Toshiro nodded, swiveling the panel over to her...
"It is unidentified, and was in a harsh battle right in front of us....weapons-wise both ignored us. This one was on the defensive, the aggressor damaging it and seems to have radio and telepathic manipulation capabilities, and can mess with our scans..."
He continued to speak.
"The unit since began to transmit simple code for 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11, repeating, trying to establish contact with us. Recognizing the prime numbers, I transmitted back 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, and 31. It then transmitted a coded algorhythm of a VERY fine calculation of pi, which we've's scared and upset, it seems...those of us with telepathy can sense it easily...we've been trying to contact the Lorath for a while now, but it can block subspace signals, and we don't want to mess with radio more than needed...I think it uses radar, of all things, to navigate, and using radio to contact anyone other than it specifically could be considered an effort to manipulate its sensors...a hostile act...and that thing could blow us away easily."