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Approved Submission Elysian CCG...

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
The rules are the rules, if you want me to rules lawyer I can rules lawyer but I think you're going to need to ask the question in a better way to get the answer you want.
So...also literally.

I read through the rules and they aren’t that subjective.

So, lemme ask this then:

Is SARP a place of laws or the rule of laws?
If two people interpret the rules literally, then why are those very same two people constantly at odds with each other? Wouldn't both of you be working together almost every time the rules get involved in something or called into debate?

...I believe neither of you truly follow the rules in the most literal manner, if this is the case. You have personal ways of interpreting them that cause this dissonance.

@Zack @FrostJaeger I request that you restate the rules set for this site in your own words.
If two people interpret the rules literally, then why are those very same two people constantly at odds with each other? Wouldn't both of you be working together almost every time the rules get involved in something or called into debate?

...I believe neither of you truly follow the rules in the most literal manner, if this is the case. You have personal ways of interpreting them that cause this dissonance.

@Zack @FrostJaeger I request that you restate the rules set for this site in your own words.

Acknowledged, though it's going to take me a bit due to being on a phoon.

Edit: @Arbitrated - In the interest of time, mind if I only "translate" the Basic Rules, the Code of Conduct, the Submission Rules, the Player Rights, and the Faction Rights? I have a feeling those areas are where @Zack and I disagree the most.
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The problem here then is Frost doesn't follow the rules, or Frost doesn't apply the rules properly when attacking submissions.

We can see in this submission it looks like he didn't get approval for changing the CCG.

In others he tries to declare things non-cannon because he wasn't consulted on things that don't involve him.
Yeah, yeah...but what do you think about the rules, Zack?

We’re not asking for your opinion on Frost, we’re asking for your opinion on the rules and are they being enforced.
Okay, literal it is...
Played factions are factions that contain player characters and role-playing plots.
I don't think Elysia has RPs, so it does not constitute a playable faction.
On Star Army a Faction Manager (FM) is a person responsible for the out-of-character management of a playable faction.
Only playable factions have FMs.
Background factions usually have a person in creative control of them. Please be respectful to their creation and consult them before using the faction if possible.
Frost should be consulted when using Elysian Celestial Empire stuff. This does not extend to the whole species.
Correct, Wes — Elysia does not have any canon plots at the moment. It does, however, have the YSS Wyvern as a heavily Elysian-influenced plot.

And I don’t expect that to fly, which is why we’re working on assembling plots and tech.
Okay, literal it is...I don't think Elysia has RPs, so it does not constitute a playable faction.
Only playable factions have FMs.
Frost should be consulted when using Elysian Celestial Empire stuff. This does not extend to the whole species.

@Wes Literally the only reason there aren't any plots yet is because I don't believe in rushing GMs to put plots out before they're ready.
This is exactly what I'm saying.

I'll go ahead and remove the bit at the top of the CCG to avoid confusion with new players.

However, there are players playing Elysian PCs. And, all Elysians are categorized under the Elysian Celestial Empire.

Because Elysians must base from the Elysian Celestial Empire they are considered as under Frost’s jurisdiction.
@Wes I'll be preparing my Eihei, I hope you don't mind me not having them be in Yamatai-after all, they wouldn't be, despite being a neko. After all, not all nekos stay in the Star Army, some have left-why not an Eihei?
Not all Elysians belong to Frost's faction. Obviously an Elysian could live in Nepleslia or Yamatai.

In fact, there are no Elysian players in Frost's faction.
However, all Elysian players to date have histories stemming from the Elysian Celestial Empire (with the exception of Arinori Sora, who is more Yamataian). This does qualify them as having their pre-RP history as under the Elysian Celestial Empire, therefore qualifying their backgrounds as scrutinizable by Frost.