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RP: YSS Goban Episode 02: Human After All

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Galar made his way onto the ship and eventually found the cargo hold. He put his books inside. He then walked quickly back to the shoi, and asked, "Shoi, where do you want me stationed on this rust-bucket?"
Luca Pavone said:
"Lucas! Hoho, where'd ya go with that buxom doctor?" Luca told Lucas as he ran beside him, "You look... different. Did you get a haircut?"
Luca had noticed something a bit different with him, but he couldn't put his finger on it in his half-asleep state.

Lucas's grin turned into a laugh. "Didn't they tell you?" He chuckled as they rounded the corner into the hangar bay. His smile widened as he saw that Luca really was clueless.

"Well, I'll put it this way...I got more than a haircut." Lucas chuckled again as he and the others entered the bay. "I'm now a Yami, like you." he said as he started up the ramp. He bowed to the Shoi, and the head sprite of the ship, as regulations would have him do, and continued aboard. All of his stuff was currently on the Goban so he was free to take the tactial (weapons) station when he finally arrived on the bridge of the tiny ship.
"Congratulations!" Luca cheered to Lucas on his achievement.
As he scampered up the ramp, Luca gave a quick bow to Shoi-Kyosuke and the leading Ship Sprite, just for courtesy and to adhere to millitary code.
Luca decided to take a Tactical Weapons station near Lucas' one when he sat down at the bridge.
"You ready to kick ass?" Luca asked his co-gunner with a wide smile, "Because I sure as hell am!"
Awakening in the cargo hold of the ship that had just been take over by the crew of the Goban, the sounds of shouting and books tumbling rattled in Souken's head. He poked out from an empty box, once filled with bread of some sort, now just a mat of cushion at the bottom of the box. He stretched and yawned, still unaware of the situation he was in, stumbling over the side and out of the box, laying perfectly flat and still. Itaranai rolled over onto his back, wiping his eyes free of debris.
Kyosuke finally stepped into the lift, which took him from the hangar to the main deck. The ship's interior was pretty spotless, but it was a lot darker than he had imagined -- only the occasional small, dull light panel on the sides of the deck, which he didn't understand. This must have been destined for other things than what we need it for. It made it feel much more covert and sneaky, which was kind of a nice change.

The Adauchi bridge was incredibly small -- just four seats arranged in a square, with the captain in the on the "aft starboard side." Lucas had managed to sit the weapons station -- "fore starboard" -- like he thought he had, but Luca was sitting in the pilot's seat, or fore port. Kyosuke grinned.

"Pavone-Hei, you probably want to switch seats with Hanley-Hei. You're in the pilot's seat."

As he took the captain's seat, he made a mental checklist in his head.

Kyosuke mentally said:
  1. Lucas Hanley at pilot. He can fly a shuttle, he can fly this thing.
  2. Luca Pavone at weapons. He shot pretty well, until he was gutted ...
  3. Nick Saiga at comm. Only one around here that can speak like someone civilized.
  4. Ma'at Bolverk in medical. Keeps her away from the wolves anyway.
  5. That leaves Jason Travkai and Galar Vanatosk making sure this bucket doesn't come apart at the seams. Wonderous.

Kyosuke was satisfied with that. He made a shipwide call, which he would've been able to do by sticking his head out the door, but he thought better of it. Everyone had apparently made it on at that point.

"Okay Hanley, pull this thing's legs up and get us out of Yamatai space."
Luca looked at the console before him and he saw the pilot's controls and the radar.
"Whoops, You're right. It must be the abrupt wakeup rattlin' my head..." Luca responded as he blushed furiously, he motioned for Lucas to switch places with himself with a nod, "This one's your spot!"
Luca swung his legs over the chair and console of the station and slid out of the console with a smooth movement and stood over the Weapons console, waiting for Lucas to trade places.
Lucas nodded and switched places with Luca quickly. Aww, man. I wanted to do the shooting this time. He thought with a mental sigh, but did as the Shoi asked. Lucas plopped down at the helm and ran a quick systems check. Everything was green and running smoothly, for the time being, he thought.

"Aye, Shoi. Prepping launch." he said softly as he initiated the sublight engines. There was a soft purr as the ship slowly began to lift off of the ground. Lucas then shifted the nose of the corvette out of the hangar and the ship floated gently outside. It hovered there for a few moments as the landing gear retracted into the ship. Lucas leaned over to Nick.

"Heicho, will you please clear us for take-off?" he asked.
Galar made his way up to the bridge and since no one was sitting in the communications seat, he made himself comfortable. He picked up the headset and started monitoring for any communications incoming and outgoing. Galar picked up a lot of cross-traffic, most was confused gabble and had no information that he needed. There was one, however, that seemed like it had something they should know, so he put a connection up to the commander's chair. The man on the other end of the channel he was picking up was shouting into the comm, while what he thought to be explosions and gunshots were going off in the background, although he wasn't sure.

Galar turned to Luca, raised a quizzical eyebrow, and asked, "What the hell is going on here, it sounds like a battleground out there!"
Luca looked at Galar and blinked incredulously, then looked at the active console which hadn't had Luca's hands go over it, "I just sat down, I haven't even pushed a button."
Luca leaned back in his chair, ruffling his hair and sideburns, then rubbing his chin.
"I need to shave. Too bad all of my shaving things are back on the Goban," Luca thought aloud, "Then again, I could look good with a beard." He proceeded to smile and stare at the console before him, studying it.
The racket outside knocked Souken to his senses. He stood to his feet and looked around, ruby gems scanning the area for an answer to his question, "Where the heck am I!?" The ship's interior didn't look too familiar, so he began to carefully float (as in meander, not literally float) around the corridors for some personnel, friend or foe. Dispatch did supply him with weaponry, a Ketsurui Zaibatsu Type 28C, which he held by his side just in case, although he prefered solid ammunition. At the rate he was walking, it couldn't be too long until he found someone...or until someone found him.
Kyosuke rubbed his head, looked at the comm, then sighed. He didn't know what Galar was shouting about, but he hoped it wasn't flashbacks. "It's a medical emergency, not a fight ... " He shook his head and forgot about it.

It was then Roken spoke to him. "Eh? Dammit, Techard ... I'm running out of room too fast on this little thing. You're going to have to sit tight for now; we've got to get to finding the damn ship first."

At that point, behind Techard, a man in a Star Army uniform walked by, pistol drawn. He stopped and turned just enough for Kyosuke to see his 1st SF pin.

" ... Let me guess. You're part of the unloading crew," Kyosuke said, the urge to have a drink nearly overwhelming him. The ship had already left the base and was headed slowly toward the stars.
Lucas had received a "go-ahead-and-get-us-out-of-here" look from the Shoi before anyone could contact HQ. He shrugged and started the ascent into the dark space above. Lucas was busy plotting a course in between the other traffic of Yamatai, when the two strangers appeared. He tried to pay them no mind, as he concentrated on his work, but the chit-chat was starting to get annoying.

Without looking up from his console, he said aloud, "Vanatosk-Hei. Would you be so kind as to escort these two new members to the medbay? I'm sure there are some seats available there, and I'd prefer not to run into any other vessels, due to distractions. It would ruin my day slightly." he muttered, then continued to ignore everyone.
Kyosuke looked at Lucas for a moment, then gestured to Galar, as well as Techard and the new guy. "He's right. Whoever you are, you're stuck now, so I'll be down to tell you how stuck you are -- in a minute."
Galar looked at the new guys and said, "Follow me, we'll get you to the medical bay." With the two new members in tow, he made his way out of the bridge and into the hallway that led to the medical bay.

Galar looked back, "What are your names?"
Lucas sighed a relieved thanks for the silence that followed after the newbies had left. Less than thirty seconds later, they tiny crew of the Goban/Adauchi had broken orbit and now slowly approaching the 300,000 km mark, away from major in/outbound traffic from Yamatai.

Lucas leaned back in his chair as the corvette dealt with smaller craft, altering it's course every so often making lazy, wide archs in it's flight path. He had plotted his course for the last known coordinates of the Goban (The Ketsurui Nebula), but he hadn't quite engaged the warp yet. Technically, the Shoi had to give him that order, and he felt that the Skip was about to say something anyway. So the little Adauchi just crept along "slowly" in astronomical terms.
Luca leant back in his console, giving a sudden yawn and turning towards Lucas.
"So... Lucas..." He said lazily, stretching his arms out wide, "Whenabouts d'you think we'll be dishin' hell over to those two-timin' NH-X and that god-damned Custodian?" Luca's normally lax tone of voice shifted to a slightly more serious tone, "I've still got revenge to mete out, as do you."
He turned away as a small fire sparked in Luca's eyes as he reflected upon his wounds, which were now healed.

They will not cross me twice. Luca thought as he leant back into his console, the fire in his eyes burning brighter then ever, They almost killed me and Lucas, they will be destroyed, I swear it.

He then snapped out of his angry state and remembered some of the better things, such as coming out of the previous ordeal alive, and how they were treated at the medbay, "Oh, by the way, may I ask what you did get to do with that doctor anyway?"
Lucas mused over the question, then grinned wryly, "I don't care when we raise hell, as long as I get to shoot that damn robot in the face. That fucker blew me up, broke bones, dropped me with a wave, and shot at us. The last fuckers to shoot at me are now dead." Lucas huffed, then controlled himself as memories started to flood back to mind.

He sighed once more, regaining his calm, and then smiled as he remembered the morning. He leaned closer to Luca, "And to answer your question about the Doc," he whispered to Luca alone, "let's just say, I think I have a date with Dr. Asako Minamoto, next time I come to Yamatai." Lucas grinned as he whispered some of the details to Luca, then leaned back to watch his reaction.
Luca listened intently to what Lucas had to say. He was absolutely flabbergasted by this and he recoiled at the more sensitive parts of it.
"You... lucky... bastard!" Luca replied in whisper, "I only had Ms. Minamoto's tits shoved in my face during the operation to get that shrapanel out of me! I can certainly see why you've got such a smile wiped 'cross your face!"

Luca leant back in his chair, muttering aimlessly about Lucas' cleavage plucking achievements.

"I can only hope there's more girls like her where she came from. Then again..." Luca began as he smiled broadly, putting his hands behind his head, "That Ma'at Girl, she's such a nice one. She looks good, and she's such a nice girl to talk to as well..." At this point, Luca was beginning drift away in daydreams, "She even calls me Sebastian, after my dad," Luca then leaned over to Lucas, still daydreaming and smiling, "And she bought food for all of us back at the Medbay yesterday, remember?"
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