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RP: YSS Goban Episode 02: Human After All

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Luca quickly searched his control panel for some other weapons he could use after learning that his Torpedo proved to be too slow. He found the Transphasic Beam, he thought that a beam would be harder to avoid than a hurtling torpedo.
"This should teach him..." He said to himself as he aimed it at ALPHA-02 and fired, he then aimed a pair of Variable Weapons pod at ALPHA-01 and ALPHA-02 and pressed a button, but nothing seemed to happen.
"Hmm, this pod thingy take a while to prepare... I guess we'll deal with them using lasers for now, eh Heicho?"
"Thank you, Travkai!" Kyosuke shouted, tapping on one of the consoles. "Keep on the aether gen!"

The one positron turret the Goban had read that it had three shots already stored. Those shots were precious though; they were more powerful than the weapon pods of the Adauchi.

Speaking of the small destoyer, at 0.5 AU away, the three beams Luca fired from the deployed weapon pods took far too long to hit their targets, and had mostly faded away by the time they came even close. Luca would have to get within 0.01 AU, well within the destroyers' range, to submit them to much more damage. However, the ship did finish deploying all six of its pods.

The torpedoes in the hull of the Adauchi were AS-5s, which were slow but powerful torpedoes capable of working more effectively in anti-FTL fields. The problem for Luca, Lucas and Nick now, however, was closing the range gap -- AS-5s torps also had effectively short ranges.
"Well shit..." Luca grumbled to himself, "We'll need to close in if we want to really blow them to pieces, the beam I used was out of range." Luca looked at his array, "Some of these weapons could blow those destroyers to pieces, but they have too short a range or can be evaded... I think."

Luca had no clue about the measurements or distance between him and the destroyers, he glanced at the weapons and thier ranges...
Then he thought about what he was taught in School to remember what an Astronomical Unit is, considering that he had never gotten a formal military training and was 'pushed' into the millitary by his employer.
Oh why the fuck didn't I pay attention in those Math Classes years ago?! Shit... Luca was busy trying to remember what he was told all those years ago, then he remembered in a flash, Wait a minute... One AU = Around 93,000,000 Miles

"Damnit." Luca said, "I guess it's torpedoes for now, they're the only ones which seem to be able to reach them."

With that, he began to fire torpedoes at both ALPHA-01 and ALPHA-02. He'd also specified that they should 'Home in' on the centre of the ships to get a sure shot. And if they missed, they would explode once they got in the proximity of the target, to at least put a scratch on them.
Galar sprinted down to the power armor launch bay as soon as he heard the command from the Shoi. Running full tilt and propelling himself around corners as fast as he could, Galar made headway towards the launch area. As he sprinted past the opening of a T-junction near the launch area, he spotted Jason sprinting quite as fast as he was in the opposite direction. Galar passed him a quick nod and ran past into the grey interior of the YSS Goban's launch bay. He quickly spotted a Kylie power armor and started to prep it for launch. Into his headset he said loudly, "Hey, when do you think we are going to be able to have the hull open for me to blast out of here, I could use them open any time now!"

As he said this, the power armor control pad pinged; the armor was ready to launch. Galar climbed up into it and got accustomed to the odd sensation of the form-fitting gel becoming used to his shape.
The four torpedoes Luca shot honed in appropriately on their targets. The two destroyers leveled their guns at the four streaking bits of ordnance headed their way. And just as those torpedoes were about to hit ... the ships disappeared. Were flat gone.

The torpedoes, which carried condensed anti-matter warheads, exploded and collapsed. The destroyers then reappeared, untouched and somewhat angry. Instead of the Adauchi closing the distance between the vessels, it was now the destroyers rushing toward it. Another volley of shots, smaller than the last, crossed the Adauchi's path, but they did not hit.

Visuals came on to the Adauchi's main screen. Two long, narrow, pointed masses were headed their way, each nearly 10 times as long as they were, and about four times as wide. They each had 38 medium positron cannons, enough to overwhelm the vessel with fire -- which they seemed to be preparing for. The green masses lit up with little blue flames as the shots came hurtling toward the Adauchi at the speed of light. They were within 0.4 c and closing, and one shot came close enough to the ship that it hazed the shields some.

On the Goban itself, Kyosuke had just managed to get the sensors online and power to the rear power armor launching "vents" -- the force-field-barricaded slots on either side of the shuttle bay slipped off on the inside, letting any armors launch at their leisure.

"Give'em hell, dammit!" Kyosuke shouted. The chance of the aether generator coming online continued to fall slowly. But now he had three shots at least that he could use to pummel the two large destroyers coming at them. "Hurt them one way or another; we don't have time to die!"
A cold sweat ran down Luca's flabbergasted face by this, he wasn't even able to scratch them.
"Shoi, I hope you've got an ace up your sleeve!" Luca hurriedly told Kyosuke through his Comm. set, "I can't find a way to hit them, they keep evading or blinking and they're now charging at us. 0.4 AU and closing. I need help!"
In Luca's minds eye, a sword went through his chest as a gut feeling took him over.
Kyosuke's thoughts wandered toward his mother as he heard Luca's cry for some kind of plan. Any kind of plan. The only plan Kyosuke could see was joining his mother a little sooner than he had figured on.

He reached into his jacket's inner pocket and removed his flask. Can't, he thought as unscrewed the cap and took a quick swig. Mom wouldn't have me up there anyway. Eiko and Piko still need school money.

"How's this for a plan?" Kyosuke said, slapping the flight stick of his commander's chair. The turret was just coming up. "Fly AT them! You're the size of a starfighter compared to them; get close and kill them!" He wished the medic was here, so she could tell him to calm down. That, or in a power armor. "You too, Vanatosk; close with the stupid thing and shoot it!"

The destroyers were charging another volley of shots. Lucas, who had been silent, looked back to Nick, a determined look on his face. "I can do it," he said. "Just give the word."
Galar blasted out of the hangar and accelerated out into space. The Kylie he piloted had acclimated to his shape already and now that Galar had gotten over the sensation, he was able to also get accustomed to the movements of the armor; perfoming barrel rolls, immelman turns and other such combat maneuvers. With that out of the way, he sped towards the two enemies, blade extended.
"That's Right!!" Luca exclaimed, "I might as well go right for them. Thankyou Shoi, You've made things VERY clear for me."

Luca gestured to Lucas, "Lucas, go forward, we're going to communicate them in a Language they can understand!"
Luca armed his Transphasic beam, getting ready to fire it once either ALPHA-01 or ALPHA-02 come within range. If they didn't work, in would come the Torpedos and his deathweapon, the Transplanar Phased Pulse.
The variable weapon pods surrounded the Adauchi responded to Luca's command, all switching to transphasic beams. The weapons wouldn't kill the destroyer outright, but it would certainly harm the shields some. Though Roken was still inside the armor bay, Galar was able to rush Alpha 02 with his small aether projectors.

Unfortunately for him, the Kylie was an anti-armor unit, not an anti-starship unit like the Mindy. Without a Mindy rifle handy, all he had were his subspace collapsing missiles to damage the Mishhu destroyer with.

Perhaps fortunately, then, a squadron of attack pods were launched from Alpha 01 and began streaming toward the Adauchi.
Luca remembered something. He put the shields up as he programmed 3 of the 6 weapons pods to take care of the ones coming towards him.

He sent a message to Galar, "Galar, you take care of ALPHA-02, I'll send some pods over to assist you. You're ill equipped without a rifle or something."
Luca directed two pods towards Galar's general Direction while keeping one close to the Adauchi.
Luca also tried to take care of the incoming pods himself as they came up on the Radar, he targeted the SMX pods with the Transphasic Beams, firing at them to destroy them.
The moment Luca's weapon pods left the Adauchi's immediate area, they stopped dead, lying in space. The pods had been relying on the CDD to float and circle the ship, and without it, they had no means of propulsion or power.

The pods were too old -- the models weren't updated when the ship was on Yamatai.

Galar's Kylie armor had yet to be targeted, seemingly, leaving him unhindered in streaming straight for Alpha 02. However, Luca was now three pods shorter than he was before, leaving him with 30 -- six had been up front. The attack pods closed to within 0.02 AU; Luca's VARWEPs lit up the space between them with beams.

Immediately, the squadron, designated BETA, was almost completely cut down. They had been waiting to come within practical range with their positron cannons. One pod veered away in time to survive the first volley, only to be shot up twice by a second volley.

Alpha 01 seemed to visibly bristle along its hull, turning its cannons toward the tiny ship that had harassed it. Alpha 02, however, left behind its compatriot and headed for the Goban.

The Adauchi was only 0.1 AU away from Alpha 01.
Roken had waited too long to prep; Galar had already gone and he was still in the hangar. I hope Galar is alright, Roken thought.

"Alright I'm coming, hold tight Galar,â€
The shot from Roken's railgun drifted aimlessly off into space; the destroyer was well outside the weapon's range, which was only 15 km. But the Goban still had some time left; Alpha 02 was 0.3 AU away from the ship and closing.

"Techard, go help Galar; you can't do anything for me here!" Kyosuke shouted. "And MOVE!"

The Goban's turret was now charged, and Jason had managed, by sheer determination, to bring the aether generator online with 1 percent of its total output. That was enough to run the targeting system, which Kyosuke quickly did. "Shit, I don't know how to do this, shit I don't know!"
Galar charged the ship that was about to fire upon the Adauchi, blade extended and missles ready. He already knew that the blade wouldnt do much, if anything at all, but they were all going to die unless some miracle was going to be performed rigt in front of their eyes. More pods streamed out of the bottom of the destroyer and at the adauchi. "Shit!" Galar yelled at no one in particular. He targeted one and shot it with his railgun, causing it to vaporize into space. He repeated this many times in quick succession, destroying most of the pods and bringing him closer to the destroyer. "Dammit! I have to destroy some critical system, where would one me located? Wait, would the engines be reletively easy to destroy from the back?" He shouted into the comm.
For a moment, Ma'at just stood there, staring at everything that was happening. She had never thought that something like this was going to happen so soon. She knew that she would be lying if she said that she wasn't scared out of her mind. But then hearing Kyosuke, Ma'at snapped out of her fear-induced trance.

Lightly shaking her head, Ma'at looked around to see what she would be able to do. It was at that time that all her taining came back to her. She had to do something. And from what she saw around her at the moment, she wasn't goint to be any help around here.

Ma'at knew that there was only one thing left for her to do. She would have to go out there with Roken and Galar. Without a second thought, Ma'at took off at a run towards the armor bay.
The next squadron, GAMMA, was not as soft as the first.

With most of his railgun rounds gone, Galar had to switch to his aether forearm weapons. However, the squadron's target had shown his moves just well enough for someone on board Alpha 01 to discern a tactic.

Gamma quickly lost two members to Galar's pointed aether fire, but the pilot was too busy shooting to do any dodging. A missile from one of the pods slammed into his Kylie, quickly disabling his FTL capability and leaving him semi-stranded.

From there, it was easy -- a pod circled and fired a small group of SMX stun missiles at the Kylie. Countermissiles from Galar's leg pods took out the group, but he was then dry.

The next group finished him off. Though his armor took little damage, the missiles succeeded in stunning him into unconsciousness.

That left Roken as their next target, one the same as what they had disabled. The order was clear -- remove the armor, and the Goban, from battle before Alpha 02 reached it. Gamma streamed away toward Roken and Ma'at.

However, Alpha 01 was still busy. Though no torpedoes had connected with it yet, it was trying in vain to shoot the Adauchi down, its slower guns having a hard time tracking the smaller, faster vessel. But Lucas Hanley's piloting and Nick's orders were only enough to bring the battle to a standstill -- the VARWEPs weren't enough to penetrate the shields, and a torpedo lock would give the destroyer enough time to fire and hit the ship.
Luca was feeling very inferior at this point, he'd lost faith in the weapons he was given and in himself. Seeing Galar go down wasn't too encouraging either.

"Why does everybody want us to die? Just... Why?"

Inferiority had turned into despair...

"No hope..." dispair had turned into anger, "Those fucking Misshu..." anger turned into rage, "I just want to slice them to pieces..." then the rage seriously took him over.

"DIE, MOTHERFUCKERS!!" Everybody on the communication channel could hear this and the previous statements:


Luca ordered for the system to come forward, almost eye to eye with the Alpha 01 and it's Pods and began firing torpedoes, launching pods and shooting beams at at it blindly and unerringly at pods, and ship, all in effort to protect the Goban, Ma'at, Roken and Galar, even though he was too late.

Luca didn't have time to weigh risks or take that bullshit into account, nor was he able to listen to anyone else's input. He was simply too enraged to respond accordingly. Luca's ears were full of music, music from his mind. Punching, beating, blasting, edgey, metal Music. It's heavy bass was fuelling him, beat by beat.
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