Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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RP: 188604 EastWorld

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
  • Start date Start date
"Boomer, assuming command of Bravo Team." A voice finally called out as the dust seemed to settle. "Junebug's hit bad. Redneck's unconscious. Doc's doing the best he can and Spark's pinned under some debris."

A sudden burst of incoherent cursing cut him off as the grenadier surveyed the damage. The rifle woman had been pinned when a large chunk of stone and wood had fallen on the food cart she was hiding behind, and Redneck had taken a direct hit from similar debris. His helmet was nearly crushed as the block of stone knocked him back and rolled down his front, crushing ribs and pelvis alike. Fortunately, his bio tracker was intact, and the man's readings were normal, save a few broken bones and a massive concussion.

"Otherwise, we've depleted a third of our ammunition, half our plastic explosives, and no longer have orbital strike capability. We need a tight evac for two, maybe three, and are currently immobile. We could also use some ammo."

They had just killed two Crab Mishhu while being assaulted by another trooper of some sort, with only minimal assistance. Thinking about that in stead of Junebug's cries and Spark's bear constant stream of obscenities seemed to help. It was better that than admit that this was going to be a long mission.
It happened faster than he could see as the shot deflected off of the wall of gravity and blasted skyward, leaving him pinned to the floor as machine gun fire whizzed just over his chest and the alarm sounded uselessly, late as ever.

"Enemy is escaping."
"I hate you," he wheezed over the words of the computer that just couldn't operate faster than light traveled. With the abundant thrust output of his spectre armor he smashed through the damaged second floor to the ground level without delay, landing on his feet with his freshly charged left bazooka on his shoulder.

With the target in sight and no time to aim he fired a beam down the hall with the intention of at least collapsing said hall and stopping the enemy's escape.
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Frank would hobble to Sparks location lifting the stone off her as quickly as he could though in doing so is causing him to bleed more once the stone is finally off of her Frank hobbles over to assist with getting junebug to the evac shuttle

Ty calls into comms land 300 meters from my position wounded are coming to you get them to a medical personal as quick as possible"

Ty saw the explosion from inside the castle aiming his sniper rifle he emptied his fresh mag of 5, 300mm roundsat that location "Boomer get you wounded to the shuttle 300 meters south of my position!"
N&N Resort, Castle

"Alright, we're moving in close. Just remember this thing doesn't have any weapons and the cat will probably be pissed at us if we get it all shot up. Check your HUDs for our touchdown point."

The shuttle would bring itself forward just over the treetop level, its shields occasionally knocking off the upper branches of the forest canopy as it slid in right next to the castle walls. Using its mass it just pushed the trees around it out of the way as it forced itself into place, the front loading ramp opening up to allow access into the interior bay.

"Shields are down for the pickup so hurry up, we're sitting ducks right now."

N&N Resort, Castle Basement

Candon's shot blew a nice hole in the hidden door that led into the service area, the intense heat fusing together the important parts of the door that would have allowed it to become an open door. Faced with the now forcefully closed status of the door, the Mishhu would jink down another hallway, putting more of the structure between itself and Candon. The thin wood and paper walls of the building doing nothing to impede movement.

The basement itself was filled with gear... however that gear was more suitable for the ancient times theme of the park. Leather armor, spears, swords, and throwing stars were laid out in long racks. Training dummies were spread out through the various dojo-like rooms, and moments after Candon had fired the squid would shoot back, spraying bullet through the rooms, the projectiles bouncing off the swords and spears in their way, sending shard of metal flying about, followed by another loud


The Squid's beam weapon slicing through the entire basement at waist-height from behind a wall, cutting into the walls behind Candon and piercing open a main water line, causing fresh water to erupt into the basement.
Candon had learned his lesson from twice before and was ready for the shot as he rounded the corner at the bottom of the stairs with his propulsion systems boost mode preemptively priming and weapons secured to their mounts. He didn't need a weapon, he was the weapon.

The sound of the CDD bending space filled his helmet as he narrowly dodged the beam, the resulting blast paling in comparison to the explosive release of energy from the CDD as he surged into the Mishhuvurthyar with blinding speed to deliver a massive, gravity assisted punch.
Frank moved in and with junbug and set her on the evac shuttle then went back for redneck getting him on board

Ty calls into the shuttle "alright that should be all of themget out of here"

Frank sat on the shuttle closing his eyes not aware he won't wake up
Boomer had ordered another probing scan of the entire park, looking for the distinct psychic signatures of Mishhu, whether active or hibernating. All they found was parasites in traps, and that's all Boomer needed.

After a few minutes of pulling security for the medevac and listening to Candon clean up the Advanced type, he finally gave a quick sigh. "Alright, people. Fresh mag and drink some water. Still some work to do."

And there was. Someone had to clean up those parasite traps, after all. Someone also had to double check every nook and cranny of the park to make sure the five sattelites hadn't missed anything. So the six able members of Bravo slung their rifles and started towards a park bench to post up and have a quick meal before getting back to work.
The squid itself wouldn't survive the impact, much of the castle being blasted out with the hit, the upper sections collapsing inward and creating a small rock-slide of stone, wood, and ancient-looking artifacts.