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RP: YSS Goban Episode 02: Human After All

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Lucas followed the Doctor into the med center. He glanced again at the Ma'at and the well-endowed doctor and smiled on the inside. It seems that they know how to visually please those in need he thought as he took the cot to the right of Luca.

Taking his boots off with great difficulty, Lucas only sat there, slightly winded from the wretching pain in his sides. He fiddled with the dressings on his head to take his mind off the broken ribs, and waited for the doctor come to him to review his injuries.
Ma'at had been quietly listening as the one known as Luca explained his injuries. She winced at bit as she heard what had happened to him. That can't have been to good. She stepped forward a bit, wanting to see how bad this could be. But she was surprised when she saw that there was no cuts on him.

Suddenly Ma'at's eyes widen as she came to a conclusion. He still has them inside! Not wanting to be rude but knowing that it would be a good idea to get the sharpanel out of him as soon as possible, Ma'at pushed the doctor out of the way and walked over to Luca.

"Um..Mr.Luca, exactly where are the shrapanel? I really need to get them out of you as fast as I can."
Luca was just about to get comfy in his cot when Ma'at asked him his question. He could see her concern.

"Oh, where they went?" Luca responded as he tried to remember, "Well..."

Luca pointed a few centimetres to the left of his belly button, "One went here..."
Then to a space in his upper right arm, "Here..."
His upper-right torso near the shoulder, "Over here..."
And finally to an area on his upper-right leg, "And finally, here. But those are the ones that were biggest, I don't know if there were other smaller ones."

"My wounds closed up by 'emselves on the way back from the Cloud. It's a long story," Luca explained as he laid out in his cot and gave a pained smile.
Ma'at gave a soft sigh. If those were the biggest ones, then he must have smaller ones throughout his body. And sadly she couldn't go cutting him up looking for the pieces. She knew that she could only do the best that she could.

Walking over to table, Ma'at started to get everything that she would need to take the metal out of Luca. Coming back with a bag of equipment and a scaple in her other hand, she gave him a kind smile. "I'm sorry, Mr.Luca, but I'll need to cut in and take them out."
The doctor nodded at Ma'at's suggestion. Of course the soldier could get a Soul Transfer to a replica of his body -- his records showed he was Yamataian -- but field medics did not have such luxuries, so it was a good opportunity.

"Now, about this one." The doctor came to Lucas. "What's your problem, dear?"

The doctor bent down a little, coat not completely hiding the stretchsuit-clad cleavage she had.
"Whoa whoa whoa!" Luca replied in a slight frenzy, "Right now? Aren't you going to knock me out with some gas or something before you stick that knife in me?"

Luca was afraid of having that thing cutting into him just yet, "Just knock me out with some ether or something like that first, then scan me over with an X-Ray to find the metal bits and you won't have any problems, okay?" He gave a nod to the medic.
Luca had learnt a bit about the Yamataian body before he joined the army and some basic medical practices from his father, who is a doctor.
Lucas nodded politely, since bowing was out of the question. He took mental note of the doctor's...assets, and tried his hardest to keep his eyes firmly square with hers. He definitely didn't need any "accidents" from a pissed off doctor, though his eyes did slip a few times. And any man would have to be...different...if he could resist the urge to at least steal a quick glance at them.

"Well, I have this aweful slash on my forehead, and I'm pretty sure my ribs are messed up somehow." he sighed as he removed his jacket and lifted his shirt to show her the black and purple bruises that were swelling along his lower chest. He looked back up at her and flashed a big grin. "All in the line of duty I suppose."
Galar looked around at the crewmembers and then realized he was the only one left standing other than Ma'at, who was tending to Luca. He hurredly sat down on a cot and almost immediately an idle neko healer, almost as well endowed as the one tending to Lucas, walked over to him. "And how wounded are you?" she asked, bending over slightly.

He thought, How can ANY man concentrate on the mission while these things are running about? and looked pointedly at her face. Trying as hard as he could not to look down, he explained to her that he was relatively unhurt, other than being rattled around a bit.

"Well, if that is all that is wrong with you, you may go. Time will make your head feel better."

Streaching, Galar walked out of the medical area, gauging that he had at least two hours to kill, enough to go but the guns he desperatly needed, as well as some general supplies for the crew.
The doctor looked at the wounds and applied a little pressure to the bruises. She did not see Lucas' reaction, but heard it and smiled. It was always fun to tease the Neps, dirty as they were.

"Well ... those are bad." She shook her head. "You have two options. Either file an appeal to keep your body, or you can get a Soul Transfer into a Yamataian body."
Lucas groaned slightly as the Neko pushed on his injuries, and almost swore that it was harder than necessary, but it could have been worse he decided. The check-up was going well until the Doc told him about the body change. Lucas breathed in slightly as a few thoughts ran through his head.

He had been pondering this situation ever since basic. The concept of getting a new body was...awkward...to say the least. On one hand, he could be so much better than he was now, And, he thought, Technically immortal...well...to a degree. But on the other, he'd have to re-learn a lot of movements and get used to a manufactured body. He had been toying with the idea for some time now, and decided that he might as well, for when a Neko doctor says an injury is "bad"...then it's probably not going to get better soon, if at all.

"Well. If being a Yami would let me see more pretty girls like yourself, then I guess I haven't a choice." He grinned at her nervously as he tried to keep his attitude positive over giving up his birth-body.
"Well ... remember, you can always file an appeal with SAPM. That appeal, however, would have to go through me." The doctor grinned a little, slowly standing up.
Lucas slowly started getting his nerve back as he raised his eyebrow, "Hmm, something tells me you wouldn't want another Nep in the SAoY anyhow. I don't blame you. Hell, I might even like it...as long as I had someone to help me get used to it. What's your name anyway?"

The doctor smiled -- he wasn't the sharpest, but he wasn't bad. "That would be telling."

Lucas smiled again as she answered one question, yet skillfully dodged another, "Well...it is my body we're talking about here, Doc."

"That's right. Your body, not my name." The doctor prodded a bruise again. "How bad does that hurt?"

Lucas gritted his teeth as the jab was a little harder than last time. "Urgh." he groaned and leaned over slightly. "Point taken. This body is a broken one. Got it." he said and tried to shake off the pain. "But I still don't know your name...unless you like Doc."

The doctor leaned over again, her coat tight around her chest. "You can call me whatever you like. How's that."

"Heh...of the millions of male chauvinist remarks I could make right now, I'm afraid I have to be a nice guy. Doc seems fitting for the time being." He grinned as he leaned slightly back.

"Ooooh, some restraint. How ... nice." The doctor stood up again. "Now if you could only show some restraint in how you use your body! You wouldn't be here if you could."

"Now, now. The first bit of restraint's free. I do have a Nepleslian reputation to keep up babe." said wryly, "But you're just hitting below the belt." he said with a grin.

"Oh no." The doctor removed a small little hammer-tool from her coat's breast pocket and knocked Lucas right beside his groin. It was a fast, stinging strike. "That is below the belt. But it seems you are just fine there."

Lucas jumped at the strike, which in turn hurt his sides even more. He doubled over, which really didn't help, but he regained himself quickly. After a few good breaths, Lucas wiped the sweat from his head and looked back up at the Doc. "Now aren't we playful?" He smiled weakly.

"Just making a point about your body." The doctor put her tool away and looked down. "So ... what will it be?"

Lucas took a deep breath and let it go in one last sigh. "Alright then. As long as I get blue hair like this." He grinned nervously once again, motioning to his azure colored hair. "I'm getting tired of dying it." He looked at her once more in a reluctant acceptance, then looked over at the floor.

"That's the spirit." The doctor seemed to stare off into space for a moment, then looked back down. "First, however, I'll need to take care of your crewmates and set up Ma'at. So sit tight."

Lucas's head popped back up as he gained another wind of moxy, "My heart waits only for you my love." He chuckled as he painfully leaned back and lied down on the cot.

" ... " The doctor looked at him and grinned a little. She then left him to help the others.
During the initial walking into the larger medical bay, Jason leaned against the wall watching his injured crew mates being treated. Not needing any form of medical treatment himself he watched as Luca and Lucas interaction with their new medic as well as the doctor and grinned widely.

This trip is going to be quite enjoyable with a female on board. A pretty one at that, and the fact that Luca and Lucas seemed to be content on trying to get into her panties is quite humorous in itself, he thought, chuckling to himself about his own thoughts he mind now turned to the commander as he sent a private message to him.

"Commander with permission I have a request. I have family not too far from this base with permission and time permitting I ask that maybe I could slip away for a quick visit if its alright," Jason said telepathically.
Galar was walking down the main thoroughfare of the military base, marvelling at just being in civilazation again; it had been a while since he had entered into the academy. He was free, if for only two hours or so, to do whatever he wanted. But before he started to enjoy himself, he decided, he needed to buy the necissary supplies. The only thing was, he had no idea where anything was.

He signaled to a passing neko, who seemed to know the lay of the land, "Hey, where can I purchase some weapons?"
The Neko thought for a moment, then brought up an image panel of a map of Kyoto Base. "Cross through this secondary landing bay here and go left at this intersection. You should find it after about 200 meters."
Galar chuckled and walked off, thinkng I thought not, but hey. May as well ask.

Nearing the gun store, Galar thought of what kind of weapon he wanted; he had been to the gun shop on yamatai, and vaguely knew what they had. After the fiasco with the custodian, Galar decided that he needed some sort of anti-electronics weapon, somthing that would deactivate the damn thing, not bounce off. But then he thought that an anti-electronics weapon alone wouldn't be of any use against anything BUT robots and the like. I need a catalog... Galar thought.
A Neko was sitting behind a counter in the small but open gunstore. Most of the weapons were of KZ manufacture, but there was an occasional foreign weapon on display. The Neko had a small sign next to her:

The sign said:
If you are looking for a more expansive store for foreign weapons, please see Kyoto's KZ outlet in the civilian half. Sorry for any inconvenience.
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