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RP: NSS Sledge Mama Ep. 4 - Demo Copy (Aside)

Jumping at first with the sudden sound of gunfire, Alec quickly peeked around to survey the situation. As soon as he saw the shoulder cannon light up on his HUD, he stepped out of cover enough to get a clear couple of shots downrange before quickly using the PPG to bail out of the way as several rounds crackled past him. With as grace as a rock, he landed on his side with a loud thud on the other side of the room.
Sawyer would reply quite simpy to Branston's comment, "Our objective is to clear the store, the OPFOR is an unknown number of Reaper power armors. Other than that, the goal is to not end up dead." As he said that over the encrypted comms he'd move, placing his heavy Nerimium shield in front of his body and bulling towards the incoming fire, the gauss SMG on his right forearm as well as his shoulder mounted minigun opening fire towards the area that the incoming fire was coming from, aiming to drag his line of fire from side to side, sweeping the entire vicinity where the hostile fire was coming from with sheets of rounds.
Jaime made quiet but purposeful steps behind Sawyer and raised his gun to his right shoulder but left enough clearance for his missiles to leave their chambers if needed. He spoke just loud enough to be heard to the Corporal's right side helmet pickup, "I've got you covered." He then moved his rifle to point towards the extreme right side of Sawyer's arc of fire and put small controlled bursts forward into the area where the fire was being generalized.

He hoped to all high that he wasn't going to fail the squad again, he felt anger towards himself but channeled it into being prepared to fire onto hostiles.
Wolf did what he always did. He got ready to fight. They said something about Reapers, and that made him tingle. He hadn't fought Reapers before. This would be exciting. He hastened forward quietly and lifted his rifle. When enemies got in sight, he opened fire, and he showed absolutely no mercy. He felt all of the pain of the years leaving his body with every bullet he fired, sim or no sim.
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