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Edel Datapad Assistant

Re: Azorean Translator Earbud

You'd essentially be refining the technology to a more compact point. Which for all intents and purposes would work well, and also OOCly help you learn more and develop the Azorean's technology to suit your style.
I see no problem.

It'd be nice to have some kind of socket so you can plug this into say, a starship or vehicle and have your communications translated as you make them.

Otherwise, very spartan, very to the point.

I can't believe it's been this long without being approved!
Do they really have the tech to reverse engineer a communicator? And I'm kind of disappointed they disassembled their only link to Yamatai.
Osaka, it was an Earbud at first. I decided to take it down a notch and work my way up to that. I've been procrastinating as I work on other things. ^^;

Wes, is it really that hard to take a communicator apart to see how it works? I'd imagine once they figure out all of its wonders, the communicator could be easily restored. If not, then they could ask for another one from Toshiro if he ever gets around to returning. I was thinking that the datapad could connect to PANTHEON somehow, but I killed that idea myself since a lot of people might have problems with that... Also, I assumed that the Azoreans would need to have some sort of PANTHEON node or something to get that to work.

Edit: Oh, blah! I was going to have Raytim send a message to Hanako, too... Hm.. How else would they be able to make this? Being inspired by a device without knowing what makes it tick is kind of difficult, I assume.
Simple reverse-engineering isn't out of their grasp. :| Based on seeing what the communicator does, and maybe either taking it apart, brainstorming, or taking 'scans' of the internal components they can try to determine what does what. I mean hey, if they take it apart, nothing is stopping them from putting it back together, reverse-engineering works in such ways. While it may not be as good as what they gleaned the ideas, and some of the tech from, it suits their purposes, and needs, and eventually they can refine the systems into something they are comfortable with.
Thank you, Soresu. ^_^ This is actually the same tech submission that was the earbud, so that is something to work to somewhere in the future. However, it is difficult to say when enough time has actually passed for tech to evolve on its own.
Usually you see computers and what not get 'upgrades' from their standard production models every few months or so. More memory, software, etc etc. Basically it is going to go through 'Trial and Error' you have this device out for use. So, naturally performance will be taken into account.

Once it is in use they'll be finding ways to improve it from hardware, to software, faster processing of the languages, and replies, etc etc. So it is safe to say little tweaks, and mods will happen anywhere from a mere week, to months at a time. Usually from improving on your present platform, and then working towards something more along the lines of the Earbud as inspiration, technological developments advance as well as your people seeing where they want this thing to go and what they want out of it. You're basically tempering a blade here, it would naturally start out as a hot glowing piece of steel (The Edel) and with use (Hammering it out) you're shaping it into a blade. Once everything is said and done, it'll be a much different machine.
One friend of mine gave me an idea: After the earbud, then it could be further upgraded to some sort of chip in their brains. However, I'll have to look on that chart that Ex made again, but I think that augmentations like that don't go well with Azoreans.
Didn't the Yamataian data pad have anti-tampering systems that would have prevented it from being used? I think I mentioned them in the original RP, and I just went to look for them but the RP was lost with the rest of Mission 1.
It doesn't say in the Type 29 Communicator article. But, with them being such a young race, while they maybe able to glean stuff from it, it wouldn't be cutting edge, but somewhat archaic in comparison due to their just developing understanding of such systems, and concepts. Basically it'd be like going from the telegraph to early radio.
Might be worth listing off a few functions in bullet points.
Here are a few to get you started:

  • Note-taking/Word processing
  • Calculation & Conversion
  • Standard Formula execution (write formula, receive result)
  • Video/Sound recording
  • Image analysis (photograph diagram, receive translation)

The possibilities go on. Ideally, you'd want to get together with the UOC and make a smart communications device, akin to the eButler in Hamilton's works.

I see nothing wrong with it. Looks good.

Do they really have the tech to reverse engineer a communicator? And I'm kind of disappointed they disassembled their only link to Yamatai.

Why? Today, on earth, we would do the exact same thing and let's be honest: As curvy and tightly dressed as Yamatians are, they are a race of war and that's very scary and very obvious to people who live a much simpler life.
Well, I mean I've made the Peacekeeper's Communication's device, as well as a Yamataian one in the past, hence my interest in this. However, what Osa is getting at can also be used in a rather nifty, nifty way.

Math. Basically, math is the universal language, or so they say. ^^;
Soresu said:
It doesn't say in the Type 29 Communicator article. But, with them being such a young race, while they maybe able to glean stuff from it, it wouldn't be cutting edge, but somewhat archaic in comparison due to their just developing understanding of such systems, and concepts. Basically it'd be like going from the telegraph to early radio.
Hanako didn't give them a Type 29 communicator; she gave them a specially modified data pad. The intent was to NOT let the Azoreans use it for reverse engineering.
Ahhh, I see. However, they could still take scans of some sort (X-rays?) of the internal workings unless you have it rigged from that as well I wager against tampering. If so, I mean they could just look at datapad as is (No fiddling) and get ideas of their own based on the functions it allows, inspiration is quite the powerful motivator after all. That's usually how it works for me and my submissions, I look at stuff irl, and kind of piece things together.
Hm... I think Soresu's explanation is plausible. I'm sure that a team of the best Azorean scientists could get ideas from just playing around with the datapad for a while. Truth be told, I thought it really was a Type 29 Communicator.. but this other kind of 'reverse-engineering' could work, too, for a modified datapad.
Not a problem considering we covered several areas, and explanations on the Edel, and the simple fact nothing overall was wrong with the submission. Actually, I find a "pad" based translator/assistant quite retro (Retro is awesome), and very refreshing.
Yay for Doom 3 and any other movie or video game that uses Retro PDAs! ^_^ I will probably try to implement some of Osaka's suggestions in later versions to make it even more of an 'assistant'.