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RP: NSS Sledge Mama Ep. 4 - Demo Copy (Aside)

"Ye gods, I've never heard a more boot thing in my damn life. Private, a Reaper class power armor is highly unlikely to fall to a single shot from a sniper rifle, all you'll do is mark yourself as a target for it and all of its buddies to shoot at all at once. I can tell you that being on the receiving end of a volley of 50mm railgun rounds is incredibly unpleasant in an Aggressor, in a Hostile you're likely to end up getting hurt or very very dead." Sawyer snarled in a somewhat mocking tone as he looked at the other one. "Stealth approach would make sense other than that all of us have been standing here like idiots and the radar on those suits can pick us up two klicks out, so no, stealth is regrettably not an option at this point, good thinking though. And yes, from what I've heard and the bit I observed you lot need slapped repeatedly upside the head with a heavy object until you fix yourselves."
"Then I suggest a full on assault," he looked at Jamie, "You feel like taking point? I'll try and cover you from on top of one of the adjacent buildings. Or we could go with option E."
Jaime looked to the see the other marines and realized how boot they looked, He was used to his war-time utterances compared to explaining absolutely everything into ultimate detail. He was glad his helmet hid his annoyed face but made his voice sound calm despite,

"We can make an entry through the side or rear of the building and work are way forward. Stay away from the windows and stay along the back wall of the sales floor AND don;t be a special snowflake."

He pulled the hand signal for "On Me" and turned himself around his cover and towards a blind spot from the sales floor windows. Stopping just beyond the corner, he leveled his rifle down the wall towards the side and walked slowly forward every few steps looking behind him for the team and for Reapers. He realized he was becoming a bit more squishy himself and deleted his axe and replaced it quietly with a large combat knife and continued to combat walk carefully checking his motion tracker every few seconds.
Alec simply nodded and followed after Jaime, almost mirroring his movements as tailed after him. He did not be want seem like a complete rookie but he definitely did not want to seem like a special snowflake hero his father always told him about.
Sawyer would simply sigh, moving up and knocking Jaime out of the way before taking point, the heavy almost riot shield shaped heavy nerimium shield raised in front of his Hostile, one monoeye on his shoulders swiveled back to look at the rest of the squad and verify rear coverage while he set his forearm mounted gauss SMG in the slot on the shield that was designed to be used to shoot a weapon through as he moved on, his motions smooth and confident. The pattern on his armor would flex slightly to become closer to the tone of the walls of the building, his slow and steady steps causing him to at least partially blend into the walls as he moved. At each door or window he would stop, slowly swiveling to face it before scanning to ensure that there was nothing on the other side that was hostile and marking any closed doors for the others to investigate after him.
Leaving the park and the asteroid they rode in on behind them, the rag-tag squad of marines moved in on the Origin Mart.

Crossing the street and a parking lot filled with abandoned cars, they could all see that the front of the towering, three story mega-store was crudely barricaded. Several of the cars had been painstakingly - power armor or not - picked up and tossed on top of one another to help reinforce the storefront and narrow it down to a single entrance covered by a door of hastily hammered together plywood. Though they could all easily leap over the piled cars, they'd end up setting themselves up for easy shots. In comparison, the makeshift doorway wasn't going to silhouette them so obviously, but was likely eyeballed by someone. Even if it wasn't however, making noise with it was a concern; it just wasn't built well, either by design or by haste. Finally, there were definitely entrances to the sides. Plenty of them in fact. To the left, was a greenhouse extension of the store, shattered in numerous places and overgrown like a jungle. Meanwhile, on the right, was a loading zone with several docks for cargo vehicles and clearly marked entrances for employees to enter through.

Thus far, the situation was nothing new for veteran marines; quiet. Too quiet. Stealth was important right up until it wasn't and the fighting started, and for now, either there were no enemies in sight, or they were being stalked. Though Sawyer was best off storming in first and drawing aggro so the rest of the squad could take position, it was all a matter of choosing just where first.

Not that Ylfa cared. Or even could.

Right at this moment, she was right where they had all left her. Standing like a statue, and completely quiet. At this very moment, the blond felt sick to her stomach and wanted to throw up. The whole world was spinning, and she couldn't see - everything was blurry, out of focus and had a red tint to it. Voices were muffled and warped to her ears, making no sense whatsoever. The very sensation of the armor around her felt unnatural, as did her skin; it was a lot like that uncomfortable, stinging, numb and bloated sensation one would get when an arm or leg fell asleep. Except with her whole body. It took the Sergeant a very long time to overcome the horrifically uncomfortable cocktail of feelings swirling through her and read the text.
YlfaDiadottr.exe has stopped working
Ylfa is checking for a solution to the problem
Ylfa should kill all humans? Y/N?
Ylfa should kill all boots? Y/N?

When she finally regained focus and felt something like a massive hangover smack her in the head like a hammer, Ylfa realized she was standing there in the park and on top of a hot asteroid. Alone. With nobody around.

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Jaime mirrored the corporals movements as he began to feel the rhythm of the situation. His breathing slowed and his move became more meticulous. When he began to speak, his voice was rough but quiet,

"On you, Corporal, entry's your call."

He quickly checked his armor functions from his left shoulder mounted railgun to his shields and checked that he still had the magazines for his rifle on his armor where it was supposed to be. He began to feel more at home, he remembered his previous mistakes, and his heartbeat set to his steps. He felt his face become relaxed and confident as the second-in-line.
"Alright, I'm Cloaking. If you want, I can scout ahead and try to give you eyes on the enemy." Stripe said as he cloaked himself and put a few meters between him and the rest of the group. "Shouldn't we spread out a bit so we're not a tight ball of 'ooh, blow us up in one go'?"
"Roger that, head for the loading bay doors, keep your eyes open but the rest of you need to spread out some and get cover before you make yourselves nice shiny targets." With that Sawyer would move up, his sensors still keeping a lock on where Stripe was, or at least a rough estimate of his location. He'd make the simple hand and arm signals for the squad to disperse as he started to make his way towards one of the side doorways, preferably one of the ones by the loading docks, if necessary he was prepared to make his own doorway as he made his way in. The obvious killzone at the front had him somewhat uneasy, this was similar to the cluster that had taken place on that planetoid nobody knew the name of or that nobody had ever bothered to name the damn place in the first place. His heavy stormshield was up in front of him, covering him from just above the helmet down to just above his feet as he moved fowards, the monoeye that wasn't looking at the rest of the squad had shifted just enough to allow him vision around the shield as he walked, making sure not to make an excessive amount of noise.
Alec quickly diverged from the group, keeping his head down he made a bit of spacing between him and everyone else. He eventually slowed his pacing down allowing most of the others to pass him, keeping the sights of his rifle trained in front of Jaime.
Moving as quietly as his Hostile would allow, Wolf slipped onto the scene. He saw another squad of marines engaging an Origin Mart with a high wall of stacked cars and moving over to the loading docks on the side. Hefting his HPAR, he moved in closer, hoping to pick out one as a sergeant. Not being able to tell who was who, he looked at one of them and spoke, only hoping that his communications channel was the same.

"Anyone there?" he grunted. "Looking for a squad, mine's gone."
Edgardo, following Sawyer's advice (and keeping radio silence for the sake of the mission and team) spread out to the best position where his sniper talents would come in handy.
Jaime nodded and moved outwards towards the other side of the alleyway, setting out his motion tracker and switched between walking forwards gun raised to checking the squads six as the team moved forwards. He pointed to Alec and made quick hand signals, 'Watch our six.' He didn't speak a word, nary even breath as he spun back towards the front and kept his eyes forward and gracefully moved back behind Sawyer, but kept a distance. In the the event that the squids showed their faces, Sawyer could aggro the Reapers while Jaime used his HPAR to pick off shots and move as a movable asset.

He remembered his wartime breifings of the reaper forces, he carefully reminded himself to watch for their weapons systems and mark clear targets. Of course he was only really in combat with them a few times, and in a large experienced combat group of pain-dealing dogs of war, he put himself back into the mojo of the world of warfare again after such a stint of almost reserve life.
Stripe smiled in glee. "Edgardo, I'm going to sneak in and spot you some targets." He whispered as his invisible form slowly worked his way in, taking care to not be spotted.
Another private approached the simulation chamber, it seemed that tops wasn't the only one who wanted to play with their new hardware. Entering the simulation, he took on the standard Hostile and began to select his load. The standard HPAR was in order, but he figured that the new Hyper Induction Bayonet was worth trying. He decided to fill his mini-missiles packed with DART and ARROWs on the left and right legs respectively. Now for the cool stuff, he thought to himself. He equipped his right arm with the new wrist mounted Gauss SMG, and opted to leave the standard PPG system on his left arm.

"Sweeeeeeet..." he said privately to himself. But something was missing, something... more. Suddenly a shoulder mount attached itself to his armor at the right shoulder, and the new 20mm rail-gun materialized with it - fusion assisted death. He took a moment to review his loadout in detail:

  • Heavy Penetrating Assualt Rifle
    • Attached Hyper Induction Bayonet
  • Right Wrist Mounted Gauss SMG
  • PPG Push/Pull System
  • Right Leg RDL-03a DART launcher system
  • Left Leg RDL-o2a ARROW launcher system
  • Shoulder Weapon Mount
    • 20mm Fusion Assisted Rail Gun
Admiring the loadout, he took a moment to awkwardly look up at the rail gun mounted on his shoulder and said "I'm touching myself tonight."

With that tangent aside, he began to move through the simulation from cover to cover, synching his HUD up with the nearby squad. The blip that would appear on their HUD's when he came in range would read PVT. Branston before he gave a short "Private Branston reporting, en route to your location." over their suits encrypted radio frequency.

With that Anthony did his best to make his way to the squad and find cover, doing his best to take advantage of the brainspammer system and stay out of sight.
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Despite the rocky start, things felt comfortable again for the marines, and even with the new arrivals mid-match.

Forming up, they swept into the building like it was just another drill, they moved quickly and quietly after Sawyer opened the door and entered first, shield firmly in hand. Stripe quickly cloaked and advanced as their forward element, while the others dispersed into cover. Finding themselves inside the building's dock area, they faced towering stacks of goods and pallets, all neatly arranged and ready to be sent up or down the elevators to their waiting floors. Despite how large the building was, this place was surprisingly small, and was most likely just for processing, and not storage. Despite their size, the Hostile that they wore was silent on its feet as the squad crept forwards, guns at the ready, but found nothing.

That wasn't the case for Stripe however. Passing the large double doors and crossing into the store itself, he emerged at the very back, surrounded by sporting goods.

"They're right at that asteroid in the open! We should hit them now!" one voice protested. She - it was certainly a she - sounded young and agitated, annoyed at what was happening.

"Yeah, but we're just facets of the ship's AI here for training - they have spawn protection, and we're supposed to follow the rules!" a more skittish, worried sounding young woman replied.

"Why of course," a deeper, more womanly sounding Neko replied. "We may be just that, but we are also full on sims of Neko. Ones meant to give them a challenge so that they may learn. If we don't, th - " Gunfire suddenly tore right through the shelves after a sensor sweep pinged the entire store, the buzz-saw ratta-tat-tat of Star Army rifles were followed by bright, blue beams burning their way forward as the squad suddenly found themselves under blind fire from several shooters. The shots weren't the best aimed, but it was enough to pelt the main entrance into the store and pin them inside the processing area in the back. "Switch the mag and put in some high-ex!" the young woman shouted from somewhere in the expansive clothing section.

"I'm on it!" Unseen, Stripe saw glimpses of a reddish, battle worn armor rushing out and away from the rest of her people. Setting up at the edge of the clothing section and foodstuffs, she reached back and ejected the large drum magazine for her own shoulder-mounted cannon. Stripe realized he could try and stop her from lobbing the explosive rounds into where the rest of the squad was at, but with no guarantee of success. The fact that none of them had a positive ID on the enemy was another thing he, or any other marine could try and fix, but that was possibly not as important as not getting shot. More importantly, the main element of the Nepleslian marines needed to find a away out of of suppression, and fast!
Wolf has joined the game
Anthony has joined the game

"Oh noooo!" Ylfa cried out in a panic, both armored hands clutching her helmeted head as she stood on top of the asteroid. Recovering her bearings, the Sergeant leaped off and blasted away, chasing after the rest of the Marines.

Blue Screening sucked.
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Taking aim, Stripe gave his squad a warning in hopes they'd take action."Guys, watch it- they've got a shoulder cannon! I'll try to mark it on your HUD, but no promises."

Having given warning, he proceeded to mark the target. He then took some shots at the shoulder cannon while he moved to a position shielded from the other visible Reapers. "Please be lucky enough to have that blow up in it's face, please..."
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Heeding Stripe's warning, Edgardo looked for a spot of cover in the clothing store that wouldn't be in the ensuing explosion. Finding one, he directed his teammates towards in while giving them covering fire. Only when the last person started moving would he move from his cover spot.
Private Branston didn't wait for the warning, he immediately activated his PPG in an effort to pull himself out of the crossfire and into new cover. The singular monoeye on his armor began to scan the direction of the crossfire, searching for targets as he moved as he moved before taking cover. His eyes darted through his HUD for someone nearby with a position of authority before he managed to find someone. There it was, a big blaring CPL AUBREY on his HUD as he pulled himself to a new cover.

"Corporal, what sim is this? Who's the hostile and what is our objective?"
he asked over their suits encrypted frequency as he moved.

Even as he moved, his shoulder mounted railgun was rolling in it's place, seeking new targets at his command during his desperate search for their assailants.
Whether out of old habits or stupidity, Jamie broke formation and slammed his shoulder into the wall of the doorway to the sales floor's left side. He then peeked his monoeye around the corner of the doorway and tried to find something to shoot at. He then thought of a move he probably would regret with his current luck, moving crouched to the closest aisle and taking the cover to fire. He didn't decided to die again and looked to Sawyer to move his shield and just use him as mobile cover.

"Corporal, when you enter I'm going to use you for cover and fire over your shoulder, unless you have a better idea."
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