Despite the rocky start, things felt comfortable again for the marines, and even with the new arrivals mid-match.
Forming up, they swept into the building like it was just another drill, they moved quickly and quietly after Sawyer opened the door and entered first, shield firmly in hand. Stripe quickly cloaked and advanced as their forward element, while the others dispersed into cover. Finding themselves inside the building's dock area, they faced towering stacks of goods and pallets, all neatly arranged and ready to be sent up or down the elevators to their waiting floors. Despite how large the building was, this place was surprisingly small, and was most likely just for processing, and not storage. Despite their size, the Hostile that they wore was silent on its feet as the squad crept forwards, guns at the ready, but found nothing.
That wasn't the case for Stripe however. Passing the large double doors and crossing into the store itself, he emerged at the very back, surrounded by sporting goods.
"They're right at that asteroid in the open! We should hit them now!" one voice protested. She - it was certainly a she - sounded young and agitated, annoyed at what was happening.
"Yeah, but we're just facets of the ship's AI here for training - they have spawn protection, and we're supposed to follow the rules!" a more skittish, worried sounding young woman replied.
"Why of course," a deeper, more womanly sounding Neko replied. "We may be just that, but we are also full on sims of Neko. Ones meant to give them a challenge so that they may learn. If we don't, th - " Gunfire suddenly tore right through the shelves after a sensor sweep pinged the entire store, the buzz-saw ratta-tat-tat of
Star Army rifles were followed by bright, blue beams burning their way forward as the squad suddenly found themselves under blind fire from several shooters. The shots weren't the best aimed, but it was enough to pelt the main entrance into the store and pin them inside the processing area in the back. "Switch the mag and put in some high-ex!" the young woman shouted from somewhere in the expansive clothing section.
"I'm on it!" Unseen, Stripe saw glimpses of a
reddish, battle worn armor rushing out and away from the rest of her people. Setting up at the edge of the clothing section and foodstuffs, she reached back and ejected the large drum magazine for her own shoulder-mounted cannon. Stripe realized he could try and stop her from lobbing the explosive rounds into where the rest of the squad was at, but with no guarantee of success. The fact that none of them had a positive ID on the enemy was another thing he, or any other marine could try and fix, but that was possibly not as important as not getting shot. More importantly, the main element of the Nepleslian marines needed to find a away out of of suppression, and fast!
Wolf has joined the game
Anthony has joined the game
"Oh noooo!" Ylfa cried out in a panic, both armored hands clutching her helmeted head as she stood on top of the asteroid. Recovering her bearings, the Sergeant leaped off and blasted away, chasing after the rest of the Marines.
Blue Screening sucked.