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RP: YSS Goban Episode 02: Human After All

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Galar followed Kyosuke up to the bridge and indeed found nothing. Where could they be? He wondered.

Out loud he said to his superior, "You don't suppose they jumped ship, do you? In any case, should we bring the power back up and get the ship online?
Using his bodies ability to allow him to float Jason instead of rappelling like his commander choose to float down concentrating while doing so. reaching the bottom along with his crew members, Jason turned on his helmet light and began to survey the area they where currently. "I have the distinct impression that something is very wrong here. with permission once we've secured the Goban i'd like to head to engineering right away and begin any repairs that the Goban needs. God knows what they might have done to the insides of this rust bucket."
Kyosuke hadn't walked to the bridge, but he was impressed Galar took the initative and went inside. Of course, if he'd been shot or stabbed or whatever because of his inability to wait for orders, Kyosuke's conscience would've been in the clear.

"I think that's a safe bet," he said over the radio. "If they had wanted to stick around and kill us ... I imagine we'd be dead already." He tried to scratch his head, but only found helmet. He frowned.

It was not good timing for Jason to pipe up. "Is everything a rust bucket to you?" Kyosuke told the engineer, annoyance singeing his words. "Techard, take Rusty here to the generator room so we can get some power back."

In the mean time, Kyosuke figured, he could help check out the bay in back. "Vanatosk, with me. Bolverk, can you handle Toffee here?"
Ma'at walked forward slowly, not wanting to get in anyone's way. She was glad that they were able to get here without encountering anyone. As she heard her name, Ma'at walked forward to see someone unconcious.

Turning to Kyosuke, she nodded, bending down. "I can, sir. Leave it to me." Ma'at lightly touched Toffee, making sure that she was only unconcious and not something worse.
As Ma'at inspected the Neko, she could see she was moving ... just a little. It was a very shallow rising and falling of her back. The Neko's nostrils flared some.

Was she sleeping?

Kyosuke wasn't paying attention, however. Roken, it appeared, was a good soldier at least. "There were probably two others -- both NH-X. So be careful where you shoot; they can transform easily."
Kyosuke sighed; he'd figured they wouldn't leave the Goban in enough shape to let them take it away. The more time we sit, the longer they have to run away.

"There should be some spare parts in the shuttle bay," he said over his comm. "I'm not sure about it, but there's probably something there. What's the weapon generator look like?"
"The generator I have planned to use is a small quantum-gravitic generator. Before you say anything, yes I know that the generator's energy isn't what the system is used too but its the best that I can use. Its not as nice as having the main generators up and running but its the best I can do. Also can you please tell Luca to turn the guns away from the engines. If I manage to get things up and running here on my end, I don't want him blowing us out of the water thinking that the neko's are running away." said Jason now turning to Roken grabbing hold of some small cutting tools and other items.

"Well you heard the commander lets head to the shuttle bay and get us some parts for this ship. Sooner this babies are up and running, the sooner we are out of here." smacking the side of one of the Aether generators."Alright, lets move." said Jason, tools in hand waiting for Roken to grab a few and follow him to the shuttle bay.
"They weren't pirates, Techard," Kyosuke said from the bridge, inspecting the controls. "They were NH-X -- old models the GSA never got their hands on again, I bet."

A small datapad was on top of his commander's seat. He picked it up and turned it on; a message had been left in Japanese on it. He scanned it over, then snorted. "Shit. Well, we won't have a shuttle."
Galar said, "Well, now we know they jumped ship. I think we should find where they went and I'll see what I can do. However, we will need the power to be on before we can do anything. What is taking so long anyways?"
"Give it a minute, Vanatosk," Kyosuke said. He scratched his helmeted head, then checked his chronometer. The rest of the message -- something about fleeing oppression and other crap -- was garbage. However, he was sure the folks at home would get a kick out of it, so he stuffed it into the one thigh pocket he had available.

As Kyosuke walked back to the corridor, a text transmission came across his helmet's shield. He frowned.

"Pavone, I'm being told there are contacts in the area. Verify that for me, would you? Probably asteroids ... "
Luca snorted, and was woke up abrupty by the Shoi's message. "Yes sir, hold on..."

He checked his radar, he saw two red blips coming towards the Goban and Adauchi. He explored this further.

"Two small Mishhu destroyers, coming at us... wait a minute..." Luca suddenly tensed up with grim realisation, "HOLY SHIT!!"
" -- " Kyosuke felt like a drink. He swore under his breath, swore a little louder, then swore loud enough for everyone to painfully hear.

"TRAVKAI, get that fucking generator online! Techard, Vanatosk, ARMORS, GO! Heicho, take the Adauchi and prepare your torps!"

He ran to Ma'at. "With me -- we've got one gun that still works on this son of a bitch, and I plan on using it."
After the first few, tense minutes after the Shoi had taken the majority of the crew over to the Goban, Nicholas Saiga had relaxed, glad that neither the sound of weapons fire nor any message of distress emanated from the Goban or the Adauchi's communications equipment. After that, Nick slouched down in the Ketsueki's command chair as he waited for word that the Goban was ready to depart the nice little piece of nowhere that it currently inhabited, and found the time to feel glad that they'd found their ship and would not have to endure the shame of failure any longer.

When the Mishhuvurthyar destroyers were identified, Nick calmly pushed himself to an upright position, listening to the exchange between Luca and Kyosuke with a vacant look in his eyes. After his commander's order came, he continued to sit there, panning his head absently as his right eye twitched momentarily. His face contorted in anger for a passing instant before he looked down, pressing a toggle on the command console to close the threshold between the two ships, and then spoke.

"Hanley-hei, come about,â€
"That's the way to say, Nick!" Luca gave an enthusiastic thumbs up as he aimed a Torpedo at the one Nick had targeted for him, waiting for a clear shot and when they were in firing range.
Once the good mother oppertunity had given him a chance, Luca reacted accordingly.
Luca slammed a fist down on the control panel to fire a torpedo at the Misshu Destroyer. Nick could swear that he saw a crack in the console as the torpedo hurtled towards the destroyer.
Roken paused at the command never a dull moment Roken thought, he was glad to be engaging in combat at least then he felt like he was being put to better use. "How long will it take to get the ship running?â€
"Fuck if I know or care, Techard! MOVE!" Kyosuke was already leaping through the door of the bridge, scrambling to get the one turret they had operational online.

Luca's one torpedo slashed through space toward its target. The destroyer barely moved out of the way, but the torpedo didn't burst when it was within proximity -- it simply kept going. The destroyer Luca had aimed for, labeled ALPHA 01 by the Adauchi's computer, had tricked the arming mechanism on the torpedo by correctly guessing no one on the Adauchi had set the torpedoes up for proximity fire.

The mistake allowed the ship to fire a volley of positron blasts from about 0.5 AU. The shots missed, but the second destroyer, ALPHA 02, was already preparing a second volley.

Before the commander had given his order to power up the generator, Jason had made his way into the shuttle bay. Slowly entering the shuttle bay Jason first discovery was that of one missing shuttle. Shaking his head only in anguish he continued to walk around the shuttle bay checking it for traps or anything of that sort. Once clearing the room Jason began to butcher any and all electronic devices he found useful for repairs to the two main Aether generators. After only scraping a few small devices that were plausible replacements for at least one part of the generator, the commander voice rang in his ear.

Jason hearing what was happening he drop his butcher electronics and tools and ran at full speed back towards the generator room; at one point literally sliding around a corner to get gain even a few precious seconds. Almost running into the generator door Jason quickly regained access running into the console for the generators. Quickly calling up the emergency level protocols instituted for the Goban, Jason activated the small quantum-gravtic generators. Meanwhile as the generator slowly begun to come to life Jason continued to reroute power from the generator to the weapons and life support systems.

The Nodal system confirmed the generator's presence and power follow began to go into the systems. "Configuration for power from the gravtic generator is online. ET till generator is 100% online 15 minutes.â€
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