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RP: SRSS Yggdrasill Encounter! Enter the Sourcian

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The doctor merely nodded. Next she closed her eyes, and rather gently not to mention very politely projected a sense of calm, and peace outwards. If the ship picked up on this, it would feel the gentle caress of the emotions she sent out towards it.
The alien vessel chose it's response very very carefully.
The first was psionic in nature, echoed three times and for being so friendly, the doctor was met with stimulation she hadn't expected.

Perhaps too intimate.

Unfamiliar space.


And then the following 'instructions' to the computer came.

It took a few moments for the computer to properly gestate the raw instructions, all screens aboard the bridge flickering black briefly.
What would follow was a full armaments load-out, encrypted channel and full stream communication between the vessel and the Yggdrasill and a command console.

Last login: set on TX-503
Kernel load...
Var set...
Login compl...

Toshiro was quite surprised on what he saw, certain to save the data and send versions to the other parties previously contacted...he then typed into the console, hoping to communicate.

The command console went blank after a short time.
Toshiro thought for a moment before deciding to add more data as best he could...

There was a tone through the bridge, a clear soft ping.

I have control, Commander.
Establishing a connection...


The comms flickered as they were re-configured for low-latency long-range communication, the alien craft's engines giving a soft cyan white glimmer, glowing between the prongs about it's rear.

The screens followed, a routing pattern resembling a two dimensional tree in white against dark blue displayed as the gunship calculated a latency protocol on the fly to best suit the situation and made the necessary connections.

Above in shadowed white letters, "Connecting..." periodically faded and returned in regular intervals.
The doctor's face had gone red, eyes glazed during the whole act; legs wobbly. After the...feeling had passed she cleared her throat. Are you injured? Was all that came to mind "It is asking for instructions from me, and its location...I'm informing it of where it is." Remi replied to Toshiro after regaining her composure. After telling him this, she tried to project an image of a starmap in her mind, and their rough location about the vicinity of Lor.
Commander Hira turned his chair which was placed in the middle of the bridge to face the main view screen after he had closed the channel to the Yggdrasill. "Jin'zel, have the engineers finished calibrating the engines for our rapid jump to FTL and deceleration upon arrival?"

"Systems are primed and ready for your order sir," The professional looking Occhestan officer said as she turned to the Commander.

"By all means then." Hria directed his attention to the small 'pit' which was located to the left side of the bridge. "Navigation, set course for the coordinates which were enclosed in the message. 1975 C, drop out of faster-than-light when we are close enough to achieve communication with the vessel with a lag time of less than .005ms."

Surely enough, the Sub-Lieutenant quickly input the command into the Zahl's systems without a single word or motion, just a simple thought from the Occhestian's mind put the Zahl into motion.

While the Zahl class vessel re-directed it's nose to face in the direction of the Yggdrasill, the Commander continued to give orders. "Ready the psionic signal control device. At the first sign of trouble, activate it. Also open the channel to the palace, the Occhestain wing." the Commander was really just spouting the orders he was given from brass, which were sent to him through the cybernetic node which was visible upon the side of his neck.

On Lor, a group of psionic Lorath stood watch over a large open-air conference room located on a far wing of the palace grounds. It had been only a matter of moments since they had been given the order to ready the conference room for the recently dubbed VIP which had been granted access to most of the low security areas of the palace.

A figure in a black uniform stepped into the conference room, pale skin and stark long ears. The figure took a seat and awaited for the conference to formally be declared.

The Commander of the Zahl class leaned back in his chair, he disliked being used as a puppet, but since he had been assigned to commanding the Zahl class, he had been strung along since he took the post. "Engineering, please make sure the signal remains clear, we do not want any signal loss, and be sure to have anti-matter fuel routing devices on-line and ready to prepare our missiles, in case of any interference from the unknown hostile which wounded our objective."

As most of the crew maintained the ship's communication and processing capability, a pair of large Lorath females labored within the belly of the Zahl, they loaded a single large bodied torpedo into the central firing tube which ran through the centerline of the Zahl. They connected the torpedo to an antimatter injector port, and awaited the order to arm the weapon and fire it within a moment's notice if needed.

Meanwhile, Toshiro saw the reconfiguration of the communications systems as a positive step... "...Remi...what's happening on your end?"

Merely a handful of seconds passed between the Zahl's departure and arrival as it dropped out of faster-than-light speed just a kilometer from the Yggdrasill. The commander than spoke. "Open all communications lines..."
As the command was issued, before it was executed, the Zahl was met with a hail that forced the communication channels open without response, the Captain of the Yggdrasill displayed for Lorath viewing pleasure.

The communication channel hopped subspace, the same message passed directly onto the conglomeration at the conference on Lor.

Toshiro's display gave him a look over the situation with the two opposing channels displayed side-by-side on a slant and himself in the very middle in a much smaller square, a reflection set beneath each on a black background. The bridge lights reconfigured automatically, casting the best light onto the Commander.
Toshiro blinked in surprise, and then cleared his throat.

"...Lor, this communication has been initiated by the alien vessel currently above your planet. I am Captain Yuki Toshiro, captain of the SRSS Yggdrasill, and we have successfully initiated limited contact with the vessel. It is injured and seems to have accepted our offers for assistance and good-will. Contact via both telepathy and text are the most recent successes. The Star Army has been contacted as well, and I have received a reply from Taisa Ketsurui Hanako-sama that she is enroute."

He continued.

"Does the Lorath Government have a protocol for First Contact, or any previous encounters with this race that could assist in this encounter?"
Commander Hira sighed deeply as he heard the name 'Hanako' mentioned. "We do not have a formal protocol, but we do have reason to believe that we have contacted this species before, and we have a member of their race which will conduct communications with the ship through our comm systems."

After speaking, Hira sent a silent message back to the royal palace which gave warning of the approach of the woman who has recently become known within the LSDF as the single most troublesome member of the Yamatai Empire.
Kairi, finally deciding what to do, jogged over to Remi, offering her a supporting arm to keep her from falling. She inquired, "Should I help strengthen those tele-feelings?"
The doctor shook her head. "No, its better if only one of us does this, and I started this." Remi took the arm and steadied herself. Her mind reeled at what to do...

The doctor thanked the vessel politely for the stimulation from earlier, and then projected the image of the starmap and Lor's location towards the ship via telepathy. As well as the only instruction or rather suggestion she could think of. To repair itself as soon as possible.
"Should I try to get closer to reduce lag, Capt'n?" Ken asked, feeling on edge a bit. He had heard of seemingly crippled ships actually being fully operational and hiding pirates.
Toshiro scratched his chin for a moment...

"No real need at this time...stay at this point in space, Ken. Our communication seems optimized to our current location."
It wasn't long before the black-hulled Ravisher slipped into the area.

"Taisa Hanako to Yggdrasill. We are approaching your position."
Toshiro replied, opening yet another channel...

"Hello, Taisa Ketsurui Hanako-hime-sama! The Lorath have also replied to my communication, and are listening. I am glad you were able to arrive in time. I am Captain Yuki Toshiro of the Yggdrasill."

Toshiro immediately went into detail on what was happening, for both parties.

"Communications with the ship are continuing, in both telepathy and plain text formats. We currently have been granted access to what seems to be a passenger manifest and a full weapons readout of the vessel...however, I am having trouble understanding how to work the command prompts of their system. I have loaded Japanese and English language data to the vessel, which helps, but it is still beyond my experience...the Lorath claim to have a member of the ship's race on site to assist, but they have not initiated contact with the vessel on their own yet."
"Please forward me all the data you have thus far received," Hanako requested, as the Ravisher took up a position at the Yggdrasill's side.
The YSS Ravisher, the Zahl, and the Lorath group below were sent all the data that had thus far been collected...

"I can't read everything we've been sent...but it seems to have some interesting capabilities, even anti-aether offense...our own Kylie activated briefly when it appeared even, but no damage was done. Of course, my primary concern is the damage it has sustained...as it seems to be a sentient entity, I'm concerned for its well-being..."
There was a flicker across the monitor set before Toshiro as the twin-Kernel set alongside the existing AI onboard the Yggdrasil went about locking down the data it had been recieving. The text faded back and forth, the interface removed.

ISOL... 100%
Rangefinder... set
charge.Capacitor... 77.4%


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