by how much walking she had done, and the fact she had to carry a duffel bag around on her shoulder, which made squeezing through groups of people incredibly hard, while also searching for the Kaiyo II- It was absolute Hell from what she saw, and she hoped to not ever have to visit a starport any time soon.

After rougly 15 more minutes of searching, Aoki finally managed to squeeze through a few people, and notice the Kaiyo II, which caused the small girl to immediately light up, her lips curling into a very slight smirk. "I knew I'd find it!" she stated happily, now getting much more excited, despite her voice being drowned out by the various noises in the Starport. Now speeding up her pace, Aoki began pushing people out of the way, so she could reach her destination quicker, and after a few shoves, she finally reached her destination, which she approached with excitement. She slowed down as she stepped towards it, stopping to analyze where she was to go.

Quickly noticing a boarding ramp, Aoki quickly began to make her way towards it, before finally stopping just in front of it, and eyeing around for some of the crew. Quickly sliding the duffel bag off her shoulder and right next to her, Aoki now rubbed her shoulder a bit, as she impatiently awaited for someone to greet her, or to atleast inform her she was in the right spot.
Aboard the Kaiyo II --> Ramp

Having unloaded his duffle, he decided to kill time and wandered around the ship for a bit, making his introductions to anyone who seemed to care, and were part of the crew (thankfully that part was easy... quite a few people had the ship's insignia on their shoulders.) Eventually, someone finally mentioned that the Captain and a handful of crew members, were away on an assignment. Which meant the ship was on stand by for any immediate departure, so he decided to remain in uniform.

With that knowledge tucked away, Teiji wound up in the power armor bay once more, strolling over to the ramp. He made sure he was out of the way of the techies as they made their rounds. Once he was at the spot he wandered towards - a wall - he leaned his left shoulder against it and looked out towards the star port.

His heterochromic eyes scanned the sea of people and eventually locked onto a couple of different ships as they lifted off and away from the port. Though... he quickly lost interest in the ships. As he peered back down the ramp he noticed a small girl carrying a duffle bag break through the crowd, he studied her the best he could from his vantage, 'the beauty of not having cybernetic eyes...' He thought, drawing in an annoyed breath as he pushed himself off of the wall and straightened out his gray paneled uniform. Teiji then clasped his hands behind his back and lifted his chin up as he strolled down the ramp towards the blue haired girl, eventually stopping a few steps away from her. She seemd relatively new, much like himself. So he was a tad-bit curious as to how much he could mess with her. Although... she could probably snap him in half like a twig if she was a Neko.

"The Captain isn't aboard, and you're in the right spot if you're looking for the Kaiyo." He stated, looking over thhe petite girl before turning his attention towards the crowded port once more. "It looks to me like we're on standby for a moment. So... if you know your way around, I'd suggest going and getting settled in."

He's wearing a gray paneled uniform. Not a blue one... silly me.
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Aboard Kaiyo II --> Ramp
Kikios had moved to the ramp and was busy working on some wiring behind a panel when Aoki entered. The red-uniformed birb tested it with a voltmeter, mumbling "No, no, that's not right, the voltage output is far too low and polarity is wron-" but the odd-haired engineer stopped her sciency rambling when she noticed Aoki, nearly stumbling over. "Oh ah OH, hello there!" she said, reclaiming her balance after being engrossed in her work.
Kaiyo II Ramp

Upon hearing Teiji and Kikios, Aoki moved her head up to get a look at the two, who were much taller than she had expected, causing her eyes to widen a bit. She had a bit of an unsafe feeling around people of such great height, but despite this, she gave a little wave at the two, a slight smile forming on her face, which is how she usually started any interaction. It made her appear much more friendly, and more like a person that wasn't scared at all, especially of incredibly tall people.

"Hello to both of you, I'm Santo-Hei Aoki!" The girl greeted them both, before making her own inquiry. "Before I get around to settling in and exploring the ship, er...Who might both of you be, anyways?"
Kaiyo II Ramp

The sudden and familiar voice of the Elysian caught his attention from the ships and the crowds in the distance that he was watching, he turned just in time to see her reclaiming her balance, and in response he frowned slightly. Whatever happened, she apparently seemed alright and caught off-guard, much like earlier when he first arrived. He was curious to see how she would act in a stressful situation if this was how she was on a good day.

Unclasping his hands from behind his back, he looked over the newcomer - Aoki - as she apparently just introduced herself. He hadn't noticed it when she was walking up, but she was a lot shorter than he originally thought, and she had to look up at both of them as she spoke. On one hand he was kind of glad he didn't have to deal with that a whole lot, being the tallest in his family. On the other... the challenges of every day life for him paled in comparison for someone who was almost half his height.

When she asked for their names, he opened his mouth briefly, stopped and then sighed before actually answering her. "Santo Hei Sada Teiji. But Teiji will do," He replied returning her smile with his own, "I'll be the weapons operator aboard the ship. Judging by your uniform, you're Infantry?"
Kaiyo II Ramp
Kiki looked down at the mini Minkan and smiled. "I'm Kikios, I'm a new mechanic on this ship," the big bird said. She curiously perked up and eyed the other engineers aboard. "Hmm... Now that I think about it... I never really asked how many of these engineers are going to be on this ship when it returns to space... I suppose I should find out?" Kiki thought. "Would you happen to know how many engineers are part of the crew in-flight?" the bird inquired, now scanning over the other red-uniformed crew, confused.
YSS Kaiyo

Aoki nodded at Teiji, now stepping up a little more on the ramp so she could talk better. "Hai, I'm infantry," She replied, before looking to Kiki. "I think just a few engineers are onboard, especially since this vessel isn't too big..." The Minkan then took a glance up at the roof, now realizing she actually couldn't see the size to properly, and blushed slightly, continuing what she was saying. "W-well...It's kind of big for me but, there are bigger I think." She then looked down to her duffel bag, and seemingly remembered something, looking up at both of them. "Oh yes! Do you guys know where the crew quarters is?" Aoki inquired, appearing a bit confused.
Hoshiyo thought to her self as she walked through the starport about all the amazing adventures she would go on, all she had to do was find the YSS Kaiyo II

As she searched for the ship she kept moving her duffle bag from shoulder to shoulder, trying to find a good place for it to rest on her bodysuit. She continued to walk ignoring all the chaos around her. She had trained her entire life literally for this and getting lost was not going to get in her way. She was sure that some others may care about the class of ship their on but all ships need repairs no matter how big or small they where.

Finally, she came across what must have been the YSS Kaiyo II and as she looked at what would be her home she was filled with national pride.

She started to run towards the ships but stopped a while away as after all she did not want to be tackled to the ground for being madwomen.

She waited for the many crewmembers outside to welcome her as she did not want to disturb their work.
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YSS Kaiyo

The question from the Elysian made his eye twitch slightly. He could understand the boots not knowing the crew compliments of the ship that they're serving aboard, but the engineer? Maybe it wasn't something they're taught in... mechanic school. He felt the need to comment on why she didn't know that to begin with, but dropped the subject. He looked away from them as yet another person emerged from the crowd carrying a duffle bag. 'Another Santo Hei?' The thought crossed his mind as he watched the woman come to a stop.

"The largest ship in the fleet would be the Chiharu-class Flagship, at five-thousand meters in length. Although, the design has been retired. Just to give a sense of scale, the Chiharu class is a yard stick, whereas the Kaiyo is a grape, being only three-hundred meters long. She isn't the smallest ship in service thankfully, that award would go to the fighters. I could drone on, but I'll spare you both from the long winded and boring information." Teiji replied to Aoki as he observed the newest newcomer from atop the ramp for a couple more seconds before turning his attention back to the Minkin and Elysian, though this time he was looking directly at Kiki as he continued, "To answer your question, it's five. The Kaiyo can run with a skeleton crew of two engineers if need be, but five keeps her at the top of her game, and to answer your question, Aoki, I suppose we'll be making our way towards the crew quarters here in a moment, but it looks like we'll be introducing ourselves to her." He finished, nodding towards the newcomer.

With that he looked away from the two he was with and lifted his right arm up into the air, giving a slight wave towards the woman. "Welcome aboard the Kaiyo." He shouted, and gestured for Hoshiyo to join them atop the ramp.

'Why do I get a feeling I'm not going to be with seasoned military officials on my first voyage?' He thought.
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