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RP: YSS Goban Episode 02: Human After All

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Doshii Jun

Perpetual player
Retired Staff
SET: Kyoto Military Base, Yamatai

Ma'at Bolverk hadn't been a medic with the Star Army all that long. She hadn't even left base yet; she was still in training, though she'd graduated up to the point of earning a rank and taking on an assistant's work, and was busy doing and learning what she could.

So it was with a calm head she waited to greet the crew of a cargo vessel that had been in a bad scrape. She could handle them, no problem.

Until she saw them. Then she wondered if she hadn't made at least a small mistake.
Lucas yawned as the crew of the Goban came into final approach to the Kyoto Military Base. The last five hours had been slow, boring, and without incident...and Lucas loved it. After he had brought back the bland, tasteless nutrient rations for everyone to "enjoy" next to starvation, he had leaned back in the cockpit and fallen fast asleep. The past 27 hours had been a nightmare since he stepped foot on the Goban's shuttle bay. He'd been blown up, knocked around, thrown, shot at, cut, bruised, battered, and damn near killed on several occasions...so any peace and quit was utter bliss. Even the horrible re-occurring dreams of home were acceptable, just this once.

That was five hours ago. Now, Lucas sat in muted pain from broken ribs as he guided the tiny shuttle to landing pad 12. Tractor beams and guiding programs took over and Lucas leaned back to mess with the bandage wrapped around his head. The injury was a nice three inch slice slanting upwards on the right side of his forehead. He let his hands fall into his lap as soon as he felt that the dressing was comfortable and swiveled his chair around to look at the exhausted crew. Lucas grinned as he activated the in-flight speakers and slipped the headset over his bandages.

His voice carried softly over the intercom. "Attention passangers," He started as he saw eyes pop open and glance in his direction, "This is your captain speaking. We'd like to take this moment to bring to your awareness that we are now on final approach to Kyoto Military base on the good planet Yamatai. We are now about 5000 feet up and decending. Our total flight time today was six hours and forty minutes. The current time is 1:30 pm on Kyoto field. If you look out to your left and right, you'll see clear skies, green grass, and lack of imminent demise. I'd like to ask that you go ahead and thank whatever deity that you worship that we made it home in one piece. We hope you enjoyed flying with us here on the stolen shuttle Uriel and hope to see you again real soon. Thanks." he said chuckling, for that was all his ribs allowed him to do.
"Uriah," Kyosuke said aloud from his sprawling on the floor. He was still worn out from the lack of good food, as the anti-gravity and everything else had drained him. "And I'm still commander." He turned over on his side.
Ma'at watched as a vessel was coming in. She could tell that this wasn't the vessel that she was assigned to but she still got the feeling that she was suppose to meet those that were inside.

If the crew wasn't even coming in on their own ship, Ma'at thought that the crew couldn't be too good. I just hope no one's too bad off.
Galar laughed openly at the exchange between Kyosuke and Lucas; it was true, it seemed as though there was a tangible feeling of calm and peace. Even if we don't quite have our ship back, I may yet have a good feeling about this mission!

Maneuvering the shuttle down through the atmosphere was easy in comparison to dodging shots from armed fighters intent on killing them without any questions asked.

Still descending towards the city, Galar felt some turbulence. Fortunately, this didn't faze him one bit. To his left, in Lucas' area, the comm buzzed.
"Hey, hey, hey. You want me to turn this ship around?" Lucas grinned as he snapped his fingers and pointed back at Kyosuke. "Because I will mister." He said as he swiveled back around to deploy the landing gear. The shuttle hummed and clanked as the 'feet' deployed. Within seconds, the ship set down with a soft "whump".

"Alright everybody." Lucas groaned as he somehow made it to his feet. "I don't know about you, but I'm getting off of this bucket, and getting some damn medical treatment." He said lifting his shirt slightly to reveal purple and black bruises around his ribs. "Now get off my damn ship." he teased giving Kyosuke a little nudge with his foot, before helping him to his feet. "There you go, Shoi."

Lucas made his way to the unloading ramp and shuffled off the small vessel, gazing around for the nearest person to direct him to the medical areas.
"Home sweet home," Luca commented as he made his way out of the ship with a slight jaunt in his steps, "It sure feels good to be back on terra-firma." He looked around, the sights and smells were familiar.

"Maybe now that we're here, Lucas and I could get some proper medical attention for these wounds." He said to himself as he followed Lucas to go after some medical help.

"Hey Lucas, are your ribs getting better?" He asked as he walked alongside him, "These here shrapenel wounds hurt like hell."
Lucas grinned at Luca, "Well...I've seen better days. But at least you got a few souvenirs out of it." he said as he sat down on the ship's ramp, waiting for either the rest of the crew, or...

About that time, his eyes fell on a nice looking girl plated in green. He only saw her from afar, but as she came closer, he smiled as he saw her...womanly physique, and her hair. He grinned wide and nudged Luca.
"Hey, hey...I'm not the only one with blue hair." Lucas looked up to him as he nodded towards the Medical enlist.
Luca decided to sit down next to Lucas.

He felt the nudge that Lucas had given him.
"What is it? I'm tender in that spot!" Luca asked. Lucas then pointed his general direction to the Medical enlist.

"Ohh... I see." Luca's eyes widened as he set his eyes upon the girl, it was one of the first he'd seen for quite a while since he set foot on the Goban, excluding the one he'd seen in the tube.
"She's wearin' a pretty dress, y'think we can talk her out of it?" Luca whispered into Lucas' ear as he gave him a wink and a chuckle.
"But in all seriousness, thanks for pointing her out, I think she'll do a lovely job patching us up."
Jason, after the five hours of space flight, finally opened his eyes aware of his surroundings. During the entire trip Jason barely slept the images of the fighting kept playing through his mind. Hearing the comments made by Lucas gave him a chuckle. Even after everything that has happened he still made them smile. Getting up from his chair he walked down the loading ramp into the bay, observing his surrounding's until his eyes came across the female in the bay.

Listening to the comments of both Lucas and Luca since he was standing so close to them he would make a rebuttal. "As much as you guys would like to do that, I don't think neither of you will get the chance. As for you guys I'm going to go unroll the welcome mat." With that Jason brushed himself off slightly and began to walk towards the medical personnel.
"Get the porn out of your heads already," Kyosuke said from behind everyone.

He walked through with a generally sour look on his face, already going over the reports he'd have to make, the meeting with the Chusa, explaining to the Taisho how the fuck he managed to lose a ship. An entire ship.

Well gee Chen-Taisho, I just had to fight for my life against a giant assassin droid and then was betrayed by one of PNUgen's very own! My crew, Chiharu bless'em, did their best, but yeah, we had to steal a shuttle to get back! Did I mention we NEVER KNEW OUR REAL MISSION?!

Kyosuke crossed the small patch of grass they had landed near, with what looked like a small sand pit and a net stretched high across it. They'd landed near a recreation point, apparently. Smooth, Hanley. At least it was still a landing bay, or close to one, so the crews would be out eventually to sort out their ride.

His head still hurt. Along with his chest. The self-healing function had taken care of the immediate woes, but it wasn't doing much to alleviate the pain. I need alcohol, he thought.

When he looked at the girl with pretty blue hair and grey eyes, he didn't process what he was seeing. Only when he saw the red cross on one side of her green-paneled skirt uniform did it make any sense to him. "Medic. Finally. Lead us to the med bay or wherever you patch people up."
Last out of the ship, Galar walked behind kyosuke and laughed at the remarks made by the rest of the crew. The feeling of tranquility still lingered in his body, causing him to smile, even though they were probably in a lot of trouble. As he walked down the ramp, he caught sight of the girl standing there. He could see why the rest of the crew were making remarks about her; she was pretty, and, he thought to himself, I haven't seen a girl for a long time, even in the academy! This should really liven up the mission.

Then he started thinking again about something that had occupied his mind since the walk back to the missing Goban: guns. If we only had better guns, we might have been able to defend ourselves better.

"Kyosuke-Shoi, before I forget, do I have permission later to visit the gun shop?" Galar asked.

Then he turned to Luca and said, "Oh, and Luca, while you are being healed, if the Shoi gives me permission to go of course, I could pick you up something."
Ma'at could feel the slight sensation of nerves coming to her but she quickly squashed that feeling. She couldn't be nervous when taking care of someone. That could lead to doing something wrong and making things worse. So Ma'at took deep calming breaths as she watched the shuttle land and the crew walk out.

From what she could see, they were all men. So I'll be the only girl. She knew what was in store for her. But she was going to put up with it since it was an order.

With a sweet smile in place, she looked each of the men over. They weren't too bad off but they did have their fair share of injuries. Bowing slightly to all of them, Ma'at widened her smile.

"Hello. My name's Ma'at Bolverk. I will be your medic. Please come this way." Slowly she turned and started to lead them towards the medic bay that was set up.
Lucas returned the bow to Ma'at...as well as he could, "Santo-Hei Lucas Hanley." he said giving her a soft smile. "Excellent choice of hair color by the way." he grinned and followed her and the rest of the battered crew to the medical area.

While walking, he nudged Jason, "Well Travkai. It seems you owe us all a round." he joked loudly enough for all of them to hear, "I'm going to take mine at the earlist moment possible. Hope you've still got some credits." he grinned.
Ma'at led everyone (slowly, of course) to a small med bay on an outer area of Kyoto base. It had a few hemosynth tubes and the general medical equipment one might see in a starship's med bay. There was no one else inside the bay, however, leaving Ma'at free to do as she wished with her battered band of patients.

Kyosuke had lagged behind in the end, using a communication window to attempt contacting Shimada-Chusa.
Jason following the group hearing the comment from Lucas "Yeah I promised everyone a round and I plan to deliver. Let's just get you guys patched up first and then we'll go get us that shot." Jason said.

Continuing to walk he would notice the commander lagging behind, deciding not to interfere with the commander's business he took a seat in the bay and watch their new medic as work.
Galar walked behind the rest of the crew, most of whom were injured. Only nick, Jason and himself were seemignly uninjured. The mission so far had really taken its toll. Galar felt sorry for the shoi, who had a terrible time of it from what he had heard. I might as well do something nice, it might cheer him up a little, and a happy leader means a happier crew!

"Hey Kyosuke-Shoi," Galar called, "since I'm not injured, do you want me to pick up some supplies? We will need some. On the way, should I pick you up some booze as well?"
Luca was lead by the nose by the newfound Medic Ma'at into the medic bay.
Finally, some relief for the wicked... Luca thought to himself, Being a human dartboard does come with its drawbacks. He snickered as sat down next to Lucas. He looked up at Ma'at, who was pre-occupied with looking at the battered batillion.

"I'm Luca. Pleased to meet you." Luca told Ma'at as he gave a pained smile.

Luca pointed to Jason and told Ma'at, "He's Jason," Then his finger then swiveled to Nick, "That's Nick," and finally to Galar, "And he is Galar, and you've already meet Kyosuke-Shoi."
Kyosuke waved from a little ways away, not looking at anyone. He was staring intensely at an image panel.

"Ah, wonderful, patients. We see so few nowadays." A doctor, a somewhat bosom Neko wearing scrubs, bowed. "This way gentlemen; I'll see you get cleaned up. Nurse, follow me please."

The Neko led everyone into the medbay, then opened a wide folding door at the back of it -- it led to a bigger one, where everyone would be able to lay down.

"Everyone choose a cot, please. Also, if you could give me a summary of injuries, so I am not flipping through papers all day?" The Neko's black hair shone in the bright, sterile lights of the room as she smiled.
Luca walked up to the Neko, his hand went after the back of his head.

"Well..." Luca began, "I became a human dartboard for a moment or two. A blast from an explosion caused by hell-knows what filled me with shrapanel. It hit me mainly in the chest and on me right arm."
Luca held up his right arm using his left to present the injuries. He also pointed to various spots on his chest to show where they'd gone.

Luca gave the Neko a nod of acknowlegement and headed for the third cot from the left of where he entered. He took his boots off, removed his chest panel and clambered into the cot, leaving the stained garnments on the floor against the wall.
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