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RP: YSS Goban Episode 02: Human After All

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" ... "

Kyosuke looked at the screen for another moment, then let out a small sigh. "I need a fucking drink."

He looked at the coordinates the 3rd XF logo was replaced with -- it was indeed on the other side of the base, according to a handy 3d map that appeared beside them. Sighing again, he turned and left the area. Oughta shoot that damn bitch myself -- shit was going to hit the fan the moment she took me out of my office, away from my team, which was busy covering her bungling, bony little ass. Cheh! Fuckin' Nekos.

Kyosuke returned to the medbay, where he found Luca and Lucas, but no Galar and Jason. He wasn't surprised. "Don't suppose either of you have any alcohol, eh?"
"Nope, 'fraid not," came Luca's response, "Hell, Lucas and I could do with a good drink as well..." His throat was parched and he was getting rather hungry, a dangerous mix for a soldier of his attention span.

Most of Luca's smaller wounds had closed up, but the bigger ones made by Ma'at to remove the shrapanel were still patching up. 'Till then, he was bed-bound.
Galar strode through the doorway of the medical area, arms laden with packages and hands full of bags and food. Still chewing the hot-pocket-thing, he waved to the crew, who all seemed to be really tired, which was to be expected; he had energy from being around books, they made him feel more alive somehow. As Galar finished chewing and swallowed, he set his guns down, both still in their boxes. He took off his trenchcoat and sat down in a chair close to his comrades. Galar turned to Luca and asked, "So, how did the operation go?

Galar turned his head to the Shoi sitting across from him and 10 feet or so away, and said, "Hey, Kyosuke-Shoi, I brought you some booze! catch!" Galar tossed the bottle of hard liqour to the Shoi.
"It's Ozaki-Shoi," Kyosuke muttered annoyingly, talking as he very smoothly unscrewed the cap of the whiskey bottle and took a long, hard gulp. He brought the bottle down and let out an "ahhhhhh!"

He quickly put some in his flask, which was out and back in his jacket's inside pocket in a flash. He then took another gulp of the bottle. "Aw fuck yeah," he breathed, taking a gulp of air before the bottle went back to his lips.

After a fourth of the 750 ml bottle was gone, Kyosuke replaced the cap and sat down slowly on another cot. "Where the hell have you been anyway, Vanatosk?"
Luca eyed Galar up and down, looking at what he had bought, especially the guns.
Whoa, how many books does he need to sustain himself?!
"Galar, I'm beginning wonder about you," Luca told him as he shrugged in his cot, "Oh, the operation went fine too. I'm still a bit weak at the moment."

Luca's bigger wounds were at last sealed, but he had still lost a fair amount of blood from his ordeal with the Custodian.
I wonder when Ma'at's coming with the food? She must be choosy, or she's getting me a feast... Luca reverberated, If tis a feast I get, then tis a feast me friends get too.
Galar replied to the Shoi's question, "Getting guns, and other essentials... Glad you like the booze Ozaki-Shoi. So, what is the plan?"
Lucas watched Galar come into the bay. He damn near laughed at the stuff he was carrying, but suppressed it into a goofy smile. Once the whiskey was opened, however, his eyes were stuck to it like a magnet. When Kyosuke had finally taken a break from the liquor (Damn, that man can drink! Lucas thought) he waved slightly in the Shoi's direction.

"Hey, Skip. Some scraps for the poor?" he gestured towards the bottle of golden liquid.
Kyosuke nodded and handed the bottle to Lucas. There was only a 1/3 left at this point, having filled his flask and had his own fill too.

"Glad to see the mission is still worth mentioning," Kyosuke said to Galar. "We've got an old Ketsueki at our disposal. Now we just have to go find the fuckers that took our ship and get it back before Shimada decides to rape me before killing me." The alcohol had made Kyosuke just a tad loose in the mouth.
"Ah, a Ketsueki-class," Galar said, remembering learning about the type a while back. "well, if you need a pilot, I will volunteer for that." He looked at the bottle, which was nearly empty. Damn! That was a lot of alcohol!

Galar opened the box with the GP rifle inside. It was in the three collapsable peices and he swiftly put it together, snapped the strap onto it, checked the three batteries and put them into his new trenchcoat's inside pockets, which were perfectly suited to the task. The new rifle felt nice in his hands and very light, as it was the stealth version. Perfect. he thought.

He turned again to the Shoi and asked, "So what is our timetable for this mission? How much longer are we going to stay here and wait for the crew to recover?"
Ma'at knew that she had been gone longer then she had intended but when she had gotten Luca's food she started to think of the rest of the guys from the ship. They must be hungery too. So Ma'at bought enought food for all of them.

Coming back into the bay, arms filled with so many bags it was a mystery how she was still standing, Ma'at smiled and gently laid all the bags on the floor. "I'm sorry I too so long. Um....I have enough food for anyone that's hungry." With a small smile, she bent down and started looking through the bags. "What would everyone like?"
Luca could smell the food, a mixup of stirfry and other goodies in the bags that Ma'at had bought in. Luca had leaned over upon this discovery, looking at all of the food.

"Whoa!!" Luca gaped as he looked at the selection before him, "Could I have something with a lot of beef, protein or 'carbs in it? I've lost blood y'know!"
Galar reached for the food, "Don't mind if I do!" He grabebd one of the bags and started eating the contents. "Thank you, Ma'at. Oh! I don't believe I have introduced myself yet. The name is Galar Vanatosk. It will be a pleasure serving with you on the YSS Goban... wherever it may be."
Lucas swigged four large gulps of the fire-water. It burned his throat on the way down, but it tasted delicious. He smacked his lips and shook off the burn as he fiddled with the cap in his left hand. "Well," Lucas started quietly, "it seems that I'll be switching to the Yami-side of the starforce. Right now I'm waiting for Doc to get back and give me an update on the procedure." he said, raising the bottle back to his lips. He shrugged, "Honestly...I have no idea how long that will take." he muttered as he took two more burning swallows of the drink. He lowered the bottle and shook his head again, really feeling the burn this time. Lucas screwed the cap back on and strained to hand it back to Kyosuke.
"But, I'll volunteer for tactical duty (ship weapons) when we get spaceborn again." He offered as Ma'at came shuffling in, hands filled with food. Instantly his mood lightened and he took a deep breath of the foods that she came bearing.
"I'll take anything. I'm starving." he grinned as he responded to her question.
Luca had almost forgotten to respond to Kyosuke's news of the new ship because he was caught up in the news of the food that Ma'at had bought, "Whew, our bacon's saved there with this new ship," Luca thought for a moment before continuing, "I think I'll take a job in the new ship as a gunner, guard or a human hood-ornament." Luca began to laugh to himself, but it could be heard throughout the medical bay.

Although Luca's wounds were healed, he was still hungry and weak from blood loss.
Kyosuke didn't take any real food. Instead, he found a bag of small nuts. He just nodded his thanks before speaking.

"The Ketsueki's gonna be cramped, lower-tech and a pain to use, but it's better than a shuttle. It will also make us look inconspicuous, as civilians have purchased detuned Ketsuekis before.

"Our problem right now ... is how the fuck we find our damn ship."
Luca nodded and shrugged at Kyosuke's quest for the Ketsueki as he reached for a bowl of hearty stir-fry from one of Ma'ats bags of food and began to dig into it with a staggering speed.

Mmmm Mmm!! Luca thought as the assault of flavours hit him, replenishing his stomach, mood and blood supply. However, his manners were getting out of control because of his hunger. Luca was slurping the noodles, chewing with his mouth open and making more noise then a chainsaw does going through a tree.
It didn't take too long, but Luca was finished with his meal, restored and uncomfortably full.

"OhhhhhHHHHHHhhhh~... That hit the spot..." Luca moaned as he lied back in his cot, balancing the empty bowl on his belly, "Shoi, please let me digest this food and I'll be ready to move."
Ma'at smiled happily as the guys started to eat. She handed Lucas a bag full of food, taking out a small bowl of rice for herself. Sitting down on in a nearby chair she listened to their plans.

Ma'at just enjoyed being there among them, listening. She knew that she would enjoy being around these guys. They seemed trustworthy and honest enough.
"We're not going anywhere tonight," Kyosuke said, as he slowly got up from his place against the wall and brushed his backside off. "I'm going to inspect our ship. You lot need to sleep. We'll leave in the morning."

He went to Ma'at's side and said quietly, "Make sure they actually sleep. I don't need them chatting or circle jerking or whatever. Tomorrow's going to suck for all of us." With that, he left.
Ma'at nodded. She knew what he meant. They all needed as much rest as they could get. Seeing everyone finishing their food, Ma'at started to clear the trash away.

"Everyone, you heard him. Pick a cot and time to sleep."
After having allowed the doctor to quickly examine him, Nick had slipped away from the small med-bay, quietly and unnoticed. For hours he roamed the surrounding area, stopping here and there, before finally ending up at one of the more traditional establishments that he could find, spending his evening sipping his preferred beverage. Hopefully, he wouldn't be reprimanded for his short disappearance, but, for now, he found it quite difficult to care. Without a doubt, the tired young Heicho drew awkward glances and unknowingly endured the whispered remarks of passersby as they saw his battle-weathered uniform and Type 28 SMG hanging from a sling around his torso.

Eventually, he began to make his way back towards the med-bay where he hoped that the others would still be. As he came close to his destination, he spotted Kyosuke, passing the thoroughfare that intersected the path he was on. He increased his step and altered his course, falling into step next to the Shoi.

Nick struggled to speak, realizing that he hadn't muttered more than a few words since they had still been on the NovaCorp station. "Good evening, Ozaki-Shoi,Ò€
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