Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Elysia [Elysia] ECV Raven, Mission 1 - Catching the Scent

"I am not of the Yamatai Star Army," Vex confirmed brightly, approaching the two slowly. "This is a civilian model, used by my creators as a drone so that I may interact with my passengers. Upon obtaining sentience, I decided to keep this model! Nekovalkyria are rather annoying to look at, anyway. With their... hands, and... faces. Running comforting lie protocol scenario 5588-99088. Not to say you all are annoying to look at! You are all wonderfully beautiful individuals of the ELYSIAN race and/or species!"

As the FARS model finished up, it quickly moved to finish it's pre-flight checks, preparing for descent with a playful tune playing from its speakers.
Orbit Of Elysia Novus

On his private link with the FARS known simplest as Vex, Icarus spoke a short order, "Have the shuttle ready to leave ASAP, I'm on my way for final briefing before departure." The Captain had left the bridge and was making his way down to the shuttle bay when he made the short transmission to the robotic pilot, moving quickly he arrived only minutes after he'd instructed the FARS to get the ship ready to leave at a moments notice. Seeing as though the rest of the crew had already entered the shuttle the Raven winged captain stepped on board himself, looking around at all the different faces he noticed 2 things, It seemed that girls were more suited to this work than men as he was the only male standing in the craft, and also that there was an extra member from the military other than Corvina who he'd been informed about and spoken with prior.

Rubbing his head thoughtfully he knew he'd seen the second one before, possibly when she got on the ship and he was too busy to really notice a new face, regardless it's not like he could tell her to pack and leave now and her skills as unnecessary as the seemed may prove to be useful.
"Alright everyone listen up, I came down here to speak with you all personally before the mission gets underway. I know much of what I have said is nothing new to you all as I briefed you when we first met, however it is a habit of mine to ensure the team has up to date info on all available situations."

The captain paused to collect his thoughts and looked around at the faces watching him, all with very different expressions. These were the people he had hand picked for the job and now was the time to prove their worth, he only hoped he had been right in choosing each of them. "It is now 10am, being the designated start time I'm glad to see you're all here and ready to go. When you reach the surface the shuttle will be given full airspace clearance, Vex you are to land on top of the marked building and everyone will disembark at this point." The captain paused to make sure the FARS especially had heard him before going on. "Once inside the upper levels of the building you will need to descend by any means within reason and then enter the long abandoned Empyrean via a small door. While on the ground your only direct contact is each other and myself via comms in the helmet of the Adrenaline gear."

"Your three main objectives for this expedition are as follows; Collect valuable research data and items still in good or working conditioned, secondly do as little damage to the historical places as possible so that one shouldn't be hard. And finally, keep contact with the ship at all times when applicable, this will allow me to keep track of you all and provide accurate overwatch." Satisfied that he'd covered the important parts and ensured the team knew what they were doing the raven wing stood to leave the shuttle, making a curt nod to the group he moved out of the shuttle.

Alexia had been about to ask for some extra info from Vex when her older brother and current captain stepped about the shuttle and the raven sister had to forcibly stop herself from saluting him. Once his short briefing was over she moved over to a seat in the shuttle and stowed her AUG in one of the provided lockers before securing herself and awaiting departure. "Isn't this awesome guys? We're finally going to see how this place looks and do some of our own exploring for treasure and artifacts."
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Never being one to turn away from putting a little elbow grease into work, Sofiel was halfway through carrying yet another crate of important-looking-items when their captain began speaking. She had decided against making any unwanted noise during his little segment yet the box was getting heavy on her arms but she was not about to drop it, not a hope in hell.

Her arms were beginning to quake by the time he was finished and once he had left, she quickly put the box down and cupped her stinging hands together with a small wince as she spoke "It sure is pretty cool I have to admit, I'm feeling dead chuffed to dive into all this and hell I'm not even a researcher"
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Interesting how a civilian FARS would be programmed with...lie protocols. Corvina made a note on that. Perhaps they did it to make such units friendlier faces. They had the drop time, anyways. It was time to get ready, and Corvina made sure she was.

“It seems like a majority of us aren’t researchers.” Corvina stated. “Maybe they fear outside interference with our operation?”
Senna quitely listened in to the briefing, glancing around as the other crew members went around to do their things whilst. She opted for a more scholar-like approach. When Icarus began speaking, that massive leather-bound and bolted through tome was loosened from it's spot on her belt and positively slammed open on her knees, and she began to write and sketch down the details. An ocassional twitch going through her wings as she did so. Softly humming under her breath. She looked up from her book when the man was done speaking and nodded curtly. Opting not to speak. She, they had made their promises to eachother. And she trusted him.

Her glance moved towards the others. She as a non-combatant always slightly feared, yet also admired the soldiers. She slammed the book shut and hitched it back to her belt. Pushing herself up and moving to a secure locker. To stash her things, as shown by Alexia. She glanced over her shoulder at Corvina and coughed softly to pull the woman's attention. "I'm... I think I'm the only researcher here, by definition," she frowned slowly. "Well. More archeologist than researcher. I just get the data, you know," she offered with a faint and awkward smile. An attempt at conversation with the scary soldier lady.
As the FARS unit hovered alongside its crewmates, listening apathetically to the captain's speech, Vex began to slowly run through her diagnostics once more. She had to be perfect, after all, or it'd be a repeat of the last time she was stuck in space for several years. Except this time there'd be people onboard that she could at least play with while she waited for rescue. She stops checking diagnostics and begins to put the shuttle into preparations.

"I am a researcher," the FARS unit suddenly spoke up, like a ditsy blonde who had just now realized she had something important to say. "I can collect and transmit data to the ship for further study, as long as I am allowed to accompany the away team, sir," she explained, the FARS unit spinning in place to look at the captain with its dull red front lights. "I'd also like further control of the ship, so that I can more easily communicate!"

As the captain left, whether she was denied or not, Vex's chassis spun to look at the group before her, the shuttle beginning to rumble as the lift to the ground closes. "Hold onto your biological orifices! " She exclaimed, the shuttle lifting off.
Sofiel let out a loud and undignified "HAH!" at the FARS unit's warning "I like you, Vex- woah" her statement was cut off as the shuttle began to lurch into motion, causing the dove-winged engineer to quickly scoot over to one of the seats and strap in her 'biological orifices' as it were. The comically large set of welding goggles shifted slightly atop her beanie as her head swung around quickly to face the two military birds. "so... what's with the whole dark and mysterious act? surely it can't hurt to open yourself up at least a lil bit seeing as we might be making history or rather... digging up history" Sofiel spoke with a warm smile across her features and a kind tone in her voice.
ECV Raven
Shuttle Bay

Alexia had been anticipating the lurch but was still a little thrown off balance when the shuttle did move, sending her spinning into a seat near Sofiel a huge grin on her face as her wings twitched in anticipation. "So what do you think we'll find down there? My bet is the skeletal remains of the long dead crew and a note that shows where buried treasure lies!" The raven sister chirped excitedly looking around at her teammates.

Having returned to the bridge after giving his speech Icarus took the brief window before they left the shuttle bay to establish their comm links, "Alexia, please inform the team I'll be performing a headcount and comm check in two minutes, make sure everyone has their earpieces in and helmets on and are keyed into the correct channel." The raven brother said on his direct comm line with his sister noticing she'd already gotten hers setup before he left.

Shuttle Bay
Alexia listened intently to her instructions before giving a short, "Yes captain" in responce. Turning to the team once more she spoke out, "Ive just been informed the captain will be performing a headcount and comms check in 2 minutes, everyone get your earpieces in and helmets on and be ready to check in."
"Sounds easy enou.." Sofiel began speaking but suddenly halted when the plastic finish of the AUG's mask couldn't be felt under her hand, the dove-winged engineer's golden eyes began looking around frantically for the missing bit of gear. A wave of relief hit her as she saw it on the floor and promptly leant forward to pick it up.

On the way back up, her beanie clad head painfully thumped into something solid which caused her to let out a small eep but when she turned around to look at what had hit her, nothing was there.

Sofiel rubbed the back of her head with a look of confusion plastered across her features, this brief encounter with the unknown passed seemingly as quickly as it appeared and before too long Sofiel began checking her mask and earpiece, slipping the straps of her mask on over the beanie that never left her head. "Well... everything looks like it's working so far."
Senna strapped herself in with a faint smirk as she watched the engineers and soldiers to the same, feeling the familiar kick of the shuttle taking off not moments later. She glanced at Alexia, letting out a faint chuckle. "As an archeologist, hate to be a buzzkill, but that's rarely the case," she answered, hooking her fingers together and stretching slightly. "A dead crew, that is possible, though. A treasure map, less likely." A soft giggle as she shook her head. "Though it'd be pretty fun if that was the case."
Alexia heard the small cry of the engineer and looked over wondering what had happened, seeing her look around in mild astonishment didn't do much to fill in the blanks either. "Hey you ok Sofiel? sounded like you were in trouble there." She said checking the antenna on top of the helmet was boosting the signal properly, a useful tool to have when delving deep into the planet.

Hearing Senna speak up Alexia turned to her and her eyes widened a little, "You mean there may actually be a dead crew in the ship still? I said it as a joke but I guess if it's been sealed so long..." Alexia trailed off before shaking her head and finishing her gear checks, clicking the harness into place on her body and looking over at her companions. "You guys got your comms keyed in?"
"My comms are always active!" Vex responded brightly as the shuttle continued out of the larger ship, her FARS unit slowly floating around with the crew. "A dead crew is entirely possible... oh, the possibilities! New technology - or rather, very very old technology - could have some wondrous new information! I'm quite excited to absorb what knowledge I can as I send information back to the captain!"

Vex paused, her FARS unit spinning in place like a lazy woman floating atop a pool of water. "Hmmm... That is, if I can understand it! Do we have someone technical here? Besides me, of course?"
"Aye uhm, I'm fine" she responded with a light tone to wave off any concern of injury, but the bump did sting a wee bit.

Sofiel chose to continue staying away from all this morbid talk of finding corpses, she knew it was more than likely given the situation but the dove saw no reason to make it the topic of her own conversation, the bodies would either be there or they would not - nothing they could do short of carpet bombing the place would change that outcome and carpet bombing something of historical significance didn't seem too smart.

"That's my job" Sofiel called out, trying to grab the attention of the FARS unit. "Well...not my job exactly but ehhh... I can certainly help on that front", her voice wavered a little into uncertainty toward the end.
The FARS unit turned on a dime to Sofiel, floating over quickly as a red light scans her face, resting for a moment on her eyes, the light likely painfully bright. "You can certainly help, hm? Well, I suppose you could try your best, sweetheart! If I have issues accessing some of the technology, you'll be my little helper! As a biological lifeform, you can't be THAT proficient, but I'm sure you won't be such an issue!"

"Besides," Vex began, the FARS unit slowly floating down into her lap, "you can flip switches and press buttons! That's.... useful! It might be fun to see any traps, too!"
“If the objective is an old Elysian ship, the ‘traps’ in question will just be defective turrets.” Corvina answered the crew. “Don’t rely on the fact you may be able to access the systems either. We’re all flying blind here.”

Even for a FARS unit, Vex was awfully chipper. Most of the Yamataian AIs were blank personalities, or had a huge fetish for obtaining more data...not that it was a bad thing, just...intrusive at times. Like the Seraphs.

This FARS required more study-

“How the fuck do I...why is the operating system so weird?” came a very noisy Meissa’s voice as she struggled around with her comms. “Where the hell is the UI rearrangement thing?”

“Settings, scroll down, display options, view, visual management.” Corvina stated.

“Thanks.” came the owl’s reply.
Senna glanced at the two soldiers as they just ignored her very existence. She rolled her eyes, letting out a soft hum. The rolled eyes moved towards to the FARS unit scanning Sofiel's eyes with a rather intrusive and possibly hurtful light. An arched eyebrow came from the archeologist but she just shrugged, opting to rest back in her seat with a soft breath. Despite her colleagues, she was feeling quite nervous herself. Just the general idea of being planetside with people she didn't know. Ontop of that, the soldiers her mother warned her about back when she started to apply for various jobs. The ones that didn't concern themselves with citizens, just ignored them.

A soft hum came from her as she closed her eyes. This was quite the good start.
Alexia chuckled at the soldier's inability to use such a simple device, it was far less complex than any military systems she'd used prior but in a certain way that could make them seem more difficult, by overthinking all the steps and options being used to military grade. At that moment a quiet chime played through all of their communication pieces before Icarus's voice came onto the line, "Ground team, comm check." He simply said before waiting on their replies. "Alexia, checking." Came the response from the raven girl.

As the shuttle moved out of the bay the crew would catch a view of their homeworld from orbit, showcasing it's beauty from afar and hiding the ugly reality of many cities. It would not take long to reach their intended landing zone as Icarus's meticulous planning had set them directly above their target, the airspace monitors had also been informed of the shuttle which was acting on direct order of the senate. All that they now had to do was make it to the roof of the building which hid the entrance to the ancient ship, a 10 minute journey at most before they would be ready to land.

The building was nothing fancy and aimed to blend in with its neighbors which it did well, only 3 floors large with a scorched roof from many shuttles having used it as a landing platform in the past when research was still being actively conducted on the ship beneath. Having been discontinued the doors had been barred from within and only the roof access had a working keypad to enter the old research facility. The team had a full floor plan of the building as well as the first 100m down into the Empyrean which were mapped years ago when the project had been active, primary objective was to find the cause of the recent electronic signals as well as further explore the ship and bring back any items of interest in good condition.
"AAAAHHHH!" Sofiel squeaked out over comms as the overly bright lights of the FARS unit burned into her golden eyes, she brought up one hand to shield her face from the harsh scanning method that the little drone had chosen to torture her with as it berated her. Well Sofiel wouldn't quite say that, it seemed sort of kind but she was too busy being discombobulated to comprehend it entirely.

The Dove turned her mic off as her cheeks began to burn with embarrassment, she pushed the FARS unit away slightly and huffed before speaking "maybe uhhh... maybe ask before you blind me next time, or you can look for those traps yourself" Sofiel spoke with a slight hint of annoyance that quickly faded away as she flicked her mic back on and spoke "Sofiel checking in... sorry about that".
"Vex, checking in!" The synthetic intelligence chimed once everyone else had. The FARS unit containing her moved slowly towards the cockpit of the craft, and Vex ignored Sofiel's suggestion. Nobody would willingly keep their eyes open for a scan like that, duh... asking would just ruin it! The cockpit door slides open and the FARS unit enters, leaving the door open for any that would wish to view the world they were swiftly approaching.

Eventually, though, the shuttle came in closer and closer to the designated landing position, and Vex quieted down in focus. The roof of the building was scorched from many prior landings, which thankfully made it stick out from its surroundings. It was there, then, that the shuttle finally set down with a clunk. Quickly, Vex sent a notification that the ship had landed, and the door to the outside world slowly pushed open.

They were on ground, finally, and their research could begin.

"Does everyone have the floor plan?" Vex asked as her craft darted back from the cockpit. "It'd be best that we keep a designated cartographer, as well!"
Orbit -> Surface

"Senna, checking," said the smaller Elysian as she was srapped in fully now. Her attention pulled by the panorama that was their homeplanet. Beautiful in it's design. Her eyes grew wider, it was after all, not often she was in space. It was quite exhilirating, the view only adding to the excitement. She could feel her heart thumping in her chest as the shuttle moved down to the planet. Delivering them on location in what barely was ten minutes.

As the shuttle touched down with a rather obvious thump and the harnesses shot loose again, Senna pushed herself up and rolled her shoulder. Moving to her storage locker to gather her things again, before glancing at Vex. "Floor plan both in software and," she padded the book she had just hitched to her belt. "And hardware." She answered, before tilting her head. "I'm... Pretty good at these, if everyone agrees?" She suggested with a soft blush to her face.