Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: Elysia [Elysia Novus] Barracks - Day 3

Sighing Roemael adjusted his grip on Evanael and continued on his way to the med-bay. Once there he handed him over to the medical staff, who were somewhat surprised to see him again, and they placed him back in the same regeneration tube he had been inside earlier in the day. Roemael looked at him in a worried fashion, but remembering his duties told the medics to send Evanael back once he'd regenerated and returned to the firing hall at a brisk jog.

Once there he decided to pick the pace up, "Sorry about my absence. Now we're introducing some heavily armed ID-Sol's to the mix. Enjoy."

From out of the mist and rain the hulking forms of ID-Sol's appeared.
It took a while before Evanael's internal organs rebuit themselves. As soon as he woke, He glared at the nearest person. As soon as they let him out of the regen. tube he got to his feet and then wretched the bun out of his shirt and shook the excess fluid off of it. His nos twitched and he kept all staff away with a murderous glare, but said nothing. With another look about he stalked off, heading back to the Firing range. The only thing he said before he left was "It'll keep happening, but I'm sure you don't care..."

When Evanael finally reached the firing range he'd cooled down a bit. He trod past Hikael without a flicker of attention to her. His grip tightened around the gun as he approached Roemael and his knuckles went white. The feathers on his wings were fluffed up and it was easily told he was still in a foul mood. He puffed his feathers more. As he passed Roemael he gave the Angel a cold glare and then with a quick twitch of his wings he brushed the man's cheek with his flight feathers, seemingly streching his wings backwards.

With a soft snort he folded his wings tight and then without question or order he stepped back into the firning range and just started blasting everything that moved. Within the first minute alone he took down several of the hulking ID-SOL's and every other target that so much as twitched. He took out his anger on his targets and keept right on going.
His first thoughts were, "oh dear mother of god what is that huge ugly thing?"

His second set of thoughts were much more reasonable. "Who the hell cares, lets shoot it!"

Schuyler snapped up his rifle and began pumping aimed shots into these monstrosities trying to find a weak, or at least slightly better place to shoot.

For these he used more of a surgery with a chainsaw idealism, and just kept pulling the trigger, moving it around on the hulks that were wandering out. He knew it probably wouldnt be a good thing to get hit by whatever it was they were carrying, and made himself as small a target as possible.
Roemael, of course, noticed Evanaels behaviour, and it both confused and hurt him. He got the feeling the young cadet actually held him in some resentment, which was a shame since he thought he had a good working relationship ... and perhaps the hint of more ... going with him. And yet that seemed to have gone for nothing, and Roemael was far too professional to interrupt this session any further for a single cadet, no matter who he was.

Instead he crossed over to where Schuyler was firing and studied his work for a while, "Now the important thing to notice is their personality. All good soldiers must work out the mentality of his opponent - know who they are and you will know how they fight, and therefore how to kill them. Ideally you should know them better than they know themselves. And as such look - Nepleslians are always overly confident in their own abilities - especially ID-Sol's. It's partially their company and partially the fact that ID-Sol's are used to being the strongest things around. As such lure the, insult them if you need be, use whatever psychological tricks will give you an advantage."

He stepped back and talked to the group, "A little more exciting now, you both get to fight inside bunkers." The volumetric image changed so that both the Elysians and the Nepleslians were within bunkers, firing out through the 'windows'.
Schuyler wasnt a fool, if you gave him cover, he would sure as hell use it. He instantly moved to a wall, ducked down so that all that was visible was the very top of his head, his rifle, and the hand that was supporting the barrel on the parapet.

He longed for something with a scope, something with a little more oomph, something that would make easy work of enemies within such fortifications.

"Roemael, do you have anything with maybe slightly better optics than iron sights?" He asked as he fired a quick stacatto of rounds at a newly aquired foe.
Evanael overheard Schuyler talking to Roemael and snorted rather loudly. Theses were just fine, he thought, the boy wanted too much. Then did Evanael. He wanted to fly, he wanted to be free,He wanted better food, he wanted....above everything else...Roemael....

Evan was careful to put himself against a wall out of sight of most of his enemies. It took time to mow them over with the poor iron sights this thing had. Yeah he was starting to agree with Schuyler on that little fact.

So now it was Evanael's times to acctutally talk to Roemael. He managed to keep all but the slightest touches of emotion from his voice. "Yeah, something with better Scopes would be nice." He nearly had to bark it to be heard over the rattle of gun fire, both from himself and others.
Roemael looked at them both strangely, "I don't know what you're talking about. The Atromos rifle - which this is, albiet which only works through interfacing with the projection systems - contains a full shrouded sight with telescopic, red-dot and gyro-gunsight movement compensation systems - the last being activated through voice command or the right button there." He pointed.

(OOC: Do make sure you're familiar with the Atromos rifle:
There was an audible sigh from Evanael and he thumbed the switch for telescopic and then chuckled. "Next time don't hesitate to speak up..." Evanael grumbled and then started improving immediately. of course he'd given over to grumbling to himself, not a good habbit. He was in a bad mood from eariler, but the killing spree was helping.

It took a good half hour before evanael's mood from eariler had vanished. now he was plain fighting to kill, kill everything in his sight and everything that moved into his sight.
"Fine, just hide the switch and dont say anything...I see how it is." Schuyler muttered to himseld under the crack of the rifle fire, as he pressed the button. Everything jumped forward, and he took aim at vital spots on the ID-SOL's. Head, small cracks in the armor, things that could easily cause death or dismemberment.
"Alright, you're doing well, all of you. Now to make this exercise really worth-while we're going to give your ID-Sol opponents the equivalent of full intelligence. Be carefull, conservative and brave - hide behind your cover and draw them out rather than the other way around. Remember your patience is probably a darnsight better than his. You have all the time in the world - exept now you have limited ammunition. Ten shots before you have to ask for a reload from me. Enjoy." Evanael spoke, walking up and down the exercise room expecting his cadets.
Evanael sighed and then stood behind a 'wall' for about five seconds. He came up with a strategy he thought might work. Arching hims wings out over one of the 'windows' he drew an ID SOL's fire and sniped two shots, one to crack the armor at his neck and the other to cut through his spinal cord. He shifted his weight backwards as he was shot at and then russtled his wings, of course the bullets would do little more than ruin his wings, but he didn't need them anyway.

He took out another ID-SOL as it carelessly shot at his feathers and then took down another with two shots. Five shots left, He growled softly. After a few more minutes he managed to take down another two ID-SOL's and then took down another. He folded his wings and then let out a whistle to draw Roemael's attention. As he waited he smiled to himself and then one Roemael was close enough he stepped up to him and with a quick look around he gave the Angel a kiss and then stepped back and cassually rubbed the side of his nose. "Reload?" He asked, still smiling to himself.
Schuyler had a much different plan of attack. He instead lay down, and looked just barely past the wall he was at. He saw 4 ID SOL's running across the other trench line, and lead them slightly, before firing 4 shots, with 3 successful headshots. The other one took a round to the chest, and slammed face first into a wall, before one shot tore into his skull, and another shot tore through his throat.

Schuyler looked around, and saw another 2 hiding behind a low wall, firing at someone down to his right. Fine by him, another 3 rounds later, and 2 more ID SOL's were down, with another destroyed throat, and a severed brachial artery.

One round left. A quick snap shot at an ID SOL blew apart the weapon it was holding, but left him alive. Not for long though, as someone else cut him down.

"Reload!" Aetius said as he rolled behind the wall he was near, as he started to take fire.
Roemael allowed his face a brief look of surprise (although he certainly didn't look angry), before taking a step back and adjusting his trousers. Regaining his mental faculties after a second he granted the cadets reloads with a wave of his hand - their weapons now indicating that they had full magazines.

He did seem to have particularly talented cadets at the moment. Schuyler, whose capacity for tactical thought combined with high accuracy was very impressive. And Evanael. He didn't have the formers planning, perhaps not even his accuracy ... but he had passion, spirit and ... a rather attractive body.

Roemael would have to be careful. Very careful.
Schuyler noticed the number jump on his weapon back to 10. He instantly drained it again, to help push back a rush by the ID SOL's. 10 rounds out, 4 bodies on the floor, and the rush was broken.


Schuyler moved back behind the wall, before peeking around the corner to try and spot his next targets.
It wasn't even a minute before Schuyler was asking for another reload. Evan snorted softly, turned and fired two shots, and two more. He brought down three ID-SOL's with the first four shots before hiding himself behind a wall and taking aim again. He smiled and then fired another four succesive shots, intentionally making the meager muscle he had, ripple.

He'd taken down another three and then a sevent ID-SOL before he paused to take a deep breath. "Reload" he said calmly, scouting out his next targets like Schuyler. He smiled to himself at the thought of Roemael looking supprised.
(Sorry for snagging control of your NPC, Thomas, but we really should make more effort to keep everything moving. Anyway! I understand you have coursework. Ill try to keep Elysia smooth until your free for more posting.)

Roemael noted Evanael's improvement with a cautious smile, again waving his hand and granting another reload to the cadets. "Let's make things a little more interesting, now."

As he spoke, several large tanks came rolling into the streets of the simulation, and within ten seconds had set to opening fire on the positions the Elysians were meant to hold while the charging ID-SOLs regrouped.
Schuyler cursed under his breath slightly, before ducking down as an explosion rocked the earth.

His ears were ringing, his body was aching, and he was pretty sure he was loopy, but he was still "alive".

He got to his feet slowly, leaning out of a small crack in the wall he was behind. He dropped 1 ID SOL with a carefully fired round through his face plate. He shifted his attention to the tanks however, because they were the largest threat. Where would they be weak? They didnt seem to have any weak spots in their frontal armor, and Aetius doubted that they would turn around so he could destroy them if he asked. All of the cockpits were enclosed, so that wouldnt work either.

"Lets try this..." he breathed as he exhaled slightly before holding his breath, steadying his rifle.

Schuyler aimed his weapon down the barrel of one of the tanks that had just fired, and put three rounds down it. If he couldnt destroy the tank, he might be able to get a round down the barrel and into the crew inside, or possibly detonate a shell in the barrel. Or, if he was extremely lucky, he would cause enough damage to the barrel to force a shell to explode inside.

He fired 3 more rounds down the same tank barrel, and then moved behind the low wall fully again.
A few seconds after Schuyler retreated back behind the wall a wisp of smoke emerged from the tank, followed by a sizable explosion as through some rather complex and unlikely event within the body, the shells stored within the armoured vehicle ignited to predictable effects.

Roemael clapped slowly, standing behind Schuyler, "Impressive, cadet. Not many can shoot so accurately down the barrel of weapon, especially one mounted on an armoured chassis like this one."

With a thought and a click of his fingers the volumetric projections vanished, "That brings us to the end of today's exercise. You have all made good progress, and we shall meet again in a few days. Until then I must put you back in the capable hands of Nereal."

As if on cue the intimidating figure of Nereal appeared in the doorway, silhouetted in the dying light.
Evanael kept his new challenge in utter chaos untill Roemael said that their excersize was over. With a grin he stepped back and then placed the gun back where he'd gotten it. With not so much as a glance towards the Angel in the door way he stepped up to Roemael and grinned "See you later sir..." and with a crisp salute he stalked off towards Nerael. He seemed almost happy and looking foreward to more physical punishment.

But the thing was he was sure he would get to "talk" later with Reomael and that just put him in good spirits. Plus from the traumatic events eariler he turned to thinking that if he meet his challenges with a positive attitude he'd get through said challenges much faster and probablt more efficently. Thereby avoiding any further punishments he might receive. With a pepped up grin to Nerael he stood just off to the man's right and waited patiently.
Schuyler too replaced the weapon where he had gotten it.

He stood slowly, feeling slightly sore, from the "hits" he had taken.

"Sounds like fun, sir" as he snapped to attention, before saluting, and leaving in the direction of Nereal.